Mass stabbing in pa school BREAKING

Most Teen Mental Health Problems Go Untreated

A Duke University review of a survey involving more than 10,000 American teenagers reveals that more than half of adolescents with psychiatric disorders receive no treatment of any sort.

Moreover, when treatment does occur, the providers are rarely mental health specialists, said Dr. E. Jane Costello, a Duke University professor of psychology and epidemiology, the study leader.

The country’s mental health system has come under scrutiny in recent years following a string of mass shootings in which mental illness seems to have played a role.

In many cases, care was provided by pediatricians, school counselors or probation officers rather than by people with specialized mental health training. There simply are not enough qualified child mental health professionals to go around, Costello said.

“We need to train more child psychiatrists in this country,” Costello said. “And those individuals need to be used strategically, as consultants to the school counselors and others who do the lion’s share of the work.”

The study draws on data from the National Comorbidity Survey Adolescent Supplement, a nationally representative face-to-face survey of 10,148 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17.

Source: Duke University

I am trying to see the point here. The fact that ALL of the mass shootings involve a person on an antidepressant PRESCRIBED to them by a doctor means nothing?

I am cynical enough to understand that many of these studies are actually funded by the pharmaceutical companies themselves.

How about the number of psychiatrists who are warning us about the potential side effects. Many of these doctors do indeed receive kickbacks in a number of ways.

Again, it is a billion dollar industry.

It is not...SOME incidents have involved a person antidepressants. ALL OF THEM have involved it. The simple fact that no major news network is even hinting at the angle, and the fact these pharmaceutical companies spend millions advertising on these networks is lost on you?:cuckoo:
Okay ... that's it. NO MORE! It's time we started registering all knives and doing background checks on anyone interested in buying one. That includes assault type knives like Butcher knives, paring knives, bread cutters, and butter knives longer than 2" long.

Or box cutters.

Danvers, Massachusetts (CNN) -- How was Danvers High math teacher Colleen Ritzer killed? With a box cutter the suspect, 14-year-old Philip Chism, had brought into school, a source close to the investigation says.

What happened to her body afterward? It was stashed in a recycling bin, rolled outside, then dumped about 20 feet into woods behind the northeastern Massachusetts high school's athletic fields, adds another source. It was left there -- not buried, not even covered.

And where did the alleged killer go afterward? After changing his clothes, he went to a Wendy's fast food restaurant and a movie,

more: Sources: Student killed Danvers teacher Coleen Ritzer with box cutter -
Most Teen Mental Health Problems Go Untreated

A Duke University review of a survey involving more than 10,000 American teenagers reveals that more than half of adolescents with psychiatric disorders receive no treatment of any sort.

Moreover, when treatment does occur, the providers are rarely mental health specialists, said Dr. E. Jane Costello, a Duke University professor of psychology and epidemiology, the study leader.

The country’s mental health system has come under scrutiny in recent years following a string of mass shootings in which mental illness seems to have played a role.

In many cases, care was provided by pediatricians, school counselors or probation officers rather than by people with specialized mental health training. There simply are not enough qualified child mental health professionals to go around, Costello said.

“We need to train more child psychiatrists in this country,” Costello said. “And those individuals need to be used strategically, as consultants to the school counselors and others who do the lion’s share of the work.”

The study draws on data from the National Comorbidity Survey Adolescent Supplement, a nationally representative face-to-face survey of 10,148 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17.

Source: Duke University

That's okay ... Obamacare will fix it. It'll fix EVERYTHING!

Instead of more psychiatrists (which probably do more harm that good) we need to teach morals in public school. I bet if we did some research we'd find that violence increased as school prayer decreased. Just a guess.
Why do people ALWAYS get on the BAN BANDWAGON? And IGNORE the actual killer?

Movies & video games have NEVER been used as a weapon to kill someone. Guns actually have but only because of the individual behind them.

No one ever focuses on mental health beyond the typical lip service.

We either want to stop nuts like this or we don't. Murders were happining long before games, movies or even guns were invented.

Stop chasing your tails people
Most Teen Mental Health Problems Go Untreated

A Duke University review of a survey involving more than 10,000 American teenagers reveals that more than half of adolescents with psychiatric disorders receive no treatment of any sort.

Moreover, when treatment does occur, the providers are rarely mental health specialists, said Dr. E. Jane Costello, a Duke University professor of psychology and epidemiology, the study leader.

The country’s mental health system has come under scrutiny in recent years following a string of mass shootings in which mental illness seems to have played a role.

In many cases, care was provided by pediatricians, school counselors or probation officers rather than by people with specialized mental health training. There simply are not enough qualified child mental health professionals to go around, Costello said.

“We need to train more child psychiatrists in this country,” Costello said. “And those individuals need to be used strategically, as consultants to the school counselors and others who do the lion’s share of the work.”

The study draws on data from the National Comorbidity Survey Adolescent Supplement, a nationally representative face-to-face survey of 10,148 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17.

Source: Duke University

That's okay ... Obamacare will fix it. It'll fix EVERYTHING!

Instead of more psychiatrists (which probably do more harm that good) we need to teach morals in public school. I bet if we did some research we'd find that violence increased as school prayer decreased. Just a guess.

Simply allowing discipline back in the schools would be a start. Stop the bullies BEFORE they push the unstable over the edge.
Last time I heard of a school assault libs were celebrating an lgbter attacking other students
Most Teen Mental Health Problems Go Untreated

A Duke University review of a survey involving more than 10,000 American teenagers reveals that more than half of adolescents with psychiatric disorders receive no treatment of any sort.

Moreover, when treatment does occur, the providers are rarely mental health specialists, said Dr. E. Jane Costello, a Duke University professor of psychology and epidemiology, the study leader.

The country’s mental health system has come under scrutiny in recent years following a string of mass shootings in which mental illness seems to have played a role.

In many cases, care was provided by pediatricians, school counselors or probation officers rather than by people with specialized mental health training. There simply are not enough qualified child mental health professionals to go around, Costello said.

“We need to train more child psychiatrists in this country,” Costello said. “And those individuals need to be used strategically, as consultants to the school counselors and others who do the lion’s share of the work.”

The study draws on data from the National Comorbidity Survey Adolescent Supplement, a nationally representative face-to-face survey of 10,148 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17.

Source: Duke University

That's okay ... Obamacare will fix it. It'll fix EVERYTHING!

Instead of more psychiatrists (which probably do more harm that good) we need to teach morals in public school. I bet if we did some research we'd find that violence increased as school prayer decreased. Just a guess.

Simply allowing discipline back in the schools would be a start. Stop the bullies BEFORE they push the unstable over the edge.

Yeah. Good luck trying to sell discipline to the liberal state of mind. That is all related to accountability and responsibility.

Those things are all anti-liberal. Along with good morals. They flat out admit that since they do not stand for anything moral, then it is perfectly fine for their leaders to fuck a sheep in the oval office if they feel like it.

You think I exaggerated there, but I didn't.
It's not just mental health and "morals" at play here...There's just too much anger and provocation of it floating around in our society...

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Most Teen Mental Health Problems Go Untreated

A Duke University review of a survey involving more than 10,000 American teenagers reveals that more than half of adolescents with psychiatric disorders receive no treatment of any sort.

Moreover, when treatment does occur, the providers are rarely mental health specialists, said Dr. E. Jane Costello, a Duke University professor of psychology and epidemiology, the study leader.

The country’s mental health system has come under scrutiny in recent years following a string of mass shootings in which mental illness seems to have played a role.

In many cases, care was provided by pediatricians, school counselors or probation officers rather than by people with specialized mental health training. There simply are not enough qualified child mental health professionals to go around, Costello said.

“We need to train more child psychiatrists in this country,” Costello said. “And those individuals need to be used strategically, as consultants to the school counselors and others who do the lion’s share of the work.”

The study draws on data from the National Comorbidity Survey Adolescent Supplement, a nationally representative face-to-face survey of 10,148 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17.

Source: Duke University

That's okay ... Obamacare will fix it. It'll fix EVERYTHING!

Instead of more psychiatrists (which probably do more harm that good) we need to teach morals in public school. I bet if we did some research we'd find that violence increased as school prayer decreased. Just a guess.

You win!
It's not just mental health and "morals" at play here...There's just too much anger and provocation of it floating around in our society...

Sent from my iPhone using

Which is a symptom of mental issues and a lack of self control.
Liberals will be ignoring the school stabbings because it doesn't help their gun confiscation cause.

Something is wrong in this country and it isn't guns.
We need knife control to stop mass stabbings. All knives should be registered with the government and we should have to pass a background check in order to purchase one. Do it for the children.
Ame®icano;8906928 said:
Liberals will be ignoring the school stabbings because it doesn't help their gun confiscation cause.

Something is wrong in this country and it isn't guns.

It's the breakdown of the family.
To the libs who deny it's lib policies like the destruction of the family that causes these, why didn't these events happen prior to the 196os and much easier access to weapons?
Most Teen Mental Health Problems Go Untreated

A Duke University review of a survey involving more than 10,000 American teenagers reveals that more than half of adolescents with psychiatric disorders receive no treatment of any sort.

Moreover, when treatment does occur, the providers are rarely mental health specialists, said Dr. E. Jane Costello, a Duke University professor of psychology and epidemiology, the study leader.

The country’s mental health system has come under scrutiny in recent years following a string of mass shootings in which mental illness seems to have played a role.

In many cases, care was provided by pediatricians, school counselors or probation officers rather than by people with specialized mental health training. There simply are not enough qualified child mental health professionals to go around, Costello said.

“We need to train more child psychiatrists in this country,” Costello said. “And those individuals need to be used strategically, as consultants to the school counselors and others who do the lion’s share of the work.”

The study draws on data from the National Comorbidity Survey Adolescent Supplement, a nationally representative face-to-face survey of 10,148 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17.

Source: Duke University

I am trying to see the point here. The fact that ALL of the mass shootings involve a person on an antidepressant PRESCRIBED to them by a doctor means nothing?

I am cynical enough to understand that many of these studies are actually funded by the pharmaceutical companies themselves.

How about the number of psychiatrists who are warning us about the potential side effects. Many of these doctors do indeed receive kickbacks in a number of ways.

Again, it is a billion dollar industry.

It is not...SOME incidents have involved a person antidepressants. ALL OF THEM have involved it. The simple fact that no major news network is even hinting at the angle, and the fact these pharmaceutical companies spend millions advertising on these networks is lost on you?:cuckoo:

Okay, how many mass shootings are we talking about? Two? Three? Hardly a consensus on pharmaceuticals. Too many variables. Were they being taken appropriately? Were the doctors over/under prescribing them? Were they taken long enough for a therapeutic effect? The mere fact that they were seeing a doctor for mind altering medications means the teenager was having major issues.

Other important issues that should be considered that would have saved those lives: Were they seeing a counselor? Were the parents involved in counseling as well? Why was the teenager in arms reach of a fire arm when the parents knew their child was having mental issues?

You just cannot make the blanket statement that the medications made the student do what he did. I will say it was a possibility. You can say that there is a possibility it did not have the effect you are claiming it did. 50-50. We just don't know.

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