mass shooting new orleans

I let no one out of prison. Why is it you can't help but lie all the time, Gramps?

Yeah, you elect sick fucks who let these little monsters out of prison. The same pricks who want to disarm the populace, and make it easier for their chosen monsters to hurt people.

So yeah, YOU are releasing these animals into society.

Enjoy it when they find you.
Go away. Seriously, why do think I give one single fck what any sissy lefty boy spews? You don't and never will influence me. Learn that and then live it

I still recall you spouting off about "knowing which sailors were gay". You should have been discharged....if in fact you ever served.

Got a DD Form 2R, DD214 and a VA medical card that says I served honorably to the point of being able to retire. My pension has enough money to keep me fairly happy, so whatever barbs you might think you could make about my service won't bother me a bit. I'll continue to get my pension and free health care for the rest of my natural, so I'm good.
Got a DD Form 2R, DD214 and a VA medical card that says I served honorably to the point of being able to retire. My pension has enough money to keep me fairly happy, so whatever barbs you might think you could make about my service won't bother me a bit. I'll continue to get my pension and free health care for the rest of my natural, so I'm good.

Internet bluster is just internet bluster.

Like that other moron claiming to be some investing guru and didn't know a swing trader from a day trader. I'll give you props for researching though.

Now run along
Internet bluster is just internet bluster.

Like that other moron claiming to be some investing guru and didn't know a swing trader from a day trader. I'll give you props for researching though.

Now run along

Like I said, think what you want, because what you think affects my pension, privileges, and healthcare not one whit.
Well, if you had any effect on my life, you MIGHT be able to tell me what to do, but you don't, so you can't.

You shot your shot. I don't care you attention seeking little dude.

Scroll up, I asked you to prove your statement, you didn't and then flapped your arms and got nasty.

Go FCK yourself
You shot your shot. I don't care you attention seeking little dude.

Scroll up, I asked you to prove your statement, you didn't and then flapped your arms and got nasty.

Go FCK yourself

You asked me to show where you said mass shooting. I repeatedly said in several posts that you were using a single shooting to deflect from the mass shooting that the OP was talking about. You sarcastically stated that MOA shootings were no longer newsworthy in post 10, Bodeca responded to you, then in post 12 you tried to say it was because they were the wrong color. In post 17, I responded and told you that the reason the MOA shooting wasn't "newsworthy" was because it was a single shooting due to an altercation between several people, and that mass shootings garnered more attention. Never said that you said mass shootings. Re read the entire thread and tell me what post I told you that you said mass shootings, I didn't. But, keep up with the crap spew Bitchy Irish Ass, it seems that is all you're good at (and not very good at that either). I called you out for deflection with your MOA post, not anything else. If you can find the post where I said you said mass shooting, post it and show everyone. But, you can't because I didn't, and you can only continue to make yourself look like a foolish little snowflake by threatening me with ignore.
You asked me to show where you said mass shooting. I repeatedly said in several posts that you were using a single shooting to deflect from the mass shooting that the OP was talking about. You sarcastically stated that MOA shootings were no longer newsworthy in post 10, Bodeca responded to you, then in post 12 you tried to say it was because they were the wrong color. In post 17, I responded and told you that the reason the MOA shooting wasn't "newsworthy" was because it was a single shooting due to an altercation between several people, and that mass shootings garnered more attention. Never said that you said mass shootings. Re read the entire thread and tell me what post I told you that you said mass shootings, I didn't. But, keep up with the crap spew Bitchy Irish Ass, it seems that is all you're good at (and not very good at that either). I called you out for deflection with your MOA post, not anything else. If you can find the post where I said you said mass shooting, post it and show everyone. But, you can't because I didn't, and you can only continue to make yourself look like a foolish little snowflake by threatening me with ignore.

Dude stop, I don't read your short novels... I think you're an idiot
You don't read them (you say), but you sure as hell seem like you feel like you need to respond to them. C'mon...........put me on ignore, you know you want to ya freaking snowflake.

I didn't, shut up already. You're nothing and annoying, "Mr I know all the gay guys". You know you said and so do I. Makes one wonder.

No pound sand and stop
I didn't, shut up already. You're nothing and annoying, "Mr I know all the gay guys". You know you said and so do I. Makes one wonder.

No pound sand and stop

You're one of those Karen types who just has to have the last word, ain't ya Bitchy Irish Ass? And yeah, I did say that I generally knew who was and wasn't gay in the command, I had their personnel records, as well as was trusted by many as a confidential ear they could talk to. So what? People trusted me because they liked me and knew I wouldn't talk out of turn or about them. You apparently don't enjoy that kind of trust because you can't keep your big mouth shut. By the way, was that supposed to be some kind of insult? Too bad you think it is, because you don't have anyone's trust about serious things.
You're one of those Karen types who just has to have the last word, ain't ya Bitchy Irish Ass? And yeah, I did say that I generally knew who was and wasn't gay in the command, I had their personnel records, as well as was trusted by many as a confidential ear they could talk to. So what? People trusted me because they liked me and knew I wouldn't talk out of turn or about them. You apparently don't enjoy that kind of trust because you can't keep your big mouth shut.

Shut up already you flamer. I don't give two fckn shits about you and that's what distresses you. Go flame elsewhere
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Shut up already you flamer. I don't give two fckn shits about you and that's what distresses you. Go flame elsewhere

Distresses me? ain't worth getting all bunged up about. You ARE however entertaining when you try to act all tough. Sorry Bitchy Itchy Karen Ass, but you DO care, otherwise you wouldn't see fit to respond to me as much as you do. Face it chick, I live in your snowflake head rent free. You don't know me, you don't even know who I am, yet you are compelled to constantly respond and (try to) belittle me.
I'm guessing that single shootings don't get near the press attention they used to anymore, so, for some strange reason, demented individuals seem to think that killing more will make them more famous, which is why the mass shootings take place.

Sigh....................I remember back when I was in high came to school with rifles in the back of their vehicles (lived in Montana, and EVERYONE hunted, many were hoping to bag a deer on the way to, or back from school), and nobody shot their classmates.

Matter of fact, just one person shooting just one other person was big news and talked about in the local papers for at least a week.

Now? Single shootings don't cut it, as they are just a blip on the news radar. Multiple (mass) shootings are looking to become just another blip as well.
Distresses me? ain't worth getting all bunged up about. You ARE however entertaining when you try to act all tough. Sorry Bitchy Itchy Karen Ass, but you DO care, otherwise you wouldn't see fit to respond to me as much as you do. Face it chick, I live in your snowflake head rent free. You don't know me, you don't even know who I am, yet you are compelled to constantly respond and (try to) belittle me.

Good gawd get a life already. Nobody gives two shits about your feelings, your BS "naval stories" or your leftist loonism..

Now to the point, dumbass, where did I mention mass shootings? You've spent hours deflecting.

Fckn loon

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