Mass Shootings. Inconvenient Facts

Hey, your boy said they all have been released by democrats (like there are bunch of liberal democrats who hold office in rural Texas). I was just pointing out that the Uvalde shooter was never released from anything.

12 Mass public shooters in 2022...74 murdered.

19,000 gun murders in 2022.....the majority murdered by criminals who have already been captured and released over and over again in democrat party controlled cities because of democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians.......

That number of gun murders is up from the usual 10,000 a year as a direct result of the democrat party attacking and destroying local police since 2015, and the democrat party judges and prosecutors releasing more and more violent the democrat party politicians pass "no cash bail," and other ways to ensure violent criminals are released from jail and prison.

In Texas....democrats control idiot.
Ahh and you think she should have gotten zero jail time for shooting someone...dead. Right?

And here you are saying someone who killed someone else should get no jail time:

Wow,,you mean someone should not be sentenced to jail if, in their mind, they had a legitimate reason for shooting someone?

Still waiting for you to tell us what her motive was for getting hit with a "murder," charge...should be easy....but in all the time you keep bringing her up, you can't tell us what her motive was.
Still waiting for you to tell us what her motive was for getting hit with a "murder," charge...should be easy....but in all the time you keep bringing her up, you can't tell us what her motive was.
Gee, what were the motives of the guy in Maine or Sandy Hook? doesn’t matter in their cases.

The “well regulated militia member” in El Paso and Buffalo thought they were doing the right thing too. Do you think they should have gotten no jail time either?
My statement still stands. Look at the totality of all criminals who use guns in crimes and murders and the data is very clear that most of them have been arrested before and/or have criminal records
And here is my thought on anyone who commits murder:

Life in prison, no parole. Every murder, every time.

A Dallas cop got 10 years for murdering a man in his own apartment.

Blaming liberals is disingenuous to the core, just like the blob and his supporters
Do you think Amber Guyger should ever be set free?
So other people's children laying down their lives whilst you pluck assertions from your arse is a bargain price to maintain easy access to firearms?
Come get our guns traitor.
And here is my thought on anyone who commits murder:

Do you think Amber Guyger should ever be set free?
Murder is well covered in our laws and all murder no matter how it is committed is treated the same

What about people who don't commit murder but are possessing firearms illegally? These are the laws we need to start enforcing to reduce both crime and murders
Gee, what were the motives of the guy in Maine or Sandy Hook? doesn’t matter in their cases.

The “well regulated militia member” in El Paso and Buffalo thought they were doing the right thing too. Do you think they should have gotten no jail time either?

Yeah, you are making yourself look even more stupid than usual.

Do you understand thise two guys were lefties....enviromentalists who hate immigrants because they damage the environment?

The Maine shooter? Your god, "government" let him go
Stop letting violent criminals go free you stinking whore.

If they didnt let violent gun criminals iut of prison, who would murder people so they can usethose murders to push gun control?
Murder is well covered in our laws and all murder no matter how it is committed is treated the same
Treated the same? She got 10 years. She’ll be out in half that (if she isn’t already out). Is that justice?
What about people who don't commit murder but are possessing firearms illegally? These are the laws we need to start enforcing to reduce both crime and murders
Couldn’t agree more.
Do you understand thise two guys were lefties....

The white supremacist in Buffalo was a lefty?
enviromentalists who hate immigrants because they damage the environment?
Blacks are immigrants? Yeah, you’re gun-nut-dom has turned you into a world-class idiot.
The Maine shooter? Your god, "government" let him go
Changing the subject I see.

You don’t think your princess Amber Guyger (who by the way worked for a government) should do any time for blowing away someone....because you say she didn’t have a motive. Yet somehow no other murderer’s motives are being considered.
And here is my thought on anyone who commits murder:

Do you think Amber Guyger should ever be set free?
Our court system obviously created specific types of homicides and based on the preponderance of evidence and the entire context of each homicide, whether murder or manslaughter, it is up to the judge and the states laws that determine sentencing.

Someone like Amber Guyger, should go see prison time. Should she be set free. That's for the judge to decide based on the character, priors and the exact nature of the crime she committed and the likely hood that she to be a repeat offender.

Now, take for instance the guy in the youtube video that was released after 2 murders... He should have never seen the light of day, and in his case, the death penalty is justified. Yet, he was released. After 14 years. So given the circumstance of the gang banging murder, who was intent on killing two, how would you weigh the conviction of Amber Guyger?
Lie. When they don't work perfectly, that is when we find out. We don't hear about the times they do work.

I have no argument with that statement.

I agree they should.

Can we please have a tax increase to pay for 5,000 more prison beds, guards to guard them, courts to persecute them, etc...?

Oh yeah...every republican elected to any job over the last few decades signed a pledge to never vote for a tax increase.

So you're for more government involvement; great me too.
It would be easy and cheap to throw up tent and barbed wire prison camps in the middle of our empty deserts to confine low-risk prisoners. Make them far enough out that escapees couldn't carry enough water and the desert would confine them, much like the cold water and sharks did for Alcatraz.
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All mass shooters are left wingers or crazy or both. Nobody recognizes the name Stephen Paddock but it was only a couple of years ago that he opened fire from a Vegas hotel and killed about 55 people. The victims were attending a country music concert that the media dubbed a "Trump Rally" but the FBI with all it's psychological and technical resources couldn't come up with a motive. Note to Fed. a-holes, it was a political crime.
The Uvalde shooter didn’t have a criminal record. You said he did. Thus he wasn’t “released” from anywhere by anyone (event the 5 or 10 democrats who are still in Texas).

So that means you lied, right?
People like the Uvalde shooter are a tiny minority (less than twelve in the entire USA last year). Over ninety nine percent of gun violence comes from small number of professional criminals that are first not charged, then undercharged, then plea bargained and finally released by liberals in the court system. Liberals give them the opportunity to commit hundreds of crimes before they are finally locked up, and then they are released with short sentences.
The white supremacist in Buffalo was a lefty?

Blacks are immigrants? Yeah, you’re gun-nut-dom has turned you into a world-class idiot.

Changing the subject I see.

You don’t think your princess Amber Guyger (who by the way worked for a government) should do any time for blowing away someone....because you say she didn’t have a motive. Yet somehow no other murderer’s motives are being considered.

Yes...he dumb shit...

Like the New Zealand and El Paso mass public shooters, the Buffalo mass public shooter had very similar views. He was an environmentalist who hated free trade and capitalists and a socialist. Like them he called himself a racial autonomist.
The murderer in New York was a neo-Nazi, who hated capitalists, free-trade, and talked about worker ownership of the means of production.

Mass immigration and the higher fertility rates of the immigrants themselves are causing this increase in population. . . . There is no Green future with never ending population growth, the ideal green world cannot exist in a world of 100 billion, 50 billion, or even 10 billion people. Continued immigration into Europe is environmental warfare and ultimately destructive to nature itself. The Europe of the future is not one of concrete and steel, smog and wires but a place of forests, lakes, mountains and meadows. Not a place where English is the de facto language but a place where every European language, belief and tradition is valued. Each nation and each ethnicity was molded by their own environment and if they are to be protected so must their own environments.

Tell you what, you tell me what her motive was for "murdering" that guy and I will tell you how much time she should should be easy since she already went to tell us what was her motive......
Treated the same? She got 10 years. She’ll be out in half that (if she isn’t already out). Is that justice?

Couldn’t agree more.
I don't know about the case but once again you make the error of only looking at one case and not the totality of all murder cases
I don't know about the case but once again you make the error of only looking at one case and not the totality of all murder cases

Here is the case that idiot keeps harping on...

She says it was a mistake, she thought the guy was in her apartment, she was on the wrong floor....there was no motive for "murder," but because she was a police officer, they destroyed her...

At most, she should have faced a manslaughter charge...but again, she was a police officer who had to be destroyed...

On the night of September 6, 2018, 26-year-old accountant Botham Jean was murdered in Dallas, Texas by off-duty Dallas Police Department patrol officer Amber Guyger, who entered Jean's apartment and fatally shot him. Guyger, who said that she had entered Jean's apartment believing it was her own and believed Jean to be a burglar,[1][2] was initially charged with manslaughter. The absence of a murder charge led to protests and accusations of racial bias because Jean—an unarmed black man—was killed in his own home by a white off-duty officer who had apparently disregarded police protocols. On November 30, 2018, Guyger was indicted on a charge of murder.[3] On October 1, 2019, she was found guilty of murder, and was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment the following day.[4] The ruling was upheld on appeal in 2021.[5]


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