Mass shooting: At Least 11 Shot At Gilroy Garlic Festival

So it tuned out that the terrorist went to Nevada to buy an AK 47 that he ouldnt het in California.
That's also what happens in Chicago. They drive to Gary, IN to buy their guns.

Sometimes. Other times, they just buy them in Chicago from black market gun dealers operating in the back room of cocktail lounges.

But in either event, the Illinois law is ignored
Don't you suppose those black market gun dealers also bought their guns in Indiana?

They could have received the guns from anywhere, not just Gary Indiana. They may have received them from black radical groups, the Mafia, crooked police officers, guys sneaking into factories or army bases.

Maybe I'll ask one of those guys the next time I see them, although I doubt if I'd get a straight answer. They don't want me moving in on their racket by going to the same place
California has banned guns, right? but...this sort of tragedy still happens over there!

Perhaps a good guy should have carried a gun to defend himself and others,and the outcome would have been different.

well if they have banned guns then expect the rest of all the other states to follow. california was the first state to ban indoor smoking and then all the other states followed,expect the same thing again,how anybody can stll say all these years later this is a free country or a government of the people is beyond me.:rolleyes:
How are we not a government of the people? Don’t the people elect the lawmakers?
California has banned guns, right? but...this sort of tragedy still happens over there!

Perhaps a good guy should have carried a gun to defend himself and others,and the outcome would have been different.

well if they have banned guns then expect the rest of all the other states to follow. california was the first state to ban indoor smoking and then all the other states followed,expect the same thing again,how anybody can stll say all these years later this is a free country or a government of the people is beyond me.:rolleyes:
How are we not a government of the people? Don’t the people elect the lawmakers?

Good thing we have a Bill of Rights to protect us from government oppression. However, somebody forgot to tell the assholes in California.
So it tuned out that the terrorist went to Nevada to buy an AK 47 that he ouldnt het in California.
That's also what happens in Chicago. They drive to Gary, IN to buy their guns.

Sometimes. Other times, they just buy them in Chicago from black market gun dealers operating in the back room of cocktail lounges.

But in either event, the Illinois law is ignored
Don't you suppose those black market gun dealers also bought their guns in Indiana?

They could have received the guns from anywhere, not just Gary Indiana. They may have received them from black radical groups, the Mafia, crooked police officers, guys sneaking into factories or army bases.

Maybe I'll ask one of those guys the next time I see them, although I doubt if I'd get a straight answer. They don't want me moving in on their racket by going to the same place

But they don't make guns in Chicago.

Maybe they are bringing them in from this place

GAT Guns

In any case they came in there from somewhere. You'd have to have far stricter gun laws to have any effect. Something like Australia I suppose.

Honestly I don't think there is an icicles chance in hell of getting any kind of gun reform passed in this country. Not willingly. MAGAs are way too afraid to be without a gun. I don't think they are able to protect themselves without guns. Anxiety can do that to a person.

The only chance might be an executive action from the next Democrat president. The Supreme Court seems okay with these executive actions.
Honestly I don't think there is an icicles chance in hell of getting any kind of gun reform passed in this country. Not willingly. MAGAs are way too afraid to be without a gun. I don't think they are able to protect themselves without guns. Anxiety can do that to a person.

The only chance might be an executive action from the next Democrat president. The Supreme Court seems okay with these executive actions.

I don't think an executive order to confiscate the people's firearms would be very popular. Further, no Democrat President has a plan to disarm Criminal Gangs and Terror Cells in this country, such an executive order would leave the people defenseless- the carnage would be horrific.

I'm old, a seasoned citizen. Its becoming harder and harder for me to defend myself against the young toughs, without a weapon.

What's the Democrat Plan on this? For Old people to just stay at home and die quickly?
California has banned guns, right? but...this sort of tragedy still happens over there!

Perhaps a good guy should have carried a gun to defend himself and others,and the outcome would have been different.

well if they have banned guns then expect the rest of all the other states to follow. california was the first state to ban indoor smoking and then all the other states followed,expect the same thing again,how anybody can stll say all these years later this is a free country or a government of the people is beyond me.:rolleyes:
How are we not a government of the people? Don’t the people elect the lawmakers?

Good thing we have a Bill of Rights to protect us from government oppression. However, somebody forgot to tell the assholes in California.
How so? Because they have gun laws?
Babies are not aborted.
Lol science isn’t your thing is it haha

Learn to pronounce

noun: baby; plural noun: babies
a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.
Yes at 10 weeks they have a heart beat... science is a beautiful thing
22 weeks is the earliest that a fetus could live outside the womb. Science is a beautiful thing indeed. When you phonies start protesting our never ending wars and our guns for all policy I may take you seriously but I`ll still support a woman`s right to choose.
No you don’t you are killing woman and men lol
IT HAS A HEAR BEAT AND NERVES AT 10 weeks.. it can feel pain when you are cutting it apart

You will lose in the end.. I’m
Shocked we let it happen this long
Don't have an abortion've never had one, have you?
Police responded to the festival grounds around 5:30PM. Around 11 people were reportedly shot. One of them has died.

Never knew there was a garlic festival, prayers go to the victims.

MASS SHOOTING: At Least 11 Shot At Gilroy Garlic Festival - Breaking911
A small price to pay for our Second Amendment Freedoms

My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims

It has nothing to do with a "price paid for our 2nd A rights"

This is a kind of event that can take anywhere, even places that don't have a 2nd Amendment. Places like Paris France in the fall of 2015. Or in the Tremendous Republic of Mexico.

The families of the victims have to realize that guns in our society keep us safe and that your loved ones death only serves to protect our beloved second amendment
Never in history has a gun walked up to anyone and shoot someone, shitforbrains.
Just like a religion has never come up and killed anyone...and yet.........
a Baseball bat is a bat typically used in Baseball.

Am assault rifle of a rifle typically used in military assaults.

An Asaault type rifle is a rifle that resembles an assault rifle.

A Maga hat is a hat worn by dumbasses.

Tell me, tard - which of the following is an "assault rifle"?

View attachment 271777

View attachment 271778
So, we can't talk abouyt assault type weapons without more of this bullshit.

Answer the question - which one is the assault rifle?

What are the models?

The top is likely the Ruger Mini that you assfucks use as an example of a semi automatic. Don't know what the other one is - maybe the same gun accessorized to look like a scary weapon.

We don't need these guns. We need to limit magazine size.

So why do you people want these guns? Because you can shoot straight? Because they look scary & you think it makes you a tough guy? Because it is so much fun to get all beered up & shoot bottles?
You don’t,, what’s your address? Lol do you have a welcome sign on your door?
Oh look....a personal threat....
So it tuned out that the terrorist went to Nevada to buy an AK 47 that he ouldnt het in California.
That's also what happens in Chicago. They drive to Gary, IN to buy their guns.

Sometimes. Other times, they just buy them in Chicago from black market gun dealers operating in the back room of cocktail lounges.

But in either event, the Illinois law is ignored
Don't you suppose those black market gun dealers also bought their guns in Indiana?

They could have received the guns from anywhere, not just Gary Indiana. They may have received them from black radical groups, the Mafia, crooked police officers, guys sneaking into factories or army bases.

Maybe I'll ask one of those guys the next time I see them, although I doubt if I'd get a straight answer. They don't want me moving in on their racket by going to the same place

But they don't make guns in Chicago.

Maybe they are bringing them in from this place

GAT Guns

In any case they came in there from somewhere. You'd have to have far stricter gun laws to have any effect. Something like Australia I suppose.

Honestly I don't think there is an icicles chance in hell of getting any kind of gun reform passed in this country. Not willingly. MAGAs are way too afraid to be without a gun. I don't think they are able to protect themselves without guns. Anxiety can do that to a person.

The only chance might be an executive action from the next Democrat president. The Supreme Court seems okay with these executive actions.

Maybe they are bringing them in from this place

GAT Guns


They require background checks

The only chance might be an executive action from the next Democrat president.

also unlikely.

Even Bernie would know better than to try that
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I just read that article and it did not say that, or imply it. As a matter of fact, that is a total lie. He was third generation Iranian. His immigrant grandfather was an educated professional and served his community in local politics. His parents are also professionals and respected in the community.

Santino would get along great with President Trump, I think:

He wrote: “Read Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard. Why overcrowd towns and pave more open space to make room for hordes of mestizos and Silicon Valley white twats?”...
The book is described as being akin to Social Darwinism and includes misogynistic and racist principles “claiming that the woman and the family as a whole is the property of the man and proclaiming the innate superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race.

Do not take Weatherman's word for it, folks. He's out and out lying.
Of course he is...for those who pay attention, that's a given.
I just read that article and it did not say that, or imply it. As a matter of fact, that is a total lie. He was third generation Iranian. His immigrant grandfather was an educated professional and served his community in local politics. His parents are also professionals and respected in the community.

Santino would get along great with President Trump, I think:

He wrote: “Read Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard. Why overcrowd towns and pave more open space to make room for hordes of mestizos and Silicon Valley white twats?”...
The book is described as being akin to Social Darwinism and includes misogynistic and racist principles “claiming that the woman and the family as a whole is the property of the man and proclaiming the innate superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race.

Do not take Weatherman's word for it, folks. He's out and out lying.
Oh my...I'm soooo surprised that Weatherman would tell an untruth..or shade the argument to favor his take..or leave out important info that completely changes the context of an argument..shocked i tell ya!
Well, it takes some chutzpah when you also put the link in the same post that says the complete opposite.
You seem to have ignored a few things he self-identified as an Italian Iranian, and hated whites and it sounds like he was a tree hugger. Iran's dear leader is a holocaust denier. anarchist history revisionist all sound like leftiest to me.
Here the portion you left out
Legan also posted about a fringe white supremacist book written in 1890. Noted indivualist anarchist, revisionist historian and Holocaust denier James J. Martin called, the book, “
So. We're back to Italians and Iranians not being white.......again?
I just read that article and it did not say that, or imply it. As a matter of fact, that is a total lie. He was third generation Iranian. His immigrant grandfather was an educated professional and served his community in local politics. His parents are also professionals and respected in the community.

Santino would get along great with President Trump, I think:

He wrote: “Read Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard. Why overcrowd towns and pave more open space to make room for hordes of mestizos and Silicon Valley white twats?”...
The book is described as being akin to Social Darwinism and includes misogynistic and racist principles “claiming that the woman and the family as a whole is the property of the man and proclaiming the innate superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race.

Do not take Weatherman's word for it, folks. He's out and out lying.
Oh my...I'm soooo surprised that Weatherman would tell an untruth..or shade the argument to favor his take..or leave out important info that completely changes the context of an argument..shocked i tell ya!
Well, it takes some chutzpah when you also put the link in the same post that says the complete opposite.
You seem to have ignored a few things he self-identified as an Italian Iranian, and hated whites and it sounds like he was a tree hugger. Iran's dear leader is a holocaust denier. anarchist history revisionist all sound like leftiest to me.
Here the portion you left out
Legan also posted about a fringe white supremacist book written in 1890. Noted indivualist anarchist, revisionist historian and Holocaust denier James J. Martin called, the book, “
So. We're back to Italians and Iranians not being white.......again?

Iranians are definitely considered to be "non white" . Although I wouldn't tell a goomba that you didn't think Italians are white, unless you are looking for a fight.
Gee. What a surprise.

TDS is a serious mental illness that all the stupid Moon Bats have been afflicted with. We need to find a cure before the idiots go more crazy than they already are.

I am normally against any kind of gun control but I would be willing to consider not allowing any Moon Bats with the TDS affliction from possession a firearm. Just too dangerous for society given their mental instability.

It's a real thing and many are experiencing a break from reality.

I have to wonder if it will come out this guy was on psyche drugs.
Amusing how Muslims are terrorists and white supremes are ill

He came from Muslims, dumbass.
I thought he was a white boy.
Nice insult.
Can't you post w/o one?
wV debate rules?

When it comes to you, probably not. Can you ever back any of your assertions up with facts? No?

STFU then, dumbass.

Is your google broken or are you too stupid to know how to use it?

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