Mary is not the mother of God

Catholics are the original Christians...all others are Johnny come latelys. Even Islam was 600 years late to the party

True story
they TORTURED people
they pillaged/stole from other christians --attacked other christians for $$$$$
Siege of Zara - Wikipedia
they denigrated Galileo for having the ''idiocy'' to think the Earth is NOT the center of the universe
..the Catholic priests rape CHILDREN
and you think they are so great???!!!???

Public educators rape children at a higher percentage.....fact
priests all over the US raping CHILDREN
AND--the catholic hierarchy tried/tries to cover it up--which is just as bad!!!

Even if your exaggeration was true, that wouldn't disprove the existence of God
I don't need to disprove what can't be proved

You say that but it hasnt stopped you from making that ridiculous argument that Christians sinning somehow disproves God.

Meanwhile you have the witness of me and others telling you we know there is a God from our experiences. You have the scriptures. You have all of creation

Its easy to know there is a God. You just have to experience Him. You obtain a personal testimony.

It's impossible to know there isnt a God. If it was somehow true you would have to be every where at every time to know, in other words you would have to be God
again--as I've stated a million times--that is a very dumb/immature/ridiculous reply
--you people make the INITIAL claim--YOU have to prove it
OBVIOUSLY I could not say ''there is no god'' BEFORE you say ''there is a god'' if I said ''ducks are on the moon'', you would automatically believe it like the idiots believed Jim Jones and drank the Kool Aid...???!!

Don't demand proof if you can't provide proof. It's simple
you people claim there is a god--now prove it or it's bullshit
I already know God exists through prayer and faith. I don't need to prove anything to you. You claim there is no god, you need to prove to ME that is true since I know he exists.

By the mouth of or three witnesses shall every word be established.

We have two witnesses here that God exists. What proof does anyone have to the contrary?
and we have people that believe in aliens
believe Jim Jones/hitler/Pol Pot/etc
and there are no people that ''don't believe'' ...??
how about the MILLIONS that believe Allah is ''god''......?? NOT jesus

WRONG ---you just posted crap!! ''''' WITNESSES'''' -----WRONG
no one witnessed anything
  1. 1.
    a person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident, take place.
    "police are appealing for witnesses to the accident"
    synonyms: observer, onlooker, looker-on, eyewitness, spectator, viewer, watcher; More
  2. 2.
    evidence; proof.

You can disbelieve our witnesses but you cant deny thst we are witnesses.

What will you accept as proof?
Don't demand proof if you can't provide proof. It's simple
you people claim there is a god--now prove it or it's bullshit
I already know God exists through prayer and faith. I don't need to prove anything to you. You claim there is no god, you need to prove to ME that is true since I know he exists.
I know that no one has seen/etc ''god'''
I believe ducks fly on the need to prove to ME that is true since I know they exists.
Don't demand proof if you can't provide proof. It's simple
you people claim there is a god--now prove it or it's bullshit
I already know God exists through prayer and faith. I don't need to prove anything to you. You claim there is no god, you need to prove to ME that is true since I know he exists.
you just admitted there is no proof for god--Freudian slip there
silly silly silly--no one has seen/heard/etc god --etc
you people can babble all day--still no god
you have faith and believe--that's it

  1. 1.
    complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
    "this restores one's faith in politicians"
    synonyms: trust, belief, confidence, conviction, credence, reliance, dependence; More

  2. 2.
    strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
rather than proof
just like Smollet/etc = when something is bullshit, the truth will come out

How do you know that no one has seen God?
because there is no proof

Any witness is proof
If there IS a God then how can Koreans kick you out of his house to do crazy Facebook Stuff? No. Yees! No. Yeees! no-yes ok bye. aid1039768-v4-728px-Strike-by-Hand-Blade-(Sonnal-Chigi)-in-Taekwondo-Step-16Bullet1[1].jpg (legal segregation)
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And as many as are not stiffnecked and have faith, have communion with the Holy Spirit, which maketh manifest unto the children of men, according to their faith. —Jarom 1:4
the history of the desert religions proves your statement disingenuous at best and for the false religion of christianity their persecution and victimization of the innocent has been uninterrupted from the 4th century to the present day.

when the crucifiers are brought to justice will be the last day for the purveyors of the false christian bible and their duplicitous myths. and for the others, the original spoken religion of antiquity will surly be fulfilled with their demise as well.

You have no idea how burning witches at the stake came to be. Why don't you focus on the new Satanic Temple who has cropped up in Salem and around the world. They're a bunch of atheists, gays, libs and communists who think promoting Baphomet is the way to go.
You have no idea how burning witches at the stake came to be. Why don't you focus on the new Satanic Temple who has cropped up in Salem and around the world. They're a bunch of atheists, gays, libs and communists who think promoting Baphomet is the way to go.

You have no idea how burning witches at the stake came to be ...

why don't you fill us in, christian -


they were not all burned to death, they were though all convicted by christians using their false 4th century bible as their guide.

They're a bunch of atheists, gays, libs and communists who think promoting Baphomet is the way to go.

free time out of your padded cell today, bond - they at least do not portray themselves falsely as your claim the christian bible reflects the true events of 1st century. and everyone is a sinner.
You say that but it hasnt stopped you from making that ridiculous argument that Christians sinning somehow disproves God.

... that ridiculous argument that Christians sinning somehow disproves God.

the religion of antiquity says otherwise, the disapproval by the Almighty that is. sinning that would preclude you from ever being in their presence to prove they exist.
you people claim there is a god--now prove it or it's bullshit
I already know God exists through prayer and faith. I don't need to prove anything to you. You claim there is no god, you need to prove to ME that is true since I know he exists.
I know that no one has seen/etc ''god'''
I believe ducks fly on the need to prove to ME that is true since I know they exists.
you people claim there is a god--now prove it or it's bullshit
I already know God exists through prayer and faith. I don't need to prove anything to you. You claim there is no god, you need to prove to ME that is true since I know he exists.
you just admitted there is no proof for god--Freudian slip there
silly silly silly--no one has seen/heard/etc god --etc
you people can babble all day--still no god
you have faith and believe--that's it

  1. 1.
    complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
    "this restores one's faith in politicians"
    synonyms: trust, belief, confidence, conviction, credence, reliance, dependence; More

  2. 2.
    strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
rather than proof
just like Smollet/etc = when something is bullshit, the truth will come out

How do you know that no one has seen God?
because there is no proof

Any witness is proof
proof of what??!!
they SAW god....??!!
what did they witness?
Don't demand proof if you can't provide proof. It's simple
you people claim there is a god--now prove it or it's bullshit
I already know God exists through prayer and faith. I don't need to prove anything to you. You claim there is no god, you need to prove to ME that is true since I know he exists.

By the mouth of or three witnesses shall every word be established.

We have two witnesses here that God exists. What proof does anyone have to the contrary?
and we have people that believe in aliens
believe Jim Jones/hitler/Pol Pot/etc
and there are no people that ''don't believe'' ...??
how about the MILLIONS that believe Allah is ''god''......?? NOT jesus

WRONG ---you just posted crap!! ''''' WITNESSES'''' -----WRONG
no one witnessed anything
  1. 1.
    a person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident, take place.
    "police are appealing for witnesses to the accident"
    synonyms: observer, onlooker, looker-on, eyewitness, spectator, viewer, watcher; More
  2. 2.
    evidence; proof.

You can disbelieve our witnesses but you cant deny thst we are witnesses.

What will you accept as proof?
....certainly not you people SAYING there is a god.....saying you BELIEVE there is a god
that is so ridiculous that it's funny
you people claim there is a god--now prove it or it's bullshit
I already know God exists through prayer and faith. I don't need to prove anything to you. You claim there is no god, you need to prove to ME that is true since I know he exists.

By the mouth of or three witnesses shall every word be established.

We have two witnesses here that God exists. What proof does anyone have to the contrary?
and we have people that believe in aliens
believe Jim Jones/hitler/Pol Pot/etc
and there are no people that ''don't believe'' ...??
how about the MILLIONS that believe Allah is ''god''......?? NOT jesus

WRONG ---you just posted crap!! ''''' WITNESSES'''' -----WRONG
no one witnessed anything
  1. 1.
    a person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident, take place.
    "police are appealing for witnesses to the accident"
    synonyms: observer, onlooker, looker-on, eyewitness, spectator, viewer, watcher; More
  2. 2.
    evidence; proof.

You can disbelieve our witnesses but you cant deny thst we are witnesses.

What will you accept as proof?
....certainly not you people SAYING there is a god.....saying you BELIEVE there is a god
that is so ridiculous that it's funny

We are witnesses of a real God working in our lives and the lives of others.

But what evidence do you want?
the history of the desert religions proves your statement disingenuous at best and for the false religion of christianity their persecution and victimization of the innocent has been uninterrupted from the 4th century to the present day.

when the crucifiers are brought to justice will be the last day for the purveyors of the false christian bible and their duplicitous myths. and for the others, the original spoken religion of antiquity will surly be fulfilled with their demise as well.

You have no idea how burning witches at the stake came to be. Why don't you focus on the new Satanic Temple who has cropped up in Salem and around the world. They're a bunch of atheists, gays, libs and communists who think promoting Baphomet is the way to go.
You have no idea how burning witches at the stake came to be. Why don't you focus on the new Satanic Temple who has cropped up in Salem and around the world. They're a bunch of atheists, gays, libs and communists who think promoting Baphomet is the way to go.

You have no idea how burning witches at the stake came to be ...

why don't you fill us in, christian -


they were not all burned to death, they were though all convicted by christians using their false 4th century bible as their guide.

They're a bunch of atheists, gays, libs and communists who think promoting Baphomet is the way to go.

free time out of your padded cell today, bond - they at least do not portray themselves falsely as your claim the christian bible reflects the true events of 1st century. and everyone is a sinner.

My point was you have no idea and I was right. Yet, you make judgments against Christians based on ignorance and stupidity. Even if I were to tell you, you would not accept it as once you made judgments against Christians, then there can be no other explanation or truth. Witness, you do not accept the Bible and God's word. So, does it matter how they died and whether the truth is presented to you? They were hung, but your perfect spirit will be destined elsewhere.

As for TST, they're probably some of your fellow asylum mates. Why don't you tell us how you and they are any different narcissistic one?
the history of the desert religions proves your statement disingenuous at best and for the false religion of christianity their persecution and victimization of the innocent has been uninterrupted from the 4th century to the present day.

when the crucifiers are brought to justice will be the last day for the purveyors of the false christian bible and their duplicitous myths. and for the others, the original spoken religion of antiquity will surly be fulfilled with their demise as well.

You have no idea how burning witches at the stake came to be. Why don't you focus on the new Satanic Temple who has cropped up in Salem and around the world. They're a bunch of atheists, gays, libs and communists who think promoting Baphomet is the way to go.
You have no idea how burning witches at the stake came to be. Why don't you focus on the new Satanic Temple who has cropped up in Salem and around the world. They're a bunch of atheists, gays, libs and communists who think promoting Baphomet is the way to go.

You have no idea how burning witches at the stake came to be ...

why don't you fill us in, christian -


they were not all burned to death, they were though all convicted by christians using their false 4th century bible as their guide.

They're a bunch of atheists, gays, libs and communists who think promoting Baphomet is the way to go.

free time out of your padded cell today, bond - they at least do not portray themselves falsely as your claim the christian bible reflects the true events of 1st century. and everyone is a sinner.

My point was you have no idea and I was right. Yet, you make judgments against Christians based on ignorance and stupidity. Even if I were to tell you, you would not accept it as once you made judgments against Christians, then there can be no other explanation or truth. Witness, you do not accept the Bible and God's word. So, does it matter how they died and whether the truth is presented to you? They were hung, but your perfect spirit will be destined elsewhere.

As for TST, they're probably some of your fellow asylum mates. Why don't you tell us how you and they are any different narcissistic one?
My point was you have no idea and I was right. Yet, you make judgments against Christians based on ignorance and stupidity. Even if I were to tell you, you would not accept it as once you made judgments against Christians, then there can be no other explanation or truth. Witness, you do not accept the Bible and God's word. So, does it matter how they died and whether the truth is presented to you? They were hung, but your perfect spirit will be destined elsewhere.

Yet, you make judgments against Christians based on ignorance and stupidity ...

it is you who refuses to engage the subject matter in light of the historical record -

"Christianity in the 4th century was dominated in its early stage by Constantine the great and the First Council of Nicaea of 325, which was the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787), and in its late stage by the Edict of Thessalonica of 380, which made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire".
christianity does not reflect the true events of the 1st century but is a sterilized political version purposely disguised as a religion for ulterior, self serving motivations - it is you that does not adequately defend the truth of your "religion" in lite of the historical record.

Even if I were to tell you, you would not accept it as once you made judgments against Christians, then there can be no other explanation or truth.

there is not a time since the 4th century christianity has not been at the forefront of persecution and victimization of the innocent from that time to the present day. provide your evidence contrary to the historical record such as south america and the christian involvement throughout the period of colonization.

Witness, you do not accept the Bible and God's word ...

the christian bible is a forgery misrepresenting the 1st century for political gain, the prescribed religion of antiquity by the Almighty - The Triumph of Good vs Evil - is all there is. in summation to the original religion the christian bible is itself evil, the goal being to free one's spirit by becoming sinless the goal of the 1st century contrary to the 4th century christian bible.

- and whether the truth is presented to you?

why don't you fill us in, christian -

that was what I first requested, your post presents nothing factual but your own misguided, irrational and selfserving conclusions.

it is you who refuses to engage the subject matter in light of the historical record -

christianity does not reflect the true events of the 1st century but is a sterilized political version purposely disguised as a religion for ulterior, self serving motivations - it is you that does not adequately defend the truth of your "religion" in lite of the historical record.

there is not a time since the 4th century christianity has not been at the forefront of persecution and victimization of the innocent from that time to the present day. provide your evidence contrary to the historical record such as south america and the christian involvement throughout the period of colonization.

the christian bible is a forgery misrepresenting the 1st century for political gain, the prescribed religion of antiquity by the Almighty - The Triumph of Good vs Evil - is all there is. in summation to the original religion the christian bible is itself evil, the goal being to free one's spirit by becoming sinless the goal of the 1st century contrary to the 4th century christian bible.

that was what I first requested, your post presents nothing factual but your own misguided, irrational and selfserving conclusions.

I was easily able to predict your response. Thus, you missed another chance to discover how young women were unfairly put to death in Salem. Now, we have the delusional and socially repugnant antics of the TST who gleefully promote Baphomet in the name of atheists, liberals, gays and more everywhere. Why is it that the leftists are not satisfied unless they have something to beotch about. In your case, it's the Christians, Bible and God. It's part of your narcissiism. For years, you have been ignorant of the Christians, Bible and God and once more you misunderstand what happened in Salem even though I agreed with you. Again, this is your narcissism and its expression.
it is you who refuses to engage the subject matter in light of the historical record -

christianity does not reflect the true events of the 1st century but is a sterilized political version purposely disguised as a religion for ulterior, self serving motivations - it is you that does not adequately defend the truth of your "religion" in lite of the historical record.

there is not a time since the 4th century christianity has not been at the forefront of persecution and victimization of the innocent from that time to the present day. provide your evidence contrary to the historical record such as south america and the christian involvement throughout the period of colonization.

the christian bible is a forgery misrepresenting the 1st century for political gain, the prescribed religion of antiquity by the Almighty - The Triumph of Good vs Evil - is all there is. in summation to the original religion the christian bible is itself evil, the goal being to free one's spirit by becoming sinless the goal of the 1st century contrary to the 4th century christian bible.

that was what I first requested, your post presents nothing factual but your own misguided, irrational and selfserving conclusions.

I was easily able to predict your response. Thus, you missed another chance to discover how young women were unfairly put to death in Salem. Now, we have the delusional and socially repugnant antics of the TST who gleefully promote Baphomet in the name of atheists, liberals, gays and more everywhere. Why is it that the leftists are not satisfied unless they have something to beotch about. In your case, it's the Christians, Bible and God. It's part of your narcissiism. For years, you have been ignorant of the Christians, Bible and God and once more you misunderstand what happened in Salem even though I agreed with you. Again, this is your narcissism and its expression.
Thus, you missed another chance to discover how young women were unfairly put to death in Salem.

by who's judgement ...

you can not rewrite history, bond you can write correctly your christian bible as you incorrectly wrote it in the 4th century to make your beliefs a true religion however there is only one religion prescribed by the Almighty only six words long. the true reflection of the 1st century christianity abandoned in the 4th.
Again, this is your narcissism and its expression.

- bond, you are a joke ...

it is my allegiance to the religion of antiquity to free ones spirit as prescribed by the Almighty for admission to the Everlasting - the triumph of good vs evil - nothing more than that bond - no I do not need the christian jesus nor did they die for anyone's sins or for them to gain entry without as a freed spirit through their own triumph.

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by who's judgement ...

you can not rewrite history, bond you can write correctly your christian bible as you incorrectly wrote it in the 4th century to make your beliefs a true religion however there is only one religion prescribed by the Almighty only six words long. the true reflection of the 1st century christianity abandoned in the 4th.

Before we get into this, what is the story behind why these young women and their families were hung? All you did was make a claim and use it against Christians.

it is my allegiance to the religion of antiquity to free ones spirit as prescribed by the Almighty for admission to the Everlasting - the triumph of good vs evil - nothing more than that bond - no I do not need the christian jesus nor did they die for anyone's sins or for them to gain entry without as a freed spirit through their own triumph.

I'm on the side of God and the triumph of good vs evil. You can't just claim that you are on triumphant side based on nothing. You need to provide documentation. God provided his auto-biography. You need to provide testimony and validation that of good vs evil in the Salem witch trials case.
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Before we get into this, what is the story behind why these young women and their families were hung?

there is not a time since the 4th century christianity has not been at the forefront of persecution and victimization of the innocent from that time to the present day. provide your evidence contrary to the historical record such as south America and the christian involvement throughout the period of colonization.

the indictment against christianity is not just a few events but their entire, uninterrupted history from the 4th century to the present day ...

I'm on the side of God and the triumph of good vs evil.

the heart of the christian bible refutes the individuals triumph over evil and is the exact opposite of the true events of the 1st century that was a reaffirmation of the religion of antiquity as prescribed by the Almighty that was physically enforced earlier during the travails of Noah. the spoken religion.
the indictment against christianity is not just a few events but their entire, uninterrupted history from the 4th century to the present day ...

You're just stalling and babbling the same thing over and over. Explain the story of the witches of Salem and why they were hung. Provide a link or two.

the heart of the christian bible refutes the individuals triumph over evil and is the exact opposite of the true events of the 1st century that was a reaffirmation of the religion of antiquity as prescribed by the Almighty that was physically enforced earlier during the travails of Noah. the spoken religion.

Why don't you explain this, too, so people know what you are getting at and how is it related to the witches of Salem lol?
You're just stalling and babbling the same thing over and over. Explain the story of the witches of Salem and why they were hung. Provide a link or two.

there is not a time since the 4th century christianity has not been at the forefront of persecution and victimization of the innocent from that time to the present day. provide your evidence contrary to the historical record such as south America and the christian involvement throughout the period of colonization.

fill us in bond, for either ...
You're just stalling and babbling the same thing over and over. Explain the story of the witches of Salem and why they were hung. Provide a link or two.

there is not a time since the 4th century christianity has not been at the forefront of persecution and victimization of the innocent from that time to the present day. provide your evidence contrary to the historical record such as south America and the christian involvement throughout the period of colonization.

fill us in bond, for either ...

I just did. We are waiting for you to explain the witches of Salem and why they were hung and explain your big beotch.

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