mass shooting new orleans

People who are thin skinned snowflakes put others on ignore. I've been trolled repeatedly on these forums by some really stellar types (being sarcastic there) and have yet to put any of them on ignore. My belief is that there is always a chance (very slim, but a chance nonetheless) that they may say something I can use, even if I have to wade through a whole bunch of crap to see it. Even a blind pig finds a truffle now and again, and if I place them on ignore, I won't ever see it. And, I'm not so sensitive or fragile that some phosphor dots forming words on my computer screen are going to hurt my feelings. If you wanna hurt my feelings, I have to actually know and respect you first, and you can only become known and respected by me by meeting me face to face.

No, trolls get put on ignore.
YAY! Itchy Bitchy Karen Ass has me on ignore! I knew this would be what you would do as a thin skinned snowflake Karen.

No, you contribute virtually nothing to any discussion. That's why people get put on ignore.
aka Nation`s Real Assholes.

You guys hate the NRA, yet vote for the democrats. The democrat party, not the NRA is actually responsible for the gun violence…their policy of attacking local police to the point they can’t do their jobs, and their policy of releasing the most dangerous and violent criminals over and over again has been the reason 10s of thousands of young black men, women and children have died in the cities they control.

The NRA hasn’t done anything to cause that kind of carnage…

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