Mass stabbing in pa school BREAKING

Democrats claimed casualties like this could not be achieved without a gun.

4 critical 20 injured

If he'd had a gun, it would be much worse.

What the fuck does that have to do with my post?

If he had a toothpick it would have been much better. If he had a tank it would have been devastating. If he had a ray gun there would be no evidence.

There, I think I've covered all the possible idiotic responses. Now, care to try again?
Democrats claimed casualties like this could not be achieved without a gun.
4 critical 20 injured

If he'd had a gun, it would be much worse.

What the fuck does that have to do with my post?

If he had a toothpick it would have been much better. If he had a tank it would have been devastating. If he had a ray gun there would be no evidence.

There, I think I've covered all the possible idiotic responses. Now, care to try again?

You're the one who brought up the gun, not me. So, my post has everything to with your post.
If he'd had a gun, it would be much worse.

What the fuck does that have to do with my post?

If he had a toothpick it would have been much better. If he had a tank it would have been devastating. If he had a ray gun there would be no evidence.

There, I think I've covered all the possible idiotic responses. Now, care to try again?

You're the one who brought up the gun, not me. So, my post has everything to with your post.

Confused indeed. I see logic isn't your strong suit.
What the fuck does that have to do with my post?

If he had a toothpick it would have been much better. If he had a tank it would have been devastating. If he had a ray gun there would be no evidence.

There, I think I've covered all the possible idiotic responses. Now, care to try again?

You're the one who brought up the gun, not me. So, my post has everything to with your post.

Confused indeed. I see logic isn't your strong suit.

That is excessively humorous. The lack logic is yours entirely. :D Which is why anyone would be confused by your outrage. You brought up the issue of guns versus knives and linked it to the severity of the violence, and you think someone would not respond to your post by mentioning how much more violent this incident would be if a gun had been involved. You display zero logic. Zero.
Esmeralda I also brought up the word, THAT. Should we focus on that word next to avoid my point?


used to identify a specific person or thing observed by the speaker.
"that's his wife over there"
"this is stronger than that"
referring to a specific thing previously mentioned, known, or understood.
"that's a good idea"
used in singling out someone or something and ascribing a distinctive feature to them.
"it is part of human nature to be attracted to that which is aesthetically pleasing"
used to introduce a defining or restrictive clause, esp. one essential to identification.
instead of “which,” “who,” or “whom”
"the book that I've just written"
instead of “when” after an expression of time.
"the year that Anna was born"

determiner: that; determiner: those

used to identify a specific person or thing observed or heard by the speaker.
"look at that man there"
referring to the more distant of two things near to the speaker (the other, if specified, being identified by “this”).
referring to a specific thing previously mentioned, known, or understood.
"he lived in Mysore at that time"
used in singling out someone or something and ascribing a distinctive feature to them.
"I have always envied those people who make their own bread"
referring to a specific person or thing assumed as understood or familiar to the person being addressed.
"where is that son of yours?"

adverb: that

to such a degree; so.
"I would not go that far"
used with a gesture to indicate size.
"it was that big, perhaps even bigger"
"he wasn't that far away"

conjunction: that

introducing a subordinate clause expressing a statement or hypothesis.
"she said that she was satisfied"
expressing a reason or cause.
"he seemed pleased that I wanted to continue"
expressing a result.
"she was so tired that she couldn't think"
expressing a purpose, hope, or intention.
"we pray that the coming year may be a year of peace"
expressing a wish or regret.
"oh that he could be restored to health"

You're the one who brought up the gun, not me. So, my post has everything to with your post.

Confused indeed. I see logic isn't your strong suit.

That is excessively humorous. The lack logic is yours entirely. :D Which is why anyone would be confused by your outrage. You brought up the issue of guns versus knives and linked it to the severity of the violence, and you think someone would not respond to your post by mentioning how much more violent this incident would be if a gun had been involved. You display zero logic. Zero.

Deflect deflect deflect! Must not be pinned down by previous assertions.
Most Teen Mental Health Problems Go Untreated

A Duke University review of a survey involving more than 10,000 American teenagers reveals that more than half of adolescents with psychiatric disorders receive no treatment of any sort.

Moreover, when treatment does occur, the providers are rarely mental health specialists, said Dr. E. Jane Costello, a Duke University professor of psychology and epidemiology, the study leader.

The country’s mental health system has come under scrutiny in recent years following a string of mass shootings in which mental illness seems to have played a role.

In many cases, care was provided by pediatricians, school counselors or probation officers rather than by people with specialized mental health training. There simply are not enough qualified child mental health professionals to go around, Costello said.

“We need to train more child psychiatrists in this country,” Costello said. “And those individuals need to be used strategically, as consultants to the school counselors and others who do the lion’s share of the work.”

The study draws on data from the National Comorbidity Survey Adolescent Supplement, a nationally representative face-to-face survey of 10,148 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17.

Source: Duke University
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Confused indeed. I see logic isn't your strong suit.

That is excessively humorous. The lack logic is yours entirely. :D Which is why anyone would be confused by your outrage. You brought up the issue of guns versus knives and linked it to the severity of the violence, and you think someone would not respond to your post by mentioning how much more violent this incident would be if a gun had been involved. You display zero logic. Zero.

Deflect deflect deflect! Must not be pinned down by previous assertions.

I'm the one who is deflecting? LMAO You guys are effing crazy. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

I don't engage in discussion with folks like you. I have no patience for a nimno circus.:bye1:

That is excessively humorous. The lack logic is yours entirely. :D Which is why anyone would be confused by your outrage. You brought up the issue of guns versus knives and linked it to the severity of the violence, and you think someone would not respond to your post by mentioning how much more violent this incident would be if a gun had been involved. You display zero logic. Zero.

Deflect deflect deflect! Must not be pinned down by previous assertions.

I'm the one who is deflecting? LMAO You guys are effing crazy. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

I don't engage in discussion with folks like you. I have no patience for a nimno circus.:bye1:

Find the ignore feature then and stop engaging me, idiot

You're the one who brought up the gun, not me. So, my post has everything to with your post.

Confused indeed. I see logic isn't your strong suit.

That is excessively humorous. The lack logic is yours entirely. :D Which is why anyone would be confused by your outrage. You brought up the issue of guns versus knives and linked it to the severity of the violence, and you think someone would not respond to your post by mentioning how much more violent this incident would be if a gun had been involved. You display zero logic. Zero.

And your logic in that assessment of a gun situation in itself is faulty...

While it is true that we had lefties on this very board saying that this level of incident would not happen without a firearm... His comment was directed at that... not saying that any weapon in itself would have been more or less dangerous in the specific situation.. do we know if this attacker COULD have wielded a pistol or shotgun in a way to cause more damage?? No... The situation means everything... you get in close combat, a blunt or bladed weapon will do better than a pistol or rifle.. It is the nature of close combat.. we don't even have the details (that I am aware of) if this was done in 1 small enclosed area, or whether this was a seek and destroy, or whatever... hence why your assumption is illogical
Confused indeed. I see logic isn't your strong suit.

That is excessively humorous. The lack logic is yours entirely. :D Which is why anyone would be confused by your outrage. You brought up the issue of guns versus knives and linked it to the severity of the violence, and you think someone would not respond to your post by mentioning how much more violent this incident would be if a gun had been involved. You display zero logic. Zero.

Deflect deflect deflect! Must not be pinned down by previous assertions.

Notice too that the moron thanked the person that suggested that there is no way to consider the effects of antidepressants?

Cause we are not doctors, even though many doctors are on record warning us of the side effects of the antidepressants.

I mean the fact that EVERY MASS SHOOTING has involved someone on one of these, and no MAIN STREAM MEDIA outlet has NOT worked that angle should be enough for anyone that has any ability to think for themselves.

While Jackson made a legit point in that we are NOT doctors, Esmeralda thanked him for another reason. You see for this pigheaded sack of shit, it needs to be guns. ALL of the blame has to go to the right wing, knuckle dragging, gun owners.

For Esmeralda and these types, they have a pure one tracked mind. Therefore, they have no ability to cut the puppet strings. Unreal morons who stand for nothing, other than sticking a thumb in the eye of a right winger. That is it.
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Okay ... that's it. NO MORE! It's time we started registering all knives and doing background checks on anyone interested in buying one. That includes assault type knives like Butcher knives, paring knives, bread cutters, and butter knives longer than 2" long.
Tell me again how ultra violent, bloody, high definition video games where they go around beating, slicing and dicing, stabbing, shooting and blowing everything up in sight doesn't desensitize these kids.
If only a good guy had had a knife ...


Nope! Good guys aren't supposed to protect themselves. Don't you know anything? Good guys are supposed to just stand there with their thumbs up their butts while the bad guys shoot, maim, stab, rape, or assault them in some other politically correct manner.
Tell me again how ultra violent, bloody, high definition video games where they go around beating, slicing and dicing, stabbing, shooting and blowing everything up in sight doesn't desensitize these kids.

Your logic is as bad as the gun grabbers. Should everything that triggers a fucking nut be banned or regulated?

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