Mass Shootings. Inconvenient Facts

False comparisons are not "Facts".

America has nothing in common with cherry picked, tiny European countries or Japan since "developed countries" doesn't take into account bordering countries, climate, population density, population diversity, and even the ways in which homicides were counted.(1)

Why not compare America to all the countries that have draconian gun laws? (2)
There are over 60 countries in the world that have higher homicide rates and prohibit private gun ownership.
The US is the only country in the world that allows private gun ownership so if guns were the cause of homicides, the US should be number one but it isn't.

It's simple, if complete gun bans have failed in these 60+ countries, why would they work here where there are countless guns that are going nowhere. For example, I've got a semi automatic pistol that is 100 years old and still functions as well as it did from the factory.

The solution for America is not additional failed gun laws but a more affordable and accessible Mental Health Care system that is more likely to detect and treat homicidal individuals before they kill.


(1). "The Mistake of Only Comparing US Murder Rates to "Developed" Countries"

EXCERPT " Note, however, that these comparisons always employ a carefully selected list of countries, most of which are very unlike the United States. They are countries that were settled long ago by the dominant ethnic group, they are ethnically non-diverse today, they are frequently very small countries (such as Norway, with a population of 5 million) with very locally based democracies (again, unlike the US with an immense population and far fewer representatives in government per voter). Politically, historically, and demographically, the US has little in common with Europe or Japan.

The US has the highest murder rate in the "developed world" — presumably because of its lax guns laws —we are told again and again.

Few people who repeat this mantra have any standard in their heads of what exactly is the "developed" world. They just repeat the phrase because they have learned to do so." CONTINUED

(2). "Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people) - Country Ranking"
Countries ranked by Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people)
The powers that be know they'll lose your vote if they do anything constructive about it, because you want to pretend the problem is other people rather than easy access to firearms, which you don't want to lose.

The funny thing is that all the developed nations have other people. Only one has an egregious rate of firearm homicides and mass shootings.

What on earth could be the deciding factor?

What on earth could be the deciding factor?

That's an easy one.

First, it is a grotesque false comparison to suggest that America is anything like the smaller, older and more densely populated European countries.

Second, every "developed" country with a lower homicide has a far more affordable and accessible Mental Health Care system than the US and that is the primary reason for lower homicide rate.

Another fact is that around 50% of homicides in the US are committed with handguns.

Severely restricting handguns so they were less available in the community would reduce both the firearm homicide rate and the overall homicide rate.
Big inner cities where gangs run rampant is where most of the crime you cite takes place. And guess what, most of those homicides are committed by those who illegally obtained their firearms and where restriction are the heaviest, so your premise is illogical.
Big inner cities where gangs run rampant is where most of the crime you cite takes place. And guess what, most of those homicides are committed by those who illegally obtained their firearms and where restriction are the heaviest, so your premise is illogical.
Just one more illustration proving that our gun laws are not being enforced
According to the CDC - In 2019, 39,566 deaths were related to guns (and doesn't matter how you define the death)

Stats of the States - Firearm Mortality

Those almost 40,000 deaths are a tragic loss no matter the reality (unless you're a scumbag criminal and looking to harm or have harmed someone else).

In relation to those deaths, according to the CDC:
95,000 Alcohol related deaths each. And per the CDC, preventable.

Alcohol-Related Deaths

States and communities can reduce deaths due to excessive drinking.

According to the CDC 96,779 deaths this year due to drug overdose.

Products - Vital Statistics Rapid Release - Provisional Drug Overdose Data

National Center for Health Statistics

According to the CDC Tobacco related deaths are 480,000 and of that 41,000 related to second hand smoke.

Fast Facts

See the fast facts regarding smoking and tobacco use.

So, that's about 672,000 preventable deaths compared to 40,000 due to this pandemic called guns.
We also have multiple laws asking humans to drink responsibly. Tobacco MFG have to inform the public how terrible smoking is for your health, yet, how many people continue to smoke and or become new smokers?

If you don't realize that the gun narrative is out there to divide the US, maybe you're the "Fucking Idiot".
According to the CDC - In 2019, 39,566 deaths were related to guns (and doesn't matter how you define the death)

Stats of the States - Firearm Mortality

Those almost 40,000 deaths are a tragic loss no matter the reality (unless you're a scumbag criminal and looking to harm or have harmed someone else).

In relation to those deaths, according to the CDC:
95,000 Alcohol related deaths each. And per the CDC, preventable.

Alcohol-Related Deaths

States and communities can reduce deaths due to excessive drinking.

According to the CDC 96,779 deaths this year due to drug overdose.

Products - Vital Statistics Rapid Release - Provisional Drug Overdose Data

National Center for Health Statistics

According to the CDC Tobacco related deaths are 480,000 and of that 41,000 related to second hand smoke.

Fast Facts

See the fast facts regarding smoking and tobacco use.

So, that's about 672,000 preventable deaths compared to 40,000 due to this pandemic called guns.
We also have multiple laws asking humans to drink responsibly. Tobacco MFG have to inform the public how terrible smoking is for your health, yet, how many people continue to smoke and or become new smokers?

If you don't realize that the gun narrative is out there to divide the US, maybe you're the "Fucking Idiot".
Suicides don't factor in to crime statistics at all.

Suicide is a choice and people have the absolute right to choose to commit suicide.

Europeans murdered 15-20 million people in just 6 years after they banned guns....telling their peoples that giving up their guns would make them safer....

Gun murder in the U.S. over our entire 247 year history?

Around 2,470,000

And the majority of our gun murder victims are not innocents...they are primarily criminals murdered by other criminals...while the 15-20 million men, women and children murdered in Europe in just 6 years were innocent people...
Another fact is that around 50% of homicides in the US are committed with handguns.

Severely restricting handguns so they were less available in the community would reduce both the firearm homicide rate and the overall homicide rate.

Americans use their legal guns....majority hand guns, 1.2 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, beatings, stabbings and even mass public shootings...

1.2 million times a year......According to the Centers for Disease control.

People who are alive to today, people whose lives were not destroyed by criminals, because they had their legal guns and stopped the attack.
They are useless, as shown by comparing them with the laws of other developed nations without the US firearm homicide problem.

Stop moaning. It's only other people's kids after all.

Europe murdered over 1 million children in just 6 years.....after they banned guns...more children than have died in gun violence in the U.S. in our 247 year history.
The powers that be know they'll lose your vote if they do anything constructive about it, because you want to pretend the problem is other people rather than easy access to firearms, which you don't want to lose.

The funny thing is that all the developed nations have other people. Only one has an egregious rate of firearm homicides and mass shootings.

What on earth could be the deciding factor?

Does the United States have more mass shootings than other countries? It depends on the data.​

Exactly how mass shootings in the U.S. compare to those in other countries is a highly disputed subject. In a widely publicized study originally released in 2015, the pro-gun nonprofit Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) compared the annual number of mass shooting deaths per million people in the U.S. to that of Canada and several European countries from 2009 to 2015. The result? Norway led the world with 1.88 deaths per million, followed by Serbia, France, and Macedonia. Where did the U.S. rank? 11th place.

Average (Mean) Annual Death Rate per Million People from Mass Public Shootings (U.S., Canada, and Europe, 2009-2015):​

  1. Norway — 1.888
  2. Serbia — 0.381
  3. France — 0.347
  4. Macedonia — 0.337
  5. Albania — 0.206
  6. Slovakia — 0.185
  7. Switzerland — 0.142
  8. Finland — 0.132
  9. Belgium — 0.128
  10. Czech Republic — 0.123
  11. United States — 0.089
And were still able to access guns. You left that part out.

You lest the part out that the law states that those adjudicated to be mentally ill are prohibited persons.

But almost every school shooter showed signs of disturbance and in many cases the authorities were notified but did nothing.

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