Massive Amtrak Crash....but who cares about our highways and trains?

This line, the Northeast Corridor, is a nightmare to ride. The rail system between D.C. and Boston hasn't been updated in over 60 years.

But bomb, bomb, bomb ....bomb, bomb Iran. Yeah baby! Defense spending trumps our own citizens' ability to get to work every day.

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck
(140 injured)

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck - WSJ

The Chinese, French, Italians, Japanese, et al. are laughing at us.
Mr. Nutter said a “black box” data recorder aboard the train had been recovered and is being analyzed at an Amtrak facility in Delaware. He said it was too soon to speculate on the cause of the accident.

In other words; You Are A Lying PIle of Shit that is using the deaths of innocent people to push your agenda.

vile fucking leftist filth

Hey, Congress voted today on legislation that should have been passed a long time ago....that would have provided equipment that would have prevented this accident, but in spite of the deaths due to this accident, Republicans don't think they need to provide the funds for the needed equipment and voted to cut funding.
How typically selfish and greedy.

Republicans don't seem to care about Americans......that's a fact, or they wouldn't be cutting funding that saves lives.

You're the vile fucking selfish rightist from what I can see.

WASHINGTON — Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives voted Wednesday to cut funding for Amtrak operations a day after a crash in Philadelphia that killed at least seven people and injured more than 50 others.

The House Appropriations Committee voted along party lines to give Amtrak $1.14 billion in the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1, $251 million less the passenger railroad's current allocation. Committee Republicans defeated two Democratic efforts to spend more money on Amtrak.

House Republicans vote to cut Amtrak funding 1 day after deadly crash


Hahhahaaaa....And he ain't talking, unless you're a little behind. Maybe you're a big behind.
If it was error, he would have made a statement but he is stating he recollects nothing.
That's called a cover up.
Amtrak sets the schedules, arrivals and departures and they KNOW the engineers are speeding to meet them.
Grow up and join the real world, it will do you good.

Bull Shit, their schedules and arrivals are set to run at safe speeds. Also they are subject to DOT regulations and they also go over times, schedules, the speeds, the engineers records and they are all electronic.
Poor Ike, just spinning away in his grave. It was his idea to build the interstate highway system, having witnessed for himself what the Autoban did for the German Military Machine. Now, only a tank would survive a coast to coast rip on it. As for the railroads..., well, The Chattanooga Cho-Cho has joined Glenn Miller in the history books.
This line, the Northeast Corridor, is a nightmare to ride. The rail system between D.C. and Boston hasn't been updated in over 60 years.

But bomb, bomb, bomb ....bomb, bomb Iran. Yeah baby! Defense spending trumps our own citizens' ability to get to work every day.

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck
(140 injured)

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck - WSJ

The Chinese, French, Italians, Japanese, et al. are laughing at us.
Mr. Nutter said a “black box” data recorder aboard the train had been recovered and is being analyzed at an Amtrak facility in Delaware. He said it was too soon to speculate on the cause of the accident.

In other words; You Are A Lying PIle of Shit that is using the deaths of innocent people to push your agenda.

vile fucking leftist filth

Hey, Congress voted today on legislation that should have been passed a long time ago....that would have provided equipment that would have prevented this accident, but in spite of the deaths due to this accident, Republicans don't think they need to provide the funds for the needed equipment and voted to cut funding.
How typically selfish and greedy.

Republicans don't seem to care about Americans......that's a fact, or they wouldn't be cutting funding that saves lives.

You're the vile fucking selfish rightist from what I can see.

WASHINGTON — Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives voted Wednesday to cut funding for Amtrak operations a day after a crash in Philadelphia that killed at least seven people and injured more than 50 others.

The House Appropriations Committee voted along party lines to give Amtrak $1.14 billion in the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1, $251 million less the passenger railroad's current allocation. Committee Republicans defeated two Democratic efforts to spend more money on Amtrak.

House Republicans vote to cut Amtrak funding 1 day after deadly crash


Hahhahaaaa....And he ain't talking, unless you're a little behind. Maybe you're a big behind.
If it was error, he would have made a statement but he is stating he recollects nothing.
That's called a cover up.
Amtrak sets the schedules, arrivals and departures and they KNOW the engineers are speeding to meet them.
Grow up and join the real world, it will do you good.

You first. You write like a petulant child. Your knowledge level is likewise abysmal. The train was new, the tracks were in good order, the operator was probably texting and lost track of where he was. In other words, like most accidents, it will be determined to be operator error, and the proximal cause will probably be texting, or drugs.

Learn to live with facts dearie. It will do you good.
Poor Ike, just spinning away in his grave. It was his idea to build the interstate highway system, having witnessed for himself what the Autoban did for the German Military Machine. Now, only a tank would survive a coast to coast rip on it. As for the railroads..., well, The Chattanooga Cho-Cho has joined Glenn Miller in the history books.

That's weird. I just drove from Reno to Indianapolis on I-80 and the road was good. I came back down I-70 through Denver to Grand Junction, and Salina Utah before picking up the 50 and zipping across Nevada and wouldn't you know it the whole damned road was fine!

My friend just took I-40 from Nashville out to Vegas, with a little jaunt up I-15 and wouldn't ya know it, the darned road down south was good too! In fact he set a new record for himself!
Bullet trains are not practical in the US --- anyone who proposes them either 1) doesn't understand them, or 2) builds them and is trying to get rich by screwing the public.

Prove it!


when you're asked to prove it, you run away

you can't cite a single thing to substantiate your claim that more money given to amtrak would have made them install the sensors. you're full of it.

without his speeding, there would have been no accident. deal with it.

Amtrak is committing to install it on trains on the NE corridor by the end of the year.

Try and keep up with the rest of the class.

this is a brand new train, i have shown you that. next.....

and FYI, they have it installed on most of the NE corridor, just not that part of the

So? The rails, beds and mechanics are over 60 years old.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Truly, you have no clue do you. Did you know that there are places where they use rails that are over 100 years old! Shocking I know! They are on sidings and get little use so they last and last and last. Main line rail has an average life expectancy of at least 50 years. Much less though for rail on corners, you know, where all the stress occurs.
Poor Ike, just spinning away in his grave. It was his idea to build the interstate highway system, having witnessed for himself what the Autoban did for the German Military Machine. Now, only a tank would survive a coast to coast rip on it. As for the railroads..., well, The Chattanooga Cho-Cho has joined Glenn Miller in the history books.

That's weird. I just drove from Reno to Indianapolis on I-80 and the road was good. I came back down I-70 through Denver to Grand Junction, and Salina Utah before picking up the 50 and zipping across Nevada and wouldn't you know it the whole damned road was fine!

My friend just took I-40 from Nashville out to Vegas, with a little jaunt up I-15 and wouldn't ya know it, the darned road down south was good too! In fact he set a new record for himself!
Why wouldn't you pick up I-74 in Davenport Iowa for the last leg to Indianapolis?
$825 million .... where do you propose we get it? What program are you willing to cut?

Raise taxes to what they were before St Redink Ronnie started running up the national debt.

If we raised taxes to 100%, we still can't pay our debts - you obviously didn't think that thru.

Prove it!

Are you really that disconnected? You aren't aware of that? You need to go back to school, my friend.

I didn't realize you were so unversed in the subject being discussed.

If you really do need a tutorial, I'll be more than happy to provide it.

In other words you are just blowing extremist rightwing smoke out of your nether regions again.
$825 million .... where do you propose we get it? What program are you willing to cut?

Raise taxes to what they were before St Redink Ronnie started running up the national debt.

If we raised taxes to 100%, we still can't pay our debts - you obviously didn't think that thru.

Prove it!

Are you really that disconnected? You aren't aware of that? You need to go back to school, my friend.

I didn't realize you were so unversed in the subject being discussed.

If you really do need a tutorial, I'll be more than happy to provide it.

In other words you are just blowing extremist rightwing smoke out of your nether regions again.
This from the piece of shit leftist who blames republicans for "speeders."
Being Gay is the new catchword for being incompetent? Let's set our secret decoder watches to the same frequency and put aluminum foil in our hats, too.
had the Engineer been a member of the Tea party, I suspect you wouldn't be protesting so much if that was front and center in describing him and his engineering capabilities.

We know you people so well.
Raise taxes to what they were before St Redink Ronnie started running up the national debt.

If we raised taxes to 100%, we still can't pay our debts - you obviously didn't think that thru.

Prove it!

Are you really that disconnected? You aren't aware of that? You need to go back to school, my friend.

I didn't realize you were so unversed in the subject being discussed.

If you really do need a tutorial, I'll be more than happy to provide it.

In other words you are just blowing extremist rightwing smoke out of your nether regions again.
This from the piece of shit leftist who blames republicans for "speeders."

Ironic coming the poster who lacks any semblance of self control to post in a civilized manner.
And you have no evidence that this has anything to do with the accident, so until you do, shut your hole.

We still need to spend money on our infrastructure. Plus, it would create jobs and help the economy.

I thought economy was at full speed already. With low unemployment, where would we possibly find the workers?

We can put those 5.4% of unemployed people to work! :p

How much should the government raise our taxes to pay for this?

I think they should only raise taxes on warmongers, and those who bitch about how much it's going to cost to fix our infrastructure. LOL!

Instead of wanting to be #1 (in health, education, transportation, etc.,) Republican's are now the party of we can't fix shit....we can't do anything.

Misdirected spending is the problem .... we don't need to increase taxes, we need to cut and reallocate. Surely, you aren't a Dept of Education fan, are you?
This line, the Northeast Corridor, is a nightmare to ride. The rail system between D.C. and Boston hasn't been updated in over 60 years.

But bomb, bomb, bomb ....bomb, bomb Iran. Yeah baby! Defense spending trumps our own citizens' ability to get to work every day.

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck
(140 injured)

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck - WSJ

The Chinese, French, Italians, Japanese, et al. are laughing at us.
Mr. Nutter said a “black box” data recorder aboard the train had been recovered and is being analyzed at an Amtrak facility in Delaware. He said it was too soon to speculate on the cause of the accident.

In other words; You Are A Lying PIle of Shit that is using the deaths of innocent people to push your agenda.

vile fucking leftist filth

Hey, Congress voted today on legislation that should have been passed a long time ago....that would have provided equipment that would have prevented this accident, but in spite of the deaths due to this accident, Republicans don't think they need to provide the funds for the needed equipment and voted to cut funding.
How typically selfish and greedy.

Republicans don't seem to care about Americans......that's a fact, or they wouldn't be cutting funding that saves lives.

You're the vile fucking selfish rightist from what I can see.

WASHINGTON — Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives voted Wednesday to cut funding for Amtrak operations a day after a crash in Philadelphia that killed at least seven people and injured more than 50 others.

The House Appropriations Committee voted along party lines to give Amtrak $1.14 billion in the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1, $251 million less the passenger railroad's current allocation. Committee Republicans defeated two Democratic efforts to spend more money on Amtrak.

House Republicans vote to cut Amtrak funding 1 day after deadly crash


Bwahahaha....why you mad? Because you know I'm right.....Republicans don't give a damn about Americans, they just say they do. You all have too much hate built up......otherwise you wouldn't blurt out such hateful comments.

I won't tell you to rot in hell because I happen to care about Americans, and I hope you are one, although your attitude seems to say different.

If Republicans conservatives cared about any American, they wouldn't fudge at spending tax payer money to make things safer, instead they spend tax-payer money taking away benefits for the poor and middle-class while giving to the rich. What do you get out of that?

Another no-value post.
I don't think Amtrak is necessary spending, they have other competitors, the airlines and bus lines.

The government subsidizes airlines. Why then not Amtrak? Do you think that making it hard for Americans to get around in the country doesn't hurt the entire country? The Economy? Is this a way of thinking for conservatives?

close to 3000 passengers everyday fly on heavily subsidized flights to nearby cities. USA Today reports that they are part of a program, begun in 1978, that guarantees rural communities a commercial air service.
Government Subsidized U.S. Flights to Keep Flying - Vagabondish

Wrong in ever so many ways .....

U.S. Airlines Have Paid the Government 250 Billion -- Amazingly Some Claim They Are Subsidized - Forbes
I laugh at you.
Retards laugh at most anything. But, you haven't refuted anything,
You haven't given me anything to refute; all you have done is prove my point.
You haven't refuted that Republicans cut funding that could have prevented the accident. Geez, are you that dense?
And thus, you again blame the GOP for operator error, just as I said.
No matter how much you try to twist it, this accident was caused by operator error, not the GOP, that fact that you continue to try to blame it on the GOP only proves the point about your mindless, partisan bigotry.
And due to your inept comprehension problems, you are unable to deduce that the GOP by not raising the funding on Amtrak, is responsible for the deaths of 8 Americans.
Please, continue to do so.
Continue to deny it....that's why a government run by Republicans would go into the toilet like it did under Booooooosh.....most of you are truly comatose.
Says the mindless partisan bigot.

Says the brainless selfish conservative who can't comprehend and is as responsive as someone that is comatose.

Rule No. 4. When lacking an intelligent and cogent response, attack the poster.
You haven't given me anything to refute; all you have done is prove my point.
You haven't refuted that Republicans cut funding that could have prevented the accident. Geez, are you that dense?
And thus, you again blame the GOP for operator error, just as I said.
No matter how much you try to twist it, this accident was caused by operator error, not the GOP, that fact that you continue to try to blame it on the GOP only proves the point about your mindless, partisan bigotry.
And due to your inept comprehension problems, you are unable to deduce that the GOP by not raising the funding on Amtrak, is responsible for the deaths of 8 Americans.
Please, continue to do so.
Continue to deny it....that's why a government run by Republicans would go into the toilet like it did under Booooooosh.....most of you are truly comatose.
Says the mindless partisan bigot.
Says the brainless selfish conservative who can't comprehend and is as responsive as someone that is comatose.
Nothing here changes the fact that your attack on the GOP is mindless, partisan and biogted.

Nothing here changes the fact that the GOP is mindless and heartless when it comes to Americans and the fact that you defend it makes you a mindless, bigoted and partisan hack.

Rule No. 4 When lacking an intelligent and cogent response, attack the poster.
This line, the Northeast Corridor, is a nightmare to ride. The rail system between D.C. and Boston hasn't been updated in over 60 years.

But bomb, bomb, bomb ....bomb, bomb Iran. Yeah baby! Defense spending trumps our own citizens' ability to get to work every day.

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck
(140 injured)

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck - WSJ

The Chinese, French, Italians, Japanese, et al. are laughing at us.
Mr. Nutter said a “black box” data recorder aboard the train had been recovered and is being analyzed at an Amtrak facility in Delaware. He said it was too soon to speculate on the cause of the accident.

In other words; You Are A Lying PIle of Shit that is using the deaths of innocent people to push your agenda.

vile fucking leftist filth

Hey, Congress voted today on legislation that should have been passed a long time ago....that would have provided equipment that would have prevented this accident, but in spite of the deaths due to this accident, Republicans don't think they need to provide the funds for the needed equipment and voted to cut funding.
How typically selfish and greedy.

Republicans don't seem to care about Americans......that's a fact, or they wouldn't be cutting funding that saves lives.

You're the vile fucking selfish rightist from what I can see.

WASHINGTON — Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives voted Wednesday to cut funding for Amtrak operations a day after a crash in Philadelphia that killed at least seven people and injured more than 50 others.

The House Appropriations Committee voted along party lines to give Amtrak $1.14 billion in the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1, $251 million less the passenger railroad's current allocation. Committee Republicans defeated two Democratic efforts to spend more money on Amtrak.

House Republicans vote to cut Amtrak funding 1 day after deadly crash


Bwahahaha....why you mad? Because you know I'm right.....Republicans don't give a damn about Americans, they just say they do. You all have too much hate built up......otherwise you wouldn't blurt out such hateful comments.

I won't tell you to rot in hell because I happen to care about Americans, and I hope you are one, although your attitude seems to say different.

If Republicans conservatives cared about any American, they wouldn't fudge at spending tax payer money to make things safer, instead they spend tax-payer money taking away benefits for the poor and middle-class while giving to the rich. What do you get out of that?

Another no-value post.

Retards laugh at most anything. But, you haven't refuted anything,
You haven't given me anything to refute; all you have done is prove my point.
You haven't refuted that Republicans cut funding that could have prevented the accident. Geez, are you that dense?
And thus, you again blame the GOP for operator error, just as I said.
No matter how much you try to twist it, this accident was caused by operator error, not the GOP, that fact that you continue to try to blame it on the GOP only proves the point about your mindless, partisan bigotry.
And due to your inept comprehension problems, you are unable to deduce that the GOP by not raising the funding on Amtrak, is responsible for the deaths of 8 Americans.
Please, continue to do so.
Continue to deny it....that's why a government run by Republicans would go into the toilet like it did under Booooooosh.....most of you are truly comatose.
Says the mindless partisan bigot.

Says the brainless selfish conservative who can't comprehend and is as responsive as someone that is comatose.

Rule No. 4. When lacking an intelligent and cogent response, attack the poster.

Irony squared!

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