Mass Shooting in Tulsa.

No, mass shootings went away in Aus and NZ when they banned the guns. Try as you might, and I know you're trying, it's the guns.
We are talking about the US and Britain’s murder rate which has been for the most part the same. I said nothing about NE, Aussieland or up north. We are talking Brit and US, I understand why you can’t agree, it blows your argument.
The gangs! drugs. White men also commit crimes.
Yes they do but the Black and Brown populations do it way out of proportion to their demographics.

The great amount of gang and drug violence (in addition to gun crime) in this country is concentrated in the Black and Brown ghetto areas of the Democrat controlled big cities.
Well, there is no question about it. The only response MUST be to have HEAVILY ARMED doctors and nurses in all hospital rooms at all times.
From the initial reports, he went up to the second floor before he began shooting....this looks like a directed attack against a Doctor, a wife/ex wife or girlfriend........the regular mass public shooters would have started shooting when they entered the building....
Well, maybe he wasn't a 'regular', just another mass shooter?

Can you tell a regular by when he enters a building and starts shooting?

Are you still convinced that your proposed gun reform is a good idea?
Yes…the racist democrat party controls the worst cities…they don’t care about the plight of black Americans, and only pretend to care a month or two before each election.
That's probably true of most Americans don't you think?
Never mind….the killer is a black dude….those don’t count as anti-gun fanatic Christmas Day events……
move along
All crime by blacks seems to be abnormally frequent in America but the mass shootings need immediate attention because they're becoming a weekly affair.

I've recommended some socially responsible measures to deal with the mass shootings that we can talk about when you become ready.
Because we all know the Chinese, Irish, Mexicans, Indians, Koreans, Japanese, etc immigrants have always been treated with open arms and were all handed freebies upon entering the US to make themselves successful.

Funny how only one of your divisive categories of skin pigmentation has an issue.
My divisive categories? I don't know what point you're trying to make, but there's little doubt that black crime is over the top in America.
I would be interested in hearing your ideas on why that it, if they're constructive ideas.
Heck, in a nearby train tunnel built pre civil war two slaves were killed in a train accident during construction. They removed all slaves from the project because of the dangers and replaced them with Irish immigrants.
To me that's an anecdotal story that doesn't make any point.
Other than the fact that whites usually didn't carry out the very dangerous work in America during that period. The same is true for Canada, but we adjusted and it's not our problem now to anywhere near the same extent!
Nope. The USA became the global powerhouse of Earth. Other countries that had slavery (of course slavery has existed everywhere) those people run to the USA and are lined up at our border hoping to get in.
I'm aware of how it works. Canada takes more immigrants in than any other country. I don't think we're terribly concerned whether or not they're legal. I would regard that as racism.
Not enough good guys with guns to be everywhere that violence might start. Not to mention, that the places in which large groups gather are often "gun free zones." I'm guessing there were a couple of hundred signs at that hospital with a picture of a gun with a 🚫 on top of it. So the good guys left their guns in their glove boxes. For some reason, those signs never seem to bother the bad guys with guns.

You mean the government good guys? When do they ever show up on time?
Eliminate all gun free zones and encourage all Americans over the age of 5 to carry a gun.

Some variation of that is quite likely t happen soon by the sounds of it. It's becoming a weekly affair already.
Because we don't want to live in your gross fantasy, where every square foot of land should be treated like a battlefield. You unamercian jackholes and your horrible, primitive ideas simply are not welcome, in educated society.

Though I think you probably knew this already, deplorable.

Like hiring prison guards to teach in elementary schools.. or maybe just exSeals?
All crime by blacks seems to be abnormally frequent in America but the mass shootings need immediate attention because they're becoming a weekly affair.

I've recommended some socially responsible measures to deal with the mass shootings that we can talk about when you become ready.
The best solution is to ship the Negroes to Africa and the Hispancis to Mexico. Our crime would then be less than mostly all White European countries with strict gun control laws.
The problem is the asshole shooter, end of story. Focus on reality instead of two race hustling.
Like I said, it was racism and the gun. That's reality. Racism doesn't mean you get to kill people but those like you better start recognizing the mental toll racism takes on people who have to deal with it. That's reality also. Thats the end of story and race hustling doesn't have a damn thing to do with this. Understanding psychology does. And that's reality.
All crime by blacks seems to be abnormally frequent in America but the mass shootings need immediate attention because they're becoming a weekly affair.

I've recommended some socially responsible measures to deal with the mass shootings that we can talk about when you become ready.

No..they aren't a weekly affair...

We had 6 nuts in 2021 who committed a mass public shooting,

in 2020 we had 2...

If you look at a year, there are 52 weeks in a year....can you see how those don't come close to one a week? You dolt.

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