Massive Amtrak Crash....but who cares about our highways and trains?

Quoting facts backed by actual occurrences is not something that is derived from mindless, partisan, bigoted hate.
I laugh at you.

Retards laugh at most anything. But, you haven't refuted anything, so is that a nervous laugh?
And, the equipment that Amtrak would have been able to buy and install if Republicans in Congress weren't so damn ignorant, as to cut the funding, would have prevented the operator error and saved 8 lives.
No matter how much you try to twist it, this accident was caused by operator error, not the GOP, that fact that you continue to try to blame it on the GOP only proves the point about your mindless, partisan bigotry.

The fact that you aren't able to comprehend what I'm saying just makes you appear as a bigger idiot than you did before. If Republican Congressmen had agreed to higher funding, this accident could have been avoided, because it would have prevented "operator error". So, yes, the GOP has to take responsibility for the deaths of 8 people, even if they weren't the ones running the train.

So, no matter how much you try to deny it, it is what it is. Republicans/conservatives, don't give a damn much about American lives.

See if you can wrap your brainless head around that.

FACT: the gop did not cut safey or operational spending

care to start telling the truth?

Bwahahaha....another one defending the actions of the mindless right. They will be responsible for accidents in the future, too. Deny it all you want, the GOP does not think much of regular Americans.

As I pointed out several times, Republicans have been hacking away at Amtrak funding for decades -- because they would rather privatize the lines, and we know how well that always works out. But this time, they have incredibly bad timing and you need to let your Congress critters know what you think:
As investigators still searched through the wreckage of the Amtrak train in Philadelphia, a political battle seethed over funding for the long-neglected rail network.
Republican Congress Just Proposed 300M Cut In Amtrak Funding Crooks and Liars

May 13 Republican lawmakers in the U.S. Congress backed new spending cuts for Amtrak on Wednesday, just hours after a deadly accident, reviving an often rancorous debate over the public funding of America's struggling passenger railroad.

The Republican-controlled House of Representatives Appropriations Committee rejected a Democratic bid to provide Amtrak the full $2.45 billion in funds for the upcoming fiscal year requested in President Barack Obama's budget.

Amtrak crash throws spotlight on funding disputes Republicans back cuts Reuters

citing cuts AFTER the accident really bolsters your claim

:rolleyes: did spending affect the speed of the train?
Quoting facts backed by actual occurrences is not something that is derived from mindless, partisan, bigoted hate.
I laugh at you.
Retards laugh at most anything. But, you haven't refuted anything,
You haven't given me anything to refute; all you have done is prove my point.
You haven't refuted that Republicans cut funding that could have prevented the accident. Geez, are you that dense?

And thus, you again blame the GOP for operator error, just as I said.
No matter how much you try to twist it, this accident was caused by operator error, not the GOP, that fact that you continue to try to blame it on the GOP only proves the point about your mindless, partisan bigotry.

And due to your inept comprehension problems, you are unable to deduce that the GOP by not raising the funding on Amtrak, is responsible for the deaths of 8 Americans.
Please, continue to do so.
Continue to deny it....that's why a government run by Republicans would go into the toilet like it did under Booooooosh.....most of you are truly comatose.

you made the claim, you prove it....FYI:

Despite pressure from Congress and safety regulators, Amtrak had not installed along that section of track Positive Train Control, a technology that uses GPS, wireless radio and computers to prevent trains from going over the speed limit. Most of Amtrak's Northeast Corridor is equipped with Positive Train Control.
Amtrak train in deadly wreck was speeding but why - Yahoo News

and mertex and delereo keep ignoring facts
...The Chinese, French, Italians, Japanese, et al. are laughing at us...
Bullet trains never crash?

Bullet trains are not practical in the US --- anyone who proposes them either 1) doesn't understand them, or 2) builds them and is trying to get rich by screwing the public.

Prove it!


when you're asked to prove it, you run away

you can't cite a single thing to substantiate your claim that more money given to amtrak would have made them install the sensors. you're full of it.

without his speeding, there would have been no accident. deal with it.

Amtrak is committing to install it on trains on the NE corridor by the end of the year.

Try and keep up with the rest of the class.
I laugh at you.
Retards laugh at most anything. But, you haven't refuted anything,
You haven't given me anything to refute; all you have done is prove my point.
You haven't refuted that Republicans cut funding that could have prevented the accident. Geez, are you that dense?

And thus, you again blame the GOP for operator error, just as I said.
No matter how much you try to twist it, this accident was caused by operator error, not the GOP, that fact that you continue to try to blame it on the GOP only proves the point about your mindless, partisan bigotry.

And due to your inept comprehension problems, you are unable to deduce that the GOP by not raising the funding on Amtrak, is responsible for the deaths of 8 Americans.
Please, continue to do so.
Continue to deny it....that's why a government run by Republicans would go into the toilet like it did under Booooooosh.....most of you are truly comatose.

you made the claim, you prove it....FYI:

Despite pressure from Congress and safety regulators, Amtrak had not installed along that section of track Positive Train Control, a technology that uses GPS, wireless radio and computers to prevent trains from going over the speed limit. Most of Amtrak's Northeast Corridor is equipped with Positive Train Control.
Amtrak train in deadly wreck was speeding but why - Yahoo News

and mertex and delereo keep ignoring facts

Retards laugh at most anything. But, you haven't refuted anything,
You haven't given me anything to refute; all you have done is prove my point.
You haven't refuted that Republicans cut funding that could have prevented the accident. Geez, are you that dense?

And thus, you again blame the GOP for operator error, just as I said.
No matter how much you try to twist it, this accident was caused by operator error, not the GOP, that fact that you continue to try to blame it on the GOP only proves the point about your mindless, partisan bigotry.

And due to your inept comprehension problems, you are unable to deduce that the GOP by not raising the funding on Amtrak, is responsible for the deaths of 8 Americans.
Please, continue to do so.
Continue to deny it....that's why a government run by Republicans would go into the toilet like it did under Booooooosh.....most of you are truly comatose.

you made the claim, you prove it....FYI:

Despite pressure from Congress and safety regulators, Amtrak had not installed along that section of track Positive Train Control, a technology that uses GPS, wireless radio and computers to prevent trains from going over the speed limit. Most of Amtrak's Northeast Corridor is equipped with Positive Train Control.
Amtrak train in deadly wreck was speeding but why - Yahoo News

and mertex and delereo keep ignoring facts


what "facts" i have ignored? you have yet to prove your claim that any spending cuts caused amtrak not to install the safety device on the track.

whereas, i have shown that both congress and safety regulators have been telling amtrak to install there for a while now...and i've shown that amtrak has it on most of the other lines in that area.

you have proven nothing, nada, zilch.
...The Chinese, French, Italians, Japanese, et al. are laughing at us...
Bullet trains never crash?

Bullet trains are not practical in the US --- anyone who proposes them either 1) doesn't understand them, or 2) builds them and is trying to get rich by screwing the public.

Prove it!


when you're asked to prove it, you run away

you can't cite a single thing to substantiate your claim that more money given to amtrak would have made them install the sensors. you're full of it.

without his speeding, there would have been no accident. deal with it.

Amtrak is committing to install it on trains on the NE corridor by the end of the year.

Try and keep up with the rest of the class.

this is a brand new train, i have shown you that. next.....

and FYI, they have it installed on most of the NE corridor, just not that part of the
This line, the Northeast Corridor, is a nightmare to ride. The rail system between D.C. and Boston hasn't been updated in over 60 years.

But bomb, bomb, bomb ....bomb, bomb Iran. Yeah baby! Defense spending trumps our own citizens' ability to get to work every day.

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck
(140 injured)

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck - WSJ

The Chinese, French, Italians, Japanese, et al. are laughing at us.
Mr. Nutter said a “black box” data recorder aboard the train had been recovered and is being analyzed at an Amtrak facility in Delaware. He said it was too soon to speculate on the cause of the accident.

In other words; You Are A Lying PIle of Shit that is using the deaths of innocent people to push your agenda.

vile fucking leftist filth

Hey, Congress voted today on legislation that should have been passed a long time ago....that would have provided equipment that would have prevented this accident, but in spite of the deaths due to this accident, Republicans don't think they need to provide the funds for the needed equipment and voted to cut funding.
How typically selfish and greedy.

Republicans don't seem to care about Americans......that's a fact, or they wouldn't be cutting funding that saves lives.

You're the vile fucking selfish rightist from what I can see.

WASHINGTON — Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives voted Wednesday to cut funding for Amtrak operations a day after a crash in Philadelphia that killed at least seven people and injured more than 50 others.

The House Appropriations Committee voted along party lines to give Amtrak $1.14 billion in the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1, $251 million less the passenger railroad's current allocation. Committee Republicans defeated two Democratic efforts to spend more money on Amtrak.

House Republicans vote to cut Amtrak funding 1 day after deadly crash


Hahhahaaaa....And he ain't talking, unless you're a little behind. Maybe you're a big behind.
If it was error, he would have made a statement but he is stating he recollects nothing.
That's called a cover up.
Amtrak sets the schedules, arrivals and departures and they KNOW the engineers are speeding to meet them.
Grow up and join the real world, it will do you good.
Bullet trains never crash?

Bullet trains are not practical in the US --- anyone who proposes them either 1) doesn't understand them, or 2) builds them and is trying to get rich by screwing the public.

Prove it!


when you're asked to prove it, you run away

you can't cite a single thing to substantiate your claim that more money given to amtrak would have made them install the sensors. you're full of it.

without his speeding, there would have been no accident. deal with it.

Amtrak is committing to install it on trains on the NE corridor by the end of the year.

Try and keep up with the rest of the class.

this is a brand new train, i have shown you that. next.....

and FYI, they have it installed on most of the NE corridor, just not that part of the

So? The rails, beds and mechanics are over 60 years old.
Actually Yurt, I was watching the news and they showed where in the NE corridor that PTC is being used, and PTC only covers about 1/3 of the corridor between Boston and DC, most of the PTC coverage being in CT and RI, and it being almost non existent crossing over NY.

If Congress wants Amtrak to install those sensors over the whole track, then they need to provide funding to buy and install them. How much is a human life worth anyway?

And yes..............some on this thread keep bringing up operator error, and I agree with that, but it was also an error in the infrastructure. Why do I say that? Ever been in a car going 107 mph? I have, and I can tell you that if you take your eyes off of the road for even an instant, you can miss a lot. What if the engineer was distracted (maybe someone gave him some coffee and he looked at the person to grab the mug), and in so doing missed the sign telling him to slow down and it was too late when he finally saw the curve.

If those sensors had been on that part of the track, even if he missed the slow down sign, the sensors would have warned him he was coming in too hot and he could have slowed down before the train derailed. News stories have already said that the emergency brakes were applied just before the crash, so he knew he was going too fast just as he saw the curve.

Hey...............we've got cars with GPS and auto stop capability that can park themselves and know exactly where you're at, at any given time.

Why can't we do the same with these new trains we're building? It's not like they can't do it via triangulation with cell phone towers.
Amtrak's lawyers have told this engineer what to say. It reminds me of the scene in Breaking Bad where Mike comes into Jesse's apartment where Jesse's girlfriend is dead from a heroin overdose. Mike said to Jesse, "Call the police. When they get here tell them you woke up, she was dead and you called 911. That's it. Don't say anything else".

As I said earlier in this thread, the engineer was doing what he was told. He doesn't set the time schedules, he just tries to meet them.

Wrong. Everyone in jobs like this is told safety is your top priority. If you are given an unsafe work order you are supposed to report it. I doubt he was ordered to hit a 50 MPH curve at 100 MPH.

"""Wrong. Everyone in jobs like this is told safety is your top priority. """

Bahahahahaaa....I love this board. It should be the USMBDumbass.
Oh OK, let's start with the most recent debacle that right wing idiots have already forgotten.
I'll find more and try to catch you up to reality.

G.M.’s Ignition Switch Death Toll Hits 100
"...the ignition switch has gained notoriety because the defect was essentially hidden for a decade until G.M. began recalling 2.6 million affected cars last year."""
Amtrak could lose billions, get endless taxpayer subsidies, fail on every level and liberals would hold it up us a shining example of public triumph.

Like they do with every failing govt program...... Lol
$825 million .... where do you propose we get it? What program are you willing to cut?

Raise taxes to what they were before St Redink Ronnie started running up the national debt.

If we raised taxes to 100%, we still can't pay our debts - you obviously didn't think that thru.

Prove it!

Are you really that disconnected? You aren't aware of that? You need to go back to school, my friend.

I didn't realize you were so unversed in the subject being discussed.

If you really do need a tutorial, I'll be more than happy to provide it.
Do we have any money to spare on Infrastructure? Yes? Spend it. No? It will have to wait.

I kinda like the alternative --- no money? Move money from non-essential government boondoggles and apply it to infrastructure.

If we cut oil subsidies (the oil companies are the most profitable in the world and don't really need them), how much infrastructure do you think we could fix/update with that money?

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