Mass Shooting in Orange, CA with 1 Child and 3 Adults Dead

And next, you will show us that their gun deaths are higher per capita than here in the U.S., right?

Mexico's murder rate is 3x higher than the U.S. and gun ownership is 10x lower.
Mexico is scarred by the US war on drugs. Why dont you compare the US with Europe?

Why don't you want to compare with Mexico? Do you believe brown people are inferior?

But, ok, let's compare with Europe: London's murder rate increased 28% last year. How do you explain that?
Yes.After 500 years of colonization they are STILL violent savages always rioting and overthrowing Gov'ts. And having Military Coups. There are two CIVILIZED countries down there. Uruguay. and Costa Rica. And both are 85% WHITE Hispanic.
Hey! I know! We should all buy more guns!

Not everyone. Just those who wish to defend themselves.
Strange that not a single mass shooting incident has been stopped by an armed civilian. Not at the grocery store, the massage parlor, the nightclubs, the movies, the concerts, WalMart, walking down the street of their village, picking up their luggage...nowhere. Not One person armed to defend themself prevented themselves or others from being murdered during one of these murder fests.

Your argument doesn't work with mass shootings, and those are the ones we most fear because they are just people minding their business, doing nothing risky or unusual, being murdered by a stranger for no reason and without warning. Forget the kids in school who have been sitting ducks at Columbine, at Sandy Hook, and at Parkland.

At some point, these type of shootings will be the ones that trigger actual control of guns. Not because they are statistically the most deadly, but because they are the most terrifying to all of us.
Have you considered that there have been many potential mass shootings that were stopped by armed citizens BEFORE they reached body counts that interest the Media?

America is 15th. on quality of life and 'safety' is one of the factors that has brought the US down so far and so quickly.

Fascism is bred out of discontent and the worst enemy of a would-be fascist leader is in his opponents taking measures to bring a democracy back from the brink.

Biden proposes another 2.5 trillion over 8 years.
AOC proposes antother 10 trillion on the infrastructure over the next 10 years.

Socially responsible politicians (socialists with a small 's', see the impending danger of fascism's rise and are taking definite steps to stop it as quickly as possible before it's too late!

It's highly unlikely the 'shooting' factor that relates to 'safety' can be changed now but there will at least be a concentrated effort by Biden.

The mass shootings every week are bringing the point home to Americans at the perfect time when they're needed for making the case.
The idiot left is in full court press on gun control. I've noticed the national news reporting all sorts of local gun victim stories (except in liberal gun-control Chicago). TBH, I don't care if a person on the other side of the country shot their ex lover. The narrative is so obvious.
Well. National Hero Bernie Goetz had a gun. On the New York Subway. He took care of business and FOUR THUGS went down. More of this needs to happen.

You think he was a hero?
And next, you will show us that their gun deaths are higher per capita than here in the U.S., right?

Mexico's murder rate is 3x higher than the U.S. and gun ownership is 10x lower.
Mexico is scarred by the US war on drugs. Why dont you compare the US with Europe?

Why don't you want to compare with Mexico? Do you believe brown people are inferior?

But, ok, let's compare with Europe: London's murder rate increased 28% last year. How do you explain that?
Yes.After 500 years of colonization they are STILL violent savages always rioting and overthrowing Gov'ts. And having Military Coups. There are two CIVILIZED countries down there. Uruguay. and Costa Rica. And both are 85% WHITE Hispanic.

Uraguay is the 8th most armed country in the world and most armed country in Latin America.
And next, you will show us that their gun deaths are higher per capita than here in the U.S., right?

Mexico's murder rate is 3x higher than the U.S. and gun ownership is 10x lower.
Mexico is scarred by the US war on drugs. Why dont you compare the US with Europe?

Why don't you want to compare with Mexico? Do you believe brown people are inferior?

But, ok, let's compare with Europe: London's murder rate increased 28% last year. How do you explain that?

I think the key may be how tough it is to get a license to own a gun.

Murderers don't care about getting a license.

Both Robrt Aaron Long and the Muslim guy in Colorado got their guns the same week that they went on their shooting sprees.

So what?
And next, you will show us that their gun deaths are higher per capita than here in the U.S., right?

Mexico's murder rate is 3x higher than the U.S. and gun ownership is 10x lower.
Mexico is scarred by the US war on drugs. Why dont you compare the US with Europe?

Why don't you want to compare with Mexico? Do you believe brown people are inferior?

But, ok, let's compare with Europe: London's murder rate increased 28% last year. How do you explain that?

I think the key may be how tough it is to get a license to own a gun.

Murderers don't care about getting a license.

Both Robrt Aaron Long and the Muslim guy in Colorado got their guns the same week that they went on their shooting sprees.

So what?

Evidently its pretty easy to buy a gun even on the spur of the moment.
And next, you will show us that their gun deaths are higher per capita than here in the U.S., right?

Mexico's murder rate is 3x higher than the U.S. and gun ownership is 10x lower.
Mexico is scarred by the US war on drugs. Why dont you compare the US with Europe?

Why don't you want to compare with Mexico? Do you believe brown people are inferior?

But, ok, let's compare with Europe: London's murder rate increased 28% last year. How do you explain that?

I think the key may be how tough it is to get a license to own a gun.

Murderers don't care about getting a license.

Both Robrt Aaron Long and the Muslim guy in Colorado got their guns the same week that they went on their shooting sprees.

So what?

Evidently its pretty easy to buy a gun even on the spur of the moment.

Again, so what?
And next, you will show us that their gun deaths are higher per capita than here in the U.S., right?

Mexico's murder rate is 3x higher than the U.S. and gun ownership is 10x lower.
Mexico is scarred by the US war on drugs. Why dont you compare the US with Europe?

Why don't you want to compare with Mexico? Do you believe brown people are inferior?

But, ok, let's compare with Europe: London's murder rate increased 28% last year. How do you explain that?
Rates go up and down but the UK and all of Europe is many times safer than gun crazy USA. That is a constant.
Evidently its pretty easy to buy a gun even on the spur of the moment.
Have you bought one recently, or are you just spreading propaganda that you heard from other sources?
It should be pretty easy to purchase a firearm as it is a recognized right in the Constitution.

The shooter in Atlanta and the Syrian immigrant both bought guns the day before. You can look it up if you doubt it.
Hey! I know! We should all buy more guns!

Deterrent - if these mass shooters had any level of uncertainty and doubt that they might not accomplish their mission because there is a 20 percent or more possibility that someone has a gun that will take them out, how motivated do you think they would be to do a mass shooting?

It makes more sense to me to put guns in the hands of good guys and gals as a risk mitigator than it does to take guns or limit guns for good guys and have no means to get the guns from the bad guys. MOST gun violence occurs using guns ILLEGALLY obtained.
. Anaheim

As I thought and said he'd be he turned to be a white man.

White latinos are classified as white


Not playing this game of white racial purity shit games that whites like to play when someone from their race makes em look bad. He's white.
And next, you will show us that their gun deaths are higher per capita than here in the U.S., right?

Mexico's murder rate is 3x higher than the U.S. and gun ownership is 10x lower.
Mexico is scarred by the US war on drugs. Why dont you compare the US with Europe?

Why don't you want to compare with Mexico? Do you believe brown people are inferior?

But, ok, let's compare with Europe: London's murder rate increased 28% last year. How do you explain that?
Rates go up and down but the UK and all of Europe is many times safer than gun crazy USA. That is a constant.

Except when there's World Wars going on then no one is safe in Europe.

How many have you guys had in the last hundred and twenty years?


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