Mass shooting: At Least 11 Shot At Gilroy Garlic Festival

Not so sure about that. I really doubt if this guy wanted fame as much as payback, for whatever slight he had gotten at work. Now see, the way I look at this is, if the guy did not have a gun or did not know someone who would gladly let him borrow theirs, he would not have taken lives today. He would not have marched into that Walmart and stabbed those people or hit them with a brick or anything else. He might have put sugar in their gas tanks or started an ugly rumor about their sisters, but that would have been about it.
It is the easy, 24/7 access to guns that allows this to happen over and over and over. Does an incident like this inspire some other assholes? Sure, sometimes, but not for fame. Just as a great idea.
look around - people are violent all over the place, time and time again. guns are a tool, not the reason.
Violent people with less deadly tools kill fewer people.

No, they merely change the tools they use.
I don’t see that in countries with strong gun control.

That's because you are a one trick pony and a robot with no desire to educate yourself. And the truck attack below is only one of many.

Nice attack: What we know about the Bastille Day killings
Dozens of people were killed, including children, when a lorry ploughed into a large crowd watching a fireworks display in Nice to mark the Bastille Day holiday.

Attack in Nice: What we know
And how long ago was that? We have regular mass shootings. You clowns have a small handful of rare examples. A few barriers will stop that from happening again.
Seems like I regularly read news about women accidentally shooting themselves or children.

So...Because some idiot women shoot themselves and/or their children that somehow, in your mind, rationalizes taking guns from everyone else? Geez, you must think women are fucking dumb. :auiqs.jpg:
It proves it isn’t very good protection.
-------------------------------------------- for some stupid WOMEN according to You Brian .
For many men and women. Hundreds killed each year.
------------------------------------------------ there are over 320 million people in the USA so your number of hundreds per year is NEGLIGABLE Brian .
It’s hundreds more than countries with strong gun control.
OK for all of the anti gun nut lefttards out there, answer this question. A good portion of households in Switzerland have an evil military assault rifle stashed in a closet so where are the waves of gun violence and mass shootings? If it's the guns as you say then the problem should exist there but if it's people and not guns it's long past time for you to shut your stupid yaps because you don't have brains enough to be preaching to anyone about anything. In fact you should stay away from the voting booth altogether too.
Are you referring to this: Mandatory conscription is actually extremely popular in Switzerland, with 73 percent of Swiss citizens voting against a referendum to abolish the practice. After their military service, the Swiss are kept in reserve until age 30–34, if they were an officer — during which time they must keep their service weapon.

So having ex military officers have guns is the same as whacked out gun nuts & crazies arming themselves to the teeth?
------------------------------------- ex military officers , big fecking deal as I say that with as much disdain as possible. We gotta buncha them in 'gabby giffords' gun control group trying to disarm Americans . Sounds like you worship uniforms , special hats and official authority . That's an unAmerican and Servile attitude but I notice that its a common attitude of younger than ME people . Musta been your poor schooling , cartoons and or parents RDave .
Look, assfuck, I think people who were actually TRAINED to handle weapons & had a roll in the military where they learned when to use them is a tad different than a bunch of you assfucks running around carrying a loaded weapon, with little training, & thinking it makes you hot shit.
look around - people are violent all over the place, time and time again. guns are a tool, not the reason.
Violent people with less deadly tools kill fewer people.

No, they merely change the tools they use.
I don’t see that in countries with strong gun control.

That's because you are a one trick pony and a robot with no desire to educate yourself. And the truck attack below is only one of many.

Nice attack: What we know about the Bastille Day killings
Dozens of people were killed, including children, when a lorry ploughed into a large crowd watching a fireworks display in Nice to mark the Bastille Day holiday.

Attack in Nice: What we know
And how long ago was that? We have regular mass shootings. You clowns have a small handful of rare examples. A few barriers will stop that from happening again.

Three years ago. And that one truck killed more than all of the mass shootings we have had since Las Vegas. NEXT!
So, is it true you're so scared you carry a sidearm while grocery shopping?

I actually rarely carry. I have my CCW, and carry when I think I should....fear has nothing to do with it. I am not afraid of a car crash, but I wear a seat belt, I watch both ways before I cross the street and manage to do so without a hint of fear...... Fear really has nothing to do with carrying a gun. It is merely a tool in case a specific situation happens. When those situations do happen, and they do all across the country, rape, robbery and murder....someone who has a legal gun on their hip can handle it.......someone without is at the mercy of the criminal.

Having the option is great. I have had times where people knock on the door late at night, and knowing I have a weapon in case they are criminals is as reasuring as having a fire extingquisher in case the dryer starts on fire.

Americans use their legal guns at home and in public 1.1 million times a year....according to the Centers for Disease Control research. That means those people would have been victims...of rape, robbery or murder...but are alive, safe, and not scared for life...because they had a gun to stop the attack. would prefer that those women be raped, those people are brutally beaten and robbed....and they are murdered, and their families should lose them to a criminal..

That is your choice...I prefer the other choice..that the criminal is stopped.
A disgruntled employee just killed two people in a Walmart in Mississippi. What happened to the days of going on FaceBook and saying filthy things about your ex-supervisor who just fired you? Now they have to take a gun and kill people?

24/7 news cycle and glorification of the killers...
Not so sure about that. I really doubt if this guy wanted fame as much as payback, for whatever slight he had gotten at work. Now see, the way I look at this is, if the guy did not have a gun or did not know someone who would gladly let him borrow theirs, he would not have taken lives today. He would not have marched into that Walmart and stabbed those people or hit them with a brick or anything else. He might have put sugar in their gas tanks or started an ugly rumor about their sisters, but that would have been about it.
It is the easy, 24/7 access to guns that allows this to happen over and over and over. Does an incident like this inspire some other assholes? Sure, sometimes, but not for fame. Just as a great idea.
look around - people are violent all over the place, time and time again. guns are a tool, not the reason.
Violent people with less deadly tools kill fewer people.

No, they merely change the tools they use.
You left out the "less deadly" part, dumbass.
Violent people with less deadly tools kill fewer people.

No, they merely change the tools they use.
I don’t see that in countries with strong gun control.

That's because you are a one trick pony and a robot with no desire to educate yourself. And the truck attack below is only one of many.

Nice attack: What we know about the Bastille Day killings
Dozens of people were killed, including children, when a lorry ploughed into a large crowd watching a fireworks display in Nice to mark the Bastille Day holiday.

Attack in Nice: What we know
And how long ago was that? We have regular mass shootings. You clowns have a small handful of rare examples. A few barriers will stop that from happening again.

Three years ago. And that one truck killed more than all of the mass shootings we have had since Las Vegas. NEXT!
3 years ago. And we just had another mass shooting. Shootings all the time, and you have 3 years ago....'re thinking of me......
So, is it true you're so scared you carry a sidearm while grocery shopping?

I actually rarely carry. I have my CCW, and carry when I think I should....fear has nothing to do with it. I am not afraid of a car crash, but I wear a seat belt, I watch both ways before I cross the street and manage to do so without a hint of fear...... Fear really has nothing to do with carrying a gun. It is merely a tool in case a specific situation happens. When those situations do happen, and they do all across the country, rape, robbery and murder....someone who has a legal gun on their hip can handle it.......someone without is at the mercy of the criminal.

Having the option is great. I have had times where people knock on the door late at night, and knowing I have a weapon in case they are criminals is as reasuring as having a fire extingquisher in case the dryer starts on fire.

Americans use their legal guns at home and in public 1.1 million times a year....according to the Centers for Disease Control research. That means those people would have been victims...of rape, robbery or murder...but are alive, safe, and not scared for life...because they had a gun to stop the attack. would prefer that those women be raped, those people are brutally beaten and robbed....and they are murdered, and their families should lose them to a criminal..

That is your choice...I prefer the other choice..that the criminal is stopped.
I think a lot of people are scared, frustrated, and heartbroken from the horrendous gun violence that happens in this country and they just want to do something to try and limit the carnage. Regulating guns is something g that makes sense to them so that’s what they push because guns scare them. Others feel protected by them and want to defend their rights to carry. It’s a very heated and emotional debate which needs more understanding and compassion like most political issues
A disgruntled employee just killed two people in a Walmart in Mississippi. What happened to the days of going on FaceBook and saying filthy things about your ex-supervisor who just fired you? Now they have to take a gun and kill people?

24/7 news cycle and glorification of the killers...
Not so sure about that. I really doubt if this guy wanted fame as much as payback, for whatever slight he had gotten at work. Now see, the way I look at this is, if the guy did not have a gun or did not know someone who would gladly let him borrow theirs, he would not have taken lives today. He would not have marched into that Walmart and stabbed those people or hit them with a brick or anything else. He might have put sugar in their gas tanks or started an ugly rumor about their sisters, but that would have been about it.
It is the easy, 24/7 access to guns that allows this to happen over and over and over. Does an incident like this inspire some other assholes? Sure, sometimes, but not for fame. Just as a great idea.
look around - people are violent all over the place, time and time again. guns are a tool, not the reason.
Violent people with less deadly tools kill fewer people.
you are a fucking idiot.

Violent people with less deadly tools kill fewer people.

No, they merely change the tools they use.
I don’t see that in countries with strong gun control.

That's because you are a one trick pony and a robot with no desire to educate yourself. And the truck attack below is only one of many.

Nice attack: What we know about the Bastille Day killings
Dozens of people were killed, including children, when a lorry ploughed into a large crowd watching a fireworks display in Nice to mark the Bastille Day holiday.

Attack in Nice: What we know
And how long ago was that? We have regular mass shootings. You clowns have a small handful of rare examples. A few barriers will stop that from happening again.

Three years ago. And that one truck killed more than all of the mass shootings we have had since Las Vegas. NEXT!
Trucks have a purpose. An assault type rifle doesn't.
They didn't have lots of mass shootings before they banned guns.....Britain averaged 1 every 10 years before they banned guns...

Your theory, More Guns = More Mass shootings

Britain.....1 every 10 years with guns.....after they banned guns .....the same

In science, when a theory doesn't actually work, it means the theory is wrong.
Yes countries that have never been filled with guns have never had a mass shooting problem. Go figure.

Move to one of those countries. We won't miss you at all
That won’t fix the problem. Need to deport the gun nuts.
Glory Bee please by all means be the first at the door to make that attempt lol
Shit son make provocative outlandish comments and you call gun owners nuts lol
I stated what would help the problem.
You misstated maybe you leftist should leave to a country that you are trying to make America into.
You would have to lie so much and have less stress
So, is it true you're so scared you carry a sidearm while grocery shopping?

I actually rarely carry. I have my CCW, and carry when I think I should....fear has nothing to do with it. I am not afraid of a car crash, but I wear a seat belt, I watch both ways before I cross the street and manage to do so without a hint of fear...... Fear really has nothing to do with carrying a gun. It is merely a tool in case a specific situation happens. When those situations do happen, and they do all across the country, rape, robbery and murder....someone who has a legal gun on their hip can handle it.......someone without is at the mercy of the criminal.

Having the option is great. I have had times where people knock on the door late at night, and knowing I have a weapon in case they are criminals is as reasuring as having a fire extingquisher in case the dryer starts on fire.

Americans use their legal guns at home and in public 1.1 million times a year....according to the Centers for Disease Control research. That means those people would have been victims...of rape, robbery or murder...but are alive, safe, and not scared for life...because they had a gun to stop the attack. would prefer that those women be raped, those people are brutally beaten and robbed....and they are murdered, and their families should lose them to a criminal..

That is your choice...I prefer the other choice..that the criminal is stopped.
A disgruntled employee just killed two people in a Walmart in Mississippi. What happened to the days of going on FaceBook and saying filthy things about your ex-supervisor who just fired you? Now they have to take a gun and kill people?

24/7 news cycle and glorification of the killers...
Not so sure about that. I really doubt if this guy wanted fame as much as payback, for whatever slight he had gotten at work. Now see, the way I look at this is, if the guy did not have a gun or did not know someone who would gladly let him borrow theirs, he would not have taken lives today. He would not have marched into that Walmart and stabbed those people or hit them with a brick or anything else. He might have put sugar in their gas tanks or started an ugly rumor about their sisters, but that would have been about it.
It is the easy, 24/7 access to guns that allows this to happen over and over and over. Does an incident like this inspire some other assholes? Sure, sometimes, but not for fame. Just as a great idea.
look around - people are violent all over the place, time and time again. guns are a tool, not the reason.
Violent people with less deadly tools kill fewer people.
you are a fucking idiot.

Sorry you don’t like the facts.
Yes countries that have never been filled with guns have never had a mass shooting problem. Go figure.

Move to one of those countries. We won't miss you at all
That won’t fix the problem. Need to deport the gun nuts.
Glory Bee please by all means be the first at the door to make that attempt lol
Shit son make provocative outlandish comments and you call gun owners nuts lol
I stated what would help the problem.
You misstated maybe you leftist should leave to a country that you are trying to make America into.
You would have to lie so much and have less stress
OK for all of the anti gun nut lefttards out there, answer this question. A good portion of households in Switzerland have an evil military assault rifle stashed in a closet so where are the waves of gun violence and mass shootings? If it's the guns as you say then the problem should exist there but if it's people and not guns it's long past time for you to shut your stupid yaps because you don't have brains enough to be preaching to anyone about anything. In fact you should stay away from the voting booth altogether too.
Are you referring to this: Mandatory conscription is actually extremely popular in Switzerland, with 73 percent of Swiss citizens voting against a referendum to abolish the practice. After their military service, the Swiss are kept in reserve until age 30–34, if they were an officer — during which time they must keep their service weapon.

So having ex military officers have guns is the same as whacked out gun nuts & crazies arming themselves to the teeth?
------------------------------------- ex military officers , big fecking deal as I say that with as much disdain as possible. We gotta buncha them in 'gabby giffords' gun control group trying to disarm Americans . Sounds like you worship uniforms , special hats and official authority . That's an unAmerican and Servile attitude but I notice that its a common attitude of younger than ME people . Musta been your poor schooling , cartoons and or parents RDave .
Look, assfuck, I think people who were actually TRAINED to handle weapons & had a roll in the military where they learned when to use them is a tad different than a bunch of you assfucks running around carrying a loaded weapon, with little training, & thinking it makes you hot shit.
------------------------------------- so you can also call names eh RDave . Now just find a 'uniform' or Official Hat of Authority and shine his or her Shoes RDave . [chuckle]
The best thing they can do is get advice from a professional law enforcement officer about how they should handle that kind of situation.

Not some gun nutter.

Are you kidding!!?? Let's see....Woman walking down the street, gets grabbed by a rapist.......she says..... as she picks up her cell-phone...."Wait!! :114: I'm calling the cops to get advice!" :auiqs.jpg:
So she is saying "Wait until I get my gun out of my purse" instead?
No, they merely change the tools they use.
I don’t see that in countries with strong gun control.

That's because you are a one trick pony and a robot with no desire to educate yourself. And the truck attack below is only one of many.

Nice attack: What we know about the Bastille Day killings
Dozens of people were killed, including children, when a lorry ploughed into a large crowd watching a fireworks display in Nice to mark the Bastille Day holiday.

Attack in Nice: What we know
And how long ago was that? We have regular mass shootings. You clowns have a small handful of rare examples. A few barriers will stop that from happening again.

Three years ago. And that one truck killed more than all of the mass shootings we have had since Las Vegas. NEXT!
Trucks have a purpose. An assault type rifle doesn't.
good thing a purpose is not necessary for a right.
Move to one of those countries. We won't miss you at all
That won’t fix the problem. Need to deport the gun nuts.
Glory Bee please by all means be the first at the door to make that attempt lol
Shit son make provocative outlandish comments and you call gun owners nuts lol
I stated what would help the problem.
You misstated maybe you leftist should leave to a country that you are trying to make America into.
You would have to lie so much and have less stress
as expected don't ask for an explanation
So...Because some idiot women shoot themselves and/or their children that somehow, in your mind, rationalizes taking guns from everyone else? Geez, you must think women are fucking dumb. :auiqs.jpg:
It proves it isn’t very good protection.
-------------------------------------------- for some stupid WOMEN according to You Brian .
For many men and women. Hundreds killed each year.
------------------------------------------------ there are over 320 million people in the USA so your number of hundreds per year is NEGLIGABLE Brian .
It’s hundreds more than countries with strong gun control.
-------------------------------- the America is the only Nation that matters to a Real American Brian .
---------------------------------------- its about FREEDOM and not about SAFETY Brian .
Why do you value the freedom to quickly become a mass killer? What about freedom to live?

1.1 million Americans each year live because they have the ability to own and carry guns.

In 2018 there were 12 mass public shootings, 93 killed. Cars killed over 38,000, drowning killed over 3,500....

The numbers don't support you.

7,000 people each year die of melanoma, should America seek to destroy the sun?
No, but you don't see people "protecting" themselves from melanoma by spending MORE time in the sun. What we need is more good guys with guns? No gun free zones?

Mass shooters do not target places where people can carry guns...we know this from actual mass public shooters...that is a fact...

Also, when armed citizens are allowed to have their guns when a mass shooter targets a location, they are 94% effective at stopping them and reducing death and injury......

Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]

Of all the active shooter events there were 33 at which an armed citizen was present. Of those, Armed Citizens were successful at stopping the Active shooter 75.8% of the time (25 incidents) and were successful in reducing the loss of life in an additional 18.2% (6) of incidents. In only 2 of the 33 incidents (6.1%) was the Armed Citizen(s) not helpful in any way in stopping the active shooter or reducing the loss of life.

Thus the headline of our report that Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events.

In the 2 incidents at which the armed citizen “failed” to stop or slow the active shooter, one is the previously mentioned incident with hunters. The other is an incident in which the CCWer was shot in the back in a Las Vegas Walmart when he failed to identify that there were 2 Active Shooters involved in the attack. He neglected to identify the one that shot him in the back while he was trying to ambush the other perpetrator.

We also decided to look at the breakdown of events that took place in gun free zones and the relative death toll from events in gun free zones vs non-gun-free zones.

Of the 283 incidents in our data pool, we were unable to identify if the event took place in a gun-free zone in a large number (41%) of the events. Most of the events took place at a business, church, home, or other places at which as a rule of law it is not a gun free zone but potentially could have been declared one by the property owner. Without any information in the FBI study or any indication one way or the other from the news reports, we have indicated that event with a question mark.

If you look at all of the Active Shooter events (pie chart on the top) you see that for those which we have the information, almost twice as many took place in gun free zones than not; but realistically the vast majority of those for which we have no information (indicated as ?) are probably NOT gun free zones.

If you isolate just the events at which 8 or more people were killed the data paints a different picture (pie chart on the bottom). In these incidents, 77.8% took place in a gun-free zone suggesting that gun free zones lead to a higher death rate vs active shooter events in general


One of the final metrics we thought was important to consider is the potential tendency for armed citizens to injure or kill innocent people in their attempt to “save the day.” A common point in political discussions is to point out the lack of training of most armed citizens and the decrease in safety inherent in their presence during violent encounters.

As you can see below, however, at the 33 incidents at which Armed Citizens were present, there were zero situations at which the Armed Citizen injured or killed an innocent person. It never happened.
Other than bars & hotels. They were not no gun zones.
It proves it isn’t very good protection.
-------------------------------------------- for some stupid WOMEN according to You Brian .
For many men and women. Hundreds killed each year.
------------------------------------------------ there are over 320 million people in the USA so your number of hundreds per year is NEGLIGABLE Brian .
It’s hundreds more than countries with strong gun control.
-------------------------------- the America is the only Nation that matters to a Real American Brian .
And a real American wants to save lives.
That won’t fix the problem. Need to deport the gun nuts.
Glory Bee please by all means be the first at the door to make that attempt lol
Shit son make provocative outlandish comments and you call gun owners nuts lol
I stated what would help the problem.
You misstated maybe you leftist should leave to a country that you are trying to make America into.
You would have to lie so much and have less stress
as expected don't ask for an explanation
I was hoping for a translation of your gibberish.'re thinking of me......
So, is it true you're so scared you carry a sidearm while grocery shopping?

I actually rarely carry. I have my CCW, and carry when I think I should....fear has nothing to do with it. I am not afraid of a car crash, but I wear a seat belt, I watch both ways before I cross the street and manage to do so without a hint of fear...... Fear really has nothing to do with carrying a gun. It is merely a tool in case a specific situation happens. When those situations do happen, and they do all across the country, rape, robbery and murder....someone who has a legal gun on their hip can handle it.......someone without is at the mercy of the criminal.

Having the option is great. I have had times where people knock on the door late at night, and knowing I have a weapon in case they are criminals is as reasuring as having a fire extingquisher in case the dryer starts on fire.

Americans use their legal guns at home and in public 1.1 million times a year....according to the Centers for Disease Control research. That means those people would have been victims...of rape, robbery or murder...but are alive, safe, and not scared for life...because they had a gun to stop the attack. would prefer that those women be raped, those people are brutally beaten and robbed....and they are murdered, and their families should lose them to a criminal..

That is your choice...I prefer the other choice..that the criminal is stopped.
The guy who just killed two people at Walmart this morning in Mississippi becaus
then in this case i'm speaking to the liberals i have seen that when you try to tell them functionally there is no difference between the AR-15 and a browning longtrac semi-automatic, they refuse to go "wow, i misunderstood that weapon" and instead say "then semi-automatics needs to go also".

i have *never* heard someone go "wow, i was wrong about that rifle" and to a man/woman/child i've discussed this with, the more they learn the less they want to know and the more they want to control. i don't doubt there are those on the left who are NOT like this, i've just not met one in conversation yet.
I think a lot of people are scared, frustrated, and heartbroken from the horrendous gun violence that happens in this country and they just want to do something to try and limit the carnage. Regulating guns is something g that makes sense to them so that’s what they push because guns scare them. Others feel protected by them and want to defend their rights to carry. It’s a very heated and emotional debate which needs more understanding and compassion like most political issues
A disgruntled employee just killed two people in a Walmart in Mississippi. What happened to the days of going on FaceBook and saying filthy things about your ex-supervisor who just fired you? Now they have to take a gun and kill people?

24/7 news cycle and glorification of the killers...
Not so sure about that. I really doubt if this guy wanted fame as much as payback, for whatever slight he had gotten at work. Now see, the way I look at this is, if the guy did not have a gun or did not know someone who would gladly let him borrow theirs, he would not have taken lives today. He would not have marched into that Walmart and stabbed those people or hit them with a brick or anything else. He might have put sugar in their gas tanks or started an ugly rumor about their sisters, but that would have been about it.
It is the easy, 24/7 access to guns that allows this to happen over and over and over. Does an incident like this inspire some other assholes? Sure, sometimes, but not for fame. Just as a great idea.

The majority of killers in prison come from single parent homes without fathers......look up the guys involved and you will likely see that issue.....

Single parent teenage mothers, raising young males without fathers is driving our violent crime...and the violent crime in Europe.....fix that, and the violence rates will go down.
OK, People who were raised in homes without their father are no longer able to own guns.

Is that what you had in mind?
No, they merely change the tools they use.
I don’t see that in countries with strong gun control.

That's because you are a one trick pony and a robot with no desire to educate yourself. And the truck attack below is only one of many.

Nice attack: What we know about the Bastille Day killings
Dozens of people were killed, including children, when a lorry ploughed into a large crowd watching a fireworks display in Nice to mark the Bastille Day holiday.

Attack in Nice: What we know
And how long ago was that? We have regular mass shootings. You clowns have a small handful of rare examples. A few barriers will stop that from happening again.

Three years ago. And that one truck killed more than all of the mass shootings we have had since Las Vegas. NEXT!
Trucks have a purpose. An assault type rifle doesn't.
------------------------------------------ read about the Purpose of the 'second amendment' RDave .

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