Mass stabbing in pa school BREAKING

You know...............this attack would have been a lot worse if the attacker had an AK-47 or some other type of assault weapon.

Instead of attacking the number he did (around 20) and only wounding them (none died), if he'd had some kind of gun he would have killed a lot more.

Sorry, but I'm all in favor of selling knives, they're useful, and help me process my cooking a lot better.

Never got that same kind of help from a gun.

Am I glad that this person committed so many acts of violence? No. Am I glad that they had a knife rather than a gun? You bet.

He only wounded around 20 people, all of which (even though they may have serious injuries), but all of them are projected to live.

He also figured out that stabbing someone on the right hand side, just under the ribcage (i.e. in the liver) would make them bleed out quickly.

The news said that he stabbed people purposefully in the same spot, (i.e. the liver).

Again.. you can not make that conclusion.. variables abound.. up close, a knife is deadlier and more reliable than a rifle
Isn't the liberal hypocrisy outrageous on this?!

If this had been a gun they wouldn't stop bitching to make things "safer for the children". But since it was a knife which can't be outlawed or banned they simply dont give a rats ass about "the children" as evidenced by their silence in this thread.

Knives in Australia are banned.
Well, the carrying of any type of knife in public is, at least in most states and territories.

Rambo knives, box cutters, fishing knives're not allowed to carry them around in public.
Box cutters, pocket knives and the like would need to be in your car's toolbox, or in your fishing gear box in the trunk.

Time to ban knives in US schools, obviously.
...and metal forks, they can be a dangerous weapon...plastic knives and forks only in school cafeterias.

Knives are already banned in US schools. Any type of weapon is banned in schools. Not plastic eating utensils, obviously.
Just listened to an interview from one if the victims. He was very mature and said, "If the suspect might have had more friends, he might not have had chosen the path he did. Everyone has paths to take and have to suffer the consequences of their choices."

He has good parents. Still advocate for a class on relationships for middle and high school. Some students don't have the benefit of such good parents and their guidance and wisdom.
Just listened to an interview from one if the victims. He was very mature and said, "If the suspect might have had more friends, he might not have had chosen the path he did. Everyone has paths to take and have to suffer the consequences of their choices."

He has good parents. Still advocate for a class on relationships for middle and high school. Some students don't have the benefit of such good parents and their guidance and wisdom.
Isn't it sad how the schools must pick up where the parents fail?

Actual education in basics gets pushed aside again.
apparently knives are even more effective killing machines than rifles, deadly assault style weapons included in these statistics


According to the FBI (FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8) in 2011 in the US:

8,583 people were murdered with a firearm (specifically described as murder victims)
1,694 were murdered with knives or cutting instruments

I don't know where your got your table, but this is straight off the FBI Uniform Crime Report

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

More than 5 times as many people are killed with guns than with knives.

Ha ha ha.....Your table completely leaves off hand guns. 6220 people were murdered with handguns in 2011. Your table is intentionally misleading. It doesn't include all firearms, only shotguns. Completely meant to mislead!! Far, far more people are murdered with guns than with knives.
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apparently knives are even more effective killing machines than rifles, deadly assault style weapons included in these statistics


According to the FBI (FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8) in 2011 in the US:

8,583 people were murdered with a firearm (specifically described as murder victims)
1,694 were murdered with knives or cutting instruments

I don't know where your got your table, but this is straight off the FBI Uniform Crime Report

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

More than 5 times as many people are killed with guns than with knives.

There are a lot more guns in the USA than there are doctors but there are a lot more deaths by malpractice than there are by guns. What's up with THAT? And now that more folks will be seeing doctors under Obamacare we can easily assume that malpractice deaths will increase:

Some may not like what they read but try to keep an open mind.

approx. 315,105,822

approx. 80,000,000

approx. 310,000,000

aprox. 35 deaths a day
[12,775 per year]


After listening to all the scare and fear mongering among the politicians about the violence from guns, I was astonished to see how low the percentage is compared to the overall population and number of guns owned by the public.

Please note that the deaths by guns include homicide, suicide and killed by police.
Also, the numbers are "approximately" not definite.


approx. 800,000
[include general practitioners and special doctors]

approx. 90,000 --reported in hospitals--
[some reports claim higher if include all medical services not provided in hospitals - Approx. 200,000] - See more at: Number of deaths from Medical Malpractice VS. Gun deaths, page 1

Medical Malpractice Deaths Nine Times Higher Than Gun Homicides - Let's End the AMA : Freedom Outpost
Please note that the deaths by guns include homicide, suicide and killed by police.
Also, the numbers are "approximately" not definite.


approx. 800,000
[include general practitioners and special doctors]

approx. 90,000 --reported in hospitals--
[some reports claim higher if include all medical services not provided in hospitals - Approx. 200,000] - See more at: Number of deaths from Medical Malpractice VS. Gun deaths, page 1

Medical Malpractice Deaths Nine Times Higher Than Gun Homicides - Let's End the AMA : Freedom Outpost

First, have the guts to go to the FBI page I cited. These deaths are ALL murder victims, nothing else.

Second, the rest of your post is :offtopic: and totally :lame2:

It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the topic of this thread.
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Would you rather they were pushed out of windows??

It is not the weapon, it is the person with the intent to kill...

I can kill with an e-tool, and was trained to.. I can kill with a rifle.. I can kill with a bomb.. .I can kill with my bare hands.. I can kill by poisoning... I can kill by running someone over.. I can kill many ways.. and each is effective in many different ways and in many different situations.. I would not chose a rifle or handgun for an up close situation.. I would not choose a car to kill someone in a building.. I would not choose a bomb to kill someone 200 feet a way in an open field.. I would not choose my bare hands if the person is more physical or adept at fighting than me...

EVERYTHING depends on the person and the situation... and it is the person that kills, not the tool that is used
Interesting phenomena going on here. Whenever a gun is used to kill at a school, the left can't wait to stand atop the dead bodies of the children to scream about how we need gun control, but when someone kills and injurs with some other weapon, and one that could have been stopped by a gun, the lefties are all about asking us to be above politics for the sake of the children and their memory.

Interesting phenomena going on here. Whenever something besides a gun is used to kill anywhere, some on the Right can't wait to stand atop the dead bodies to scream about how we need __________control.

Actually false, but you know that.
Sigh...of COURSE u can't eliminate all items that can be used to kill people...but u can regulate their purchase , use and availability in certain venues...thereby reducing the incidence of deaths. Guns should be registered and their users licensed pending training in use and safety ....rounds can be reduced in number so that a shooter can be stopped when he pauses to relosd...knives r already banned in schools and on planes and this needs to be enforced more. ...
Even the 2nd amendment speaks of "well regulated"....U can't justify lack of regulation on one weapon just because another was used to kill...

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Sigh...of COURSE u can't eliminate all items that can be used to kill people...but u can regulate their purchase , use and availability in certain venues...thereby reducing the incidence of deaths. Guns should be registered and their users licensed pending training in use and safety ....rounds can be reduced in number so that a shooter can be stopped when he pauses to relosd...knives r already banned in schools and on planes and this needs to be enforced more. ...
Even the 2nd amendment speaks of "well regulated"....U can't justify lack of regulation on one weapon just because another was used to kill...

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1) You seem to be advocating regulating basically everything then
2) Deaths will occur whenever someone wants to kill... there are always ways
3) Training should NOT be a caveat to registering... else how could you purchase your first weapon in the first place? In addition, many without 'training' are just as responsible as those with it
4) Carrying multiple weapons nixes that idea.. along with the little thing called human ingenuity to build things like magazines, speed loaders, etc
5) Pausing to reload does not insure the person gets stopped
6) Well regulated MILITIA... the RIGHT to bear arms should NOT be infringed
7) And of course this all only infringes upon the law abiding.. giving the advantage to the criminal who does not follow laws and is not interested in doing so
Please note that the deaths by guns include homicide, suicide and killed by police.
Also, the numbers are "approximately" not definite.


approx. 800,000
[include general practitioners and special doctors]

approx. 90,000 --reported in hospitals--
[some reports claim higher if include all medical services not provided in hospitals - Approx. 200,000] - See more at: Number of deaths from Medical Malpractice VS. Gun deaths, page 1

Medical Malpractice Deaths Nine Times Higher Than Gun Homicides - Let's End the AMA : Freedom Outpost

First, have the guts to go to the FBI page I cited. These deaths are ALL murder victims, nothing else.

Second, the rest of your post is :offtopic: and totally :lame2:

It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the topic of this thread.

The deflection queen strikes again. Next >>

By the way ... the "topic of the thread" has to do with stabbings (knives) ... not guns. So you're off topic as well. Let's try to practice what we preach.
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I'm really glad the kid's dad didn't own a AK47.

Why? If the kid had had a gun, it is likely that there would have been less injuries. Knives make no noise. Someone could kill several people before anyone knew what was happening. No so with a gun. The noise is unmistakable.

You fail yet again.

Obviously you were in a coma when Sandy Hook happened.
I have no problem with deputizing a number of teachers at a school and having them openly carry guns as teacher/police officers.

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