
When Marx created a new type of socialism that supposedly enabled a population to make the change to communism it upset most socialists but was a bonanza for the Republican party. It gave Republicans their new battle cry: socialism leads to communism.
Agents Provocateurs

The united ruling class won't allow us to follow through on that and conclude that Leftists are agents of the Right Wing. That's why we call Preppy Progressives "Limousine Liberals."
Why do some people still cling to Marxism? Marx's system is outdated nonsense.

Bertrand Russell wrote: Marx professed himself an atheist, but retained a cosmic optimism which only theism could justify. Broadly speaking, all the elements in Marx's philosophy which are derived from Hegel are unscientific, in the sense that there is no reason whatever to suppose them true.

Russell is of course wrong here: Marx wanted to position himself as the 'Anti-Hegel' among the pseudo-intellectual 'salon' types of Europe . Hegel, an atheist, nonetheless greatly admired Christianity and its influence on culture and history, and considered it the ultimate and advanced evolution of theology. Marx was really just a rather shallow dilettante poser. He merely aped Hegel's dialectic approach; so did many others much better at it.
The foundation for Hegel's cosmic optimism was his theism. What was the foundation for Marx's cosmic optimism?
Both Sides Will Thrive Until We Make Them a Combined Target

His snobbish egoism and entitled sense that he was Born to Rule, just like all the other academic activists.
This thread is for idiots ...
The topicstarter is so primitive ..
I gave him an idea about the Jews ..
This boy was led to a scandal :04:
There's nothing to discuss!
- Topikstarter - learn, learn and learn. as...
"ordered the Great Lenin and Teaches the Communist Party of the Soviet Union!"
Как завещал Великий Ленин и как учит Коммунистическая Партия Советского Союза!

Until you learn the sources of Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism ... there is nothing to talk about with you ...
Education in America is very primitive,
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For example .. I know the works of Adam Smith and Ricardo, so I know the weapon of my ENEMY CAPITALIST.
And you do not know anything ...
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Only bluff to the public.
And very boorish and insulting when you write about the comparison of Communism and Nazism .. For such a "comparison" in Russia, you will be torn off by the grandchildren of our Soviet grandfathers who defeated Nazism and liberated Europe!
The capitalist is not the enemy of the Marxist for he sows the seeds of his own destruction.

The enemy of the Marxist is ignorance and by American standards the OP is rather unremarkable.
More name calling. zzzzzzzzz
I would prefer to have an intelligent conversation with someone informed by the source material. By not being informed by the source material you expose yourself. Don't blame me.
Why does Marx linger? I think the reason is obvious. Marxism serves the class interests of academics and bureaucrats who want to control and exploit the people.
The reason is that people who have actually taken the time to read and understand him can see the truth in his philosophy.

All you have is conspiracy theory as you cling to your ignorance.

All you need to know about Marx's theory is that it is unworkable. It assumes that human beings will spend the time to educate themselves, work hard, and sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others, without reward for their efforts. You can't even find that in fairytales.
You love Marxist dictatorships so much maybe you should send Marx something special for Valentine's Day.
How about you grow up and educate yourself on his philosophy before starting a thread about something which you clearly know nothing.
How about you educate yourself and stop serving as an incompetent apologist for mass murderers.
How exactly am I doing that?
You are a Marxist, correct?
That is fair to say.

Explain how we get from Marx to mass murder.

Maybe because force is necessary to implement and maintain Marxism
When Marx created a new type of socialism that supposedly enabled a population to make the change to communism it upset most socialists but was a bonanza for the Republican party. It gave Republicans their new battle cry: socialism leads to communism.

Socialism does not lead to Communism, it leads to the bottom for any nation that dabbles with it. The only variable is time, and that depends on how deep the nation dabbles.

Human beings are inherently lazy in both the desire to learn and/or labor. Socialism abets those bad traits Most human beings who have their basic needs met without effort on their part will be content to live that way.
Why does Marx linger? I think the reason is obvious. Marxism serves the class interests of academics and bureaucrats who want to control and exploit the people.
The reason is that people who have actually taken the time to read and understand him can see the truth in his philosophy.

All you have is conspiracy theory as you cling to your ignorance.

All you need to know about Marx's theory is that it is unworkable. It assumes that human beings will spend the time to educate themselves, work hard, and sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others, without reward for their efforts. You can't even find that in fairytales.
But we find it in the capitalist system. Proletarians do exactly that.
Why does Marx linger? I think the reason is obvious. Marxism serves the class interests of academics and bureaucrats who want to control and exploit the people.
The reason is that people who have actually taken the time to read and understand him can see the truth in his philosophy.

All you have is conspiracy theory as you cling to your ignorance.

All you need to know about Marx's theory is that it is unworkable. It assumes that human beings will spend the time to educate themselves, work hard, and sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others, without reward for their efforts. You can't even find that in fairytales.
But we find it in the capitalist system. Proletarians do exactly that.

Capitalism is nothing more than the natural state of human existence. It is driven by individual self interest. I learn and I work because it is in my self interest to do so. I get out of life what I am willing to put into it, not what someone else thinks I should be happy with.
Why does Marx linger? I think the reason is obvious. Marxism serves the class interests of academics and bureaucrats who want to control and exploit the people.
The reason is that people who have actually taken the time to read and understand him can see the truth in his philosophy.

All you have is conspiracy theory as you cling to your ignorance.

All you need to know about Marx's theory is that it is unworkable. It assumes that human beings will spend the time to educate themselves, work hard, and sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others, without reward for their efforts. You can't even find that in fairytales.
But we find it in the capitalist system. Proletarians do exactly that.

Capitalism is nothing more than the natural state of human existence. It is driven by individual self interest. I learn and I work because it is in my self interest to do so. I get out of life what I am willing to put into it, not what someone else thinks I should be happy with.
Why do you think it would not be in your self interest to learn and work in a Marxist system?

Marx believed that you as the worker produces value. He believes you get to keep the full value of your labor.

In the capitalist system, the worker only gets a fraction of the value that he/she produces.
Why does Marx linger? I think the reason is obvious. Marxism serves the class interests of academics and bureaucrats who want to control and exploit the people.
The reason is that people who have actually taken the time to read and understand him can see the truth in his philosophy.

All you have is conspiracy theory as you cling to your ignorance.

All you need to know about Marx's theory is that it is unworkable. It assumes that human beings will spend the time to educate themselves, work hard, and sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others, without reward for their efforts. You can't even find that in fairytales.
But we find it in the capitalist system. Proletarians do exactly that.

Capitalism is nothing more than the natural state of human existence. It is driven by individual self interest. I learn and I work because it is in my self interest to do so. I get out of life what I am willing to put into it, not what someone else thinks I should be happy with.
As long as the oppressed class – in our case, therefore, the proletariat – is not yet ripe for its self-liberation, so long will it, in its majority, recognize the existing order of society as the only possible one and remain politically the tall of the capitalist class, its extreme left wing.
Origins of the Family- Chapter IX
Why does Marx linger? I think the reason is obvious. Marxism serves the class interests of academics and bureaucrats who want to control and exploit the people.
The reason is that people who have actually taken the time to read and understand him can see the truth in his philosophy.

All you have is conspiracy theory as you cling to your ignorance.

All you need to know about Marx's theory is that it is unworkable. It assumes that human beings will spend the time to educate themselves, work hard, and sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others, without reward for their efforts. You can't even find that in fairytales.
But we find it in the capitalist system. Proletarians do exactly that.

Capitalism is nothing more than the natural state of human existence. It is driven by individual self interest. I learn and I work because it is in my self interest to do so. I get out of life what I am willing to put into it, not what someone else thinks I should be happy with.
Why do you think it would not be in your self interest to learn and work in a Marxist system?

Marx believed that you as the worker produces value. He believes you get to keep the full value of your labor.

In the capitalist system, the worker only gets a fraction of the value that he/she produces.

Marx believed that all laborers should be paid the same regardless of their knowledge or skills. No one gets to keep the full value of their labor. Government always takes a cut.

If a worker works for himself, he gets the value of his labor, minus the government's share. If he works for someone else, he gets what he agrees to take in exchange for his labor, minus the government's cut.
The reason is that people who have actually taken the time to read and understand him can see the truth in his philosophy.

All you have is conspiracy theory as you cling to your ignorance.

All you need to know about Marx's theory is that it is unworkable. It assumes that human beings will spend the time to educate themselves, work hard, and sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others, without reward for their efforts. You can't even find that in fairytales.
But we find it in the capitalist system. Proletarians do exactly that.

Capitalism is nothing more than the natural state of human existence. It is driven by individual self interest. I learn and I work because it is in my self interest to do so. I get out of life what I am willing to put into it, not what someone else thinks I should be happy with.
Why do you think it would not be in your self interest to learn and work in a Marxist system?

Marx believed that you as the worker produces value. He believes you get to keep the full value of your labor.

In the capitalist system, the worker only gets a fraction of the value that he/she produces.

Marx believed that all laborers should be paid the same regardless of their knowledge or skills. No one gets to keep the full value of their labor. Government always takes a cut.

If a worker works for himself, he gets the value of his labor, minus the government's share. If he works for someone else, he gets what he agrees to take in exchange for his labor, minus the government's cut.
Do you pay taxes in America? Lol
Why does Marx linger? I think the reason is obvious. Marxism serves the class interests of academics and bureaucrats who want to control and exploit the people.
The reason is that people who have actually taken the time to read and understand him can see the truth in his philosophy.

All you have is conspiracy theory as you cling to your ignorance.

All you need to know about Marx's theory is that it is unworkable. It assumes that human beings will spend the time to educate themselves, work hard, and sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others, without reward for their efforts. You can't even find that in fairytales.
But we find it in the capitalist system. Proletarians do exactly that.

Capitalism is nothing more than the natural state of human existence. It is driven by individual self interest. I learn and I work because it is in my self interest to do so. I get out of life what I am willing to put into it, not what someone else thinks I should be happy with.
As long as the oppressed class – in our case, therefore, the proletariat – is not yet ripe for its self-liberation, so long will it, in its majority, recognize the existing order of society as the only possible one and remain politically the tall of the capitalist class, its extreme left wing.
Origins of the Family- Chapter IX

Common sense recognizes that capitalism is the only system of economics that rewards those who educate themselves and work hard. The capitalist class is anyone with a dollar in his pocket, and will spend that dollar in furtherance of his perceived self interest.
All you need to know about Marx's theory is that it is unworkable. It assumes that human beings will spend the time to educate themselves, work hard, and sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others, without reward for their efforts. You can't even find that in fairytales.
But we find it in the capitalist system. Proletarians do exactly that.

Capitalism is nothing more than the natural state of human existence. It is driven by individual self interest. I learn and I work because it is in my self interest to do so. I get out of life what I am willing to put into it, not what someone else thinks I should be happy with.
Why do you think it would not be in your self interest to learn and work in a Marxist system?

Marx believed that you as the worker produces value. He believes you get to keep the full value of your labor.

In the capitalist system, the worker only gets a fraction of the value that he/she produces.

Marx believed that all laborers should be paid the same regardless of their knowledge or skills. No one gets to keep the full value of their labor. Government always takes a cut.

If a worker works for himself, he gets the value of his labor, minus the government's share. If he works for someone else, he gets what he agrees to take in exchange for his labor, minus the government's cut.
Do you pay taxes in America? Lol

Of course, that is the government's cut of my income. If government exists, it will always get it's cut.
The reason is that people who have actually taken the time to read and understand him can see the truth in his philosophy.

All you have is conspiracy theory as you cling to your ignorance.

All you need to know about Marx's theory is that it is unworkable. It assumes that human beings will spend the time to educate themselves, work hard, and sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others, without reward for their efforts. You can't even find that in fairytales.
But we find it in the capitalist system. Proletarians do exactly that.

Capitalism is nothing more than the natural state of human existence. It is driven by individual self interest. I learn and I work because it is in my self interest to do so. I get out of life what I am willing to put into it, not what someone else thinks I should be happy with.
As long as the oppressed class – in our case, therefore, the proletariat – is not yet ripe for its self-liberation, so long will it, in its majority, recognize the existing order of society as the only possible one and remain politically the tall of the capitalist class, its extreme left wing.
Origins of the Family- Chapter IX

Common sense recognizes that capitalism is the only system of economics that rewards those who educate themselves and work hard. The capitalist class is anyone with a dollar in his pocket, and will spend that dollar in furtherance of his perceived self interest.
The beggar on the street who receives a dollar from a compassionate person is a capitalist? Lol

And you talk of common sense.
All you need to know about Marx's theory is that it is unworkable. It assumes that human beings will spend the time to educate themselves, work hard, and sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others, without reward for their efforts. You can't even find that in fairytales.
But we find it in the capitalist system. Proletarians do exactly that.

Capitalism is nothing more than the natural state of human existence. It is driven by individual self interest. I learn and I work because it is in my self interest to do so. I get out of life what I am willing to put into it, not what someone else thinks I should be happy with.
As long as the oppressed class – in our case, therefore, the proletariat – is not yet ripe for its self-liberation, so long will it, in its majority, recognize the existing order of society as the only possible one and remain politically the tall of the capitalist class, its extreme left wing.
Origins of the Family- Chapter IX

Common sense recognizes that capitalism is the only system of economics that rewards those who educate themselves and work hard. The capitalist class is anyone with a dollar in his pocket, and will spend that dollar in furtherance of his perceived self interest.
The beggar on the street who receives a dollar from a compassionate person is a capitalist? Lol

And you talk of common sense.

He is a capitalist once he has that dollar.
But we find it in the capitalist system. Proletarians do exactly that.

Capitalism is nothing more than the natural state of human existence. It is driven by individual self interest. I learn and I work because it is in my self interest to do so. I get out of life what I am willing to put into it, not what someone else thinks I should be happy with.
As long as the oppressed class – in our case, therefore, the proletariat – is not yet ripe for its self-liberation, so long will it, in its majority, recognize the existing order of society as the only possible one and remain politically the tall of the capitalist class, its extreme left wing.
Origins of the Family- Chapter IX

Common sense recognizes that capitalism is the only system of economics that rewards those who educate themselves and work hard. The capitalist class is anyone with a dollar in his pocket, and will spend that dollar in furtherance of his perceived self interest.
The beggar on the street who receives a dollar from a compassionate person is a capitalist? Lol

And you talk of common sense.

He is a capitalist once he has that dollar.
You think a dollar used to purchase a commodity which will be consumed immediately is capital?
If he works for someone else, he gets what he agrees to take in exchange for his labor, minus the government's cut.
Which is less than the full value for which he produces. Hence the reason I say that in a Marxist system he receives the full value for what he produces......minus taxes of course. Which in a Marxist system would be negligible. The size of our government is a consequence of our productive system.

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