Mass shooting: At Least 11 Shot At Gilroy Garlic Festival

How are we not a government of the people? Don’t the people elect the lawmakers?

Good thing we have a Bill of Rights to protect us from government oppression. However, somebody forgot to tell the assholes in California.
How so? Because they have gun laws?

That would be oppressive gun laws against the Bill of Rights.

Too bad the Supremes are too chickenshit to apply the same strict scrutiny to the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms the same as they apply to other Constitutional rights. Kinds of makes the BORs a joke, doesn't it?

What good does it have a Constitutional right that says that "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" when commie states like California can infringe the shit out of the right?
Well let me ask... do you think that a person should have the right to walk into a store, buy a machine gun as easy as buying a coke, then go watch a high school football game with it sitting on his lap? Is that something that you’d find acceptable in the society you live in?


The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. What part of that don't you understand?

The crime should never be the possession of the firearm but the crime done with the fire arm.

If that person bought the machine gun why shouldn't he be allowed to take it to the football game if he doesn't commit a crime with it? After all the Bill of Rights says very clearly that the right to keep and bear shall not be infringed. When I was younger we use to take guns to school frequently.

I sure as hell don't want to allow asshole Libtards taking away my Constitutional right under the stupid idea of "reasonable gun control" because we all know the shitheads are never reasonable.

If you are confused about what the asshole Liberals call "reasonable" I can give you several example of how bat shit crazy they are. In fact I think I have before in other threads but like all uneducated low information Moon Bats you failed to grasp the meaning of oppressive.
Yeah it used to be like that back in the Wild West, but people wanting a safer and more civilized society decided to make rules. I’m sorry you are falling on the wrong side of history. That must be frustrating
Any minute 2AGuy will be showing up telling us how we don't need any more gun laws and swimming pools are more dangerous.
You and lying filth like you are asked repeatedly how more gun laws will stop this, and like the no-good lying scum you are, you never provide an answer. Why is that my six-legged parasite?

This has been answered multiple times.

Banning assault type rifles would at the least reduce the carnage.

The truth is most of you deplorables are chicken shits.

If you did not have access to such a powerful weapon, would you even consider one of these killings?

We should alsi ban tactical gear.
A rifle can assault someone!??? What do you have video evidence??

a Baseball bat is a bat typically used in Baseball.

Am assault rifle of a rifle typically used in military assaults.

An Asaault type rifle is a rifle that resembles an assault rifle.

A Maga hat is a hat worn by dumbasses.

Tell me, tard - which of the following is an "assault rifle"?

View attachment 271777

View attachment 271778
Both are effective in slaughtering first graders
Good thing we have a Bill of Rights to protect us from government oppression. However, somebody forgot to tell the assholes in California.
How so? Because they have gun laws?

That would be oppressive gun laws against the Bill of Rights.

Too bad the Supremes are too chickenshit to apply the same strict scrutiny to the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms the same as they apply to other Constitutional rights. Kinds of makes the BORs a joke, doesn't it?

What good does it have a Constitutional right that says that "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" when commie states like California can infringe the shit out of the right?
Well let me ask... do you think that a person should have the right to walk into a store, buy a machine gun as easy as buying a coke, then go watch a high school football game with it sitting on his lap? Is that something that you’d find acceptable in the society you live in?


The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. What part of that don't you understand?

The crime should never be the possession of the firearm but the crime done with the fire arm.

If that person bought the machine gun why shouldn't he be allowed to take it to the football game if he doesn't commit a crime with it? After all the Bill of Rights says very clearly that the right to keep and bear shall not be infringed. When I was younger we use to take guns to school frequently.

I sure as hell don't want to allow asshole Libtards taking away my Constitutional right under the stupid idea of "reasonable gun control" because we all know the shitheads are never reasonable.

If you are confused about what the asshole Liberals call "reasonable" I can give you several example of how bat shit crazy they are. In fact I think I have before in other threads but like all uneducated low information Moon Bats you failed to grasp the meaning of oppressive.
Yeah it used to be like that back in the Wild West, but people wanting a safer and more civilized society decided to make rules. I’m sorry you are falling on the wrong side of history. That must be frustrating

Fair enough, you want "safety".

What's your plan to provide safety to the tens of millions of Senior Citizens who aren't skilled in the martial arts and hand to hand combat when they are dealing with young thugs on the street who might well have firearms?

It seems to me that all the libs want the old timers to do is to Die Quickly.
I have three guesses:

2.) Islamic Terrorism
3.) Gang Related (MS-13 or Domestic)

All three are directly attributable to The Leftists Dems in this country who have gone off the hook.

Let me remind everyone that this fair was a GUN FREE ZONE!
The kid wears a MAGA hat
California has banned guns, right? but...this sort of tragedy still happens over there!

Perhaps a good guy should have carried a gun to defend himself and others,and the outcome would have been different.

well if they have banned guns then expect the rest of all the other states to follow. california was the first state to ban indoor smoking and then all the other states followed,expect the same thing again,how anybody can stll say all these years later this is a free country or a government of the people is beyond me.:rolleyes:
How are we not a government of the people? Don’t the people elect the lawmakers?

Good thing we have a Bill of Rights to protect us from government oppression. However, somebody forgot to tell the assholes in California.
How so? Because they have gun laws?

That would be oppressive gun laws against the Bill of Rights.

Too bad the Supremes are too chickenshit to apply the same strict scrutiny to the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms the same as they apply to other Constitutional rights. Kinds of makes the BORs a joke, doesn't it?

What good does it have a Constitutional right that says that "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" when commie states like California can infringe the shit out of the right?
The USSC has said the Second Amendment does not mean no regulation.
So. We're back to Italians and Iranians not being white.......again?
No Iranian being Moslem, Moslem being haters of women
There are so many ways you could go with this idiot the book he took the quote from "According to the book Modern Satanism: Anatomy of a Subculture, Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard"
Satanism Moslem Anarchist women are subjects of men
None of that fits any right-wing person you know. be honest for once.
Well how could it? Right wing stands for all that is good virtuous and true while Left wing stands for all that is evil malicious and false... right?
All I can say is that no one on the right stands for what he stood for.
So what? He was obviously very troubled. Why the rush to point fingers and put him on the Left or Right team? What do you think that proves?
Guess you haven't noticed but the left quickly jumps on the blame train
Another mass killing by a white supremacist. You must be disappointed. You were hoping for a Hispanic or better yet an illegal Hispanic
Good thing we have a Bill of Rights to protect us from government oppression. However, somebody forgot to tell the assholes in California.
How so? Because they have gun laws?

That would be oppressive gun laws against the Bill of Rights.

Too bad the Supremes are too chickenshit to apply the same strict scrutiny to the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms the same as they apply to other Constitutional rights. Kinds of makes the BORs a joke, doesn't it?

What good does it have a Constitutional right that says that "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" when commie states like California can infringe the shit out of the right?
Well let me ask... do you think that a person should have the right to walk into a store, buy a machine gun as easy as buying a coke, then go watch a high school football game with it sitting on his lap? Is that something that you’d find acceptable in the society you live in?


The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. What part of that don't you understand?

The crime should never be the possession of the firearm but the crime done with the fire arm.

If that person bought the machine gun why shouldn't he be allowed to take it to the football game if he doesn't commit a crime with it? After all the Bill of Rights says very clearly that the right to keep and bear shall not be infringed. When I was younger we use to take guns to school frequently.

I sure as hell don't want to allow asshole Libtards taking away my Constitutional right under the stupid idea of "reasonable gun control" because we all know the shitheads are never reasonable.

If you are confused about what the asshole Liberals call "reasonable" I can give you several example of how bat shit crazy they are. In fact I think I have before in other threads but like all uneducated low information Moon Bats you failed to grasp the meaning of oppressive.
Yeah it used to be like that back in the Wild West, but people wanting a safer and more civilized society decided to make rules. I’m sorry you are falling on the wrong side of history. That must be frustrating

I carry a weapon many times. I have 50 firearms. I use them for legal purposes It is not the wild west. I will use it to defend myself or my family if I have to.

Just because you are a little chcikenshit afraid to provide protection don't mean we all are.

Your idea of making things safer will only disarm the people that don't use guns for crimes. It will do nothing to stop the criminals.

We saw that with the shooting in California yesterday, didn't we? The kid broke all kinds of laws. The laws didn't protect the people that were shot but it sure as hell kept them from being able to defend themselves against somebody that would disobey the law and do them harm.

Gun control laws are useless to stop crime with a firearm. Just look at the massive shootings in places like Chicago that has the strictest gun control laws in the country. Much more dangerous than places like Montana with high legal gun ownership and few gun control laws. Gun don't commit crimes. Assholes commit crimes.
How are we not a government of the people? Don’t the people elect the lawmakers?

Good thing we have a Bill of Rights to protect us from government oppression. However, somebody forgot to tell the assholes in California.
How so? Because they have gun laws?

That would be oppressive gun laws against the Bill of Rights.

Too bad the Supremes are too chickenshit to apply the same strict scrutiny to the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms the same as they apply to other Constitutional rights. Kinds of makes the BORs a joke, doesn't it?

What good does it have a Constitutional right that says that "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" when commie states like California can infringe the shit out of the right?
Well let me ask... do you think that a person should have the right to walk into a store, buy a machine gun as easy as buying a coke, then go watch a high school football game with it sitting on his lap? Is that something that you’d find acceptable in the society you live in?


The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. What part of that don't you understand?

The crime should never be the possession of the firearm but the crime done with the fire arm.

If that person bought the machine gun why shouldn't he be allowed to take it to the football game if he doesn't commit a crime with it? After all the Bill of Rights says very clearly that the right to keep and bear shall not be infringed. When I was younger we use to take guns to school frequently.

I sure as hell don't want to allow asshole Libtards taking away my Constitutional right under the stupid idea of "reasonable gun control" because we all know the shitheads are never reasonable.

If you are confused about what the asshole Liberals call "reasonable" I can give you several example of how bat shit crazy they are. In fact I think I have before in other threads but like all uneducated low information Moon Bats you failed to grasp the meaning of oppressive.

Sorry, but Trump voters are more likely uneducated white people.

For example, you think the Second Amendment means get can own any weapon & carry it where ever you want.
So. We're back to Italians and Iranians not being white.......again?
No Iranian being Moslem, Moslem being haters of women
There are so many ways you could go with this idiot the book he took the quote from "According to the book Modern Satanism: Anatomy of a Subculture, Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard"
Satanism Moslem Anarchist women are subjects of men
None of that fits any right-wing person you know. be honest for once.
Well how could it? Right wing stands for all that is good virtuous and true while Left wing stands for all that is evil malicious and false... right?
All I can say is that no one on the right stands for what he stood for.
So what? He was obviously very troubled. Why the rush to point fingers and put him on the Left or Right team? What do you think that proves?
Guess you haven't noticed but the left quickly jumps on the blame train
I see wingnuts on both sides doing it nonstop. Just look at this thread. The shooter was a MS-13 Mexican gangster before the report came out that it was a white dude. And then the California liberal slanders came out yada yada yada. People need to grow up
No Iranian being Moslem, Moslem being haters of women
There are so many ways you could go with this idiot the book he took the quote from "According to the book Modern Satanism: Anatomy of a Subculture, Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard"
Satanism Moslem Anarchist women are subjects of men
None of that fits any right-wing person you know. be honest for once.
Well how could it? Right wing stands for all that is good virtuous and true while Left wing stands for all that is evil malicious and false... right?
All I can say is that no one on the right stands for what he stood for.
So what? He was obviously very troubled. Why the rush to point fingers and put him on the Left or Right team? What do you think that proves?
Guess you haven't noticed but the left quickly jumps on the blame train
Another mass killing by a white supremacist. You must be disappointed. You were hoping for a Hispanic or better yet an illegal Hispanic
Trump says some of the white supremacists are good people
How so? Because they have gun laws?

That would be oppressive gun laws against the Bill of Rights.

Too bad the Supremes are too chickenshit to apply the same strict scrutiny to the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms the same as they apply to other Constitutional rights. Kinds of makes the BORs a joke, doesn't it?

What good does it have a Constitutional right that says that "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" when commie states like California can infringe the shit out of the right?
Well let me ask... do you think that a person should have the right to walk into a store, buy a machine gun as easy as buying a coke, then go watch a high school football game with it sitting on his lap? Is that something that you’d find acceptable in the society you live in?


The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. What part of that don't you understand?

The crime should never be the possession of the firearm but the crime done with the fire arm.

If that person bought the machine gun why shouldn't he be allowed to take it to the football game if he doesn't commit a crime with it? After all the Bill of Rights says very clearly that the right to keep and bear shall not be infringed. When I was younger we use to take guns to school frequently.

I sure as hell don't want to allow asshole Libtards taking away my Constitutional right under the stupid idea of "reasonable gun control" because we all know the shitheads are never reasonable.

If you are confused about what the asshole Liberals call "reasonable" I can give you several example of how bat shit crazy they are. In fact I think I have before in other threads but like all uneducated low information Moon Bats you failed to grasp the meaning of oppressive.
Yeah it used to be like that back in the Wild West, but people wanting a safer and more civilized society decided to make rules. I’m sorry you are falling on the wrong side of history. That must be frustrating

Fair enough, you want "safety".

What's your plan to provide safety to the tens of millions of Senior Citizens who aren't skilled in the martial arts and hand to hand combat when they are dealing with young thugs on the street who might well have firearms?

It seems to me that all the libs want the old timers to do is to Die Quickly.
Are old timers getting shot in the street? I must have missed that memo.
How so? Because they have gun laws?

That would be oppressive gun laws against the Bill of Rights.

Too bad the Supremes are too chickenshit to apply the same strict scrutiny to the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms the same as they apply to other Constitutional rights. Kinds of makes the BORs a joke, doesn't it?

What good does it have a Constitutional right that says that "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" when commie states like California can infringe the shit out of the right?
Well let me ask... do you think that a person should have the right to walk into a store, buy a machine gun as easy as buying a coke, then go watch a high school football game with it sitting on his lap? Is that something that you’d find acceptable in the society you live in?


The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. What part of that don't you understand?

The crime should never be the possession of the firearm but the crime done with the fire arm.

If that person bought the machine gun why shouldn't he be allowed to take it to the football game if he doesn't commit a crime with it? After all the Bill of Rights says very clearly that the right to keep and bear shall not be infringed. When I was younger we use to take guns to school frequently.

I sure as hell don't want to allow asshole Libtards taking away my Constitutional right under the stupid idea of "reasonable gun control" because we all know the shitheads are never reasonable.

If you are confused about what the asshole Liberals call "reasonable" I can give you several example of how bat shit crazy they are. In fact I think I have before in other threads but like all uneducated low information Moon Bats you failed to grasp the meaning of oppressive.
Yeah it used to be like that back in the Wild West, but people wanting a safer and more civilized society decided to make rules. I’m sorry you are falling on the wrong side of history. That must be frustrating

I carry a weapon many times. I have 50 firearms. I use them for legal purposes It is not the wild west. I will use it to defend myself or my family if I have to.

Just because you are a little chcikenshit afraid to provide protection don't mean we all are.

Your idea of making things safer will only disarm the people that don't use guns for crimes. It will do nothing to stop the criminals.

We saw that with the shooting in California yesterday, didn't we? The kid broke all kinds of laws. The laws didn't protect the people that were shot but it sure as hell kept them from being able to defend themselves against somebody that would disobey the law and do them harm.

Gun control laws are useless to stop crime with a firearm. Just look at the massive shootings in places like Chicago that has the strictest gun control laws in the country. Much more dangerous than places like Montana with high legal gun ownership and few gun control laws. Gun don't commit crimes. Assholes commit crimes.
The festival didn’t allow guns and the shooter was shot in the head by polices minute or two after he started shooting. California laws had nothing to do with it.

And I own 11 guns so I don’t know what all this disarm accusations are all about.
This has been answered multiple times.

Banning assault type rifles would at the least reduce the carnage.

The truth is most of you deplorables are chicken shits.

If you did not have access to such a powerful weapon, would you even consider one of these killings?

We should alsi ban tactical gear.
A rifle can assault someone!??? What do you have video evidence??

a Baseball bat is a bat typically used in Baseball.

Am assault rifle of a rifle typically used in military assaults.

An Asaault type rifle is a rifle that resembles an assault rifle.

A Maga hat is a hat worn by dumbasses.
Just admit you have no answer for anything and that you do not want to punish crime.

So because I think these guns need to be banned I am against law enforcement?

Why are you against tools?? They saved 94 thousand lives last year... are you crazy??

So assault type rifles in the hands on non-law enforcement personnel saved 94,0000 lives? I doubt that.
That would be oppressive gun laws against the Bill of Rights.

Too bad the Supremes are too chickenshit to apply the same strict scrutiny to the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms the same as they apply to other Constitutional rights. Kinds of makes the BORs a joke, doesn't it?

What good does it have a Constitutional right that says that "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" when commie states like California can infringe the shit out of the right?
Well let me ask... do you think that a person should have the right to walk into a store, buy a machine gun as easy as buying a coke, then go watch a high school football game with it sitting on his lap? Is that something that you’d find acceptable in the society you live in?


The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. What part of that don't you understand?

The crime should never be the possession of the firearm but the crime done with the fire arm.

If that person bought the machine gun why shouldn't he be allowed to take it to the football game if he doesn't commit a crime with it? After all the Bill of Rights says very clearly that the right to keep and bear shall not be infringed. When I was younger we use to take guns to school frequently.

I sure as hell don't want to allow asshole Libtards taking away my Constitutional right under the stupid idea of "reasonable gun control" because we all know the shitheads are never reasonable.

If you are confused about what the asshole Liberals call "reasonable" I can give you several example of how bat shit crazy they are. In fact I think I have before in other threads but like all uneducated low information Moon Bats you failed to grasp the meaning of oppressive.
Yeah it used to be like that back in the Wild West, but people wanting a safer and more civilized society decided to make rules. I’m sorry you are falling on the wrong side of history. That must be frustrating

Fair enough, you want "safety".

What's your plan to provide safety to the tens of millions of Senior Citizens who aren't skilled in the martial arts and hand to hand combat when they are dealing with young thugs on the street who might well have firearms?

It seems to me that all the libs want the old timers to do is to Die Quickly.
Are old timers getting shot in the street? I must have missed that memo.

Its just not old timers getting shot, but also knifed, cut, burnt, punched, etc. Oldtimers are often not able to defend themselves. Rosa Parks was 81 when she got beat and robbed.

I'm sure she wishes she had a "little friend"
So. We're back to Italians and Iranians not being white.......again?
No Iranian being Moslem, Moslem being haters of women
There are so many ways you could go with this idiot the book he took the quote from "According to the book Modern Satanism: Anatomy of a Subculture, Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard"
Satanism Moslem Anarchist women are subjects of men
None of that fits any right-wing person you know. be honest for once.
Well how could it? Right wing stands for all that is good virtuous and true while Left wing stands for all that is evil malicious and false... right?
All I can say is that no one on the right stands for what he stood for.
So what? He was obviously very troubled. Why the rush to point fingers and put him on the Left or Right team? What do you think that proves?
Guess you haven't noticed but the left quickly jumps on the blame train
A rifle can assault someone!??? What do you have video evidence??

a Baseball bat is a bat typically used in Baseball.

Am assault rifle of a rifle typically used in military assaults.

An Asaault type rifle is a rifle that resembles an assault rifle.

A Maga hat is a hat worn by dumbasses.
Just admit you have no answer for anything and that you do not want to punish crime.

So because I think these guns need to be banned I am against law enforcement?

Why are you against tools?? They saved 94 thousand lives last year... are you crazy??

So assault type rifles in the hands on non-law enforcement personnel saved 94,0000 lives? I doubt that.

Firearms in general save 2 million lives a year in America, minimum. Criminals aren't interested in a fair fight and will most often split when looking down a barrel of a firearm
a Baseball bat is a bat typically used in Baseball.

Am assault rifle of a rifle typically used in military assaults.

An Asaault type rifle is a rifle that resembles an assault rifle.

A Maga hat is a hat worn by dumbasses.

Tell me, tard - which of the following is an "assault rifle"?

View attachment 271777

View attachment 271778
So, we can't talk abouyt assault type weapons without more of this bullshit.

Answer the question - which one is the assault rifle?

What are the models?

The top is likely the Ruger Mini that you assfucks use as an example of a semi automatic. Don't know what the other one is - maybe the same gun accessorized to look like a scary weapon.

We don't need these guns. We need to limit magazine size.

So why do you people want these guns? Because you can shoot straight? Because they look scary & you think it makes you a tough guy? Because it is so much fun to get all beered up & shoot bottles?
You don’t,, what’s your address? Lol do you have a welcome sign on your door?

You planning on attacking me?
I just read that article and it did not say that, or imply it. As a matter of fact, that is a total lie. He was third generation Iranian. His immigrant grandfather was an educated professional and served his community in local politics. His parents are also professionals and respected in the community.

Santino would get along great with President Trump, I think:

He wrote: “Read Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard. Why overcrowd towns and pave more open space to make room for hordes of mestizos and Silicon Valley white twats?”...
The book is described as being akin to Social Darwinism and includes misogynistic and racist principles “claiming that the woman and the family as a whole is the property of the man and proclaiming the innate superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race.

Do not take Weatherman's word for it, folks. He's out and out lying.
Oh my...I'm soooo surprised that Weatherman would tell an untruth..or shade the argument to favor his take..or leave out important info that completely changes the context of an argument..shocked i tell ya!
Well, it takes some chutzpah when you also put the link in the same post that says the complete opposite.
You seem to have ignored a few things he self-identified as an Italian Iranian, and hated whites and it sounds like he was a tree hugger. Iran's dear leader is a holocaust denier. anarchist history revisionist all sound like leftiest to me.
Here the portion you left out
Legan also posted about a fringe white supremacist book written in 1890. Noted indivualist anarchist, revisionist historian and Holocaust denier James J. Martin called, the book, “
So. We're back to Italians and Iranians not being white.......again?

I think it would be awesome poetic justice if we labeled this white supremacist piece of shit as not being white.

Message to all the other white supremacists: If you kill people, we will decide to make you go down in history as a darkie Muslim.
Police responded to the festival grounds around 5:30PM. Around 11 people were reportedly shot. One of them has died.

Never knew there was a garlic festival, prayers go to the victims.

MASS SHOOTING: At Least 11 Shot At Gilroy Garlic Festival - Breaking911
A small price to pay for our Second Amendment Freedoms

My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims

It has nothing to do with a "price paid for our 2nd A rights"

This is a kind of event that can take anywhere, even places that don't have a 2nd Amendment. Places like Paris France in the fall of 2015. Or in the Tremendous Republic of Mexico.

The families of the victims have to realize that guns in our society keep us safe and that your loved ones death only serves to protect our beloved second amendment
Never in history has a gun walked up to anyone and shoot someone, shitforbrains.
No nuclear weapon walked into the United States & exploded so why not let Iran have them.
I just read that article and it did not say that, or imply it. As a matter of fact, that is a total lie. He was third generation Iranian. His immigrant grandfather was an educated professional and served his community in local politics. His parents are also professionals and respected in the community.

Santino would get along great with President Trump, I think:

He wrote: “Read Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard. Why overcrowd towns and pave more open space to make room for hordes of mestizos and Silicon Valley white twats?”...
The book is described as being akin to Social Darwinism and includes misogynistic and racist principles “claiming that the woman and the family as a whole is the property of the man and proclaiming the innate superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race.

Do not take Weatherman's word for it, folks. He's out and out lying.
Oh my...I'm soooo surprised that Weatherman would tell an untruth..or shade the argument to favor his take..or leave out important info that completely changes the context of an argument..shocked i tell ya!
Well, it takes some chutzpah when you also put the link in the same post that says the complete opposite.
You seem to have ignored a few things he self-identified as an Italian Iranian, and hated whites and it sounds like he was a tree hugger. Iran's dear leader is a holocaust denier. anarchist history revisionist all sound like leftiest to me.
Here the portion you left out
Legan also posted about a fringe white supremacist book written in 1890. Noted indivualist anarchist, revisionist historian and Holocaust denier James J. Martin called, the book, “
So. We're back to Italians and Iranians not being white.......again?
On more serious note, you have to wonder why it is so important to the pseudocons that the shooter not be identified as a white supremacist.

Things that make you go hmmmmm...

"That puts that wonderful boy a little too close to home!"

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