Mass shooting: At Least 11 Shot At Gilroy Garlic Festival

An AR 15 is one of the lowest powered rifles on the market.

Every rifle I own is more powerful than an AR 15
Are they as easy to spray fire into a crowd of garlic festival goers? AR 15 is a copy of a weapon developed for WAR. It is designed to kill as quickly and easily as possible.

You don't know what you are talking about.
The AR doesn't fire any faster than any other semi-automatic.
The AR is less powerful than most other semi-automatics.
Of course it allows for more rapid shooting. It is easy to handle. It is a mass shooters dream, which is why it is the preferred rifle. But did he use an AR? Did I read here that he bought an AK47 out of state? What did he use?
The Ar 15 just happens to be one of the most popular rifle frames in the country

There are over 8 million of them in the hands of civilians and 99.9999% of those civilian will never shoot anyone

And no it does not shoot faster than any other semiautomatic rifle

Why is there a call to ban " assault weapons"? Because they are used to kill people

So ban the AR 15 and when another gun is used to kill a few people at a garlic festival what do you do?

You say we have to ban that gun too

etc etc etc

A less powerful weapon would men fewer casualties.

An AR 15 is one of the lowest powered rifles on the market.

Every rifle I own is more powerful than an AR 15
Are they as easy to spray fire into a crowd of garlic festival goers? AR 15 is a copy of a weapon developed for WAR. It is designed to kill as quickly and easily as possible.

All my rifles but 1 are semiautomatic. I'm more of a hand gun person myself. I don't have as much use for rifles as some do so I only have a few but all of them are in a much larger caliber than an Ar 15.

But why don;t you answer my earlier question to you

What other of your guaranteed rights are you willing to give up to stop criminals from committing crimes?
You are looking at this all wrong. As I read it, and many others do as well, the Second Amendment is for keeping the citizenry ready to call up in case of attack. They did not have a standing army and the Founding Fathers did not want one. Even before the Revolutionary War, the local militias were called up to train on a regular basis. All adult males except the very oldest were required to participate and they needed to bring their own weapon.

We now have the largest standing army in the world. The Second Amendment no longer applies. Since it keeps standing in the way of getting rid of the majority of guns in this country, I say ditch it.

If anything its needed even more today. Its purpose is so the government fears the people instead of the people fearing their government. Note the first or second thing any despot does is disarm the populace either before or immediately following eliminating their right to free speech. Hitler did it as did Stalin and all the others right down throughout recorded history.
a Baseball bat is a bat typically used in Baseball.

Am assault rifle of a rifle typically used in military assaults.

An Asaault type rifle is a rifle that resembles an assault rifle.

A Maga hat is a hat worn by dumbasses.

Tell me, tard - which of the following is an "assault rifle"?

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View attachment 271778
So, we can't talk abouyt assault type weapons without more of this bullshit.

Answer the question - which one is the assault rifle?

What are the models?

The top is likely the Ruger Mini that you assfucks use as an example of a semi automatic. Don't know what the other one is - maybe the same gun accessorized to look like a scary weapon.

We don't need these guns. We need to limit magazine size.

So why do you people want these guns? Because you can shoot straight? Because they look scary & you think it makes you a tough guy? Because it is so much fun to get all beered up & shoot bottles?

They're both an SKS, dumbass.
Ah our john, Love your draft dodgers don't you?
From the police conference it looks like the firearm was a SKS. A rifle with a ten round fixed magazine. However, you can remove the fixed magazine and use detachable 30 round "duckbill" magazines.

SKSs are usually reliable weapons but reports from the eyewitness are that the police were able to neutralize him when his gun failed.

Those cheap after market magazines that can fail are sold by companies like TAPCO. Lesson: don't ever TAPCO fuck your SKS.
Tapco SKS magazines ARE 20 ROUNDS

I don't know what they are selling nowadays but a few years ago you could get both 20 and 30 rounders. The 20 rounders are more reliable. Back when I had a SKS I could never get the 30 round mags to feed properly. They would be OK until it got down to the last 3 or 4 rounds and then it would misfeed because the spring wasn't strong enough. That is probably what happen to him.

The better alternative is get a Chinese military 20 rd fixed magazine to replace the standard 10 round. Of course you would have to refill it using stripper clips.

Better yet get a Type D SKS that uses AK magazines.
Thanks for improving the chances of the next mass shooter. Hope he reads your posts.

Anybody that brings a SKS to a mass shooting is pretty much a dumbass to start with. There are many better weapons to use. Kinda of like that idiot in LV that used bump stocks for rapid fire. His guns jammed.

However, you have an excellent point. That Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental illness. All of you Moon Bats that post on here suffer from it so no telling what crazy shit you will do, especially when Trump will win in 2020. Maybe it isn't a good idea to give gun advice.
California has banned guns, right? but...this sort of tragedy still happens over there!

Perhaps a good guy should have carried a gun to defend himself and others,and the outcome would have been different.
That's all we need hundreds of rubes blasting away.
The cops killed him in 1 min?
I just read that article and it did not say that, or imply it. As a matter of fact, that is a total lie. He was third generation Iranian. His immigrant grandfather was an educated professional and served his community in local politics. His parents are also professionals and respected in the community.

Santino would get along great with President Trump, I think:

He wrote: “Read Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard. Why overcrowd towns and pave more open space to make room for hordes of mestizos and Silicon Valley white twats?”...
The book is described as being akin to Social Darwinism and includes misogynistic and racist principles “claiming that the woman and the family as a whole is the property of the man and proclaiming the innate superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race.

Do not take Weatherman's word for it, folks. He's out and out lying.
Oh my...I'm soooo surprised that Weatherman would tell an untruth..or shade the argument to favor his take..or leave out important info that completely changes the context of an argument..shocked i tell ya!
View attachment 271796

I’ll wait here for your apology.
Mestizos are white/ Who knew?
Mestizos are mixed race hispanics. Mulattos are mixed race blacks
From the police conference it looks like the firearm was a SKS. A rifle with a ten round fixed magazine. However, you can remove the fixed magazine and use detachable 30 round "duckbill" magazines.

SKSs are usually reliable weapons but reports from the eyewitness are that the police were able to neutralize him when his gun failed.

Those cheap after market magazines that can fail are sold by companies like TAPCO. Lesson: don't ever TAPCO fuck your SKS.
Tapco SKS magazines ARE 20 ROUNDS

I don't know what they are selling nowadays but a few years ago you could get both 20 and 30 rounders. The 20 rounders are more reliable. Back when I had a SKS I could never get the 30 round mags to feed properly. They would be OK until it got down to the last 3 or 4 rounds and then it would misfeed because the spring wasn't strong enough. That is probably what happen to him.

The better alternative is get a Chinese military 20 rd fixed magazine to replace the standard 10 round. Of course you would have to refill it using stripper clips.

Better yet get a Type D SKS that uses AK magazines.
Thanks for improving the chances of the next mass shooter. Hope he reads your posts.

Anybody that brings a SKS to a mass shooting is pretty much a dumbass to start with. There are many better weapons to use. Kinda of like that idiot in LV that used bump stocks for rapid fire. His guns jammed.

However, you have an excellent point. That Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental illness. All of you Moon Bats that post on here suffer from it so no telling what crazy shit you will do, especially when Trump will win in 2020. Maybe it isn't a good idea to give gun advice.
You do know the derangement syndrome is an old term stolen by the con cult?
Guess not, stupid insults, foul mouth, dead giveaway for zero college
California has banned guns, right? but...this sort of tragedy still happens over there!

Perhaps a good guy should have carried a gun to defend himself and others,and the outcome would have been different.

well if they have banned guns then expect the rest of all the other states to follow. california was the first state to ban indoor smoking and then all the other states followed,expect the same thing again,how anybody can stll say all these years later this is a free country or a government of the people is beyond me.:rolleyes:
From the police conference it looks like the firearm was a SKS. A rifle with a ten round fixed magazine. However, you can remove the fixed magazine and use detachable 30 round "duckbill" magazines.

SKSs are usually reliable weapons but reports from the eyewitness are that the police were able to neutralize him when his gun failed.

Those cheap after market magazines that can fail are sold by companies like TAPCO. Lesson: don't ever TAPCO fuck your SKS.
Tapco SKS magazines ARE 20 ROUNDS

I don't know what they are selling nowadays but a few years ago you could get both 20 and 30 rounders. The 20 rounders are more reliable. Back when I had a SKS I could never get the 30 round mags to feed properly. They would be OK until it got down to the last 3 or 4 rounds and then it would misfeed because the spring wasn't strong enough. That is probably what happen to him.

The better alternative is get a Chinese military 20 rd fixed magazine to replace the standard 10 round. Of course you would have to refill it using stripper clips.

Better yet get a Type D SKS that uses AK magazines.
Thanks for improving the chances of the next mass shooter. Hope he reads your posts.

Anybody that brings a SKS to a mass shooting is pretty much a dumbass to start with. There are many better weapons to use. Kinda of like that idiot in LV that used bump stocks for rapid fire. His guns jammed.

However, you have an excellent point. That Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental illness. All of you Moon Bats that post on here suffer from it so no telling what crazy shit you will do, especially when Trump will win in 2020. Maybe it isn't a good idea to give gun advice.
You do know the derangement syndrome is an old term stolen by the con cult?
Guess not, stupid insults, foul mouth, dead giveaway for zero college

TDS is a serious mental illness that all the stupid Moon Bats have been afflicted with. We need to find a cure before the idiots go more crazy than they already are.

I am normally against any kind of gun control but I would be willing to consider not allowing any Moon Bats with the TDS affliction from possession a firearm. Just too dangerous for society given their mental instability.
An AR 15 is one of the lowest powered rifles on the market.

Every rifle I own is more powerful than an AR 15
Are they as easy to spray fire into a crowd of garlic festival goers? AR 15 is a copy of a weapon developed for WAR. It is designed to kill as quickly and easily as possible.

You don't know what you are talking about.
The AR doesn't fire any faster than any other semi-automatic.
The AR is less powerful than most other semi-automatics.
Of course it allows for more rapid shooting. It is easy to handle. It is a mass shooters dream, which is why it is the preferred rifle. But did he use an AR? Did I read here that he bought an AK47 out of state? What did he use?
The Ar 15 just happens to be one of the most popular rifle frames in the country

There are over 8 million of them in the hands of civilians and 99.9999% of those civilian will never shoot anyone

And no it does not shoot faster than any other semiautomatic rifle

Why is there a call to ban " assault weapons"? Because they are used to kill people

So ban the AR 15 and when another gun is used to kill a few people at a garlic festival what do you do?

You say we have to ban that gun too

etc etc etc

A less powerful weapon would men fewer casualties.

An AR 15 is one of the lowest powered rifles on the market.

Every rifle I own is more powerful than an AR 15
Are they as easy to spray fire into a crowd of garlic festival goers? AR 15 is a copy of a weapon developed for WAR. It is designed to kill as quickly and easily as possible.

All my rifles but 1 are semiautomatic. I'm more of a hand gun person myself. I don't have as much use for rifles as some do so I only have a few but all of them are in a much larger caliber than an Ar 15.

But why don;t you answer my earlier question to you

What other of your guaranteed rights are you willing to give up to stop criminals from committing crimes?
You are looking at this all wrong. As I read it, and many others do as well, the Second Amendment is for keeping the citizenry ready to call up in case of attack. They did not have a standing army and the Founding Fathers did not want one. Even before the Revolutionary War, the local militias were called up to train on a regular basis. All adult males except the very oldest were required to participate and they needed to bring their own weapon.

We now have the largest standing army in the world. The Second Amendment no longer applies. Since it keeps standing in the way of getting rid of the majority of guns in this country, I say ditch it.
The constitution was written as our nation as a Republic. With its flaws we were given written documents that promoted freedom. And there were azzes who suberted it even back then. They wrote checks and balances to give us time to think before doing things like we have done. The federal Senate, the federal Income Tax and the Federal Reserve are three checks and balances that were added to the document and removed from the Republic by amendment and/or law. We then became a Democracy. Do you ever listen to the media and politicians? How many spout Republic? We have been a democracy that has grown in strength and shot up like a rocket in the last fifty years for over a century. The Republic is in tatters with the EC the only thing left that is to the front of us all left to keep us from totalitarian government. Although that is happening anyway. Ask the people who are not allowed to spout their 1st amendment rights today how they feel about the 2nd amendment.
Shooter confirmed to be right wing nutjob Trump supporter who quoted white supremacist nonsense in his instagram account.

Gee. What a surprise.

Tapco SKS magazines ARE 20 ROUNDS

I don't know what they are selling nowadays but a few years ago you could get both 20 and 30 rounders. The 20 rounders are more reliable. Back when I had a SKS I could never get the 30 round mags to feed properly. They would be OK until it got down to the last 3 or 4 rounds and then it would misfeed because the spring wasn't strong enough. That is probably what happen to him.

The better alternative is get a Chinese military 20 rd fixed magazine to replace the standard 10 round. Of course you would have to refill it using stripper clips.

Better yet get a Type D SKS that uses AK magazines.
Thanks for improving the chances of the next mass shooter. Hope he reads your posts.

Anybody that brings a SKS to a mass shooting is pretty much a dumbass to start with. There are many better weapons to use. Kinda of like that idiot in LV that used bump stocks for rapid fire. His guns jammed.

However, you have an excellent point. That Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental illness. All of you Moon Bats that post on here suffer from it so no telling what crazy shit you will do, especially when Trump will win in 2020. Maybe it isn't a good idea to give gun advice.
You do know the derangement syndrome is an old term stolen by the con cult?
Guess not, stupid insults, foul mouth, dead giveaway for zero college

TDS is a serious mental illness that all the stupid Moon Bats have been afflicted with. We need to find a cure before the idiots go more crazy than they already are.

I am normally against any kind of gun control but I would be willing to consider not allowing any Moon Bats with the TDS affliction from possession a firearm. Just too dangerous for society given their mental instability.

It's a real thing and many are experiencing a break from reality.

I have to wonder if it will come out this guy was on psyche drugs.
Shooter confirmed to be right wing nutjob Trump supporter who quoted white supremacist nonsense in his instagram account.

Gee. What a surprise.

I don't know what they are selling nowadays but a few years ago you could get both 20 and 30 rounders. The 20 rounders are more reliable. Back when I had a SKS I could never get the 30 round mags to feed properly. They would be OK until it got down to the last 3 or 4 rounds and then it would misfeed because the spring wasn't strong enough. That is probably what happen to him.

The better alternative is get a Chinese military 20 rd fixed magazine to replace the standard 10 round. Of course you would have to refill it using stripper clips.

Better yet get a Type D SKS that uses AK magazines.
Thanks for improving the chances of the next mass shooter. Hope he reads your posts.

Anybody that brings a SKS to a mass shooting is pretty much a dumbass to start with. There are many better weapons to use. Kinda of like that idiot in LV that used bump stocks for rapid fire. His guns jammed.

However, you have an excellent point. That Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental illness. All of you Moon Bats that post on here suffer from it so no telling what crazy shit you will do, especially when Trump will win in 2020. Maybe it isn't a good idea to give gun advice.
You do know the derangement syndrome is an old term stolen by the con cult?
Guess not, stupid insults, foul mouth, dead giveaway for zero college

TDS is a serious mental illness that all the stupid Moon Bats have been afflicted with. We need to find a cure before the idiots go more crazy than they already are.

I am normally against any kind of gun control but I would be willing to consider not allowing any Moon Bats with the TDS affliction from possession a firearm. Just too dangerous for society given their mental instability.

It's a real thing and many are experiencing a break from reality.

I have to wonder if it will come out this guy was on psyche drugs.
Amusing how Muslims are terrorists and white supremes are ill
Shooter confirmed to be right wing nutjob Trump supporter who quoted white supremacist nonsense in his instagram account.

Gee. What a surprise.

Thanks for improving the chances of the next mass shooter. Hope he reads your posts.

Anybody that brings a SKS to a mass shooting is pretty much a dumbass to start with. There are many better weapons to use. Kinda of like that idiot in LV that used bump stocks for rapid fire. His guns jammed.

However, you have an excellent point. That Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental illness. All of you Moon Bats that post on here suffer from it so no telling what crazy shit you will do, especially when Trump will win in 2020. Maybe it isn't a good idea to give gun advice.
You do know the derangement syndrome is an old term stolen by the con cult?
Guess not, stupid insults, foul mouth, dead giveaway for zero college

TDS is a serious mental illness that all the stupid Moon Bats have been afflicted with. We need to find a cure before the idiots go more crazy than they already are.

I am normally against any kind of gun control but I would be willing to consider not allowing any Moon Bats with the TDS affliction from possession a firearm. Just too dangerous for society given their mental instability.

It's a real thing and many are experiencing a break from reality.

I have to wonder if it will come out this guy was on psyche drugs.
Amusing how Muslims are terrorists and white supremes are ill

He came from Muslims, dumbass.

"Legan also shared a third photo of his maternal grandfather, Ali Ashgar Vahabzdaeh, with a note about him anglicizing his name to Ali Baylor from his original Iranian name."
Santino William Legan: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Shooter confirmed to be right wing nutjob Trump supporter who quoted white supremacist nonsense in his instagram account.

Gee. What a surprise.

Anybody that brings a SKS to a mass shooting is pretty much a dumbass to start with. There are many better weapons to use. Kinda of like that idiot in LV that used bump stocks for rapid fire. His guns jammed.

However, you have an excellent point. That Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental illness. All of you Moon Bats that post on here suffer from it so no telling what crazy shit you will do, especially when Trump will win in 2020. Maybe it isn't a good idea to give gun advice.
You do know the derangement syndrome is an old term stolen by the con cult?
Guess not, stupid insults, foul mouth, dead giveaway for zero college

TDS is a serious mental illness that all the stupid Moon Bats have been afflicted with. We need to find a cure before the idiots go more crazy than they already are.

I am normally against any kind of gun control but I would be willing to consider not allowing any Moon Bats with the TDS affliction from possession a firearm. Just too dangerous for society given their mental instability.

It's a real thing and many are experiencing a break from reality.

I have to wonder if it will come out this guy was on psyche drugs.
Amusing how Muslims are terrorists and white supremes are ill

He came from Muslims, dumbass.
I thought he was a white boy.
Nice insult.
Can't you post w/o one?
wV debate rules?

Are they as easy to spray fire into a crowd of garlic festival goers? AR 15 is a copy of a weapon developed for WAR. It is designed to kill as quickly and easily as possible.

You are confused.

I have 29 AR-15s.

They are not designed to kill quickly and easily.

They are designed to provide recreational activities, protection for my family and are "necessary for the security of a free state".

How many do you have and what do you use them for?
Shooter confirmed to be right wing nutjob Trump supporter who quoted white supremacist nonsense in his instagram account.

Gee. What a surprise.

You do know the derangement syndrome is an old term stolen by the con cult?
Guess not, stupid insults, foul mouth, dead giveaway for zero college

TDS is a serious mental illness that all the stupid Moon Bats have been afflicted with. We need to find a cure before the idiots go more crazy than they already are.

I am normally against any kind of gun control but I would be willing to consider not allowing any Moon Bats with the TDS affliction from possession a firearm. Just too dangerous for society given their mental instability.

It's a real thing and many are experiencing a break from reality.

I have to wonder if it will come out this guy was on psyche drugs.
Amusing how Muslims are terrorists and white supremes are ill

He came from Muslims, dumbass.
I thought he was a white boy.
Nice insult.
Can't you post w/o one?
wV debate rules?

When it comes to you, probably not. Can you ever back any of your assertions up with facts? No?

STFU then, dumbass.
A little early to make assumptions re. ideology. In any event, except for the poo flinging here and elsewhere...ideology seldom motivates these people..mental illness and extreme alienation play larger roles, IMO.
That's why it's really a bad idea to dog whistle these people.

I expect one to go in and shoot up Baltimore next. You know, to rid the city of the vermin. You can probably take out a lot of illegal and wrong colored vermins with an assault weapon.
So it tuned out that the terrorist went to Nevada to buy an AK 47 that he ouldnt het in California.
That's also what happens in Chicago. They drive to Gary, IN to buy their guns.

Sometimes. Other times, they just buy them in Chicago from black market gun dealers operating in the back room of cocktail lounges.

But in either event, the Illinois law is ignored
Don't you suppose those black market gun dealers also bought their guns in Indiana?

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