Mass shooting near school in Baltimore

One Cop got shot miles away from three schools in Fox Lake, IL. All three schools within that three miles went on lock down. No event actually at the school, but there was concern with the children. So you're saying the black students in Baltimore don't get offered the same kind of compassion? Really? BTW, it was a seven hour lock down.
Great strawman. No stupid I said it should not be called a school shooting. Are you just retarded or is it you think you are smart enough to match wits with me?
Forest Gump would beat you in a battle of wits, Cave Monkey.
A rock would beat you in a battle of wits cave monkey.
I guess when you have the IQ of an African, that is the best insult you can come up with.
I guess when you have the IQ of a cave monkey you cant come up with anything.
pee wee hermanisms. Love it how often the liberals turn to the pee wee herman comebacks. They are so pee wee hermanish.
We should look at banning guns in the gang community.

Don't think there are many gang members that can legally carry a gun

How do they get them then ?

They buy them from white people. Do you know any Black people that make guns?

No, they make spears.

Great, another racist. Why don't you stay on Storm front where you belong?
When wit and facts can't support an argument, pull out the racist card. LOL so predictable.
Don't think there are many gang members that can legally carry a gun

How do they get them then ?

They buy them from white people. Do you know any Black people that make guns?

Of course not. Making a gun requires intelligence.

But most are WHITEY doing these murderous mass shootings. Just imagine these assholes walking around inside a mall with guns strap on their waist or rifle strung on their shoulder. You wouldn't know who is the good guy or bad guy. Darn...People will be so scared going to the mall seeing a white men. Is this whitey going to shoot me or the other one?

Malls are not gun free zones. Some of the people you see in malls have concealed carry permits and are armed. Schools are gun free zones and these killers feel there will be no one there to return their fire.

But but... How am I supposed to know who is the shooter? Isn't these pro gun activist wants to sell more guns to arm ALL citizens?
How do they get them then ?

They buy them from white people. Do you know any Black people that make guns?

Of course not. Making a gun requires intelligence.

But most are WHITEY doing these murderous mass shootings. Just imagine these assholes walking around inside a mall with guns strap on their waist or rifle strung on their shoulder. You wouldn't know who is the good guy or bad guy. Darn...People will be so scared going to the mall seeing a white men. Is this whitey going to shoot me or the other one?

Malls are not gun free zones. Some of the people you see in malls have concealed carry permits and are armed. Schools are gun free zones and these killers feel there will be no one there to return their fire.

But but... How am I supposed to know who is the shooter? Isn't these pro gun activist wants to sell more guns to arm ALL citizens?

Then apply for a concealed carry permit and arm yourself.
They buy them from white people. Do you know any Black people that make guns?

Of course not. Making a gun requires intelligence.

But most are WHITEY doing these murderous mass shootings. Just imagine these assholes walking around inside a mall with guns strap on their waist or rifle strung on their shoulder. You wouldn't know who is the good guy or bad guy. Darn...People will be so scared going to the mall seeing a white men. Is this whitey going to shoot me or the other one?

Malls are not gun free zones. Some of the people you see in malls have concealed carry permits and are armed. Schools are gun free zones and these killers feel there will be no one there to return their fire.

But but... How am I supposed to know who is the shooter? Isn't these pro gun activist wants to sell more guns to arm ALL citizens?

Then apply for a concealed carry permit and arm yourself.
Why? So we can join the legion of cowards that have to carry a weapon to the mall?
Of course not. Making a gun requires intelligence.

But most are WHITEY doing these murderous mass shootings. Just imagine these assholes walking around inside a mall with guns strap on their waist or rifle strung on their shoulder. You wouldn't know who is the good guy or bad guy. Darn...People will be so scared going to the mall seeing a white men. Is this whitey going to shoot me or the other one?

Malls are not gun free zones. Some of the people you see in malls have concealed carry permits and are armed. Schools are gun free zones and these killers feel there will be no one there to return their fire.

But but... How am I supposed to know who is the shooter? Isn't these pro gun activist wants to sell more guns to arm ALL citizens?

Then apply for a concealed carry permit and arm yourself.
Why? So we can join the legion of cowards that have to carry a weapon to the mall?

No. So you can kill Blacks. Carry a throw away ankle pistol you can place in his hand after he's dead.
Five shot near elementary school in West Baltimore

Why is this only local news? Why did it take someone to forward me this story for me to hear about it? Why isn't this national headlines? Mass shooting - check. Next to a school - check. Why wouldn't liberals and the media jump all over this?
Sounds like a drive by. The school just happened to be close. Thats what "near" means Don't know too many 20 year olds in elementary school. From your link.

"Five people — ages 17, 24, 23, 26 and 55 — were shot Tuesday afternoon in West Baltimore, police said."

This incident will no doubt be added to the list of school shootings since Sandy Hook.

Just another notch in the old GOP. six shooter!
Five shot near elementary school in West Baltimore

Why is this only local news? Why did it take someone to forward me this story for me to hear about it? Why isn't this national headlines? Mass shooting - check. Next to a school - check. Why wouldn't liberals and the media jump all over this?
Sounds like a drive by. The school just happened to be close. Thats what "near" means Don't know too many 20 year olds in elementary school. From your link.

"Five people — ages 17, 24, 23, 26 and 55 — were shot Tuesday afternoon in West Baltimore, police said."

This incident will no doubt be added to the list of school shootings since Sandy Hook.

Just another notch in the old GOP. six shooter!

The perps were Republicans? LOL!
We should look at banning guns in the gang community.

Don't think there are many gang members that can legally carry a gun

How do they get them then ?
Five shot near elementary school in West Baltimore

Why is this only local news? Why did it take someone to forward me this story for me to hear about it? Why isn't this national headlines? Mass shooting - check. Next to a school - check. Why wouldn't liberals and the media jump all over this?
Sounds like a drive by. The school just happened to be close. Thats what "near" means Don't know too many 20 year olds in elementary school. From your link.

"Five people — ages 17, 24, 23, 26 and 55 — were shot Tuesday afternoon in West Baltimore, police said."

This incident will no doubt be added to the list of school shootings since Sandy Hook.

Just another notch in the old GOP. six shooter!

The perps were Republicans? LOL!

Repubs are most probably the only ones able to pass a background check.
Five shot near elementary school in West Baltimore

Why is this only local news? Why did it take someone to forward me this story for me to hear about it? Why isn't this national headlines? Mass shooting - check. Next to a school - check. Why wouldn't liberals and the media jump all over this?
Sounds like a drive by. The school just happened to be close. Thats what "near" means Don't know too many 20 year olds in elementary school. From your link.

"Five people — ages 17, 24, 23, 26 and 55 — were shot Tuesday afternoon in West Baltimore, police said."

This incident will no doubt be added to the list of school shootings since Sandy Hook.

Just another notch in the old GOP. six shooter!

The perps were Republicans? LOL!

Repubs are most probably the only ones able to pass a background check.

Ha! And give up the NRA checks? NEVER!
We should look at banning guns in the gang community.

Don't think there are many gang members that can legally carry a gun

How do they get them then ?
The NRA makes them available through straw purchases.

The NRA makes them available through straw purchases

How does the NRA do that?

frontline: hot guns: "How Criminals Get Guns" | PBS
We should look at banning guns in the gang community.

Don't think there are many gang members that can legally carry a gun

How do they get them then ?
The NRA makes them available through straw purchases.

The NRA makes them available through straw purchases

How does the NRA do that?

frontline: hot guns: "How Criminals Get Guns" | PBS

Dont' see the NRA mentioned anywhere in the article.
Do you have evidence that Mr. or was it Ms. squat was denied the ability to purchase a gun or ammunition?

It seems these guys should not have been able to legally buy a gun, but they did:

John Russell House
Dylan Root
Jared Lee Loughner
James Holmes

You might consider your opinion with a wider view, not a biased myopic one.
based on what?

Yes Virginia, there are stupid questions.
so you have no idea when and where any gun purchase was made. BTW, there is no way for you to know. So all you posted up was your dream last night. You have no legitimate anything to base any registry off of. Like someone else just posted, let's get the heads of all the gangs in the US and abroad on this list so everyone knows who they really are. But for now, you have jack

It was widely reported that the guns used to comment these first degree murders were legally purchased. A comprehensive background check is only one part of a rational gun control policy which would, IMO, include trigger locks, gun safes, licensing and registration.

And yes, even together they are not a panacea - gun violence will continue, hopefully abated but not disappear since our health care system does not adequately treat mental illness.

:lol: if that ain't a white flag, I don't know what is. :lol:

Translation: "all I've got is more of the same (punishing law abiding folk) and it might, maybe make a teeny-tiny difference THIS TIME!"

Aw, poor baby, so afraid of being "punished" I bet you resent red lights and stop signs, hate government and any idea which might in some tiny manner impact your rights.

Do you ever wonder about the parents of the children denied the right to have a life? Of course not, you're a callous conservative who lives by the motto, I got mine, fuck the rest of you.
Don't think there are many gang members that can legally carry a gun

How do they get them then ?

They buy them from white people. Do you know any Black people that make guns?

No, they make spears.

Great, another racist. Why don't you stay on Storm front where you belong?
When wit and facts can't support an argument, pull out the racist card. LOL so predictable.

You must be stupid. The rhetoric above is clear and convincing evidence that those with a gun fetish are also racist. That you deny that is cause to wonder if you are a liar or stupid. I believe you are both.

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