Mass Shooting in Tulsa.

Is Tulsa one of those Democrat controlled liberal shit holes we hear about?
Tulsa is one of those fine Republican paradises that are all over America.
Since I live in America and have seen the statistics for the last 28 years, I point out this inaccuracy because it's causing us to get killed by police and white civilians who then lie and say their lives are in danger. And as I am an American and can also be a victim, I want not only to see the gun problem solved but the inaccurate opinions on race and crime, specifically violent crime by conflating one crime as all violent crimes when there are 4-5 categories of violent crime and whites lead in all other categories of such crime every single year.

How about you tell us exactly how many blacks, whites, hispanics have been killed by the police and the circumstances of those killings?

How about you actually provide some information.....

That would deflate you hate based posts....
Tulsa is one of those fine Republican paradises that are all over America.

1 nut........who wanted to murder a Doctor, wife/ex-wife, or girlfriend most likely...

Want to comment on the number of young black males murdered by other young black males in Tusla?
You know what it means. Thet only want to hype shootings when its a white doing it. Black they dont care.. Doesnt fit the narrative they want
Wrong. This shooting is still being hyped. The narrative that doesn't get attention is white on white killing. This is apparent when in forums like this.
Whites commit more crimes in America but make excuses and blame other races. Then we get mass shootings that have primarily been committed by whites and here comes more excuses. Now this time a black guy commits a mass shooting which gives these guys permission to talk about slavery on the railroads and of course their opinion of high black crime.
I couldn't care less about who the blame is placed on. To me it's America's fight to sort that out.

And besides, right now there are bigger fish to fry.
I was correct…..he shot the Doctor who treated him and did back surgery on him….the give away was his going to a specific floor before he started his attack
Like I said, it was racism and the gun. That's reality. Racism doesn't mean you get to kill people but those like you better start recognizing the mental toll racism takes on people who have to deal with it. That's reality also. Thats the end of story and race hustling doesn't have a damn thing to do with this. Understanding psychology does. And that's reality.
Pathetic. Making sorry excuses for the myriad of failures instead of dealing with the issues. Crying racism really is all you have.
It’s not weekly. 6 attacks over the course of 2021 is not weekly

And there's the reason why it's become a fool's game to believe anything you say. You're only interested in either burying or skewing the facts!

And only interesting issue with you is in finding out the reason why you are what you are?

There's no doubt in the least that dead children don't enter into the question with you.

The list in the link is too long to post here. Can we say daily instead of weekly?
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Four last mass shooters:

Eliminate all gun free zones and encourage all Americans over the age of 5 to carry a gun.

Some variation of that is quite likely t happen soon by the sounds of it. It's becoming a weekly affair already.
Armed kids is seriously stupid & it won't stop a barricaded shooter like in Vegas or Texas. Armed teachers is a good idea. We need to eliminate guns that take quick reloading magazines & limit all guns to 10 rounds.
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Armed kids is seriously stupid & it won't stop a barricaded shooter like in Vegas or Texas. Armed teachers is a good idea. We need to eliminate guns that take quick reloading magazines & limit all guns to 10 rounds.

Moron….the magazine issue is just the democrats trying a back door gun ban….. 10 round magazines will kill just as many people…..a 5 shot pump action shotgun was used to kill 20 people and injured 70
Armed kids is seriously stupid & it won't stop a barricaded shooter like in Vegas or Texas. Armed teachers is a good idea. We need to eliminate guns that take quick reloading magazines & limit all guns to 10 rounds.
Just one problem:

The vast majority of teachers, unions, and school systems oppose that.
The best solution is to ship the Negroes to Africa and the Hispancis to Mexico. Our crime would then be less than mostly all White European countries with strict gun control laws.
It would be faster and easier to ship racist assholes to a sinking barge in the middle of the ocean.

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