Mass shooting: At Least 11 Shot At Gilroy Garlic Festival

You and lying filth like you are asked repeatedly how more gun laws will stop this, and like the no-good lying scum you are, you never provide an answer. Why is that my six-legged parasite?

This has been answered multiple times.

Banning assault type rifles would at the least reduce the carnage.

The truth is most of you deplorables are chicken shits.

If you did not have access to such a powerful weapon, would you even consider one of these killings?

We should alsi ban tactical gear.
A rifle can assault someone!??? What do you have video evidence??

a Baseball bat is a bat typically used in Baseball.

Am assault rifle of a rifle typically used in military assaults.

An Asaault type rifle is a rifle that resembles an assault rifle.

A Maga hat is a hat worn by dumbasses.
Just admit you have no answer for anything and that you do not want to punish crime.

So because I think these guns need to be banned I am against law enforcement?

Why are you against tools?? They saved 94 thousand lives last year... are you crazy??
If you feel the need too ponder what kind of question I asked you,then you are not prepared to protect anyone. Yes I always carry. Regradless what a sign may say
Ok captain commando do what you gotta do... don’t worry about me I’ve been just fine
between you and me I choose not to be a victim and wait to be protected you, on the other hand, have cast your die and it came up craps
Well I’m calling your bullshit. You don’t always have a gun on you. There are times whether it be in church or a swimming pool or at a movie theater where I’m sure you don’t have a gun at your side and during those times I can use your same argument against you that you are trying to use against me. Fact is that it’s an idiotic agreement that it is necessary to have a gun at all times to be responsible and protected. I could take the argument further to highlight the stupidity and say that whenever you are not wearing full body armor you are being unsafe and irresponsible as you never know when a bullet may come flying.

You’re argument is weak and I think I just pointed out the absurdity of it so best to stop using it from now on captain
I carry conceal a Ruger ec9 IWB I don't go to the pool I go to the gym wearing a spandex waist belt
The only place I wouldn't carry is a government building
Haha, you work out in spandex with a gun on your hip?! Now that’s a great picture!! How about when you shower? You got a little waterproof holster?
No, it's a belt made of spandex with a compartment for a pistol.
Looks like another muslim went nuts. We need more gun control! No muslims can own guns unless they go back where they came from.
Maybe we should disarm all you assfuck Trumpettes. If you are so stupid to vote for Trump, you are also too stupid to be allowed to own a gun.
Almost all murders are committed by Democrats. And ‘colored’ people.
Waiting to hear a democrat pretend they are so heart broken! After a weekend of thousands of babies getting dismembered in abortions!
And scold the GUN not the person.

Babies are not aborted.
Lol science isn’t your thing is it haha

Learn to pronounce

noun: baby; plural noun: babies
a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.
Yes at 10 weeks they have a heart beat... science is a beautiful thing
22 weeks is the earliest that a fetus could live outside the womb. Science is a beautiful thing indeed. When you phonies start protesting our never ending wars and our guns for all policy I may take you seriously but I`ll still support a woman`s right to choose.
No you don’t you are killing woman and men lol
IT HAS A HEAR BEAT AND NERVES AT 10 weeks.. it can feel pain when you are cutting it apart

You will lose in the end.. I’m
Shocked we let it happen this long
To paraphrase:
From time to time the Tree of Liberty must be watered....with the blood of innocents.

Volunteer one of your family innocents for the watering, if that's what you claim is required.
Didn't read the rest of the post..or just..didn't understand?

It is what it is...I am not 'claiming ill-educated one..I'm commenting.
You are correct, I just skimmed it. I apologize.

I will come back to read this when I have more time. Again, sorry.
Police responded to the festival grounds around 5:30PM. Around 11 people were reportedly shot. One of them has died.

Never knew there was a garlic festival, prayers go to the victims.

MASS SHOOTING: At Least 11 Shot At Gilroy Garlic Festival - Breaking911
A small price to pay for our Second Amendment Freedoms

My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims

It has nothing to do with a "price paid for our 2nd A rights"

This is a kind of event that can take anywhere, even places that don't have a 2nd Amendment. Places like Paris France in the fall of 2015. Or in the Tremendous Republic of Mexico.

The families of the victims have to realize that guns in our society keep us safe and that your loved ones death only serves to protect our beloved second amendment
Never in history has a gun walked up to anyone and shoot someone, shitforbrains.
California has not banned guns. A lot of hunters here. You got bad intel
It's just very difficult to get a gun permit. Cops can arrest the person defending himself just as easily as the perp.
They don't have some kind of force-field around gun-free zones so you're pretty much on your own in the state of California.
Even if everybody carried guns in Cali the festival banned weapons like most large gatherings do... even Trump rally’s.
And that may help but nothing prevents an angry nutjob from killing.

Snips: Gilroy Garlic Festival gunman cut through back fence to avoid security, police say

"Smithee said the festival had security checkpoints with metal detectors."

"Taylor Pellegrini, 25, said that her bag was checked at the entrance but that one of her friend’s was not"

Gilroy Garlic Festival gunman cut through back fence to avoid security, police say
Yes I agree. I’m seeing these posts trying to make the case that California’s gun laws somehow played a factor in this, which just doesn’t make sense.
I think brainwashing or hatred in our schools might have something to do with it.
Why is it always some young kid?
Hormones, maybe? But then there was the Las Vegas shooter. 60's wasn't he? Thinking back, it's definitely not always kids. Unless to you, anything under 70 is a kid.
A rifle can assault someone!??? What do you have video evidence??

a Baseball bat is a bat typically used in Baseball.

Am assault rifle of a rifle typically used in military assaults.

An Asaault type rifle is a rifle that resembles an assault rifle.

A Maga hat is a hat worn by dumbasses.

Tell me, tard - which of the following is an "assault rifle"?

View attachment 271777

View attachment 271778
So, we can't talk abouyt assault type weapons without more of this bullshit.

Answer the question - which one is the assault rifle?

What are the models?

The top is likely the Ruger Mini that you assfucks use as an example of a semi automatic. Don't know what the other one is - maybe the same gun accessorized to look like a scary weapon.

We don't need these guns. We need to limit magazine size.

So why do you people want these guns? Because you can shoot straight? Because they look scary & you think it makes you a tough guy? Because it is so much fun to get all beered up & shoot bottles?
You don’t,, what’s your address? Lol do you have a welcome sign on your door?
So it tuned out that the terrorist went to Nevada to buy an AK 47 that he ouldnt het in California.
Tell us how banning them will have any effect on anything when there are countless other guns that can be used and the banned guns can be obtained illegally?

Then you have to ban all those other guns too

That is the goal after all

Don't look now. Your paranoia is gaining on you.


Why is there a call to ban " assault weapons"? Because they are used to kill people

So ban the AR 15 and when another gun is used to kill a few people at a garlic festival what do you do?

You say we have to ban that gun too

etc etc etc

A less powerful weapon would men fewer casualties.

An AR 15 is one of the lowest powered rifles on the market.

Every rifle I own is more powerful than an AR 15
Are they as easy to spray fire into a crowd of garlic festival goers? AR 15 is a copy of a weapon developed for WAR. It is designed to kill as quickly and easily as possible.
Correction: This is the country we live in.
There is risk inherent to freedom. The more security one has; the less freedom one has. There’s no way around it. You just have to decide which is more important to you. Real, traditional Americans who align more closely with the founders vision for this nation, choose freedom every time...
Our founders Never. Ever. In A Million Years. would have found our level of gun homicide and ever increasing mass shootings of innocent civilians an acceptable trade for "freedom."
That's bullshit.
That’s pure speculation on your part. No one finds it acceptable by the way. That’s why it isn’t accepted. It’s criminalized.
Mass shootings and the killing of innocents is the price we pay for our 2nd amendment rights. Not calling for the repeal of the 2nd and I believe in private gun ownership.
We live in a culture of violence...and it is accepted by the vast majority. Whine if you will..and then turn on another action flick with 70 deaths by gun. Maybe kick back with a 1st person shooter and kill everything in cyberspace. While your children watch and learn.
Our culture is what it is--and I want a gun or protect myself from everyone else's guns.

To paraphrase:
From time to time the Tree of Liberty must be watered....with the blood of innocents.
All I can say to that is,
View attachment 271785
parrot traitors like you are hilarious.
Waiting to hear a democrat pretend they are so heart broken! After a weekend of thousands of babies getting dismembered in abortions!
And scold the GUN not the person.
T's & P's to you and your agenda.
Who?? English please
Now there's some irony for us. :clap:
I don’t bite.. talk like a man
Even more Irony! :71: Keep it coming, Jr.
Umm ok lol
California has banned guns, right? but...this sort of tragedy still happens over there!

Perhaps a good guy should have carried a gun to defend himself and others,and the outcome would have been different.
Good guys with guns (cops) took down the shooter within seconds.
cockroach says if you have a gun but aren't a cop then you must be a criminal. Classic logic from gayputin.

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