Mass stabbing in pa school BREAKING

I had asked a few pages back if liberals could give us their brilliant plan to collect the 300 million guns in circulation.

Barb, the typical liberal moron, called that a "straw man" argument.

Liberals are hilarious. I think that is one of their scripts they go to when confronted with either logic or truth.


So, will any liberal give us even a basic rudimentary idea of how you would go about confiscation all of the guns in circulation? How about jail space and jail time for those who not give up their guns?

It can't be done

And the price we pay for those 300 million guns is the highest murder rate in the industrialized world and periodic mass shootings

All we can do is try to make those mass shootings less successful. Make it harder for crazies to get guns, ban high capacity magazines, improve background checks
I had asked a few pages back if liberals could give us their brilliant plan to collect the 300 million guns in circulation.

Barb, the typical liberal moron, called that a "straw man" argument.

Liberals are hilarious. I think that is one of their scripts they go to when confronted with either logic or truth.


So, will any liberal give us even a basic rudimentary idea of how you would go about confiscation all of the guns in circulation? How about jail space and jail time for those who not give up their guns?

It can't be done

And the price we pay for those 300 million guns is the highest murder rate in the industrialized world and periodic mass shootings

All we can do is try to make those mass shootings less successful. Make it harder for crazies to get guns, ban high capacity magazines, improve background checks

That can be done by arming law abiding citizens.

Criminals don't fear the law, hell they're constantly breaking it. But they do fear an armed citizen.

John Stossel had a report on guns and included the fact that inmates are more afraid of citizens who are armed than they are of cops, simply because they know instantly more often than not who the cops are.

Okay asshole, but there is a vast difference between steak knives and


I can do more damage with a chef's knife than a punch knife... just as I can do more damage with a Bowie knife than a chef's knife.. just as I can do more with an old sword

There is differences between knives.. mainly in terms of length and grip only.. and I can grip my chef's knife better than I can an old scary looking Rambo knife


You are ridiculous. You completely ignore that he tried to imply, by ridicule, that there are no such things as combat knives. I could have picked a different model, so what? You'd jump to say something stupid about that too.

You are the one being stupid as to think it is the tool or the implement that makes it dangerous... again, everything is situation and based on the will and skill of the attacker... not the thought that a weapon looks scary or can do a certain thing....


Oh.. and BTW.. this carnage was done by CHEF'S KNIVES
Just to make sure......I ask for a show of hands.

Who among us believes that a crazy person with a knife is potentially more deadly/dangerous to a crowd of people than a crazy person with an AK-47?

I count two thus far. PredFan and TK.

Anyone else want to hop on that train to stupid?


Depends on the situation

The person does not just sneak an AK into the middle of a crowd.. does the person know how to effectively operate an AK?

Again.. in close quarters combat, why the hell do you think in trench warfare the firearms were thrown down and the knifes and blunt instruments came out? And the rifles were basically used as makeshift clubs??
Just to make sure......I ask for a show of hands.

Who among us believes that a crazy person with a knife is potentially more deadly/dangerous to a crowd of people than a crazy person with an AK-47?

I count two thus far. PredFan and TK.

Anyone else want to hop on that train to stupid?

Both are dangerous.

You ever watch the show "The Following?" A couple of weeks back they had a knife attack on it where 40 people in a Starbucks were knifed, and I could easily see it - in fact I told my wife that they shouldn't show stuff like that because someone will do it. Crowded room, once the panic starts, and a guy with a knife is devastating. In that one, the victims didn't know who the attacker was, they just wanted out, letting the attacker move at will.

Look, I realize you have a political agenda, but if you stop and apply reason, you can see how silly your position is.
Just to make sure......I ask for a show of hands.

Who among us believes that a crazy person with a knife is potentially more deadly/dangerous to a crowd of people than a crazy person with an AK-47?

I count two thus far. PredFan and TK.

Anyone else want to hop on that train to stupid?

Show of hands. Who among us believes that a crazy person with power over a nation's food is more dangerous than a crazy man with an AK-47?

Socialist Progressive, Josef Stalin:


Responsible for the death of approximately 60 million Russians. Just think how many lives would have been saved had every man been armed with an AK-47.
Originally Posted by hangover View Post
I'm really glad the kid's dad didn't own a AK47.

Too bad the teachers didn't though.
Cons solution is always more guns, like more DEA for the drug war is a solution. Don't ya love the way cons fix things?
Originally Posted by hangover View Post
I'm really glad the kid's dad didn't own a AK47.

Too bad the teachers didn't though.
Cons solution is always more guns, like more DEA for the drug war is a solution. Don't ya love the way cons fix things?

Arming law abiding citizens is the best way to combat armed criminals.

Your way is to disarm law abiding citizens which would make each one of them a potential victim.

Having means to protect yourself versus no protection at all. Hmmm.... which would you choose?

I don't expect an honest answer. But indulge me.
I had asked a few pages back if liberals could give us their brilliant plan to collect the 300 million guns in circulation.

Barb, the typical liberal moron, called that a "straw man" argument.

Liberals are hilarious. I think that is one of their scripts they go to when confronted with either logic or truth.


So, will any liberal give us even a basic rudimentary idea of how you would go about confiscation all of the guns in circulation? How about jail space and jail time for those who not give up their guns?

It can't be done

And the price we pay for those 300 million guns is the highest murder rate in the industrialized world and periodic mass shootings

All we can do is try to make those mass shootings less successful. Make it harder for crazies to get guns, ban high capacity magazines, improve background checks

That can be done by arming law abiding citizens.

Criminals don't fear the law, hell they're constantly breaking it. But they do fear an armed citizen.

John Stossel had a report on guns and included the fact that inmates are more afraid of citizens who are armed than they are of cops, simply because they know instantly more often than not who the cops are.


Most people don't want to be armed though. They have kids or grandkids and just don't want to the responsibility that comes with owning a gun.
Most people don't want to be armed though. They have kids or grandkids and just don't want to the responsibility that comes with owning a gun.

There ARE people who don't live on the upper West Side of Manhattan, you know...

That has absolutely nothing to do with my point which has nothing to do with geography. There are people everywhere that don't want to be armed.
It can't be done

And the price we pay for those 300 million guns is the highest murder rate in the industrialized world and periodic mass shootings

All we can do is try to make those mass shootings less successful. Make it harder for crazies to get guns, ban high capacity magazines, improve background checks

That can be done by arming law abiding citizens.

Criminals don't fear the law, hell they're constantly breaking it. But they do fear an armed citizen.

John Stossel had a report on guns and included the fact that inmates are more afraid of citizens who are armed than they are of cops, simply because they know instantly more often than not who the cops are.


Most people don't want to be armed though. They have kids or grandkids and just don't want to the responsibility that comes with owning a gun.

How do you know what most people want?

About 4 in 10 households have a gun owner. Now the other 6 out of ten either doesn't want a gun as you suggest or they can't legally purchase one or can't afford one. Who really knows for sure?

Out of those that you claim do not want to be armed, how many of those do not want any law abiding citizen armed?
I had asked a few pages back if liberals could give us their brilliant plan to collect the 300 million guns in circulation.

Barb, the typical liberal moron, called that a "straw man" argument.

Liberals are hilarious. I think that is one of their scripts they go to when confronted with either logic or truth.


So, will any liberal give us even a basic rudimentary idea of how you would go about confiscation all of the guns in circulation? How about jail space and jail time for those who not give up their guns?

It can't be done

And the price we pay for those 300 million guns is the highest murder rate in the industrialized world and periodic mass shootings

All we can do is try to make those mass shootings less successful. Make it harder for crazies to get guns, ban high capacity magazines, improve background checks

That can be done by arming law abiding citizens.

Criminals don't fear the law, hell they're constantly breaking it. But they do fear an armed citizen.

John Stossel had a report on guns and included the fact that inmates are more afraid of citizens who are armed than they are of cops, simply because they know instantly more often than not who the cops are.


Criminals, gang bangers and drug dealers are not afraid of citizens with is the cost of doing business
That can be done by arming law abiding citizens.

Criminals don't fear the law, hell they're constantly breaking it. But they do fear an armed citizen.

John Stossel had a report on guns and included the fact that inmates are more afraid of citizens who are armed than they are of cops, simply because they know instantly more often than not who the cops are.


Most people don't want to be armed though. They have kids or grandkids and just don't want to the responsibility that comes with owning a gun.

How do you know what most people want?

About 4 in 10 households have a gun owner. Now the other 6 out of ten either doesn't want a gun as you suggest or they can't legally purchase one or can't afford one. Who really knows for sure?

Out of those that you claim do not want to be armed, how many of those do not want any law abiding citizen armed?

More people would own guns if they wanted them. For people who want to be armed, guns seem to be a pretty high priority for many of them.

I don't know if it has ever been asked how many of those who don't want to be armed, don't want others to be armed. I am not one of those people. I do think they guy who brought a gun to Disney World was crazy though.

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