Mary is not the mother of God

Still no proof? Blabbering shit isn't proof.

Can you tell I'm mocking you?
you really believe in god and follow his teachings
initial --get an adult to explain it to you

That wouldn't be you child.

Any proof he doesn't exist yet? Until you have it....shush
you are proof he doesn't exist because you are not following his supposed rules

So you think not following the rules of a faith that explicitely states thst no one can follow all the rules and needs atonement because of it is evidence that God doesn't exist?

I'll give you a better example:
......of all people that should follow '''god's rules''/NOT sin--it would be priests--but they sin and sin and sin and sin ...raping CHILDREN

And those involved with such wickedness lose the power they could have had
the history of the desert religions proves your statement disingenuous at best and for the false religion of christianity their persecution and victimization of the innocent has been uninterrupted from the 4th century to the present day.

when the crucifiers are brought to justice will be the last day for the purveyors of the false christian bible and their duplicitous myths. and for the others, the original spoken religion of antiquity will surly be fulfilled with their demise as well.

You have no idea how burning witches at the stake came to be. Why don't you focus on the new Satanic Temple who has cropped up in Salem and around the world. They're a bunch of atheists, gays, libs and communists who think promoting Baphomet is the way to go.
It's not wise, nor is it particularly civilized, to mess with the deeply held religious convictions of others.

What others believe in these matters is their own personal beliefs and it's rude and pretentious to attempt to belittle their beliefs.

So, why do people tell me Valhalla is not real?

You wanna believe in Valhalla ... go nuts. Personally, I find it an attractive philosophy.

All those blond bombshells and decent ovens??



There was a restaurant with that kind of theme in the SF-Bay Area with blonde and other buxom wenches who brought you your food and quaff.
May I just add that the Politically opposed groups ferociously, still will recognize a Divine Miracle in the Virgin Birth? In one place it does divinely give one woman to tell her "blessed among women" which catholics like , but then Jesus did not come when she called "Who are my mother brother and sisters, these believers" . That's not even a command to the followers, just hey I'm God, she isn't. How'd Catholics end up with Jesus being 6th on the Italian prayer list? its true.

Catholics are the original Christians...all others are Johnny come latelys. Even Islam was 600 years late to the party

True story
they TORTURED people
they pillaged/stole from other christians --attacked other christians for $$$$$
Siege of Zara - Wikipedia
they denigrated Galileo for having the ''idiocy'' to think the Earth is NOT the center of the universe
..the Catholic priests rape CHILDREN
and you think they are so great???!!!???

Catholics are hardly the only people who serve the Lord
May I just add that the Politically opposed groups ferociously, still will recognize a Divine Miracle in the Virgin Birth? In one place it does divinely give one woman to tell her "blessed among women" which catholics like , but then Jesus did not come when she called "Who are my mother brother and sisters, these believers" . That's not even a command to the followers, just hey I'm God, she isn't. How'd Catholics end up with Jesus being 6th on the Italian prayer list? its true.

Catholics are the original Christians...all others are Johnny come latelys. Even Islam was 600 years late to the party

True story
they TORTURED people
they pillaged/stole from other christians --attacked other christians for $$$$$
Siege of Zara - Wikipedia
they denigrated Galileo for having the ''idiocy'' to think the Earth is NOT the center of the universe
..the Catholic priests rape CHILDREN
and you think they are so great???!!!???

Catholics are hardly the only people who serve the Lord
o--the other christians don't '''sin''??!!! don't murder/rape/etc?
May I just add that the Politically opposed groups ferociously, still will recognize a Divine Miracle in the Virgin Birth? In one place it does divinely give one woman to tell her "blessed among women" which catholics like , but then Jesus did not come when she called "Who are my mother brother and sisters, these believers" . That's not even a command to the followers, just hey I'm God, she isn't. How'd Catholics end up with Jesus being 6th on the Italian prayer list? its true.

Catholics are the original Christians...all others are Johnny come latelys. Even Islam was 600 years late to the party

True story
they TORTURED people
they pillaged/stole from other christians --attacked other christians for $$$$$
Siege of Zara - Wikipedia
they denigrated Galileo for having the ''idiocy'' to think the Earth is NOT the center of the universe
..the Catholic priests rape CHILDREN
and you think they are so great???!!!???

Public educators rape children at a higher percentage.....fact
priests all over the US raping CHILDREN
AND--the catholic hierarchy tried/tries to cover it up--which is just as bad!!!

Even if your exaggeration was true, that wouldn't disprove the existence of God
May I just add that the Politically opposed groups ferociously, still will recognize a Divine Miracle in the Virgin Birth? In one place it does divinely give one woman to tell her "blessed among women" which catholics like , but then Jesus did not come when she called "Who are my mother brother and sisters, these believers" . That's not even a command to the followers, just hey I'm God, she isn't. How'd Catholics end up with Jesus being 6th on the Italian prayer list? its true.

Catholics are the original Christians...all others are Johnny come latelys. Even Islam was 600 years late to the party

True story
they TORTURED people
they pillaged/stole from other christians --attacked other christians for $$$$$
Siege of Zara - Wikipedia
they denigrated Galileo for having the ''idiocy'' to think the Earth is NOT the center of the universe
..the Catholic priests rape CHILDREN
and you think they are so great???!!!???

Catholics are hardly the only people who serve the Lord
the Jimmys !!!!!!!!!!!!
Jim Swaggart and Jim Bakker !!!!
preaching and preaching and preaching about god and SIN!!!!!!
When the Hahn scandal was leaked, other televangelists were outraged. Jimmy Swaggart, in particular, went out of his way to condemn Bakker
......the perfect example of a jackass hypocrite--he condemned Bakker---then did the SAME thing!!!
Swaggart Plans to Step Down
May I just add that the Politically opposed groups ferociously, still will recognize a Divine Miracle in the Virgin Birth? In one place it does divinely give one woman to tell her "blessed among women" which catholics like , but then Jesus did not come when she called "Who are my mother brother and sisters, these believers" . That's not even a command to the followers, just hey I'm God, she isn't. How'd Catholics end up with Jesus being 6th on the Italian prayer list? its true.

Catholics are the original Christians...all others are Johnny come latelys. Even Islam was 600 years late to the party

True story
they TORTURED people
they pillaged/stole from other christians --attacked other christians for $$$$$
Siege of Zara - Wikipedia
they denigrated Galileo for having the ''idiocy'' to think the Earth is NOT the center of the universe
..the Catholic priests rape CHILDREN
and you think they are so great???!!!???

Public educators rape children at a higher percentage.....fact
priests all over the US raping CHILDREN
AND--the catholic hierarchy tried/tries to cover it up--which is just as bad!!!

Even if your exaggeration was true, that wouldn't disprove the existence of God
I don't need to disprove what can't be proved
Simply stating there is no God won't work either.

God is coy, you cant prove he exists and we can't he doesn' comes to mind
no---if you claim something--you have to prove it--or it is bullshit
like when they charge a criminal--it needs to be proved
I can claim crap all day:
ducks fly on the moon
the Eiffel Tower moved 10 feet
Well then you CLAIM there is NO GOD, prove it.
again--as I've stated a million times--that is a very dumb/immature/ridiculous reply
--you people make the INITIAL claim--YOU have to prove it
OBVIOUSLY I could not say ''there is no god'' BEFORE you say ''there is a god'' if I said ''ducks are on the moon'', you would automatically believe it like the idiots believed Jim Jones and drank the Kool Aid...???!!

Don't demand proof if you can't provide proof. It's simple
you people claim there is a god--now prove it or it's bullshit

What evidence will you accept?
You have a lot of time on your hands ... the goats pretty much take care of themselves.

Unless some Muzzie is sexually abusing them...want a vid taken by a US military drone?

Two things you should never share with strangers ... your religious opinions and your porn.

Not my porn idiot. Hmmm a muzzie lover perhaps?

And I'll defend my God 24/7 if you dont like it go elsewhere

You defend your faith by demeaning the faith of others? Are you unfamiliar with the concept of defense?

Or do you believe a good defense is being offensive?

I'm on the offense. If you don't believe that's you. I don't care but I'll pray for you.

You need it

What is the point of prayer if you don't care?
no---if you claim something--you have to prove it--or it is bullshit
like when they charge a criminal--it needs to be proved
I can claim crap all day:
ducks fly on the moon
the Eiffel Tower moved 10 feet
Well then you CLAIM there is NO GOD, prove it.
again--as I've stated a million times--that is a very dumb/immature/ridiculous reply
--you people make the INITIAL claim--YOU have to prove it
OBVIOUSLY I could not say ''there is no god'' BEFORE you say ''there is a god'' if I said ''ducks are on the moon'', you would automatically believe it like the idiots believed Jim Jones and drank the Kool Aid...???!!

Don't demand proof if you can't provide proof. It's simple
you people claim there is a god--now prove it or it's bullshit
I already know God exists through prayer and faith. I don't need to prove anything to you. You claim there is no god, you need to prove to ME that is true since I know he exists.

By the mouth of or three witnesses shall every word be established.

We have two witnesses here that God exists. What proof does anyone have to the contrary?
Tarō Asō - Wikipedia I deleted my post. Now I must bring it back for Taro Aso. Taro Aso shines the light of Japan as 2009 Prime Minister and Finance Chair! hooray! Hail unintelligently this Catholic Man! Taro Aso! Mary is the Mother of God when Taro Aso is here! Taro Aso. Everybody who blames was wrong , Taro Aso has no sin. Taro Aso is Chuck Norris. Taro Aso serves the people.
Well then you CLAIM there is NO GOD, prove it.
again--as I've stated a million times--that is a very dumb/immature/ridiculous reply
--you people make the INITIAL claim--YOU have to prove it
OBVIOUSLY I could not say ''there is no god'' BEFORE you say ''there is a god'' if I said ''ducks are on the moon'', you would automatically believe it like the idiots believed Jim Jones and drank the Kool Aid...???!!

Don't demand proof if you can't provide proof. It's simple
you people claim there is a god--now prove it or it's bullshit
I already know God exists through prayer and faith. I don't need to prove anything to you. You claim there is no god, you need to prove to ME that is true since I know he exists.

By the mouth of or three witnesses shall every word be established.

We have two witnesses here that God exists. What proof does anyone have to the contrary?
and we have people that believe in aliens
believe Jim Jones/hitler/Pol Pot/etc
and there are no people that ''don't believe'' ...??
how about the MILLIONS that believe Allah is ''god''......?? NOT jesus

WRONG ---you just posted crap!! ''''' WITNESSES'''' -----WRONG
no one witnessed anything
  1. 1.
    a person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident, take place.
    "police are appealing for witnesses to the accident"
    synonyms: observer, onlooker, looker-on, eyewitness, spectator, viewer, watcher; More

  2. 2.
    evidence; proof.
Well then you CLAIM there is NO GOD, prove it.
again--as I've stated a million times--that is a very dumb/immature/ridiculous reply
--you people make the INITIAL claim--YOU have to prove it
OBVIOUSLY I could not say ''there is no god'' BEFORE you say ''there is a god'' if I said ''ducks are on the moon'', you would automatically believe it like the idiots believed Jim Jones and drank the Kool Aid...???!!

Don't demand proof if you can't provide proof. It's simple
you people claim there is a god--now prove it or it's bullshit
I already know God exists through prayer and faith. I don't need to prove anything to you. You claim there is no god, you need to prove to ME that is true since I know he exists.

By the mouth of or three witnesses shall every word be established.

We have two witnesses here that God exists. What proof does anyone have to the contrary?
very--very -WEAK ........almost laughable
It's not wise, nor is it particularly civilized, to mess with the deeply held religious convictions of others.

What others believe in these matters is their own personal beliefs and it's rude and pretentious to attempt to belittle their beliefs.
The fact only Jews and Christians get mocked by the demons simply validates its the one true God.

I've even heard people say one or two disparaging things about Muslims as well.

I think the Buddhists are pretty safe.
Our world is pretty screwed up due to Islam. Buddhist Hindu Mormon Scientology etc can all be debated but never are because they are false religions.

How would you know if they are false if youve never investigated or debated them?

You realize that members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are the only ones that ever had a government extermination order against them in the united states. You could legally kill us in Missouri till the late 20th century
Well then you CLAIM there is NO GOD, prove it.
again--as I've stated a million times--that is a very dumb/immature/ridiculous reply
--you people make the INITIAL claim--YOU have to prove it
OBVIOUSLY I could not say ''there is no god'' BEFORE you say ''there is a god'' if I said ''ducks are on the moon'', you would automatically believe it like the idiots believed Jim Jones and drank the Kool Aid...???!!

Don't demand proof if you can't provide proof. It's simple
you people claim there is a god--now prove it or it's bullshit
I already know God exists through prayer and faith. I don't need to prove anything to you. You claim there is no god, you need to prove to ME that is true since I know he exists.
I know that no one has seen/etc ''god'''
I believe ducks fly on the need to prove to ME that is true since I know they exists.
Well then you CLAIM there is NO GOD, prove it.
again--as I've stated a million times--that is a very dumb/immature/ridiculous reply
--you people make the INITIAL claim--YOU have to prove it
OBVIOUSLY I could not say ''there is no god'' BEFORE you say ''there is a god'' if I said ''ducks are on the moon'', you would automatically believe it like the idiots believed Jim Jones and drank the Kool Aid...???!!

Don't demand proof if you can't provide proof. It's simple
you people claim there is a god--now prove it or it's bullshit
I already know God exists through prayer and faith. I don't need to prove anything to you. You claim there is no god, you need to prove to ME that is true since I know he exists.
you just admitted there is no proof for god--Freudian slip there
silly silly silly--no one has seen/heard/etc god --etc
you people can babble all day--still no god
you have faith and believe--that's it

  1. 1.
    complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
    "this restores one's faith in politicians"
    synonyms: trust, belief, confidence, conviction, credence, reliance, dependence; More

  2. 2.
    strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
rather than proof
just like Smollet/etc = when something is bullshit, the truth will come out

How do you know that no one has seen God?
again--as I've stated a million times--that is a very dumb/immature/ridiculous reply
--you people make the INITIAL claim--YOU have to prove it
OBVIOUSLY I could not say ''there is no god'' BEFORE you say ''there is a god'' if I said ''ducks are on the moon'', you would automatically believe it like the idiots believed Jim Jones and drank the Kool Aid...???!!

Don't demand proof if you can't provide proof. It's simple
you people claim there is a god--now prove it or it's bullshit
I already know God exists through prayer and faith. I don't need to prove anything to you. You claim there is no god, you need to prove to ME that is true since I know he exists.
I know that no one has seen/etc ''god'''
I believe ducks fly on the need to prove to ME that is true since I know they exists.
again--as I've stated a million times--that is a very dumb/immature/ridiculous reply
--you people make the INITIAL claim--YOU have to prove it
OBVIOUSLY I could not say ''there is no god'' BEFORE you say ''there is a god'' if I said ''ducks are on the moon'', you would automatically believe it like the idiots believed Jim Jones and drank the Kool Aid...???!!

Don't demand proof if you can't provide proof. It's simple
you people claim there is a god--now prove it or it's bullshit
I already know God exists through prayer and faith. I don't need to prove anything to you. You claim there is no god, you need to prove to ME that is true since I know he exists.
you just admitted there is no proof for god--Freudian slip there
silly silly silly--no one has seen/heard/etc god --etc
you people can babble all day--still no god
you have faith and believe--that's it

  1. 1.
    complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
    "this restores one's faith in politicians"
    synonyms: trust, belief, confidence, conviction, credence, reliance, dependence; More

  2. 2.
    strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
rather than proof
just like Smollet/etc = when something is bullshit, the truth will come out

How do you know that no one has seen God?
because there is no proof
May I just add that the Politically opposed groups ferociously, still will recognize a Divine Miracle in the Virgin Birth? In one place it does divinely give one woman to tell her "blessed among women" which catholics like , but then Jesus did not come when she called "Who are my mother brother and sisters, these believers" . That's not even a command to the followers, just hey I'm God, she isn't. How'd Catholics end up with Jesus being 6th on the Italian prayer list? its true.

Catholics are the original Christians...all others are Johnny come latelys. Even Islam was 600 years late to the party

True story
they TORTURED people
they pillaged/stole from other christians --attacked other christians for $$$$$
Siege of Zara - Wikipedia
they denigrated Galileo for having the ''idiocy'' to think the Earth is NOT the center of the universe
..the Catholic priests rape CHILDREN
and you think they are so great???!!!???

Catholics are hardly the only people who serve the Lord
o--the other christians don't '''sin''??!!! don't murder/rape/etc?

May I just add that the Politically opposed groups ferociously, still will recognize a Divine Miracle in the Virgin Birth? In one place it does divinely give one woman to tell her "blessed among women" which catholics like , but then Jesus did not come when she called "Who are my mother brother and sisters, these believers" . That's not even a command to the followers, just hey I'm God, she isn't. How'd Catholics end up with Jesus being 6th on the Italian prayer list? its true.

Catholics are the original Christians...all others are Johnny come latelys. Even Islam was 600 years late to the party

True story
they TORTURED people
they pillaged/stole from other christians --attacked other christians for $$$$$
Siege of Zara - Wikipedia
they denigrated Galileo for having the ''idiocy'' to think the Earth is NOT the center of the universe
..the Catholic priests rape CHILDREN
and you think they are so great???!!!???

Catholics are hardly the only people who serve the Lord
o--the other christians don't '''sin''??!!! don't murder/rape/etc?

Weren't you just arguing that people arent doing anything wrong when they do what is natural? Those sins are natural. So according to you how can Christisnity be wrong if some Christians do what is natural?

If I as an American citizen dont pay my taxes woukd that prove the federal government doesnt exist? Your argument is absurd on the merits and its completely disingenuous since you dont believe any of those sins are wrong to begin with
Well then you CLAIM there is NO GOD, prove it.
again--as I've stated a million times--that is a very dumb/immature/ridiculous reply
--you people make the INITIAL claim--YOU have to prove it
OBVIOUSLY I could not say ''there is no god'' BEFORE you say ''there is a god'' if I said ''ducks are on the moon'', you would automatically believe it like the idiots believed Jim Jones and drank the Kool Aid...???!!

Don't demand proof if you can't provide proof. It's simple
you people claim there is a god--now prove it or it's bullshit
I already know God exists through prayer and faith. I don't need to prove anything to you. You claim there is no god, you need to prove to ME that is true since I know he exists.

By the mouth of or three witnesses shall every word be established.

We have two witnesses here that God exists. What proof does anyone have to the contrary?

I've witnessed His work and answers of prayer that cannot be explained

He exists

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