Mass stabbing in pa school BREAKING

Isn't the liberal hypocrisy outrageous on this?!

If this had been a gun they wouldn't stop bitching to make things "safer for the children". But since it was a knife which can't be outlawed or banned they simply dont give a rats ass about "the children" as evidenced by their silence in this thread.
A few thoughts...

When are we going to put an end to these murderous white thugs killing in our schools?

So the armed security guard didn't shoot the kid but ya 'll expect teachers to?

What a horrible thing to happen. Let's just pray for the kids.
Why are the poofters at CNN not saying his name? They think giving massive coverage to the story but not naming the kid will somehow discourage future attacks? You have to have a dick up your rectum to be that stupid.
apparently knives are even more effective killing machines than rifles, deadly assault style weapons included in these statistics

There should be a 24 hour moratorium on posts related to acts of violence such as this. In order to allow some facts seep into the discussion.

You could have waited a month and it wouldn't have done a damn thing for the 300 thread. I think I was the only who posted a fact there.
Isn't the liberal hypocrisy outrageous on this?!

If this had been a gun they wouldn't stop bitching to make things "safer for the children". But since it was a knife which can't be outlawed or banned they simply dont give a rats ass about "the children" as evidenced by their silence in this thread.

You read silence? Kool! What am I thinking now?
CaféAuLait;8909394 said:
Other students are claiming he made death threats to students on other occasions.

“It was pretty common knowledge between all the kids that he had made some death threats,” said the source,

Pa. High School Stabbing Suspect Alex Hribal Not 'Well-Liked': Source - ABC News

So he had known issues and the school allowed him to stay or were they not informed?

So, you kick a kid out for not being liked?

LOL how did you get I wanted him kicked out for not being liked? Did you bother to read the portion I quoted where he said he was going to KILL other students and had made death threats?
CaféAuLait;8910751 said:
CaféAuLait;8909394 said:
Other students are claiming he made death threats to students on other occasions.

Pa. High School Stabbing Suspect Alex Hribal Not 'Well-Liked': Source - ABC News

So he had known issues and the school allowed him to stay or were they not informed?

So, you kick a kid out for not being liked?

LOL how did you get I wanted him kicked out for not being liked? Did you bother to read the portion I quoted where he said he was going to KILL other students and had made death threats?

yea the article says it was common knowledge that he was making death threats

and that it was ignored

others said they didnt take him seriously
From the OP's link:

"He was very quiet. He just was kind of doing it," she said. "And he had this, like, look on his face that he was just crazy and he was just running around just stabbing whoever was in his way."
She said she didn't know the boy, but he had been in a lot of her classes. "He kept to himself a lot," she said. "He didn't have that many friends that I know of, but I also don't know of him getting bullied that much. I actually never heard of him getting bullied. He just was kind of shy and didn't talk to many people."
Hribal's attorney described him as a "nice young man," who has never been in trouble.
"He's not a loner. He works well with other kids," he said. "...He's scared. He's a young kid. He's 16, looks like he's 12. I mean, he's a very young kid and he's never been in trouble so this is all new to him."

"I'm not sure he knows what he did, quite frankly," Hribal's attorney, Patrick Thomassey, said, adding he would file a motion to move the case to juvenile court.
"...We have to make sure that he understands the nature of the charges and what's going on here. It's important that he be examined by a psychiatrist and determined where he is mentally."

The story also points out that the kid had 2 knives, and the stabbings started in a crowded hallway. I can see how that would lend more time and increase the victim count - crowded hallways are loud, stabbings / slashing are quiet. Some of the kids didn't even know they had BEEN cut, they looked down because they felt a pain, and then they noticed blood.

Sounds like a scene from The Walking Dead - and the stabber might be suffering from a chemical imbalance / mental disorder...schizophrenia?
How did someone armed with a knife stab 20 people without anyone noticing after the 3rd or 4th person?

The crazy part about that is, one scene I heard replayed by a student said he tackled one kid and stabbed him in the back over and over ,then continued on his rampage. How did he wound over 20? Did the students freeze or did they stop to watch and not run?
From the OP's link:

"He was very quiet. He just was kind of doing it," she said. "And he had this, like, look on his face that he was just crazy and he was just running around just stabbing whoever was in his way."
She said she didn't know the boy, but he had been in a lot of her classes. "He kept to himself a lot," she said. "He didn't have that many friends that I know of, but I also don't know of him getting bullied that much. I actually never heard of him getting bullied. He just was kind of shy and didn't talk to many people."
Hribal's attorney described him as a "nice young man," who has never been in trouble.
"He's not a loner. He works well with other kids," he said. "...He's scared. He's a young kid. He's 16, looks like he's 12. I mean, he's a very young kid and he's never been in trouble so this is all new to him."

"I'm not sure he knows what he did, quite frankly," Hribal's attorney, Patrick Thomassey, said, adding he would file a motion to move the case to juvenile court.
"...We have to make sure that he understands the nature of the charges and what's going on here. It's important that he be examined by a psychiatrist and determined where he is mentally."

The story also points out that the kid had 2 knives, and the stabbings started in a crowded hallway. I can see how that would lend more time and increase the victim count - crowded hallways are loud, stabbings / slashing are quiet. Some of the kids didn't even know they had BEEN cut, they looked down because they felt a pain, and then they noticed blood.

Sounds like a scene from The Walking Dead - and the stabber might be suffering from a chemical imbalance / mental disorder...schizophrenia?

I should have known better. The media always hypes up things. From what I heard I thought the guy had slit everyones throat and let them bleed out.

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