Mass Shooting in Tulsa.

Yeah.........Christian Nationalists are like unicorns......meanwhile, blm/antifa, under orders from their democrat party masters burned, looted and killed in black neighborhoods for 7 months....
There is nothing that says assault AR 15 should not be allowed.
And we're taking yours first. Michelle Obama is coming to get them, personally. We chose her to troll you because you're a white supremacist.

Suck it,
Yeah good luck with that.

And FYI My mother was Black

So I'm technically not White

From the initial reports, he went up to the second floor before he began shooting....this looks like a directed attack against a Doctor, a wife/ex wife or girlfriend........the regular mass public shooters would have started shooting when they entered the building....
I don't care, enough people got wounded and 4 are dead.
WTF are you babbling about?

I have no problem with Black people and never did.

I think you are projecting.
Holy shit! I was kind of fucking around but I was right!! Dude. You are traumatized. This is NOT trash talk. Get into therapy. Trust me. It helps.

I wish you the best, my friend.
Fox news reported that it was a Black shooter so the story will go away real quick.

Looks like there is diversity in mass shooters.

The last four:

Black, White, Hispanic and Black
Fox news reported that it was a Black shooter so the story will go away real quick.

Looks like there is diversity in mass shooters.

The last four:

Black, White, Hispanic and Black
The gun he had in his hand had no color. It's the guns, not your hated blacks, you sorry racist little bitch.

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