Mass stabbing in pa school BREAKING

i agree that the issue is more about the mindset or mentally disturbed individuals than access to guns. prior to the 1980's i don't think schools were gun free zones and i know the gun laws were far less restrictive. yet...we didn't have the amount of crime or mass killings we have today.

just like the war on drugs didn't work, the "war" (loosely used) on guns or knives will not work. we need to rehabilitate people and our country's mindset.
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Indeed.. and I hope they get to the bottom of the real issue.. which is the signs around the person who did this... learn from the signs that may not have been flashy evident to those around the offender...

I don't want to speculate on what caused it...but (and here I speculate) I suspect gang related.
Lets pay attention and see if this person was on some for of anti-depressant. I say that cause every single mass shooting/stabbing has been by a person who was on one of these things. Like Ambien for example or Adderall etc etc.

Ever notice, like I notice how Piers and his types never brought up the possible connections to antidepressants and those mass killings? Well, consider ALL OF THEM were committed by a person on one of these, it should be considered......right?

Then again those pharmaceutical companies advertise on ALL OF THOSE networks. Is a liberal able to do some thinking on their own and connect the dots, or do I need to further explain?

Anyway, lets check and see. It may be hard to find if this person is connected to an antidepressant, since most media outlets will not report it.


The potential connection might should be investigated, I'll give you that.

The fact that all of these mass violence crimes have been committed by people on antidepressants doesn't conclusively prove that these drugs cause or even necessarily contribute to the behavior, though. It potentially means simply that all of these mass violent criminals were possessed of the sort of emotional and psychological issues that would be treated at least partially by psychotherapeutic drugs, and it was the severity of those issues, and -not- the drugs, that drove these people to do what they did.

Ya never know.

I still think it'd be more fun to treat it like a mass shooting and pretend that an emotional, kneejerk reaction would be the most prudent course. BAN SHARP OBJECTS IN SCHOOL ZONES! KEEP OUR CHILDREN SAFE! THE CHILDREN! THE CHILDREN!

I tend to think that if a persons mind is chemically altered, and their reality is skewed significantly, then that could lead to these actions.

Not to mention the mass number of suicides that are committed and hardly ever reported (suicides are deliberately not reported) unless it was some celebrity.

A majority of teen suicides are also committed by people that are on these various drugs.

The other thing to keep an eye on is how the media is now focusing on MENTAL HEALTH. Well, that is another way these prescriptions will be pushed. How to deal with MENTAL HEALTH? Pharmaceuticals of course. Push push push. Money money money.

The left wing media will stick to their cliches in order to spoon feed their mentally deranged, know it alls on the left. GUNS, RIGHT WING, WHITES, TEA PARTY.......etc etc etc.
How very very sad. :(

Indeed.. and I hope they get to the bottom of the real issue.. which is the signs around the person who did this... learn from the signs that may not have been flashy evident to those around the offender...

I don't want to speculate on what caused it...but (and here I speculate) I suspect gang related.

Could be.. I will wait to speculate on whether it was drugs, gang, mental issues, or whatever...

But the issue was not the weapon... like it has not been the weapon in ones before, yet people tried to make it about the weapon
It seems almost impossible that the youngster was able to get at 20 students before taken down. Questions come to mind, were most of the victims girls? Was he bullied? Were adults around? Some students had multiple wounds.

The anger this student had had to be awesome. Did the parents, teachers or administration notice any warning signs?
i agree that the issue is more about the mindset or mentally disturbed individuals than access to guns. prior to the 1980's i don't think schools were gun free zones and i know the gun laws were far less restrictive. yet...we didn't have the amount of crime or mass killings we have today.

just like the war on drugs didn't work, the "war" (loosely used) on guns or knives will not work. we need to rehabilitate people and our country's mindset.

Did not have endless commercials pushing anti-depressants either.



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i tend to agree with you about psychotropic drugs...however...have not researched the issue myself, but generally i am opposed to them and believe they are handed out far to readily
Perhaps it is the opposite. They should have been treated with some sort of medication and were not.

The opposite? EVERY SINGLE MASS SHOOTING has been committed by someone on one of these medications.

All of them.

So, when you say opposite.......
i tend to agree with you about psychotropic drugs...however...have not researched the issue myself, but generally i am opposed to them and believe they are handed out far to readily

When you are talking BILLIONS of dollars, we are talking about a monster that has yet to be defeated by humans since the invention of money.

BILLIONS of dollars, and all of the politicians on the dole. Not to mention the mass revenues in commercial revenues from the so called news sources who are supposedly looking out for us.

As though any of them are really looking out for us.


The sad part is the left thinks their side are not influenced by such things. Well, they never accuse of them of those things do they? If they do, it is surely not on a mass scale.

No, the poor are subjugated by their little rations of money that is not enough to take them out of poverty, but is enough to shut them up.

Round and round we go.

The love of money is truly the root of evil. For those that believe there is evil in the first place.
It's easy to Monday morning quarterback (even on Wednesday) or be a keyboard commando but a couple of teachers with chairs could have ended his spree. They should at least have OC spray and training. There is a program called ALICE K-12 School Safety Training - ALICE Training Institute
that is seeking to get teachers the training they need. Maybe it should be mandatory since the kids are in their care.
Democrats claimed casualties like this could not be achieved without a gun.

4 critical 20 injured

Students stabbed at Franklin Regional High School in Murrysville
20 people taken to hospitals; 1 student in police custody

The stabbings happened in numerous classrooms throughout the building before classes had begun for the day, according to Dan Stevens, the county's deputy emergency management coordinator.

Not all 20 of the injured people were actually stabbed, Stevens said. Some of the injuries were described as cuts and scrapes.
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How very very sad. :(

Indeed.. and I hope they get to the bottom of the real issue.. which is the signs around the person who did this... learn from the signs that may not have been flashy evident to those around the offender...

I don't want to speculate on what caused it...but (and here I speculate) I suspect gang related.

I've never heard of anything like this related to gang violence. I think it is probably a very messed up kid, someone who was bullied and who was on some kind of medication for depression or another mental issue.

It seems almost impossible that the youngster was able to get at 20 students before taken down. Questions come to mind, were most of the victims girls? Was he bullied? Were adults around? Some students had multiple wounds.

The anger this student had had to be awesome. Did the parents, teachers or administration notice any warning signs?

As Jackson says, this is a very, very angry kid.

It could also be schizophrenia. This is the age when schizophrenia emerges, late teens--early 20s. Usually in young men, usually very intelligent young men.
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Lets pay attention and see if this person was on some for of anti-depressant. I say that cause every single mass shooting/stabbing has been by a person who was on one of these things. Like Ambien for example or Adderall etc etc.

Ever notice, like I notice how Piers and his types never brought up the possible connections to antidepressants and those mass killings? Well, consider ALL OF THEM were committed by a person on one of these, it should be considered......right?

Then again those pharmaceutical companies advertise on ALL OF THOSE networks. Is a liberal able to do some thinking on their own and connect the dots, or do I need to further explain?

Anyway, lets check and see. It may be hard to find if this person is connected to an antidepressant, since most media outlets will not report it.


The potential connection might should be investigated, I'll give you that.

The fact that all of these mass violence crimes have been committed by people on antidepressants doesn't conclusively prove that these drugs cause or even necessarily contribute to the behavior, though. It potentially means simply that all of these mass violent criminals were possessed of the sort of emotional and psychological issues that would be treated at least partially by psychotherapeutic drugs, and it was the severity of those issues, and -not- the drugs, that drove these people to do what they did.

Ya never know.

I still think it'd be more fun to treat it like a mass shooting and pretend that an emotional, kneejerk reaction would be the most prudent course. BAN SHARP OBJECTS IN SCHOOL ZONES! KEEP OUR CHILDREN SAFE! THE CHILDREN! THE CHILDREN!

I tend to think that if a persons mind is chemically altered, and their reality is skewed significantly, then that could lead to these actions.

Not to mention the mass number of suicides that are committed and hardly ever reported (suicides are deliberately not reported) unless it was some celebrity.

A majority of teen suicides are also committed by people that are on these various drugs.

The other thing to keep an eye on is how the media is now focusing on MENTAL HEALTH. Well, that is another way these prescriptions will be pushed. How to deal with MENTAL HEALTH? Pharmaceuticals of course. Push push push. Money money money.

The left wing media will stick to their cliches in order to spoon feed their mentally deranged, know it alls on the left. GUNS, RIGHT WING, WHITES, TEA PARTY.......etc etc etc.

So it's back to left vs. right it looks like.
Perhaps it is the opposite. They should have been treated with some sort of medication and were not.

The opposite? EVERY SINGLE MASS SHOOTING has been committed by someone on one of these medications.

All of them.

So, when you say opposite.......

We are not doctors and we don't know if the shooters were taking the prescriptions appropriately. To be fair, we have to know if those medications have probably have helped more people that caused harm. If these medications were culprits in mass shootings and suicides to such a degree as to show a cause-effect, the FDA would have recalled them.
Indeed.. and I hope they get to the bottom of the real issue.. which is the signs around the person who did this... learn from the signs that may not have been flashy evident to those around the offender...

I don't want to speculate on what caused it...but (and here I speculate) I suspect gang related.

I've never heard of anything like this related to gang violence. I think it is probably a very messed up kid, someone who was bullied and who was on some kind of medication for depression or another mental issue.

It seems almost impossible that the youngster was able to get at 20 students before taken down. Questions come to mind, were most of the victims girls? Was he bullied? Were adults around? Some students had multiple wounds.

The anger this student had had to be awesome. Did the parents, teachers or administration notice any warning signs?

As Jackson says, this is a very, very angry kid.

It could also be schizophrenia. This is the age when schizophrenia emerges, late teens--early 20s. Usually in young men, usually very intelligent young men.

Yes, Esmeralda, it could be that or a variety of mental conditions. Left untreated, any of them could be dangerous. So sad of so many levels.
Perhaps it is the opposite. They should have been treated with some sort of medication and were not.

The opposite? EVERY SINGLE MASS SHOOTING has been committed by someone on one of these medications.

All of them.

So, when you say opposite.......

We are not doctors and we don't know if the shooters were taking the prescriptions appropriately. To be fair, we have to know if those medications have probably have helped more people that caused harm. If these medications were culprits in mass shootings and suicides to such a degree as to show a cause-effect, the FDA would have recalled them.

No, we are not doctors. Cause doctors are always trust worthy? Well, they do have white coats. They never think about ancillary benefits?

The FDA?

BILLIONS.....of dollars. Billions with a *B.*

Not saying that they have not helped people. They have probably helped many people. However, people react differently to chemical alterations. Do I need to be a doctor to say that?

Since you bring up doctors, and do not want to take my word for it, let me list some people with the ethos you are seeking.

Are Antidepressant Warnings Causing Harm?

Federal warnings about potentially dangerous and even deadly risks of antidepressant drugs may be doing more harm than good, new research suggests.

Since the FDA issued its first in a series of warnings in October 2003 about increased risk of suicidal thoughts or actions in children and teens taking antidepressants, diagnoses of new cases of depression have plunged in youths and adults, according to a study in the June 2009 issue of Archives of General Psychiatry.

What's more, prescriptions written for antidepressants also have dropped significantly, and these "unintended" consequences of the FDA's warnings are continuing, study researcher Robert J. Valuck, PhD, of the University of Colorado Denver's School of Medicine, tells WebMD.

"We think it's worrisome," says Valuck. "The warnings have had a chilling effect on diagnosing depression and on the choice of therapies." And that could be dangerous, he says, because the warnings have frightened parents of children with depression and kept many from seeking help.

The warnings, Valuck tells WebMD, also have given the jitters to pediatricians and other primary care doctors, who often make the diagnoses of depression in children and young adults.

Antidepressants and Suicide Risk

The FDA issued another advisory in October 2004, directing manufacturers to put a "black box" alert -- its highest warning level -- on packaging, advising parents and patients that children and adolescents who use the drugs have an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior. In February 2005, the advisory's recommendations were implemented.

The lead author of the new study, Anne M. Libby, PhD, also of the medical school in Denver, says the warning was extended to young adults 18-24 in May 2007, even though "large and significant declines in depression treatment [already had] spilled over to the adult population."

She says her team analyzed a national integrated managed care claims database covering July 1999 through June 2007, finding that new episodes of depression were found in 91,748 young people ages 5-18, 70,311 adults ages 19-24, and 630,748 people ages 25-89.

Between 1999 and 2004, the rate of diagnosed depression increased in people ages 5-18, 19-24, and 25 to 89, the study shows. But after 2004, the national rate of pediatric diagnoses "fell significantly," and declines have persisted in all age groups.

The researchers write that primary care clinicians have continued to diagnose fewer cases of depression, with a 44% lower rate of diagnosis among pediatric patients, 37% lower among young adults, and 29% among other adults.

The findings could spell danger, Valuck tells WebMD.

Plus, the fact that no news network is even working the angle of the drugs aspect. The POSSIBLE side effects. The POSSIBLE cause of the mass psychotic episodes. I mean considering ALL OF THE incidents involve a person on one of these, you would think they would.

Yes, it is a left and right thing at the end of the day. Why? Cause a majority of the MSM does not even hint at these. They go to the cliches and use it as an opportunity to push their left wing agendas.

They have left wing agendas. Regardless of how blind a left wing loon like Jasonnfree wants to be.
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