Zone1 Mary Is The Mother Of Jesus Christ, She Isn't Actually Jesus Christ

They pray to her and consider her sinless, what do you call that?
Catholics pray to all sorts of dead people. It's like asking a friend to pray for you, except the friend is dead and in Heaven. They don't worship them, however. I do think that Mary being sinless creates theological problems, but the whole Christian religion is nonsensical anyway.
Catholics don't grasp the concept though. That's the problem.

I had thought of that often before, butto tell you the truth..... it doesnt pay to be hung up on the fact others may be wrong. Its such a large mass of people, you'll never change their minds, only frustrate yourself and waste energy if you tried.
The best take is to simply be happy that they have faith at all in god... when so many others dont. God will probably sort it all out in the end.
Anyways, I've been getting lectured today because even though I respect Mary, I don't worship her and I just really don't get it either.
Catholics do not worship Mary. Catholics are merely accused of worshiping Mary. Catholics worship God alone.
I even refuse to call her the mother of God.
Then you do not know the history of that line. It came about because of heresies asserting Jesus was not God--that he could not have been because Mary is his mother. This was a push back stating Jesus is God. If one keeps in mind Jesus has two natures, the divine and human, it falls into place. The line was fighting back against heresy, a statement of belief in the divinity of Jesus despite his being born of a woman.
Catholics don't grasp the concept though. That's the problem.
You have that reversed. Having forgotten or never learning the history, it is non-Catholics who don't grasp the concept.
How is refusing to worship her disrespecting her?
As far as I know, no one--especially not Catholics--worship Mary. We do honor her.
Because they're trying to preach to me that I should be worshipping Mary and it's not biblical.
No. Catholic teaching is that God alone is to be worshiped. Any Catholic telling you to worship Mary is off base. The Catholic faith teaches us to honor Mary. Worship is reserved for God alone.
Mary was not free from sin. All humans sin. If she were free from sin then that means it would possible for us to live life free from sin and thus we wouldn’t need Jesus to have died on the cross for our redemption. Mary being free from sin would blow up the entire Christian religion.
Scripture teaches Mary was filled with grace, meaning without sin. This was the angel's greeting. After hearing this Mary sang, saying she rejoiced in God her savior.
Because it's breaking the commandments of not having any other gods before the one true God and not to bow down to any graven images.
Mary is not divine, so not "any other god". Whoever is washing your brain, tell them to be gone. And then learn actual Catholic teaching.
How so? It was written in perfectly good English.

It doesn't mean that it makes sense though. If I told you that a cat was riding down my street on a bicycle yesterday, that's written in perfectly good English, but it still doesn't make any sense because cats don't do that.

Mary was a rape victim

No she wasn't. She consented to her pregnancy.

Then you do not know the history of that line. It came about because of heresies asserting Jesus was not God--that he could not have been because Mary is his mother. This was a push back stating Jesus is God. If one keeps in mind Jesus has two natures, the divine and human, it falls into place. The line was fighting back against heresy, a statement of belief in the divinity of Jesus despite his being born of a woman.

I never said that Jesus wasn't God, I said that God the spirit doesn't have a mother (or father) because He has always existed and nobody created Him.

Any Catholic telling you to worship Mary is off base.

Well you can't blame me if that's what they've been telling me.

Catholics call it her being--along with all Christians--a fellow member of the Body of Christ.

Interesting, but I still think that we're only supposed to pray to God alone though.
I never said that Jesus wasn't God, I said that God the spirit doesn't have a mother (or father) because He has always existed and nobody created Him.
Exactly! However, next we come to the Word of God, divine, that took on human nature as well. Those who believe the Word, Jesus, is one with God, who is God, but yet in his human nature was born of a woman. Did being born of a woman make the Word of God, make Jesus, less divine? No. As I noted before, at one time was the heresy that Jesus was not divine, was not God based on the fact Jesus was born of a woman. Yet...Can a mortal human take/remove divinity from God?

For those of the Jewish faith who do not believe in the divinity of Jesus--that he was human only--not a problem. However, for Christians, the belief Jesus was only man is heresy. Jesus remains God despite being born of a woman, hence the mother of God. It does not mean that Mary existed before God--it is quite obvious that she did not.

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