
Capitalism is nothing more than the natural state of human existence. It is driven by individual self interest. I learn and I work because it is in my self interest to do so. I get out of life what I am willing to put into it, not what someone else thinks I should be happy with.
As long as the oppressed class – in our case, therefore, the proletariat – is not yet ripe for its self-liberation, so long will it, in its majority, recognize the existing order of society as the only possible one and remain politically the tall of the capitalist class, its extreme left wing.
Origins of the Family- Chapter IX

Common sense recognizes that capitalism is the only system of economics that rewards those who educate themselves and work hard. The capitalist class is anyone with a dollar in his pocket, and will spend that dollar in furtherance of his perceived self interest.
The beggar on the street who receives a dollar from a compassionate person is a capitalist? Lol

And you talk of common sense.

He is a capitalist once he has that dollar.
You think a dollar used to purchase a commodity which will be consumed immediately is capital?
People who lack an understanding of the system in which they partake in every day have no business discussing one completely foreign to them.
As long as the oppressed class – in our case, therefore, the proletariat – is not yet ripe for its self-liberation, so long will it, in its majority, recognize the existing order of society as the only possible one and remain politically the tall of the capitalist class, its extreme left wing.
Origins of the Family- Chapter IX

Common sense recognizes that capitalism is the only system of economics that rewards those who educate themselves and work hard. The capitalist class is anyone with a dollar in his pocket, and will spend that dollar in furtherance of his perceived self interest.
The beggar on the street who receives a dollar from a compassionate person is a capitalist? Lol

And you talk of common sense.

He is a capitalist once he has that dollar.
You think a dollar used to purchase a commodity which will be consumed immediately is capital?
People who lack an understanding of the system in which they partake in every day have no business discussing one completely foreign to them.
For a fumbling ignorant apologist for mass murder you certainly have a high self-regard.

As a Marxist, how do you feel about free speech?
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Common sense recognizes that capitalism is the only system of economics that rewards those who educate themselves and work hard. The capitalist class is anyone with a dollar in his pocket, and will spend that dollar in furtherance of his perceived self interest.
The beggar on the street who receives a dollar from a compassionate person is a capitalist? Lol

And you talk of common sense.

He is a capitalist once he has that dollar.
You think a dollar used to purchase a commodity which will be consumed immediately is capital?
People who lack an understanding of the system in which they partake in every day have no business discussing one completely foreign to them.
For a fumbling ignorant apologist for mass murder you certainly have a high self-regard.

As a Marxist, how do you feel about free speech?
We all have a right to speak freely.

And BTW, Marx murdered no one.
The beggar on the street who receives a dollar from a compassionate person is a capitalist? Lol

And you talk of common sense.

He is a capitalist once he has that dollar.
You think a dollar used to purchase a commodity which will be consumed immediately is capital?
People who lack an understanding of the system in which they partake in every day have no business discussing one completely foreign to them.
For a fumbling ignorant apologist for mass murder you certainly have a high self-regard.

As a Marxist, how do you feel about free speech?
We all have a right to speak freely.
How about during the dictatorship of the proletariat, will free speech reign? Do dictatorships permit speech contrary to the wishes of the dictators?

And BTW, Marx murdered no one.
But his devoted followers certainly did.
How about during the dictatorship of the proletariat, will free speech reign? Do dictatorships permit speech contrary to the wishes of the dictators?
You don't fully understand the concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat. I asked you earlier and you ignored me.

We currently live in a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. Do you understand this concept? I ask because it is something you should be able to relate to which will help you understand its counterpart.

The direct answer to your question is yes, you will retain your right to speak freely.

But his devoted followers certainly did
His professed followers. This is an important distinction. I ask you to make the connection using source material. If you can't then stop your lying.
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How about during the dictatorship of the proletariat, will free speech reign? Do dictatorships permit speech contrary to the wishes of the dictators?
You don't fully understand the concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat. I asked you earlier and you ignored me.

We currently live in a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. Do you understand this concept? I ask because it is something you should be able to relate to which will help you understand its counterpart.

The direct answer to your question is yes, you will retain your right to speak freely.
Do dictatorships permit speech contrary to the wishes of the dictators?

His professed followers.
Where did they stray from the teaching of their Master?

Can you defend any actual Marxist regime?

What do you think of Lenin?
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Do dictatorships permit speech contrary to the wishes of the dictators?
Am I permitted to speak freely contrary to the wishes of the bourgeois dictatorship?
You are doing so right now!

Why are you terrified of my question: Do dictatorships permit speech contrary to the wishes of the dictators?
I am trying to explain to you the concept of dictatorship of the proletariat.

You are only thinking in literal terms. You're dull. If you want to understand you are going to have to do some thinking for yourself.

Here is the concept explained. You should really start from the beginning but this should give you a sense of the concept.

The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.e. the class which is the ruling material force of society, is at the same time its ruling intellectual force. The class which has the means of material production at its disposal, has control at the same time over the means of mental production, so that thereby, generally speaking, the ideas of those who lack the means of mental production are subject to it. The ruling ideas are nothing more than the ideal expression of the dominant material relationships, the dominant material relationships grasped as ideas; hence of the relationships which make the one class the ruling one, therefore, the ideas of its dominance. The individuals composing the ruling class possess among other things consciousness, and therefore think. Insofar, therefore, as they rule as a class and determine the extent and compass of an epoch, it is self-evident that they do this in its whole range, hence among other things rule also as thinkers, as producers of ideas, and regulate the production and distribution of the ideas of their age: thus their ideas are the ruling ideas of the epoch.

The German Ideology. Karl Marx 1845
Why are you terrified of my question: Do dictatorships permit speech contrary to the wishes of the dictators?
I've answered your question already dullard. I am speaking contrary to the dictatorship's wishes right now.
I have a very complicated tool ...
It's called a ЛОМ


I'll give it to the stupid chatterbox of this branch, to deal with the matter
Why does Marx linger? I think the reason is obvious. Marxism serves the class interests of academics and bureaucrats who want to control and exploit the people.
The reason is that people who have actually taken the time to read and understand him can see the truth in his philosophy.

All you have is conspiracy theory as you cling to your ignorance.

All you need to know about Marx's theory is that it is unworkable. It assumes that human beings will spend the time to educate themselves, work hard, and sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others, without reward for their efforts. You can't even find that in fairytales.
Making Main Street a Dead-End Street

College means sacrificing your youth to make parasitic employers richer. Getting a job because you can go four or more years without a job only makes sense to immature wimps who see the rich as father figures.
But we find it in the capitalist system. Proletarians do exactly that.

Capitalism is nothing more than the natural state of human existence. It is driven by individual self interest. I learn and I work because it is in my self interest to do so. I get out of life what I am willing to put into it, not what someone else thinks I should be happy with.
Why do you think it would not be in your self interest to learn and work in a Marxist system?

Marx believed that you as the worker produces value. He believes you get to keep the full value of your labor.

In the capitalist system, the worker only gets a fraction of the value that he/she produces.

Marx believed that all laborers should be paid the same regardless of their knowledge or skills. No one gets to keep the full value of their labor. Government always takes a cut.

If a worker works for himself, he gets the value of his labor, minus the government's share. If he works for someone else, he gets what he agrees to take in exchange for his labor, minus the government's cut.
Do you pay taxes in America? Lol

Of course, that is the government's cut of my income. If government exists, it will always get it's cut.
You preach that we should go through the unfunded mandate of college education, yet you don't know the difference between its and it's. A learning disability in English is not specific; it is carried over to job-related subjects, too. Bootlicking no-talent brownnoses who submit to working without pay doing college work steal their jobs.
I tried reading the Communist Manifesto once, because I was curious. But it was dreadfully boring so I gave up.
I tried reading the Communist Manifesto once, because I was curious. But it was dreadfully boring so I gave up.
It was written for people who already have a foundation in the workings of the philosophy.

Under marxism, what would happen to the house I own, that I bought and paid for with my own labor? Would I not be allowed to pass it on to my children?
I tried reading the Communist Manifesto once, because I was curious. But it was dreadfully boring so I gave up.
It was written for people who already have a foundation in the workings of the philosophy.

Under marxism, what would happen to the house I own, that I bought and paid for with my own labor? Would I not be allowed to pass it on to my children?
The International Workingmen's Association, The right of inheritance

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