Mass stabbing in pa school BREAKING

Tell me again how ultra violent, bloody, high definition video games where they go around beating, slicing and dicing, stabbing, shooting and blowing everything up in sight doesn't desensitize these kids.

Your logic is as bad as the gun grabbers. Should everything that triggers a fucking nut be banned or regulated?
If my logic is bad, then why don't you try and explain why it's bad, instead of running your fucking smart ass mouth like a little pimple faced teenager there Johnny Jingle Nuts.
We either want to stop nuts like this or we don't. Murders were happining long before games, movies or even guns were invented.

Stop chasing your tails people

Not to this extent and frequency you ignorant old sack of donkey piss.

You're acting like it's going to be something like ONE REASON, and THAT'S IT. Life nowadays is COMPLICATED compared to BEFORE TV, MOVIES and VIDEO GAMES, MORON, so the reasons why we're seeing so much of this these days could be the culmination of MANY things.

Wise up or shut up, dumbass.
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If only a good guy had had a knife ...

If only knives were illegal.. or they were not allowed on school grounds :rolleyes:

how many people died from knife wounds as opposed to what would have happened if there was a gun involved?


What is happening?
Why are these things happening?
What has changed?
My only connection that I can the massive over prescribed psychotic drugs.
Why do people ALWAYS get on the BAN BANDWAGON? And IGNORE the actual killer?

Movies & video games have NEVER been used as a weapon to kill someone. Guns actually have but only because of the individual behind them.

No one ever focuses on mental health beyond the typical lip service.

We either want to stop nuts like this or we don't. Murders were happining long before games, movies or even guns were invented.

Stop chasing your tails people

I've been playing "violent" video games for years and haven't even snapped someone's ear as a result. Nut cases kill -- not video games, knives, guns, or ropes.
If only a good guy had had a knife ...


If only knives were illegal.. or they were not allowed on school grounds :rolleyes:

how many people died from knife wounds as opposed to what would have happened if there was a gun involved?


Or Obamacare death panels. :eek: Double oops!!

But seriously, just think if someone drove a car onto campus and ran over lots of kids. Wow ... what about that? We seriously need to ban cars.
If only a good guy had had a knife ...


If only knives were illegal.. or they were not allowed on school grounds :rolleyes:

how many people died from knife wounds as opposed to what would have happened if there was a gun involved?


Again... illogical conclusion to situations you know nothing about... if up close and personal confrontations, a blunt or bladed weapon will do much more than a sidearm or other firearm... lest you also forget that firearms can and do jam, take time to reload, and take a higher degree of skill to wield and use effectively

Your conclusion to a worse scenario IF a firearm were to be used is bullshit
You never take a knife to a gunfight, but it's a gun free zone so that kid to a knife to a pajama party.

Well... true that a knife in your hand when a guy 30 feet away has a firearm is a losing proposition... but a handgun in your hand when people are right on you is less preferable than 2 hands with knives or batons or whatever you prefer for close quarters

And any weapon against those not aware or expecting has the advantage...

But I think someone mentioned before, a gunshot and the whole area knows something is up.. wading thru a group of people, sliding and stabbing, and there is no tell tale sign to really warn people who are not paying attention.. the chance for mass carnage is high... and IMHO, it is highly likely that many of those attacked had no clue as to what was really happening until too late
The interesting thing is that all this shilling and exploitation of events like Sandy Hook, the Colorado theater, Boston marathon towards an anti 2nd amendment narrative is actually forcing a lot of people in the middle to the pro-gun side.

All these attempts to go around the 2nd amendment by the cooks like Feinstein and others have made me appreciate the right of firearm ownership even more. Time and time again data has shown gun control does not work, these hyper reactionary liberals think if they were to ban them it would just go away - just like the war on drugs is working, right?

These delusional cowards deserve neither freedom nor safety regarding their insidiousness in attempting to attack the 2nd amendment without actually going through the amendment process because they know it would never pass. It's been said so many times before, it's freaking dumb to ban firearms for the average citizen leaving them only in the hands of real criminals and heavily militarized police thugs.
We either want to stop nuts like this or we don't. Murders were happining long before games, movies or even guns were invented.

Stop chasing your tails people

Not to this extent and frequency you ignorant old sack of donkey piss.

You're acting like it's going to be something like ONE REASON, and THAT'S IT. Life nowadays is COMPLICATED compared to BEFORE TV, MOVIES and VIDEO GAMES, MORON, so the reasons why we're seeing so much of this these days could be the culmination of MANY things.

Wise up or shut up, dumbass.

I got it.

Don't touch your precious guns but ban everything else that YOU deem inappropriate in todays society because it MIGHT offend or set someone off.

Well if that's the case let's see what all would be banned:

Any movie with violence
Any tv show with violence
Video games
Fourth of july fireworks
Drugs of ALL types
Some board games

Your FIRST kneeJERK reaction upon posting in this thread was to blame video games NOT a culmination of many things as you later put it. Banning ANY of the above items would not stop a nut from being a nut. Nor would it stop ANY mass murders.

The only thing that will help that doesn't infringe on someone's freedoms, the very freedoms YOU claim to want to protect every other day, is to deal with the HUMAN factor. But that is too complicated and you have no clue how so you lash out at shit that really would have very little bearing on someone's mental capacity.

Cuss at me all you like I know who the rational one in this discussion is.
I think we should ban all knives from society period. How many more of these mass stabbings have to occur before we say enough? I'm sure we can use laser cutters instead of knives, when we need to eat steak or other personal uses. Maybe Pierce Morgan can do a show about it and raise awareness.

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