
I say - a complete brainwashing ...

Most users of this forum do not know what Marxism is, even if they have on the avatar a bearded face of Marx.
Because they live in America, so they have a primitive education ...
That's all
Has any nation since Marx came on the scene actually practiced Marx's communism?
There are several formations that follow one another

1. Basic:
- Marxism
- Leninism
- Trotskyism
- Stalinism

The development of Marxism ended in the USSR in 1956, when Khrushchev recognized the "authoritarianism of Stalin." Since then, there has been no development of Marxism, therefore, by the beginning of the 1970s the USSR "fell into the pit of ideology" ...
Soviet people have always studied "Marxism-Leninism", but did not think about real sources ...

2. By-products
- Maoism - created in China, on the basis of Stalin's ideas. This is not communism or socialism
- KimIrSen - created in North Korea on the basis of Stalin's ideas. This is not
Why do the liberals and Fifth Column hate Stalin?
They begin to squeal: "Stalin killed a lot of people !!!"
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Paragraph 1

In fact, Stalin had a real Power from 1929-1953
During this time:
- 600 thousand people were shot (under the criminal article banditry and armed struggle against the Soviet Union, sabotage on a large scale)
- The Gulag is 3 million people who were in prison on a criminal article The Enemy of the People or Economic Crimes

All decisions were taken by the Court.
Do you want to compare it with America in the 1930s?

So this is a lie!
================================================== ========
Point 2

Trotsky (Leiba Bronstein) is the "red devil of the Revolution" ...
He became famous, as he arranged for mass executions, tried to pervert people perverted ....
But, Why do the liberals and the "Fifth Column" not notice this?

================================================== ========
The answer is simple:
Stalin killed Trotsky ...
Now a simple question:
What is the nationality of the liberals, the "Fifth Column" and Trotsky?
Why do some people still cling to Marxism?

Put your muzzle in the shit and never write on such topics ...
- You do not Have Education
- You have no Information.
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Choose another topic - go argue with the girls ...
Inmar will beat you all.
He grew up in the USSR and studied Marxism in practice.
And you are all talkers
I do not agree with some of his conclusions, but, in general, he is right ..
You have shown a special affection for Inmar. Is it now socially acceptable to display your outward affection for another man in Russia? Or is this why you visit an American board?
You have shown a special affection for Inmar. Is it now socially acceptable to display your outward affection for another man in Russia? Or is this why you visit an American board?

American, you were told that you shaved off your beard and did not talk about Marxism ..
What's not clear?
American, you were told that you shaved off your beard and did not talk about Marxism ..
What's not clear?

He wants his beard shaved Ya. Selivan, I do not need your help. Thanks .. but I'm shaving the idiots myself.
American, you were told that you shaved off your beard and did not talk about Marxism ..
What's not clear?

He wants his beard shaved Ya. Selivan, I do not need your help. Thanks .. but I'm shaving the idiots myself.
I guess we can see who the bitch is in this relationship.

I believe that you better go to sleep. Otherwise, you will learn a lot of interesting things about you personally.? Do not disgrace yourself about Marxism, the American troll ..
I believe that you better go to sleep. Otherwise, you will learn a lot of interesting things about you personally.? Do not disgrace yourself about Marxism, the American troll ..

On this forum, many American morons who want to argue with the Russians.
This American scarecrow with the muzzle of Marx does not fit - too primitive
I believe that you better go to sleep. Otherwise, you will learn a lot of interesting things about you personally.? Do not disgrace yourself about Marxism, the American troll ..

On this forum, many American morons who want to argue with the Russians.
This American scarecrow with the muzzle of Marx does not fit - too primitive
You were told to shave your beard. Now shut the hell up, no one gives a fuck about a Russian troll.
The great majority of American professionals are post-Marxist.

Thunderbird is beating a dead horse.

However, he may find if the Alt Right keeps fulminating against inevitable social change, there will be social upheaval, one they will suffer from badly.
Except they embedded themselves in American Universities back in the 1930's.
You love Marxist dictatorships so much maybe you should send Marx something special for Valentine's Day.
How about you grow up and educate yourself on his philosophy before starting a thread about something which you clearly know nothing.
How about you educate yourself and stop serving as an incompetent apologist for mass murderers.
How exactly am I doing that?
You are a Marxist, correct?
That is fair to say.

Explain how we get from Marx to mass murder.
Easy. They don't believe there is a God.
Marx is still influential within government bureaucracies, the media, and especially academia. Some twisted bureaucrats, celebrities, and academics hope to acquire power via Marxism.
How does Marxism help people acquire power?
Isn't it obvious? Marxists create dictatorships supposedly to build a workers' paradise. The paradise never comes but the dictatorship remains. It's a great con game, but it only works in desperate, failed nations.

That is Karl Marx's fault?

I think this quote from The German Ideology is instructive. Don't you?

Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence.

Karl Marx
Marx claimed to believe:
(1) that the existence of classes is only bound up with the particular, historical phases in the development of production,
(2) that the class struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat,
(3) that this dictatorship itself only constitutes the transition to the abolition of all classes and to a classless society.

So we need a dictatorship to create a utopia. Great con game.
Red Is Blueblood

Abolish birth privileges. That would have made Marx a factory worker from an early age. Maybe he would have learned something.
Communism - public property, equality, internationalism, the absence of racial, interethnic segregation
What a laugh! Communism = inequality. Marx was himself a racist.

Marx’s racism
PC Is a Dead Language. Quod Erat Demonstrandum

Guilt by association. Racial inferiority is a logical conclusion held by many respectable thinkers before smothering PC self-righteousness suppressed it. It is lame and submissive even to say that they were brought up in a society that brainwashed them to judge races on performance. Healthy and intelligent racism is no different from blaming a chronically losing team for its failures instead of saying that the league and the referees have always kept it down.
Communism - public property, equality, internationalism, the absence of racial, interethnic segregation
What a laugh! Communism = inequality. Marx was himself a racist.

Marx’s racism

I say - a complete brainwashing ...
Why do you give me a link, calculated at your level?

Since the Revolution, racial, ethnic and national oppression has been prosecuted in the USSR by law
Marxism you do not know.
Proletarian internationalism is one of the foundations of the class struggle. That is, the proletariat of all countries, regardless of nationality, unites and fights against the bourgeoisie
Amazing ignorance! Didn't you know that the Soviet government persecuted, starved, deported many ethnic groups?

Population transfer in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia
Point 2

Trotsky (Leiba Bronstein) is the "red devil of the Revolution" ...
He became famous, as he arranged for mass executions, tried to pervert people perverted ....
But, Why do the liberals and the "Fifth Column" not notice this?

================================================== ========
The answer is simple:
Stalin killed Trotsky ...
Now a simple question:
What is the nationality of the liberals, the "Fifth Column" and Trotsky?
You mean they are Jews?

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