mass shooting new orleans

Go ahead.................put me on ignore, because if you do, that means I've won because you can't refute what I say, so you choose the ignore route. If you can't see or hear it, it didn't happen. PLEASE!!!! Plug your ears, shut your eyes, and scream "la, la, la, la" to yourself by putting me on ignore. I wouldn't expect anything more from someone as ignorant as your Bitchy Irish Ass. If you put me on ignore and announce it to the world, or quietly put me on without saying anything, I win, because you are too much of a snowflake to deal with someone who doesn't agree with you and can prove you wrong. PLEASE put me on ignore and show the world how fragile your little psyche is.
People don't put others on ignore because they can't refute what is said. They put others on ignore because they are obviously trolling, add nothing to a conversation or can't tell the truth.
I'm guessing that single shootings don't get near the press attention they used to anymore, so, for some strange reason, demented individuals seem to think that killing more will make them more famous, which is why the mass shootings take place.

Sigh....................I remember back when I was in high came to school with rifles in the back of their vehicles (lived in Montana, and EVERYONE hunted, many were hoping to bag a deer on the way to, or back from school), and nobody shot their classmates.

Matter of fact, just one person shooting just one other person was big news and talked about in the local papers for at least a week.

Now? Single shootings don't cut it, as they are just a blip on the news radar. Multiple (mass) shootings are looking to become just another blip as well.
Yeah, democrats turn everything to shit.
Good gawd get a life already. Nobody gives two shits about your feelings, your BS "naval stories" or your leftist loonism..

Now to the point, dumbass, where did I mention mass shootings? You've spent hours deflecting.

Fckn loon

Poor Bitchy Itchy Karen Ass..................never said that you'd mentioned mass shootings. Simply said that your sarcastic remark about the MOA shootings was deflection away from the mass shooting reported by the OP. Post 69 (if you would read it, but I doubt you will or can) outlines it quite nicely where I talked about your deflection, as well as quite clearly stated I never said you talked about mass shootings. Comprehension is really hard for your Karen acting snowflake ass, isn't it?
Poor Bitchy Itchy Karen Ass..................never said that you'd mentioned mass shootings. Simply said that your sarcastic remark about the MOA shootings was deflection away from the mass shooting reported by the OP. Post 69 (if you would read it, but I doubt you will or can) outlines it quite nicely where I talked about your deflection, as well as quite clearly stated I never said you talked about mass shootings. Comprehension is really hard for your Karen acting snowflake ass, isn't it?

STFU already. I don't believe you and I'm STILL waiting for you to show me where I said mass shooting.

Do it or go fck yourself, your choice. Goddamn left loons are past annoying
People don't put others on ignore because they can't refute what is said. They put others on ignore because they are obviously trolling, add nothing to a conversation or can't tell the truth.

People who are thin skinned snowflakes put others on ignore. I've been trolled repeatedly on these forums by some really stellar types (being sarcastic there) and have yet to put any of them on ignore. My belief is that there is always a chance (very slim, but a chance nonetheless) that they may say something I can use, even if I have to wade through a whole bunch of crap to see it. Even a blind pig finds a truffle now and again, and if I place them on ignore, I won't ever see it. And, I'm not so sensitive or fragile that some phosphor dots forming words on my computer screen are going to hurt my feelings. If you wanna hurt my feelings, I have to actually know and respect you first, and you can only become known and respected by me by meeting me face to face.
STFU already. I don't believe you and I'm STILL waiting for you to show me where I said mass shooting.

Do it or go fck yourself, your choice. Goddamn left loons are past annoying

Again..........................I NEVER said you said mass shooting. I said you were using the MOA shooting as deflection from the OP's talking about mass shootings. Again Snowflake Karen, comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it? But, keep on with accusing me of saying you said mass shooting when I didn't Bitchy Itchy Karen Ass...............until I get bored with it, it's kinda entertaining to watch you lose your shit.
People who are thin skinned snowflakes put others on ignore. I've been trolled repeatedly on these forums by some really stellar types (being sarcastic there) and have yet to put any of them on ignore. My belief is that there is always a chance (very slim, but a chance nonetheless) that they may say something I can use, even if I have to wade through a whole bunch of crap to see it. Even a blind pig finds a truffle now and again, and if I place them on ignore, I won't ever see it. And, I'm not so sensitive or fragile that some phosphor dots forming words on my computer screen are going to hurt my feelings. If you wanna hurt my feelings, I have to actually know and respect you first, and you can only become known and respected by me by meeting me face to face.
For me, it's a time/quality issue. If the poster is obviously trolling, adding nothing or just lying, I don't have time for 'em.
Again..........................I NEVER said you said mass shooting. I said you were using the MOA shooting as deflection from the OP's talking about mass shootings. Again Snowflake Karen, comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it? But, keep on with accusing me of saying you said mass shooting when I didn't Bitchy Itchy Karen Ass...............until I get bored with it, it's kinda entertaining to watch you lose your shit.

Go pretend to anyone that cares

How obvious can it be to you? Leftists are like "you WILL listen to me!

Sorry pal, you don't have a hope in hell.

Now go
For me, it's a time/quality issue. If the poster is obviously trolling, adding nothing or just lying, I don't have time for 'em.

For me, that is what the scroll wheel on my mouse is for. If the post sounds like something I'm not really interested in after the first few sentences, I simply scroll down to the next post.
Go pretend to anyone that cares

How obvious can it be to you? Leftists are like "you WILL listen to me!

Sorry pal, you don't have a hope in hell.

Now go

It's kinda obvious that YOU care Bitchy Itchy Karen've asked me several times to show where you said mass shooting, and I've told you repeatedly when asked that I never did, just pointed to your deflection with the MOA shooting you posted about.

And, I don't really care if you listen to me or not, my world will continue to spin, people will continue to like/love/dislike/hate/ignore me. My pension will still come in, I will (hopefully) remain healthy but if not, I have the VA for healthcare, I will continue to live my life as I see fit, and hopefully learn something good along the way.
It's kinda obvious that YOU care Bitchy Itchy Karen've asked me several times to show where you said mass shooting, and I've told you repeatedly when asked that I never did, just pointed to your deflection with the MOA shooting you posted about.

And, I don't really care if you listen to me or not, my world will continue to spin, people will continue to like/love/dislike/hate/ignore me. My pension will still come in, I will (hopefully) remain healthy but if not, I have the VA for healthcare, I will continue to live my life as I see fit, and hopefully learn something good along the way.

Look at me!!!! Look at me!!!!! Somebody look at me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leftist loon. Go troll elsewhere. I'm weary of you limp wrist leftists
Look at me!!!! Look at me!!!!! Somebody look at me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leftist loon. Go troll elsewhere. I'm weary of you limp wrist leftists

Make your assumptions if that helps you sleep at night, but limp wristed isn't something I am. Still like women, still work on my father in law's farm plowing, cutting wood, mechanics and whatever else he needs me to help out with. And, apparently, I don't have to say anything about looking at me, you seem to respond to what I post even before I can finish checking other threads I'm on. But, that's what a Karen snowflake such as yourself is good at Itchy Bitchy Karen Ass.
Make your assumptions if that helps you sleep at night, but limp wristed isn't something I am. Still like women, still work on my father in law's farm plowing, cutting wood, mechanics and whatever else he needs me to help out with. And, apparently, I don't have to say anything about looking at me, you seem to respond to what I post even before I can finish checking other threads I'm on. But, that's what a Karen snowflake such as yourself is good at Itchy Bitchy Karen Ass.


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