Mass Shootings. Inconvenient Facts

And were still able to access guns. You left that part out.

Thanks to your god, "government," failing to do its job. Meanwhile, normal gun owners don't shoot anyone or use their guns for crime.

The 12 individuals who committed mass public shootings last year were out of a population of over 350 million Americans, 600 million guns in private hands, and over 22 million Americans who can legally carry guns for self defense....

Mass public shootings are the rarest of rare you and the other anti-gun extremists celebrate each mass public shooting as a gun control holiday......
You lest the part out that the law states that those adjudicated to be mentally ill are prohibited persons.

But almost every school shooter showed signs of disturbance and in many cases the authorities were notified but did nothing.
Thanks to your god, "government," failing to do its job.
First gun nut says "many cases" and the second gun nut said that they failed. Of course what is never mentioned was when gun laws work body count. Very inconvenient in deed for the gun nuts.

So both of you are for more government intervention? Great. Me too.
First gun nut says "many cases" and the second gun nut said that they failed. Of course what is never mentioned was when gun laws work body count. Very inconvenient in deed for the gun nuts.

So both of you are for more government intervention? Great. Me too.

Gun laws are not enforced in this country so they don't work.

Every single incidence of a prohibited person person carrying a gun is a federal crime that carries a minimum 5 year sentence in federal prison. But state DA offices routinely drop gun charges in plea deal and the US Atty's office does not prosecute illegal gun possession in federal court.

Tell me what do you think would happen to crime and murder rate if all the people caught illegally possessing firearms were sent away to federal prison for a minimum of 5 years?
Gun laws are not enforced in this country so they don't work.
Lie. When they don't work perfectly, that is when we find out. We don't hear about the times they do work.
Every single incidence of a prohibited person person carrying a gun is a federal crime that carries a minimum 5 year sentence in federal prison. But state DA offices routinely drop gun charges in plea deal and the US Atty's office does not prosecute illegal gun possession in federal court.
I have no argument with that statement.
Tell me what do you think would happen to crime and murder rate if all the people caught illegally possessing firearms were sent away to federal prison for a minimum of 5 years?
I agree they should.

Can we please have a tax increase to pay for 5,000 more prison beds, guards to guard them, courts to persecute them, etc...?

Oh yeah...every republican elected to any job over the last few decades signed a pledge to never vote for a tax increase.

So you're for more government involvement; great me too.
Lie. When they don't work perfectly, that is when we find out. We don't hear about the times they do work.

I have no argument with that statement.

I agree they should.

Can we please have a tax increase to pay for 5,000 more prison beds, guards to guard them, courts to persecute them, etc...?

Oh yeah...every republican elected to any job over the last few decades signed a pledge to never vote for a tax increase.

So you're for more government involvement; great me too.
I'm for the fucking government doing its job.

So you cut out all the waste and get our military out of every foreign country so we can use that money here in this country to actually make the lives of Americans better.
Lie. When they don't work perfectly, that is when we find out. We don't hear about the times they do work.

I have no argument with that statement.

I agree they should.

Can we please have a tax increase to pay for 5,000 more prison beds, guards to guard them, courts to persecute them, etc...?

Oh yeah...every republican elected to any job over the last few decades signed a pledge to never vote for a tax increase.

So you're for more government involvement; great me too.

We don't need more prison beds....the individuals shooting people have already been in custody over and over again, but released, over and over again by democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians......stop letting them out........

We don't need more taxes.....we need democrats to stop attacking and destroying the police, and to stop releasing violent gun offenders.
Meanwhile back in reality:


Mass public shootings in 2022....


12 people out of over 350 million.

Meanwhile, the real problem....

19,000 gun murders in 2022, primarily in democrat party controlled cities.....up from about 10,000 a year after the democrat party decided to make attacking and destroying local police one of their goals......add to that the democrat party prosecutors, judges, and politicians who keep releasing the actual felons who are the ones doing almost all of the gun murder and crime in this country.....

You focus on mass public shootings....the rarest of rare events, because they give you the emotional black mail you need to stampede uninformed people into giving you idiots more don't care about the vast majority of gun murders in democxrat party controlled cities because those victims are young black men, shot by other young black men. You don't care because no matter how bad democrats policies are, no matter how many black Americans are murdered by those policies, they will vote for democrats at a rate of about 90% or more.....

Mass public shootings in 2022....


12 people out of over 350 million.

Meanwhile, the real problem....

19,000 gun murders in 2022, primarily in democrat party controlled cities.....up from about 10,000 a year after the democrat party decided to make attacking and destroying local police one of their goals......add to that the democrat party prosecutors, judges, and politicians who keep releasing the actual felons who are the ones doing almost all of the gun murder and crime in this country.....

You focus on mass public shootings....the rarest of rare events, because they give you the emotional black mail you need to stampede uninformed people into giving you idiots more don't care about the vast majority of gun murders in democxrat party controlled cities because those victims are young black men, shot by other young black men. You don't care because no matter how bad democrats policies are, no matter how many black Americans are murdered by those policies, they will vote for democrats at a rate of about 90% or more.....
So when you said they all had criminal records, you were lying, right?
So when you said they all had criminal records, you were lying, right?

Nope......the actual criminals the democrats keep releasing are the ones doing the vast majority of all the shooting in this country...

You have to explain why the democrat party keeps releasing violent gun criminals over and over again.....
Nope......the actual criminals the democrats keep releasing are the ones doing the vast majority of all the shooting in this country...

You have to explain why the democrat party keeps releasing violent gun criminals over and over again.....
The Uvalde shooter didn’t have a criminal record. You said he did. Thus he wasn’t “released” from anywhere by anyone (event the 5 or 10 democrats who are still in Texas).

So that means you lied, right?
The Uvalde shooter didn’t have a criminal record. You said he did. Thus he wasn’t “released” from anywhere by anyone (event the 5 or 10 democrats who are still in Texas).

So that means you lied, right?

No, I didn ' dumb ass...

12 mass public shooters in 2022..out of over 350 million Americans........

Meanwhile, the actual criminals murdered 19,000 people in primarily democrat party controlled cities.....criminals they capture and release over and over party judges, prosecutors and politicians.......

The 12 nuts? their families, friends, schools, and mental health professionals need to identify them...that is how you deal with the nuts...

For the other killers of the 19,000 you simply have to keep them locked in prison and not let them out again...but the democrats need them on the street shooting people...they need dead people to push gun control.
Meanwhile back in reality:

And here is an example of letting criminals back on the street. I've posted this video before with very few comments from the gun control activists.

The below video is of a shooting in Chicago. The assailant is out on parole from a previous 2 murder conviction and spent 14 years (if I remember correctly). Assailant goes to a bar that is closed due to a private Bday party and is asked leave. Things escalate and this asshole takes it outside and murders 4 more people.

This is now labeled a "Mass Shooting". But it's not the mass shooting that the left want most of the public to see. But the below incident is the most common type of mass shooting in the country.

This asshole, after murdering two previously, probably should have never been let out of prison, but he was.
But he also got a gun, illegally, from somewhere.. But hey, it's Chicago, gun control capital of the world.

Fair Warning - Not easy to watch.

And here is an example of letting criminals back on the street. I've posted this video before with very few comments from the gun control activists.

The below video is of a shooting in Chicago. The assailant is out on parole from a previous 2 murder conviction and spent 14 years (if I remember correctly). Assailant goes to a bar that is closed due to a private Bday party and is asked leave. Things escalate and this asshole takes it outside and murders 4 more people.

This is now labeled a "Mass Shooting". But it's not the mass shooting that the left want most of the public to see. But the below incident is the most common type of mass shooting in the country.

This asshole, after murdering two previously, probably should have never been let out of prison, but he was.
But he also got a gun, illegally, from somewhere.. But hey, it's Chicago, gun control capital of the world.

Fair Warning - Not easy to watch.

Well, if you want to know what I is a quote...

Life in prison, no parole. Every murder, every time.

A Dallas cop got 10 years for murdering a man in his own apartment.

Blaming liberals is disingenuous to the core, just like the blob and his supporters
BTW...the dallas cop who was CONVICTED OF you know who thinks she should have gotten zero jail time?


He blames liberals for early releases but wants a convicted murderer to get zero jail time. Go figure.
Well, if you want to know what I is a quote...

BTW...the dallas cop who was CONVICTED OF you know who thinks she should have gotten zero jail time?


He blames liberals for early releases but wants a convicted murderer to get zero jail time. Go figure.

Why are you still harping on the police woman who shot the guy she thought was in her apartment....


What was her motive for killing the guy?

She said she missed her floor, went to what she thought was her apartment and saw a stranger in her apartment......

Tell us what was her motive for "murder."

She was convicted because she was a cop......
Well, if you want to know what I is a quote...

BTW...the dallas cop who was CONVICTED OF you know who thinks she should have gotten zero jail time?


He blames liberals for early releases but wants a convicted murderer to get zero jail time. Go figure.

She should have simply been charged, maybe, with manslaughter, not murder.....she was lynched for being a cop.

Guyger, who said that she had entered Jean's apartment believing it was her own and believed Jean to be a burglar,[1][2] was initially charged with manslaughter.

The Uvalde shooter didn’t have a criminal record. You said he did. Thus he wasn’t “released” from anywhere by anyone (event the 5 or 10 democrats who are still in Texas).

So that means you lied, right?

Mass shootings account for about 1% of all murders so using a mass shooter as an example is illogical.

Look at the totality of all the people using guns to commit crime and murders and you'll see that most of them have been arrested for something or have some kind of police record dating back to when they were juveniles
She should have simply been charged, maybe, with manslaughter, not murder.....she was lynched for being a cop.

Guyger, who said that she had entered Jean's apartment believing it was her own and believed Jean to be a burglar,[1][2] was initially charged with manslaughter.

Ahh and you think she should have gotten zero jail time for shooting someone...dead. Right?
She should have simply been charged, maybe, with manslaughter, not murder.....she was lynched for being a cop.

Guyger, who said that she had entered Jean's apartment believing it was her own and believed Jean to be a burglar,[1][2] was initially charged with manslaughter.

And here you are saying someone who killed someone else should get no jail time:

True....I don't think she committed the intentional act of worst it is manslaughter....but with the mitigating factors she probably shouldn't serve any jail time. In her mind it was legitimate self defense.

Wow,,you mean someone should not be sentenced to jail if, in their mind, they had a legitimate reason for shooting someone?
Mass shootings account for about 1% of all murders so using a mass shooter as an example is illogical.

Look at the totality of all the people using guns to commit crime and murders and you'll see that most of them have been arrested for something or have some kind of police record dating back to when they were juveniles
Hey, your boy said they all have been released by democrats (like there are bunch of liberal democrats who hold office in rural Texas). I was just pointing out that the Uvalde shooter was never released from anything.
Hey, your boy said they all have been released by democrats (like there are bunch of liberal democrats who hold office in rural Texas). I was just pointing out that the Uvalde shooter was never released from anything.

My statement still stands. Look at the totality of all criminals who use guns in crimes and murders and the data is very clear that most of them have been arrested before and/or have criminal records

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