Mass stabbing in pa school BREAKING

Please note that the deaths by guns include homicide, suicide and killed by police.
Also, the numbers are "approximately" not definite.


approx. 800,000
[include general practitioners and special doctors]

approx. 90,000 --reported in hospitals--
[some reports claim higher if include all medical services not provided in hospitals - Approx. 200,000] - See more at: Number of deaths from Medical Malpractice VS. Gun deaths, page 1

Medical Malpractice Deaths Nine Times Higher Than Gun Homicides - Let's End the AMA : Freedom Outpost

First, have the guts to go to the FBI page I cited. These deaths are ALL murder victims, nothing else.

Second, the rest of your post is :offtopic: and totally :lame2:

It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the topic of this thread.

The deflection queen strikes again. Next >>

By the way ... the "topic of the thread" has to do with stabbings (knives) ... not guns. So you're off topic as well. Let's try to practice what we preach.

It morphed (pretty quickly, on the first page, and from your side) into a knives versus gun argument - and it sure as shit didn't have anything to do with PhD malpractice. That wasn't even a respectable segue; it was damned near word salad.

Deflection, indeed.
The story also points out that the kid had 2 knives, and the stabbings started in a crowded hallway. I can see how that would lend more time and increase the victim count - crowded hallways are loud, stabbings / slashing are quiet. Some of the kids didn't even know they had BEEN cut, they looked down because they felt a pain, and then they noticed blood.

Sounds like a scene from The Walking Dead - and the stabber might be suffering from a chemical imbalance / mental disorder...schizophrenia?

Were they assault knives?
The story also points out that the kid had 2 knives, and the stabbings started in a crowded hallway. I can see how that would lend more time and increase the victim count - crowded hallways are loud, stabbings / slashing are quiet. Some of the kids didn't even know they had BEEN cut, they looked down because they felt a pain, and then they noticed blood.

Sounds like a scene from The Walking Dead - and the stabber might be suffering from a chemical imbalance / mental disorder...schizophrenia?

Were they assault knives?

It didn't say, and I haven't seen any updated stories.
apparently knives are even more effective killing machines than rifles, deadly assault style weapons included in these statistics


According to the FBI (FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8) in 2011 in the US:

8,583 people were murdered with a firearm (specifically described as murder victims)
1,694 were murdered with knives or cutting instruments

I don't know where your got your table, but this is straight off the FBI Uniform Crime Report

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

More than 5 times as many people are killed with guns than with knives.

Ha ha ha.....Your table completely leaves off hand guns. 6220 people were murdered with handguns in 2011. Your table is intentionally misleading. It doesn't include all firearms, only shotguns. Completely meant to mislead!! Far, far more people are murdered with guns than with knives.

yea ok, so lets see. we were talking about knives as opposed to deadly asault weapons that gun grabbing liberal idiots are trying to ban. knoive by far kill more people than assault style weapons. so do fists, blunt objects , prescription medications, food allergies and a host of other things. yet liberal idiots are focusing on something that doesn't even amount to a fraction of the problem.

lets look at a few facts shall we?

Since the expiration of the assualt weapons ban in the USA, Deaths by gun have decreased at the same or bettter rate here than in any country who has imposed strick gun laws to outright bans.

This all occurs while the number of guns here has doubled. rates continue to drop while gun ownership continues to rise.

in the USA only .00003 guns ever kills anyone. a smaller percentage than pretty much anything else that kills you.

on an average, states with the least restrictive laws tend to have the lowest rate of gun violence while states with the most restrictive have the highest rates.

drunk driving kills more people than guns. yet you don't try to ban cars, or certain types of scary looking cars. You don't pass laws that penalized legal law abiding drivers. laws are only aime at those who drive drunk. yet with a gun you lunatics are perfectly comfortable with passing a law that severly penalizes legal, law abiding gun owners, violates their constitutional rights and does nothing to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. So when you try to take away our rights and you are told to go fuck yourselves, i am sure you can understand why.

A few other facts for you.

uninfringed gun ownership is a constitutional right
gun owners are the fastest growing demographic in the country.
gun ownership is expanding to groups who traditionally have not owned guns much, such as women
gun owners will not vote for candidates who would take away or infringe on their rights.
We have the strongest lobby protecting our rights.
your exploitation of school children did not help you pass legislation you claimed 85% of the people wanted. in fact it had the opposite effect. it galvanized a previously ununited group and set a course to reverse existing restrictive laws. it's happening already. more laws are being reversed or modified down that laws with further restrictions . gun friendly candidates are polling strongly while anti gun candidates are suffering.

Guns and gun legislation has been the only issue democrats have broken away from the democratic platform and voted with republicans on during obama's term. because they knew it would cost them elections.

bottom line, if you want ot stop sensless killing you better start focusing on the ireal issue instead of trying to spin the blame on guns and forcing your agenda. you're pissing into the wind. and as long as you keep on your current path you will continue to fall further and further behind.
Please note that the deaths by guns include homicide, suicide and killed by police.
Also, the numbers are "approximately" not definite.


approx. 800,000
[include general practitioners and special doctors]

approx. 90,000 --reported in hospitals--
[some reports claim higher if include all medical services not provided in hospitals - Approx. 200,000] - See more at: Number of deaths from Medical Malpractice VS. Gun deaths, page 1

Medical Malpractice Deaths Nine Times Higher Than Gun Homicides - Let's End the AMA : Freedom Outpost

First, have the guts to go to the FBI page I cited. These deaths are ALL murder victims, nothing else.

Second, the rest of your post is :offtopic: and totally :lame2:

It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the topic of this thread.

wrong. even if someone is killed by someone as an act of self defense it is still listed as a murder in the FBI stats.
No way to attack guns in this scenario so no liberal interest. Were the weapon a gun this thread would have been 5 pages by now.

Liberals hate that this is being covered in the news because it verifies the argument that THE WEAPON IS NOT THE ISSUE!

That's bullshit, you know.

Knives were also not supposed to be in school. Because one kid got around the rule about knives, we should scrap all regulations on guns?


It's pretty sad, the absolute GLEE witnessed here that there was a grisly incident that didn't involve your favorite toys.

But hey, carry on!

apparently knives are even more effective killing machines than rifles, deadly assault style weapons included in these statistics


According to the FBI (FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8) in 2011 in the US:

8,583 people were murdered with a firearm (specifically described as murder victims)
1,694 were murdered with knives or cutting instruments

I don't know where your got your table, but this is straight off the FBI Uniform Crime Report

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

More than 5 times as many people are killed with guns than with knives.

Ha ha ha.....Your table completely leaves off hand guns. 6220 people were murdered with handguns in 2011. Your table is intentionally misleading. It doesn't include all firearms, only shotguns. Completely meant to mislead!! Far, far more people are murdered with guns than with knives.

yea ok, so lets see. we were talking about knives as opposed to deadly asault weapons that gun grabbing liberal idiots are trying to ban. knoive by far kill more people than assault style weapons. so do fists, blunt objects , prescription medications, food allergies and a host of other things. yet liberal idiots are focusing on something that doesn't even amount to a fraction of the problem.

lets look at a few facts shall we?

Since the expiration of the assualt weapons ban in the USA, Deaths by gun have decreased at the same or bettter rate here than in any country who has imposed strick gun laws to outright bans.

This all occurs while the number of guns here has doubled. rates continue to drop while gun ownership continues to rise.

in the USA only .00003 guns ever kills anyone. a smaller percentage than pretty much anything else that kills you.

on an average, states with the least restrictive laws tend to have the lowest rate of gun violence while states with the most restrictive have the highest rates.

drunk driving kills more people than guns. yet you don't try to ban cars, or certain types of scary looking cars. You don't pass laws that penalized legal law abiding drivers. laws are only aime at those who drive drunk. yet with a gun you lunatics are perfectly comfortable with passing a law that severly penalizes legal, law abiding gun owners, violates their constitutional rights and does nothing to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. So when you try to take away our rights and you are told to go fuck yourselves, i am sure you can understand why.

A few other facts for you.

uninfringed gun ownership is a constitutional right
gun owners are the fastest growing demographic in the country.
gun ownership is expanding to groups who traditionally have not owned guns much, such as women
gun owners will not vote for candidates who would take away or infringe on their rights.
We have the strongest lobby protecting our rights.
your exploitation of school children did not help you pass legislation you claimed 85% of the people wanted. in fact it had the opposite effect. it galvanized a previously ununited group and set a course to reverse existing restrictive laws. it's happening already. more laws are being reversed or modified down that laws with further restrictions . gun friendly candidates are polling strongly while anti gun candidates are suffering.

Guns and gun legislation has been the only issue democrats have broken away from the democratic platform and voted with republicans on during obama's term. because they knew it would cost them elections.

bottom line, if you want ot stop sensless killing you better start focusing on the ireal issue instead of trying to spin the blame on guns and forcing your agenda. you're pissing into the wind. and as long as you keep on your current path you will continue to fall further and further behind.


That was

According to the FBI (FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8) in 2011 in the US:

8,583 people were murdered with a firearm (specifically described as murder victims)
1,694 were murdered with knives or cutting instruments

I don't know where your got your table, but this is straight off the FBI Uniform Crime Report

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

More than 5 times as many people are killed with guns than with knives.

Ha ha ha.....Your table completely leaves off hand guns. 6220 people were murdered with handguns in 2011. Your table is intentionally misleading. It doesn't include all firearms, only shotguns. Completely meant to mislead!! Far, far more people are murdered with guns than with knives.

yea ok, so lets see. we were talking about knives as opposed to deadly asault weapons that gun grabbing liberal idiots are trying to ban. knoive by far kill more people than assault style weapons. so do fists, blunt objects , prescription medications, food allergies and a host of other things. yet liberal idiots are focusing on something that doesn't even amount to a fraction of the problem.

lets look at a few facts shall we?

Since the expiration of the assualt weapons ban in the USA, Deaths by gun have decreased at the same or bettter rate here than in any country who has imposed strick gun laws to outright bans.

This all occurs while the number of guns here has doubled. rates continue to drop while gun ownership continues to rise.

in the USA only .00003 guns ever kills anyone. a smaller percentage than pretty much anything else that kills you.

on an average, states with the least restrictive laws tend to have the lowest rate of gun violence while states with the most restrictive have the highest rates.

drunk driving kills more people than guns. yet you don't try to ban cars, or certain types of scary looking cars. You don't pass laws that penalized legal law abiding drivers. laws are only aime at those who drive drunk. yet with a gun you lunatics are perfectly comfortable with passing a law that severly penalizes legal, law abiding gun owners, violates their constitutional rights and does nothing to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. So when you try to take away our rights and you are told to go fuck yourselves, i am sure you can understand why.

A few other facts for you.

uninfringed gun ownership is a constitutional right
gun owners are the fastest growing demographic in the country.
gun ownership is expanding to groups who traditionally have not owned guns much, such as women
gun owners will not vote for candidates who would take away or infringe on their rights.
We have the strongest lobby protecting our rights.
your exploitation of school children did not help you pass legislation you claimed 85% of the people wanted. in fact it had the opposite effect. it galvanized a previously ununited group and set a course to reverse existing restrictive laws. it's happening already. more laws are being reversed or modified down that laws with further restrictions . gun friendly candidates are polling strongly while anti gun candidates are suffering.

Guns and gun legislation has been the only issue democrats have broken away from the democratic platform and voted with republicans on during obama's term. because they knew it would cost them elections.

bottom line, if you want ot stop sensless killing you better start focusing on the ireal issue instead of trying to spin the blame on guns and forcing your agenda. you're pissing into the wind. and as long as you keep on your current path you will continue to fall further and further behind.


That was


hey, i got on a roll, what can i say lol
That's bullshit, you know.

Knives were also not supposed to be in school. Because one kid got around the rule about knives, we should scrap all regulations on guns?

Do you REALLY lack the wits to grasp that the weapon is irrelevant? Those with a desire to kill and maim will do so. This proves it, no matter how loudly you scream "LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU."

I've said this before. When I was in 7th grade, my dad bought me a brand new Ruger 10/22 carbine. I took that to school for show and tell and let all the boys hold it and ohh and ahh over it. I'm talking a firearm. No one freaked out, no police, because it was fine with the teacher, why wouldn't it be?

This was California, and NO ONE ever got shot at school. People had not developed the mental illness you display at that time, they grasped that a gun is just a tool; neither good nor bad, just wood and steel. All the boys carried knives, every last one of us - no one ever got stabbed. I carried a Cub Scout knife all the way through high school, because the boy scout model was no better, just a different logo, so it was a waste of money.

As we have become more retarded, as we have allowed people like you to control things, the schools have become dangerous. The result of your "gun free zones" are mass shootings. Never had a single one back when taking a gun to school was acceptable. The result of your zero tolerance is the kind of violence we see in this knifing. Somehow you leftists think that insanity by you will make things more sane.

We see the results, every time there is violence. Oh, you try to blame guns and inanimate objects; but I blame you - and the mental illness that is leftism.
Your heels have never lived through either a knife or gun attack. Mine have. So spare us.

nah...just the bombing of my city....

so spare me...


your comment is also irrelevant to the FACT that if the kid had a gun, there would have been a huge body count.

so take your irrational desire for crazies and criminals to have guns, elsewhere....
Last edited:
It didn't say, and I haven't seen any updated stories.

Assault knives with plastic on the handle are way more dangerous, because, um, well...

Okay asshole, but there is a vast difference between steak knives and


I can do more damage with a chef's knife than a punch knife... just as I can do more damage with a Bowie knife than a chef's knife.. just as I can do more with an old sword

There is differences between knives.. mainly in terms of length and grip only.. and I can grip my chef's knife better than I can an old scary looking Rambo knife

Your heels have never lived through either a knife or gun attack. Mine have. So spare us.

nah...just the bombing of my city....

so spare me...


your comment is also irrelevant to the FACT that if the kid had a gun, there would have been a huge body count.

so take your irrational desire for crazies and criminals to have guns, elsewhere....

Again, Jill.. you are making an assumption that is not based in logic to a situation.. could a kid with a pistol do more damage than 20 injuries? That is DEPENDING ON THE SITUATION.. the kid could also do LESS damage.... there are more variables with the skill to use a firearm...

And as stated, in close quarters, a bladed or blunt weapon is more efficient and capable of producing mass damage than a firearm... WHY THE HELL DO YOU THINK THAT THE FIREARMS GOT THROWN TO THE SIDE AND THE KNIVES CAME OUT DURING TRENCH WARFARE???

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