Mask Nazis are "only following orders"

The leftists believe they can control a virus with paper mask like they can control the climate with carbon credits.
Stupidity at this level is not natural. It must be taught.
Pushing civility and rights I get. It is the craziness that comes with it.
After several run-ins with local mask Nazis in NY, I now fully understand the "I was only following orders" concept.

Some of the mask Nazis I've run into were almost apologetic. For example, after telling me to pull the mask over my nose, an older gentleman in the local hardware store said it was "State law" I didn't get into how religiously he was following the thousands of other "State laws" but told him, "far worse than the virus is how we're treating each other". Other mask Nazis, like the 20 something year old female barista 30 feet from me in Starbucks, also chiding me for the deadly lowered mask, were like Jake Starkey in late October 2016 and itching to don the black leather Hillary Waffen SS uniform and set things right!!! I simply turned around and walked out, never to return to Starbucks. There are no longer any tables or couches at the local Starbucks, I guess they don't really need customers either

Way back in March or April I realized what the American colonists felt like living under an oppressive regime headquartered in a far away land, in this case Albany NY.

Now when they tell me to pull up the mask, I hear the unspoken, "I'm just following orders"
Yes, the guys who used "following orders" defense at Nuremburg were hanged. We should do the same to the mask nazis.

Leave their hanging carcasses to be devoured by crows and insects until the only thing remaining is bleached white bones.

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