Mary Trump Is Lying

In her book, she claimed that Donald had a man named Joe Shapiro take his SATs for him so he could get into Wharton School of Finance. Shapiro's widow says Trump and her husband did not meet until after he got into Wharton.

It's all right here:

Listening to Trump talk, do you think this guy could pass the SAT?
In her book, she claimed that Donald had a man named Joe Shapiro take his SATs for him so he could get into Wharton School of Finance. Shapiro's widow says Trump and her husband did not meet until after he got into Wharton.

It's all right here:

Listening to Trump talk, do you think this guy could pass the SAT?
Speaking ability has nothing to do with the ability to take written tests. GW Bush had an MBA and he could not speak, either.
In her book, she claimed that Donald had a man named Joe Shapiro take his SATs for him so he could get into Wharton School of Finance. Shapiro's widow says Trump and her husband did not meet until after he got into Wharton.

It's all right here:

Listening to Trump talk, do you think this guy could pass the SAT?
Trump has a limited vocabulary and no discernible math skills.
I doubt he could break 1000 on the SATs
In her book, she claimed that Donald had a man named Joe Shapiro take his SATs for him so he could get into Wharton School of Finance. Shapiro's widow says Trump and her husband did not meet until after he got into Wharton.

It's all right here:

Listening to Trump talk, do you think this guy could pass the SAT?
Trump has a limited vocabulary and no discernible math skills.
I doubt he could break 1000 on the SATs
When did you give him a math test????? When did you test his vocabulary?
You are totally full of crap.
In her book, she claimed that Donald had a man named Joe Shapiro take his SATs for him so he could get into Wharton School of Finance. Shapiro's widow says Trump and her husband did not meet until after he got into Wharton.

It's all right here:

Donald Trump's Niece, Mary, Alleges He Got Joe Shapiro to Take the SAT for Him

Oboy. An actual member of the family, or "distractify dot com". What a tough choice.
TRANSLATION: You have no evidence
In her book, she claimed that Donald had a man named Joe Shapiro take his SATs for him so he could get into Wharton School of Finance. Shapiro's widow says Trump and her husband did not meet until after he got into Wharton.

It's all right here:

Listening to Trump talk, do you think this guy could pass the SAT?
Trump has a limited vocabulary and no discernible math skills.
I doubt he could break 1000 on the SATs
When did you give him a math test????? When did you test his vocabulary?
You are totally full of crap.

SAT takes some complex math skills. Trump has yet to demonstrate anything above arithmetic.
He can’t understand basic things like vote counts.
In her book, she claimed that Donald had a man named Joe Shapiro take his SATs for him so he could get into Wharton School of Finance. Shapiro's widow says Trump and her husband did not meet until after he got into Wharton.

It's all right here:

Listening to Trump talk, do you think this guy could pass the SAT?
Trump has a limited vocabulary and no discernible math skills.
I doubt he could break 1000 on the SATs
When did you give him a math test????? When did you test his vocabulary?
You are totally full of crap.

SAT takes some complex math skills. Trump has yet to demonstrate anything above arithmetic.
He can’t understand basic things like vote counts.

The SAT is the easiest fucking math ever. You think high school algebra and trigonometry are "complex?" LOL. You can ace it with 10th grade math. OMG, you are shameless about those government schools who didn't educate you
In her book, she claimed that Donald had a man named Joe Shapiro take his SATs for him so he could get into Wharton School of Finance. Shapiro's widow says Trump and her husband did not meet until after he got into Wharton.

It's all right here:

Listening to Trump talk, do you think this guy could pass the SAT?
Trump has a limited vocabulary and no discernible math skills.
I doubt he could break 1000 on the SATs
And why is your score the benchmark?
In her book, she claimed that Donald had a man named Joe Shapiro take his SATs for him so he could get into Wharton School of Finance. Shapiro's widow says Trump and her husband did not meet until after he got into Wharton.

It's all right here:

Listening to Trump talk, do you think this guy could pass the SAT?

LOL, Joe college thinks you pass or fail the SAT, LOL.

You are the dumbest, most clueless people. Hilarious.

Just so you know Joe Sixpack for future reference, you just get a score on the SAT. There is no pass/fail.

Better get back to work, Joe. Those orders as Mickey D's aren't going to take themselves. Oh wait, they are on the Internet now, I guess they will ...

Pass the SAT, that's priceless
In her book, she claimed that Donald had a man named Joe Shapiro take his SATs for him so he could get into Wharton School of Finance. Shapiro's widow says Trump and her husband did not meet until after he got into Wharton.

It's all right here:

Donald Trump's Niece, Mary, Alleges He Got Joe Shapiro to Take the SAT for Him

Oboy. An actual member of the family, or "distractify dot com". What a tough choice.
TRANSLATION: You have no evidence

Actually TRANSLATION: "distractify dot com" could sell you a bridge.
In her book, she claimed that Donald had a man named Joe Shapiro take his SATs for him so he could get into Wharton School of Finance. Shapiro's widow says Trump and her husband did not meet until after he got into Wharton.

It's all right here:

Listening to Trump talk, do you think this guy could pass the SAT?
Trump has a limited vocabulary and no discernible math skills.
I doubt he could break 1000 on the SATs
When did you give him a math test????? When did you test his vocabulary?
You are totally full of crap.

SAT takes some complex math skills. Trump has yet to demonstrate anything above arithmetic.
He can’t understand basic things like vote counts.

The SAT is the easiest fucking math ever. You think high school algebra and trigonometry are "complex?" LOL. You can ace it with 10th grade math. OMG, you are shameless about those government schools who didn't educate you

Trump doing algebra and trig?
He can’t even count votes
In her book, she claimed that Donald had a man named Joe Shapiro take his SATs for him so he could get into Wharton School of Finance. Shapiro's widow says Trump and her husband did not meet until after he got into Wharton.

It's all right here:

Listening to Trump talk, do you think this guy could pass the SAT?
Trump has a limited vocabulary and no discernible math skills.
I doubt he could break 1000 on the SATs
When did you give him a math test????? When did you test his vocabulary?
You are totally full of crap.

SAT takes some complex math skills. Trump has yet to demonstrate anything above arithmetic.
He can’t understand basic things like vote counts.

The SAT is the easiest fucking math ever. You think high school algebra and trigonometry are "complex?" LOL. You can ace it with 10th grade math. OMG, you are shameless about those government schools who didn't educate you

Trump doing algebra and trig?
Pigs fly

Trump didn't know basic high school math in high school! I mean gosh, the endless wit from the sewer dwelling simpleton.

And you said it was "complex," government graduate. You thought 10th grade math was "complex." That's hilarious. Sad, but still hilarious. Government schools, the eternal pit of uselessness. They baby sat you until you were 18 and they could kick you out to ask your business's loyal customers if they would like fries with that.

Classic, 10th grade math is "complex" to you. Just so funny
In her book, she claimed that Donald had a man named Joe Shapiro take his SATs for him so he could get into Wharton School of Finance. Shapiro's widow says Trump and her husband did not meet until after he got into Wharton.

It's all right here:

Listening to Trump talk, do you think this guy could pass the SAT?
His old man probably payed for every college entrance and every degree he got. The man is a moron and doesn't speak as well as a 5th grader!
In her book, she claimed that Donald had a man named Joe Shapiro take his SATs for him so he could get into Wharton School of Finance. Shapiro's widow says Trump and her husband did not meet until after he got into Wharton.

It's all right here:

Listening to Trump talk, do you think this guy could pass the SAT?
Bwhahaaa! There are a good percentage of people who have been forced on everything by quotas who match what you typed.
In her book, she claimed that Donald had a man named Joe Shapiro take his SATs for him so he could get into Wharton School of Finance. Shapiro's widow says Trump and her husband did not meet until after he got into Wharton.

It's all right here:

Donald Trump's Niece, Mary, Alleges He Got Joe Shapiro to Take the SAT for Him

Oboy. An actual member of the family, or "distractify dot com". What a tough choice.
THe man in question’s widow or retards like you and coyote? Easy choice idiots.
In her book, she claimed that Donald had a man named Joe Shapiro take his SATs for him so he could get into Wharton School of Finance. Shapiro's widow says Trump and her husband did not meet until after he got into Wharton.

It's all right here:

Listening to Trump talk, do you think this guy could pass the SAT?

Not in a million years.
Remember Trump saying the American revolutionary soldiers secured the airports when we were invaded by Britain?
Rememer when Trump pronounced Yosemite "YO SEM ITE"?
It was actually Trump's sister, Maryanne, who told Mary Trump that Donald paid someone to take his SAT test for him.
I think she named the wrong person.


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