Mary is not the mother of God

May I just add that the Politically opposed groups ferociously, still will recognize a Divine Miracle in the Virgin Birth? In one place it does divinely give one woman to tell her "blessed among women" which catholics like , but then Jesus did not come when she called "Who are my mother brother and sisters, these believers" . That's not even a command to the followers, just hey I'm God, she isn't. How'd Catholics end up with Jesus being 6th on the Italian prayer list? its true.

Catholics are the original Christians...all others are Johnny come latelys. Even Islam was 600 years late to the party

True story
Catholics are the original Christians...

there were no original christians, the 1st century events had nothing to do with manifest divinity.

catholics are simply members of the - church of the roman empire.

"Followers of Christ" when did the Christian church commence?? Which crackpots are YOU reading??

May I just add that the Politically opposed groups ferociously, still will recognize a Divine Miracle in the Virgin Birth? In one place it does divinely give one woman to tell her "blessed among women" which catholics like , but then Jesus did not come when she called "Who are my mother brother and sisters, these believers" . That's not even a command to the followers, just hey I'm God, she isn't. How'd Catholics end up with Jesus being 6th on the Italian prayer list? its true.

Catholics are the original Christians...all others are Johnny come latelys. Even Islam was 600 years late to the party

True story
The Bible is really a collection of the Church's in house papers. Of course the Old Testament was lifted from the Jews. Seems fair. Good solid base.

you really believe in god and follow his teachings
initial --get an adult to explain it to you

That wouldn't be you child.

Any proof he doesn't exist yet? Until you have it....shush
you are proof he doesn't exist because you are not following his supposed rules

So you think not following the rules of a faith that explicitely states thst no one can follow all the rules and needs atonement because of it is evidence that God doesn't exist?

I'll give you a better example:
......of all people that should follow '''god's rules''/NOT sin--it would be priests--but they sin and sin and sin and sin ...raping CHILDREN

Homos hiding behind the Church

Pedos and rapists imo: using and preying on the Church's congregation. What is lost in the conversation is that the church has no legal right to investigate unlawful matters. But that is another story.

very dumbshit..that is so stupid/immature/ridiculous/idiotic
YOU [ or whoever ] claim there is a god--it's up to YOU to prove it
you must not understand
the Eiffel Tower moved 18 feet on it's own--I guess you believe THAT!!!!????!!!!!

Dumbshit you claim He doesn't....prove it stupid fuck
you believe in god--but you call me a stupid fk.....???!!!!!!?????

Looking about right. But you can change that. Start learning here a little and there a little. Before long you will learn alot

2000 years ago according to loons goat herders wrote a book and here we are living what they wrote. Makes one wonder

Some of my best friends are loony goat herds... they tell all the best stories.

Don't laugh; one of my best friends is just that and a lovelier Lady one wouldn't find anywhere.

May I just add that the Politically opposed groups ferociously, still will recognize a Divine Miracle in the Virgin Birth? In one place it does divinely give one woman to tell her "blessed among women" which catholics like , but then Jesus did not come when she called "Who are my mother brother and sisters, these believers" . That's not even a command to the followers, just hey I'm God, she isn't. How'd Catholics end up with Jesus being 6th on the Italian prayer list? its true.

Catholics are the original Christians...all others are Johnny come latelys. Even Islam was 600 years late to the party

True story
they TORTURED people
they pillaged/stole from other christians --attacked other christians for $$$$$
Siege of Zara - Wikipedia
they denigrated Galileo for having the ''idiocy'' to think the Earth is NOT the center of the universe
..the Catholic priests rape CHILDREN
and you think they are so great???!!!???

As a Catholic I do not condone the judicial killing of even pedo priests but when I pray sometimes I ask: why not??? Fortunately God is patient with me. Perhaps I will have to settle for the same punishments meted out to them as to other pedo rapists when they are given due process. Sometimes it's not easy being a Catholic.

It's not wise, nor is it particularly civilized, to mess with the deeply held religious convictions of others.

What others believe in these matters is their own personal beliefs and it's rude and pretentious to attempt to belittle their beliefs.
The fact only Jews and Christians get mocked by the demons simply validates its the one true God.
Don't demand proof if you can't provide proof. It's simple
you people claim there is a god--now prove it or it's bullshit

You claim there isn't....check
so you believe Smollet's story
He's an attention seeking fag
you believe Smollet---yes or no?

I believe he should be given due process. I think it should have gone to Court but I am not in Chicago. Maybe they know something I don't; sorta classic he said he said.

It's not wise, nor is it particularly civilized, to mess with the deeply held religious convictions of others.

What others believe in these matters is their own personal beliefs and it's rude and pretentious to attempt to belittle their beliefs.
The fact only Jews and Christians get mocked by the demons simply validates its the one true God.

I've even heard people say one or two disparaging things about Muslims as well.

I think the Buddhists are pretty safe.
It's not wise, nor is it particularly civilized, to mess with the deeply held religious convictions of others.

What others believe in these matters is their own personal beliefs and it's rude and pretentious to attempt to belittle their beliefs.
The fact only Jews and Christians get mocked by the demons simply validates its the one true God.

I've even heard people say one or two disparaging things about Muslims as well.

I think the Buddhists are pretty safe.
Our world is pretty screwed up due to Islam. Buddhist Hindu Mormon Scientology etc can all be debated but never are because they are false religions.
HaShev, judging by your other posts, I'm not Inclined to be extremely attentive. You're borrowing a lot from the Revelation metaphor. The Persian area was known at the 300 bcs as a Babylonian Empire that the Jewish state hated. They then also hated the Roman Empire and most people see this for Israel as a symbolic Babylon to Rome metaphor and the "Fallen Babylon" may even be the city of Rome "where traders" come and go. The Roman Tax Collectors were heavy and hated and not the every-day normal day tax collector, Imperial tax collectors.

The Old Testament Priests fought against Eastern Gods like Baal that you referenced.
I discussed Rome taking to the son of Mary figure, but the other christ's they despised because of revolt, & followers always argued PAUL was teaching another Christ then them and vice versa.
You talk about the Tax revolters what about discusing the Herod era Galilean tax revolter Yehuda used for the Jesus image? he was crucified in 4bc, fit the Herod(died 4bc) and Lysanias (died 35bc) era and Census (7bc).
Yes they hated the tax, but this band of thieves and thugs robbed and burned houses of anyone who paid the tax and supported Rome. And the third christ in this trinity was a sexual deviant in the Pilate era who used rich kid Lazarus for his money by sleeping with him. pick your poison, all 3 christs used for the Jesus image make for one big Roman mockery while swallowing up the christs movements and revolts to become the benefactors of, like they did many religions before them, they become the new authority hidden under the mask and cloak of religious purity.
Since Rome had access to the great libraries of their time and had knowledge of many pagan beliefs and cultures it would not have been hard for them to create a new mask for these belief systems placing themselves in charge...Take for example the Semiramis story... Semiramis was the wife of Nimrod... I believe one of the first “ Christians” Eusebius talks about her in great detail showing they had access to the myth and probably worked it in to their storyline....Anyways Semiramis according to the fable cheated on Nimrod and got pregnant.. Her husband died and in order to cover up and stay in power she concocted the story that he was resurrected as the god of the sun and that his mystical rays impregnated her and her child Tammuz was both her husband and child at the same time...The Mary mythos with the son Jesus is just one in a long line that dates back to Nimrod and Semiramis... There were others that many of you could look up.. Bottomline is these fables were given different masks or were made to fit each new culture that became dominant.. The original theme was varied to fit the culture but the story remained essentially the same.... Do not take my word for it study it and come to your own conclusions.... Rome was clever keep the slaves as slaves but give them a false hope that as bad as life is they will accept their lot in life because they were promised something better in the afterlife...
no---if you claim something--you have to prove it--or it is bullshit
like when they charge a criminal--it needs to be proved
I can claim crap all day:
ducks fly on the moon
the Eiffel Tower moved 10 feet
Well then you CLAIM there is NO GOD, prove it.
again--as I've stated a million times--that is a very dumb/immature/ridiculous reply
--you people make the INITIAL claim--YOU have to prove it
OBVIOUSLY I could not say ''there is no god'' BEFORE you say ''there is a god'' if I said ''ducks are on the moon'', you would automatically believe it like the idiots believed Jim Jones and drank the Kool Aid...???!!

Don't demand proof if you can't provide proof. It's simple
you people claim there is a god--now prove it or it's bullshit
I already know God exists through prayer and faith. I don't need to prove anything to you. You claim there is no god, you need to prove to ME that is true since I know he exists.
I know that no one has seen/etc ''god'''
I believe ducks fly on the need to prove to ME that is true since I know they exists.
no---if you claim something--you have to prove it--or it is bullshit
like when they charge a criminal--it needs to be proved
I can claim crap all day:
ducks fly on the moon
the Eiffel Tower moved 10 feet
Well then you CLAIM there is NO GOD, prove it.
again--as I've stated a million times--that is a very dumb/immature/ridiculous reply
--you people make the INITIAL claim--YOU have to prove it
OBVIOUSLY I could not say ''there is no god'' BEFORE you say ''there is a god'' if I said ''ducks are on the moon'', you would automatically believe it like the idiots believed Jim Jones and drank the Kool Aid...???!!

Don't demand proof if you can't provide proof. It's simple
you people claim there is a god--now prove it or it's bullshit
I already know God exists through prayer and faith. I don't need to prove anything to you. You claim there is no god, you need to prove to ME that is true since I know he exists.
you just admitted there is no proof for god--Freudian slip there
silly silly silly--no one has seen/heard/etc god --etc
you people can babble all day--still no god
you have faith and believe--that's it

  1. 1.
    complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
    "this restores one's faith in politicians"
    synonyms: trust, belief, confidence, conviction, credence, reliance, dependence; More

  2. 2.
    strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
rather than proof
just like Smollet/etc = when something is bullshit, the truth will come out
Nor is there anything mean spirited about a supported claim that marycould not have been the mother of god. You just chose to characterize it that way.

And you are wrong anyway, in a sense. Mean spirited and provocative are exact terms used to describe galileos efforts to convince the church of his findings. If you had been a christian at the time, you likely would have agreed.

I am not, nor have I ever been ... a xtian.

I just believe religious persecution ... any religion ... is literally un-American.
I just believe religious persecution ... any religion ... is literally un-American.

View attachment 259275

the history of the desert religions proves your statement disingenuous at best and for the false religion of christianity their persecution and victimization of the innocent has been uninterrupted from the 4th century to the present day.

when the crucifiers are brought to justice will be the last day for the purveyors of the false christian bible and their duplicitous myths. and for the others, the original spoken religion of antiquity will surly be fulfilled with their demise as well.

Do I look xtian to you?

I never burned anyone at the stake ... I don't even have a decent oven.
I never burned anyone at the stake ... I don't even have a decent oven.

you defend those who have ... when do you bring the crucifiers to justice.

Do I look xtian to you?

no, but then the other desert religions are equally the same in their abandonment of the original spoken religion of antiquity, the triumph of good vs evil.

What bloody point are you trying to make?? Go slowly now; I've got a hangover so am reading SLOWLY!!!

What bloody point are you trying to make??

the underlying events and religion of the 1st century has no bearing on the 4th century christian bible fabrication that is a political document disguised as a religion - the church of the roman empire ...

if that is too much for you then gfys -

that includes the congregations for all the desert religions that associate themselves with the misrepresentation of the original spoken religion as prescribed by the Almighty and its purposeful conclusion, for everyone.

Last edited:
It's not wise, nor is it particularly civilized, to mess with the deeply held religious convictions of others.

What others believe in these matters is their own personal beliefs and it's rude and pretentious to attempt to belittle their beliefs.
The fact only Jews and Christians get mocked by the demons simply validates its the one true God.
The fact only Jews and Christians get mocked by the demons simply validates its the one true God.

its the one true God ...

all three desert religions have abandoned. their stories and history belie the truth.
It's not wise, nor is it particularly civilized, to mess with the deeply held religious convictions of others.

What others believe in these matters is their own personal beliefs and it's rude and pretentious to attempt to belittle their beliefs.
The fact only Jews and Christians get mocked by the demons simply validates its the one true God.
The fact only Jews and Christians get mocked by the demons simply validates its the one true God.

its the one true God ...

all three desert religions have abandoned. their stories and history belie the truth.
No. That’s not possible. Religion is effectively a tool. And like all tools it can be used for good or bad. So it isn’t possible for religion to do anything on its own, least of all abandon its stories and history.
It's not wise, nor is it particularly civilized, to mess with the deeply held religious convictions of others.

What others believe in these matters is their own personal beliefs and it's rude and pretentious to attempt to belittle their beliefs.
The fact only Jews and Christians get mocked by the demons simply validates its the one true God.
The fact only Jews and Christians get mocked by the demons simply validates its the one true God.

its the one true God ...

all three desert religions have abandoned. their stories and history belie the truth.
So the question becomes would the world have been better or worse if religion never existed.

To me it is obvious that the world would have been decidedly worse without religion. It’s not even close.
I am not, nor have I ever been ... a xtian.

I just believe religious persecution ... any religion ... is literally un-American.
I just believe religious persecution ... any religion ... is literally un-American.

View attachment 259275

the history of the desert religions proves your statement disingenuous at best and for the false religion of christianity their persecution and victimization of the innocent has been uninterrupted from the 4th century to the present day.

when the crucifiers are brought to justice will be the last day for the purveyors of the false christian bible and their duplicitous myths. and for the others, the original spoken religion of antiquity will surly be fulfilled with their demise as well.

Do I look xtian to you?

I never burned anyone at the stake ... I don't even have a decent oven.
I never burned anyone at the stake ... I don't even have a decent oven.

you defend those who have ... when do you bring the crucifiers to justice.

Do I look xtian to you?

no, but then the other desert religions are equally the same in their abandonment of the original spoken religion of antiquity, the triumph of good vs evil.

What bloody point are you trying to make?? Go slowly now; I've got a hangover so am reading SLOWLY!!!

What bloody point are you trying to make??

The underlying events and religion of the 1st century has no bearing on the 4th century christian bible fabrication that is a political document disguised as a religion - the church of the roman empire ...

If that is too much for you then gfys -

That includes the congregations for all the desert religions that associate themselves with the misrepresentation of the original spoken religion as prescribed by the Almighty and its purposeful conclusion, for everyone.


A more stupid response from you is hard to imagine. But keep going; I'm sure you'll come up with a more stupid one soon. You're not only a prat but a grammar nazi as well.


View attachment 259275

the history of the desert religions proves your statement disingenuous at best and for the false religion of christianity their persecution and victimization of the innocent has been uninterrupted from the 4th century to the present day.

when the crucifiers are brought to justice will be the last day for the purveyors of the false christian bible and their duplicitous myths. and for the others, the original spoken religion of antiquity will surly be fulfilled with their demise as well.

Do I look xtian to you?

I never burned anyone at the stake ... I don't even have a decent oven.
I never burned anyone at the stake ... I don't even have a decent oven.

you defend those who have ... when do you bring the crucifiers to justice.

Do I look xtian to you?

no, but then the other desert religions are equally the same in their abandonment of the original spoken religion of antiquity, the triumph of good vs evil.

What bloody point are you trying to make?? Go slowly now; I've got a hangover so am reading SLOWLY!!!

What bloody point are you trying to make??

The underlying events and religion of the 1st century has no bearing on the 4th century christian bible fabrication that is a political document disguised as a religion - the church of the roman empire ...

If that is too much for you then gfys -

That includes the congregations for all the desert religions that associate themselves with the misrepresentation of the original spoken religion as prescribed by the Almighty and its purposeful conclusion, for everyone.


A more stupid response from you is hard to imagine. But keep going; I'm sure you'll come up with a more stupid one soon. You're not only a prat but a grammar nazi as well.


A more stupid response from you is hard to imagine.

and a factual one from you would be none the less.
If we are talking about Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, then yes she is. If we are talking about another Mary then no
there is no god--so she can't be

You can claim there isnt a God all day long. He is still there. He still loves you
....very stupid people made the initial claim--so it's up to you to prove it--not the other way around..and you can't prove it

Ive received a witness from the Spirit. Ive been miraculously healed. Ive witnessed the power of prayer to change the minds od hearts of men. Most importantly ive been changed by the atonement.

I know there is a God. I know He speaks to man. I know He loves beyond all understanding. I have nothing to prove to you. The truth is true regardless of whether you accept it or not. Its true whether I accept or not. You can either make the effort to get to know God yourself and find peace and joy. Or you can continue in your sin, never learning, and be miserable. Its up to you
hahahahah--right there your post is bullshit = MISERABLE do you know I'm ''miserable'''??? hahah YOU DON'T --this is just like the other crap about jesus/sin etc -
sinning is what humans do naturally ---so it's ok

Its dripping all over your posts. That's how.

Just because something is natural doesnt mean its ok
the Eiffel Tower just moved
yes!!!!! IT DID ---I BELIEVE IT--so it must be true

Why are you babbling about the Eiffel Tower. You claim God doesn't exist right? Prove it lol

He cant
you can't prove there is a god--plain and simple
''he'' is man-made

I already told you how I know God exists. I experimented on the Word and have eaten the fruit of the tree of life. You can too if you desire

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