Maryanne Trump Barry discusses Donald

No big deal. Nothing can make Trump look bad at this point. We already know he's a profoundly damaged child.

Even his own family, who knows him best, tell the revealing truth about him (which has long been obvious to thinking people) but his drooling, toothless supporters still think he has been sent by God to save the world.
Yep. His family says it, people who have worked for him say it, people who have been around him say it. We all know it. But the Trumpsters have their arrogant, pugilist white nationalist strongman. Nothing else matters, literally.

So everyone in his family saying they like Donald except one person is summed up as his family not liking him.

The partisanship reeks from you today, just like every other day.

Then you devolve into more of your butt hurt Trump Derangement Syndrome with your white nationalist bull shit.

Free government cheese. It's all worth it to you. Say anything
No big deal. Nothing can make Trump look bad at this point. We already know he's a profoundly damaged child.

Even his own family, who knows him best, tell the revealing truth about him (which has long been obvious to thinking people) but his drooling, toothless supporters still think he has been sent by God to save the world.
Yep. His family says it, people who have worked for him say it, people who have been around him say it. We all know it. But the Trumpsters have their arrogant, pugilist white nationalist strongman. Nothing else matters, literally.

So everyone in his family saying they like Donald except one person is summed up as his family not liking him.

The partisanship reeks from you today, just like every other day.

Then you devolve into more of your butt hurt Trump Derangement Syndrome with your white nationalist bull shit.

Free government cheese. It's all worth it to you. Say anything

So your standard is that if one white nationalist likes Trump then that makes Trump a white nationalist.

And that was your rebuttal to my pointing out your race flaming and partisan hate filled Trump Derangement Syndrome? Really?

So just to be clear, if I can find a tape of a white nationalist that likes Biden, you'll call Biden a white nationalist? Of course you won't, that would be stupid. Yes, very, very stupid. Think about it ...
No big deal. Nothing can make Trump look bad at this point. We already know he's a profoundly damaged child.

Well not everyone can be Beijing Biden or Willie Browns Little Love Muffin, Comrade. You Maoists have only quality candidates. :thup:
No big deal. Nothing can make Trump look bad at this point. We already know he's a profoundly damaged child.

Even his own family, who knows him best, tell the revealing truth about him (which has long been obvious to thinking people) but his drooling, toothless supporters still think he has been sent by God to save the world.
Yep. His family says it, people who have worked for him say it, people who have been around him say it. We all know it. But the Trumpsters have their arrogant, pugilist white nationalist strongman. Nothing else matters, literally.

So everyone in his family saying they like Donald except one person is summed up as his family not liking him.

The partisanship reeks from you today, just like every other day.

Then you devolve into more of your butt hurt Trump Derangement Syndrome with your white nationalist bull shit.

Free government cheese. It's all worth it to you. Say anything

Wow, this is awesome. Her sister knows her brother well, as do all educated people. Lucky for Trump that 40% of Americans are utterly clueless when it comes to either politics or judging someones character, or both.

At 2:55, she says someone else took his college entrance exams.

Orange man bad MOMMY! Lol
Trump’s own father removed Trump as executor his estate because he feared Donald would screw his siblings to pay off his debts. He;p, Trump tried to get his father to change his will to favor him. The dirty secret is that Donald’s family know who Trump truly is. A low life grifter that should be hawking trinkets on 7th Avenue and not living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Well, his dad did give him that $400 million dollar "loan" to help him get started.
Trump’s daddy left him $400,000,000 that is for sure. His father was also afraid that his son was so inept, so greedy and so corrupt that would not be enough for his son.

Whta is hilarious is that these Trumpers who think Trump is such a good businessman don’t realize Trump’s own father thought he was so inept at handling money he was removed as sole executor.

Which Trump managed to turn into Billions....go figure, dumbass.
Lol... If Trump was so rich why won’t he release his tax returns.
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Trump’s own father removed Trump as executor from his estate because he feared Donald would screw his siblings to pay off his debts. Trump also tried to get his father to change his will to favor him. The dirty secret is that Donald’s family knows who Trump truly is. A low life grifter that should be hawking trinkets on 7th Avenue and not living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Wait, you Communists said that Trump only was a success because his father left him the estate.

Did Xi change your mind?

I get that you only spew what Xi tells you, but this is the problem with lying Comrade, often one lie contradicts another lie.
Why do Putin pussies like yourself ignore all evidence that Trump is unfit for Office. Did you hear it from RT news network that it is all a lie? Do your handlers from the KGB tell you to believe that? Did your handlers tell you to post such denials? Maybe it was Kim Jong Un? I know how you totalitarian wannabes love Kim. I bet you have written love letters to Kim like Trump. I bet you even planted your lipstick on the envelope.

All your evidence is hearsay and fiction. Judging by his record, he was an excellent choice, far superior to the drunken shrew who ran against him.
A Kim Jong Un lover calling others Maoists. What a joke..LOL.I bet Uncensored has a poster of Kim on his bed room wall.


How pathetic that you just make shit up.

Now you, you are Xi's little bitch. Everything you post is straight from the PRC.

Is that why your lies contradict, Comrade? You lied that Trump was cut out of the will by his father, but your standing lie is that he only made it because of his father? Which lie is it?
First Lil Kim, I never wrote that Trump was cut out of the will, I wrote he was removed as sole executor of his father’s estate and tried to get his father to change his will.

I am posting a link that backs up my words about Trump being removed as sole executor of his father’s estate. Now, I know you get your marching orders from your handlers at the Kremlin, but try to use some independence of thought. It is not a hard story to comprehend. Of course, given your reading comprehension skills, I don’t have much hope for that you will grasp it.

There are plenty of other stories on this topic.

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Trump’s own father removed Trump as executor his estate because he feared Donald would screw his siblings to pay off his debts. He;p, Trump tried to get his father to change his will to favor him. The dirty secret is that Donald’s family know who Trump truly is. A low life grifter that should be hawking trinkets on 7th Avenue and not living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Well, his dad did give him that $400 million dollar "loan" to help him get started.
Trump’s daddy left him $400,000,000 that is for sure. His father was also afraid that his son was so inept, so greedy and so corrupt that would not be enough for his son.

Whta is hilarious is that these Trumpers who think Trump is such a good businessman don’t realize Trump’s own father thought he was so inept at handling money he was removed as sole executor.

Which Trump managed to turn into Billions....go figure, dumbass.
Lol... If Trump was so rich why won’t he release his tax returns.

Hmmm...because it's none of your fricken business.
Trump’s own father removed Trump as executor his estate because he feared Donald would screw his siblings to pay off his debts. He;p, Trump tried to get his father to change his will to favor him. The dirty secret is that Donald’s family know who Trump truly is. A low life grifter that should be hawking trinkets on 7th Avenue and not living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Well, his dad did give him that $400 million dollar "loan" to help him get started.
Trump’s daddy left him $400,000,000 that is for sure. His father was also afraid that his son was so inept, so greedy and so corrupt that would not be enough for his son.

Whta is hilarious is that these Trumpers who think Trump is such a good businessman don’t realize Trump’s own father thought he was so inept at handling money he was removed as sole executor.

Which Trump managed to turn into Billions....go figure, dumbass.
Lol... If Trump was so rich why won’t he release his tax returns.

Hmmm...because it's none of your fricken business.
It damn sure is my business as a citizen of the United States of America.
How many damn threads do you need for your snark and gossip?

Personally, I could care less.
Trump’s own father removed Trump as executor from his estate because he feared Donald would screw his siblings to pay off his debts. Trump also tried to get his father to change his will to favor him. The dirty secret is that Donald’s family knows who Trump truly is. A low life grifter that should be hawking trinkets on 7th Avenue and not living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Wait, you Communists said that Trump only was a success because his father left him the estate.

Did Xi change your mind?

I get that you only spew what Xi tells you, but this is the problem with lying Comrade, often one lie contradicts another lie.

Why do you neo fascists call everyone a commie?
Trump’s own father removed Trump as executor his estate because he feared Donald would screw his siblings to pay off his debts. He;p, Trump tried to get his father to change his will to favor him. The dirty secret is that Donald’s family know who Trump truly is. A low life grifter that should be hawking trinkets on 7th Avenue and not living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Well, his dad did give him that $400 million dollar "loan" to help him get started.
Trump’s daddy left him $400,000,000 that is for sure. His father was also afraid that his son was so inept, so greedy and so corrupt that would not be enough for his son.

Whta is hilarious is that these Trumpers who think Trump is such a good businessman don’t realize Trump’s own father thought he was so inept at handling money he was removed as sole executor.

Which Trump managed to turn into Billions....go figure, dumbass.
Lol... If Trump was so rich why won’t he release his tax returns.

Hmmm...because it's none of your fricken business.
It damn sure is my business as a citizen of the United States of America.

Sure, let us know when you get a job at H&R Block.
No big deal. Nothing can make Trump look bad at this point. We already know he's a profoundly damaged child.

Well not everyone can be Beijing Biden or Willie Browns Little Love Muffin, Comrade. You Maoists have only quality candidates. :thup:
Yes, anyone who isn't an obedient Trumpster is a communist, that's for sure.
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No big deal. Nothing can make Trump look bad at this point. We already know he's a profoundly damaged child.
With policies that are very good for America

did you know that liberal revisionist historians are beginning to attack FDR who led America through WWII?

I dont know what kind of person FDR was behind the scenes but I know he was a good president

and the same is true for trump

he is shaking up quislings in washington and communists in Beijing by setting America on a path that is good for ordinary voters

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