Mass shooting: At Least 11 Shot At Gilroy Garlic Festival


Why is there a call to ban " assault weapons"? Because they are used to kill people

So ban the AR 15 and when another gun is used to kill a few people at a garlic festival what do you do?

You say we have to ban that gun too

etc etc etc

A less powerful weapon would men fewer casualties.

An AR 15 is one of the lowest powered rifles on the market.

Every rifle I own is more powerful than an AR 15
Are they as easy to spray fire into a crowd of garlic festival goers? AR 15 is a copy of a weapon developed for WAR. It is designed to kill as quickly and easily as possible.

You don't know what you are talking about.
The AR doesn't fire any faster than any other semi-automatic.
The AR is less powerful than most other semi-automatics.
Of course it allows for more rapid shooting. It is easy to handle. It is a mass shooters dream, which is why it is the preferred rifle. But did he use an AR? Did I read here that he bought an AK47 out of state? What did he use?
I just read that article and it did not say that, or imply it. As a matter of fact, that is a total lie. He was third generation Iranian. His immigrant grandfather was an educated professional and served his community in local politics. His parents are also professionals and respected in the community.

Santino would get along great with President Trump, I think:

He wrote: “Read Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard. Why overcrowd towns and pave more open space to make room for hordes of mestizos and Silicon Valley white twats?”...
The book is described as being akin to Social Darwinism and includes misogynistic and racist principles “claiming that the woman and the family as a whole is the property of the man and proclaiming the innate superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race.

Do not take Weatherman's word for it, folks. He's out and out lying.
Oh my...I'm soooo surprised that Weatherman would tell an untruth..or shade the argument to favor his take..or leave out important info that completely changes the context of an argument..shocked i tell ya!
Well, it takes some chutzpah when you also put the link in the same post that says the complete opposite.

Why is there a call to ban " assault weapons"? Because they are used to kill people

So ban the AR 15 and when another gun is used to kill a few people at a garlic festival what do you do?

You say we have to ban that gun too

etc etc etc

A less powerful weapon would men fewer casualties.

An AR 15 is one of the lowest powered rifles on the market.

Every rifle I own is more powerful than an AR 15
Are they as easy to spray fire into a crowd of garlic festival goers? AR 15 is a copy of a weapon developed for WAR. It is designed to kill as quickly and easily as possible.

You don't know what you are talking about.
The AR doesn't fire any faster than any other semi-automatic.
The AR is less powerful than most other semi-automatics.
Of course it allows for more rapid shooting. It is easy to handle. It is a mass shooters dream, which is why it is the preferred rifle. But did he use an AR? Did I read here that he bought an AK47 out of state? What did he use?
The Ar 15 just happens to be one of the most popular rifle frames in the country

There are over 8 million of them in the hands of civilians and 99.9999% of those civilians will never shoot anyone

And no it does not shoot faster than any other semiautomatic rifle
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I just read that article and it did not say that, or imply it. As a matter of fact, that is a total lie. He was third generation Iranian. His immigrant grandfather was an educated professional and served his community in local politics. His parents are also professionals and respected in the community.

Santino would get along great with President Trump, I think:

He wrote: “Read Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard. Why overcrowd towns and pave more open space to make room for hordes of mestizos and Silicon Valley white twats?”...
The book is described as being akin to Social Darwinism and includes misogynistic and racist principles “claiming that the woman and the family as a whole is the property of the man and proclaiming the innate superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race.

Do not take Weatherman's word for it, folks. He's out and out lying.
Oh my...I'm soooo surprised that Weatherman would tell an untruth..or shade the argument to favor his take..or leave out important info that completely changes the context of an argument..shocked i tell ya!
He self identified as an Italian Iranian
Mass shootings and the killing of innocents is the price we pay for our 2nd amendment rights. Not calling for the repeal of the 2nd and I believe in private gun ownership.
We live in a culture of violence...and it is accepted by the vast majority. Whine if you will..and then turn on another action flick with 70 deaths by gun. Maybe kick back with a 1st person shooter and kill everything in cyberspace. While your children watch and learn.
Our culture is what it is--and I want a gun or protect myself from everyone else's guns.

To paraphrase:
From time to time the Tree of Liberty must be watered....with the blood of innocents.
All I can say to that is,
View attachment 271785
Fair enough....nice pattern. I've been told that a mark of maturity is perceiving the world as it is, rather than as we wish it to be.
hows this pattern?
Meh. When you put half the number of rounds in an area silver dollar sized..while someone is shooting can color me impressed.
300 yards not a problem 500 is what you get here.
Well..I hope that's from your POS Ar-15. Cause my ole .308 can do a bit better, I think. I suppose you can pull the trigger faster on an AR..or you might have more rounds....but i maintain that one shot on target beats 'spray and pray' hands down. Then again..never really thought about spraying a crowd of any range.
I just read that article and it did not say that, or imply it. As a matter of fact, that is a total lie. He was third generation Iranian. His immigrant grandfather was an educated professional and served his community in local politics. His parents are also professionals and respected in the community.

Santino would get along great with President Trump, I think:

He wrote: “Read Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard. Why overcrowd towns and pave more open space to make room for hordes of mestizos and Silicon Valley white twats?”...
The book is described as being akin to Social Darwinism and includes misogynistic and racist principles “claiming that the woman and the family as a whole is the property of the man and proclaiming the innate superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race.

Do not take Weatherman's word for it, folks. He's out and out lying.
Oh my...I'm soooo surprised that Weatherman would tell an untruth..or shade the argument to favor his take..or leave out important info that completely changes the context of an argument..shocked i tell ya!
He self identified as an Italian Iranian
Is that a pic from freakin' Lawrence of Arabia! Brand new account? Hmmmm.
Another failure of Liberal gun policies.

The firearm he used was illegal in Commie California. Didn't do jackshit to stop someone using it in a crime, did it?

He bought the firearm from a licensed gun dealer in Nevada on July 9th. He passed a background check to get the gun. Another failure. Background checks don't ever work to prevent crime. Just another stupid Libtard fantasy. .

Commie California's strict gun laws against concealed carry prevented the people at the gathering from protecting themselves from somebody that would do them harm.

Failed, failed, failed!

Why is there a call to ban " assault weapons"? Because they are used to kill people

So ban the AR 15 and when another gun is used to kill a few people at a garlic festival what do you do?

You say we have to ban that gun too

etc etc etc

A less powerful weapon would men fewer casualties.

An AR 15 is one of the lowest powered rifles on the market.

Every rifle I own is more powerful than an AR 15
Are they as easy to spray fire into a crowd of garlic festival goers? AR 15 is a copy of a weapon developed for WAR. It is designed to kill as quickly and easily as possible.

You don't know what you are talking about.
The AR doesn't fire any faster than any other semi-automatic.
The AR is less powerful than most other semi-automatics.
Of course it allows for more rapid shooting. It is easy to handle. It is a mass shooters dream, which is why it is the preferred rifle. But did he use an AR? Did I read here that he bought an AK47 out of state? What did he use?
It was an AK bought in Vegas
So he was a pussy hat wearing leftist

Far right Trump humping terrorist.

Moron Labia!
he hated whites, therefore, he's a pussy hat wearing leftist.

He doesn't hate whites. He's a white supremacist. Just another angry white boy with an AK47.
Just admit you have no answer for anything and that you do not want to punish crime.

So because I think these guns need to be banned I am against law enforcement?

Tell us how banning them will have any effect on anything when there are countless other guns that can be used and the banned guns can be obtained illegally?

Then you have to ban all those other guns too

That is the goal after all

Don't look now. Your paranoia is gaining on you.


Why is there a call to ban " assault weapons"? Because they are used to kill people

So ban the AR 15 and when another gun is used to kill a few people at a garlic festival what do you do?

You say we have to ban that gun too

etc etc etc

We have an agent hiding under your bed. As soon as you fall asleep...………….
I just read that article and it did not say that, or imply it. As a matter of fact, that is a total lie. He was third generation Iranian. His immigrant grandfather was an educated professional and served his community in local politics. His parents are also professionals and respected in the community.

Santino would get along great with President Trump, I think:

He wrote: “Read Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard. Why overcrowd towns and pave more open space to make room for hordes of mestizos and Silicon Valley white twats?”...
The book is described as being akin to Social Darwinism and includes misogynistic and racist principles “claiming that the woman and the family as a whole is the property of the man and proclaiming the innate superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race.

Do not take Weatherman's word for it, folks. He's out and out lying.
Oh my...I'm soooo surprised that Weatherman would tell an untruth..or shade the argument to favor his take..or leave out important info that completely changes the context of an argument..shocked i tell ya!
Well, it takes some chutzpah when you also put the link in the same post that says the complete opposite.
You seem to have ignored a few things he self-identified as an Italian Iranian, and hated whites and it sounds like he was a tree hugger. Iran's dear leader is a holocaust denier. anarchist history revisionist all sound like leftiest to me.
Here the portion you left out
Legan also posted about a fringe white supremacist book written in 1890. Noted indivualist anarchist, revisionist historian and Holocaust denier James J. Martin called, the book, “
Consider this......

Speaking from Statistics......when a Lefty says guns are dangerous, and civilians shouldn't have guns....they are categorically talking about other Leftists.

They are openly admitting their own are the problem.

...and yet, I have never heard anyone but RW nuts say the words, "civilians should not have any guns", and it is always something that the RW nut seems to remember some leftist as saying. Nobody ever seems to know exactly who that leftist is.

Scott Israel, former Broward Sheriff who oversaw the Parkland shootings and assisted them

Broward Sheriff Scott Israel said:
Civilians shouldn't own guns, that's what the Police are for

A MILLION other examples

A million? How about 5?
Looks like Santino was an angry ANTIFA type. Trump is right, ANTIFA is a terrorist organization.
So he was a pussy hat wearing leftist

Far right Trump humping terrorist.

Moron Labia!
he hated whites, therefore, he's a pussy hat wearing leftist.

He doesn't hate whites. He's a white supremacist. Just another angry white boy with an AK47.
Why would he say silicon valley white twats?
It's just very difficult to get a gun permit. Cops can arrest the person defending himself just as easily as the perp.
They don't have some kind of force-field around gun-free zones so you're pretty much on your own in the state of California.
Even if everybody carried guns in Cali the festival banned weapons like most large gatherings do... even Trump rally’s.
And that may help but nothing prevents an angry nutjob from killing.

Snips: Gilroy Garlic Festival gunman cut through back fence to avoid security, police say

"Smithee said the festival had security checkpoints with metal detectors."

"Taylor Pellegrini, 25, said that her bag was checked at the entrance but that one of her friend’s was not"

Gilroy Garlic Festival gunman cut through back fence to avoid security, police say
Yes I agree. I’m seeing these posts trying to make the case that California’s gun laws somehow played a factor in this, which just doesn’t make sense.
I think brainwashing or hatred in our schools might have something to do with it.
Why is it always some young kid?
Hormones, maybe? But then there was the Las Vegas shooter. 60's wasn't he? Thinking back, it's definitely not always kids. Unless to you, anything under 70 is a kid.
The guy was a federal agent. Didn't you know that? Shooter in bloody Vegas gun massacre was longtime federal agent
A less powerful weapon would men fewer casualties.

An AR 15 is one of the lowest powered rifles on the market.

Every rifle I own is more powerful than an AR 15
Are they as easy to spray fire into a crowd of garlic festival goers? AR 15 is a copy of a weapon developed for WAR. It is designed to kill as quickly and easily as possible.

You don't know what you are talking about.
The AR doesn't fire any faster than any other semi-automatic.
The AR is less powerful than most other semi-automatics.
Of course it allows for more rapid shooting. It is easy to handle. It is a mass shooters dream, which is why it is the preferred rifle. But did he use an AR? Did I read here that he bought an AK47 out of state? What did he use?
The Ar 15 just happens to be one of the most popular rifle frames in the country

There are over 8 million of them in the hands of civilians and 99.9999% of those civilians will never shoot anyone

And no it does not shoot faster than any other semiautomatic rifle

100% of the mass killers used to be perfectly innocent.
Liberals just can't seem to control themselves.....
Yesterday in Baltimore, today SanFrancisco.....they own what? 95% of all "gun violence" in their Utopias?

They embrace tons of legislation making it next to impossible for good people to protect themselves and their families.....while giving criminals the edge. Is it any wonder their "Gun Free" zones are the most dangerous places inthe nation?

Shots fired at Gilroy Garlic Festival in California, multiple 'victims,' police say

If the left Really wants to follow the Constitution and yet make America Safe from so called "Gun Violence", they need to focus on their own. Their people are the ones doing all the killing as usual.

And yet they completely ignore that and go straight for the jugular of the NRA and peaceful, law abiding gun owners. That's their bag....defending the criminal, prosecuting the always.

Good men must not allow them to prevail. The result would be devastating.
We have a Second Amendment, why do we have security problems in our free States?
So he was a pussy hat wearing leftist

Far right Trump humping terrorist.

Moron Labia!
he hated whites, therefore, he's a pussy hat wearing leftist.

He doesn't hate whites. He's a white supremacist. Just another angry white boy with an AK47.
A little early to make assumptions re. ideology. In any event, except for the poo flinging here and elsewhere...ideology seldom motivates these people..mental illness and extreme alienation play larger roles, IMO.
I just read that article and it did not say that, or imply it. As a matter of fact, that is a total lie. He was third generation Iranian. His immigrant grandfather was an educated professional and served his community in local politics. His parents are also professionals and respected in the community.

Santino would get along great with President Trump, I think:

He wrote: “Read Might Is Right by Ragnar Redbeard. Why overcrowd towns and pave more open space to make room for hordes of mestizos and Silicon Valley white twats?”...
The book is described as being akin to Social Darwinism and includes misogynistic and racist principles “claiming that the woman and the family as a whole is the property of the man and proclaiming the innate superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race.

Do not take Weatherman's word for it, folks. He's out and out lying.
Oh my...I'm soooo surprised that Weatherman would tell an untruth..or shade the argument to favor his take..or leave out important info that completely changes the context of an argument..shocked i tell ya!
He self identified as an Italian Iranian
Is that a pic from freakin' Lawrence of Arabia! Brand new account? Hmmmm.
It was his Instagram page maybe if you viewed it you would have read this
Legan also shared a third photo of his maternal grandfather, Ali Ashgar Vahabzdaeh,

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