Mass stabbing in pa school BREAKING

Isn't the liberal hypocrisy outrageous on this?!

If this had been a gun they wouldn't stop bitching to make things "safer for the children". But since it was a knife which can't be outlawed or banned they simply dont give a rats ass about "the children" as evidenced by their silence in this thread.

Knives in Australia are banned.
Well, the carrying of any type of knife in public is, at least in most states and territories.

Rambo knives, box cutters, fishing knives're not allowed to carry them around in public.
Box cutters, pocket knives and the like would need to be in your car's toolbox, or in your fishing gear box in the trunk.

Time to ban knives in US schools, obviously.
...and metal forks, they can be a dangerous weapon...plastic knives and forks only in school cafeterias.
So you do admit even though this didn't have a thing to do with them you are really wanting to just get rid of guns. Thank you for being honest Barb.
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Your heels have never lived through either a knife or gun attack. Mine have. So spare us.
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So you do admit even though this didn't have a thing to do with them you are really wanting to just get rid of guns. Thank you for being honest Barb.


I wasn't the one who brought guns into the discussion of a tragic event having to do with knives, Politico, so I would thank YOU to be honest by not putting words in my mouth. Savvy?
Guns were mentioned on my radio knews in connection with this story...breaking stories go worldwide instantly these days...nothing can be hidden.

"If a gun had been used in this attack the outcome would likely have been many lives lost"

One girl student was reportedly slashed across the face.
Poor kid, her face will likely be scarred for life.
Auto and semi auto rifles should be banned in public access.
The public simply do not need assault rifles, pump-action shotguns etc.

Can't go hunting and shoot deer etc with a bolt-action rifle? then it's time to find another hobby/sport.
this story really does make the gun grabbers look like mental cases.:D:D:D

really? i think it makes you look like a mental case....

again, how many people died and how many would have died if it was a gun attack?

but then again, you never did show too much smarts about anything.
That's an impossible question to answer. In 21 attacks he would have had to reload with any sidearm. No question guns are more lethal given the opportunity though. What's the purpose of the question? Sould 16 yo be allowed to carry around sidearms in school? Most would say no.
Auto and semi auto rifles should be banned in public access.
The public simply do not need assault rifles, pump-action shotguns etc.

Can't go hunting and shoot deer etc with a bolt-action rifle? then it's time to find another hobby/sport.
Idiots should be banned. People are the problem, not the tools. I prefer having the right to defend myself more than giving idiots a false sense of security.
this story really does make the gun grabbers look like mental cases.:D:D:D

really? i think it makes you look like a mental case....

again, how many people died and how many would have died if it was a gun attack?

but then again, you never did show too much smarts about anything.

gun grabbing is the most profound of all thinking disconnects. Gun bans are gay as proved by Harvard University in April of last year and published in the Journal of Law and Public Policy >>>

Here is the full paper >>>

Not even debatable........MORE GUNS = LESS MURDER/CRIMES!!!:D:D

The gun grabber community act solely on emotion.......they live in a makey-uupey world wishing there were no guns and think they can make people safer with gun bans and more gun laws. A profound level of disconnect.

The sickest shit Ive ever heard his this business of not letting military people have a firearm on a base. 19 people shot to shit because of it and a lot more would have been mowed down if not for a woman who showed up.......ready for this.......with a gun. Holy fuck.......this is mental case madness.......learned :badgrin:zero:badgrin: from 2009 at Fort Hood.

The fucked in the head controlled by their emotions mental case progressive assholes make our country more dangerous by the day living in this bubble fantasy world. They need to colonize the moon and implement all their makey-uppey shit up there. Go.....go......go.......
Interesting phenomena going on here. Whenever a gun is used to kill at a school, the left can't wait to stand atop the dead bodies of the children to scream about how we need gun control, but when someone kills and injurs with some other weapon, and one that could have been stopped by a gun, the lefties are all about asking us to be above politics for the sake of the children and their memory.
What is happening?
Why are these things happening?
What has changed?
My only connection that I can the massive over prescribed psychotic drugs.
I think that's it to a large extent but society has also changed. If you were bullied as a kid you learned to stand up for yourself or you learned how to deal with it. Either way you grew stronger, it was part of the maturing process.

Now if something is wrong the emphasis is put on others, it's their fault, it's unfair. If you've been treated unfairly someone should pay. From lawsuits to violence, somebody must pay for your hurt feelings.
What is happening?
Why are these things happening?
What has changed?
My only connection that I can the massive over prescribed psychotic drugs.
I think that's it to a large extent but society has also changed. If you were bullied as a kid you learned to stand up for yourself or you learned how to deal with it. Either way you grew stronger, it was part of the maturing process.

Now if something is wrong the emphasis is put on others, it's their fault, it's unfair. If you've been treated unfairly someone should pay. From lawsuits to violence, somebody must pay for your hurt feelings.

I think u may have a point there.. Kids are suspended from school for striking back..just like their aggressors...and find no recompense, raising anger not only at their tormentors, but at the system that does not allow them justice.
Problems arising from this frustration are not dealt with...just ignored. Repressed anger and frustration turn into rage...which can strike out blindly and randomly.

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I think u may have a point there.. Kids are suspended from school for striking back..just like their aggressors...and find no recompense, raising anger not only at their tormentors, but at the system that does not allow them justice.
Problems arising from this frustration are not dealt with...just ignored. Repressed anger and frustration turn into rage...which can strike out blindly and randomly.
Back then, 60s-70s, fights on campus was rare. We met off campus to settle our disagreements. "I'll meet you after school" was the common phrase. Lack of control was part of my point, it's been replaced by instant gratification.
Interesting phenomena going on here. Whenever a gun is used to kill at a school, the left can't wait to stand atop the dead bodies of the children to scream about how we need gun control, but when someone kills and injurs with some other weapon, and one that could have been stopped by a gun, the lefties are all about asking us to be above politics for the sake of the children and their memory.

Interesting phenomena going on here. Whenever something besides a gun is used to kill anywhere, some on the Right can't wait to stand atop the dead bodies to scream about how we need __________control.
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What is happening?
Why are these things happening?
What has changed?
My only connection that I can the massive over prescribed psychotic drugs.
I think that's it to a large extent but society has also changed. If you were bullied as a kid you learned to stand up for yourself or you learned how to deal with it. Either way you grew stronger, it was part of the maturing process.

Now if something is wrong the emphasis is put on others, it's their fault, it's unfair. If you've been treated unfairly someone should pay. From lawsuits to violence, somebody must pay for your hurt feelings.

I think u may have a point there.. Kids are suspended from school for striking back..just like their aggressors...and find no recompense, raising anger not only at their tormentors, but at the system that does not allow them justice.
Problems arising from this frustration are not dealt with...just ignored. Repressed anger and frustration turn into rage...which can strike out blindly and randomly.

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I think there should be a course on relationships mandatory for students in the middle school and reexamined with more the introduction of psychology in high school.. It should highlight how important the psychological need for friends and acceptance is for young people this age and the absolute need for the absence of bullying and teasing.

Highlighting the what each person has in common with another should be examined and friendly acknowledgements to everyone in the school. Just maybe everyone can make efforts to make their school "the friendly zone."

This may sound "hokey," but it worth a try.
How did someone armed with a knife stab 20 people without anyone noticing after the 3rd or 4th person?

In a crowd situation... you are not going to inherently know what the hell is going on.. a knife attack can be stealthy.. a knife can very easily be concealed and it would be hard to detect as there is no sound.. a knife is one of the quickest attack weapons there is in an up close and personal situation

A knife is deadly and can cause huge amounts of carnage in a small amount of time
CaféAuLait;8910780 said:
How did someone armed with a knife stab 20 people without anyone noticing after the 3rd or 4th person?

The crazy part about that is, one scene I heard replayed by a student said he tackled one kid and stabbed him in the back over and over ,then continued on his rampage. How did he wound over 20? Did the students freeze or did they stop to watch and not run?

Fear can be a thing that immobilizes some... this is not news

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