Massive Amtrak Crash....but who cares about our highways and trains?

The death toll is now 7 with 200 injured.
Certainly the Right doesn't care about infrastructure .. they just cut AMTRAK funding.
I heard on TV that the US spends 1.7% of the budget on infrastructure, Europe 5%, China 6%.
If you travel, the difference is obvious.

And I do. Huge difference. U.S. train system sucks. Amtrak is pinched, not getting funding and so they are cutting corners order to compensate.
The Acela Express will knock you off your feet if you are standing on a platform when it passes. This is not news, this high speed.
You're an idiot.

Typical unlearned response from a right wing uni-brow.

Bigotry so defines you. Sad, I thought progressives were supposedly "evolved". Looks like you're just as backasswards as the "unibrows" you despise.
In the eyes of our liberal contingent whether or not the train was exceeding a speed limit will solely be determined by whether the driver was Republican or Democrat.

Facts are irrelevant.

It's really important to clarify the political affiliation of the driver and engine so the MSM will know whether they are guilt or victimized.

The engineer is probably a member of a union so extremist rightwankers will blame him irrespective of the actual cause of the crash.

And loons such as yourself are already screeching for More Money.

Ironic given you are screeching about the political affiliation of the engineer.

And you cannot find a single post of mine "screeching for More Money" which makes you appear to be the one who has a problem with reality.

But since you raised the subject why not deal with reality?

Do you honestly expect to safely drive your own car if there is no money to maintain the roads?

If you have an accident because of unrepaired potholes where people are injured and/or killed won't you be the one "screeching for more money" to repair the roads?

So how is that any different to maintaining the railroads?

Infrastructure requires maintenance which costs money. Only a fool insists upon spending cuts and then whines when they have to repair their car after the wheels and suspension were damaged by potholes.
The death toll is now 7 with 200 injured.
Certainly the Right doesn't care about infrastructure .. they just cut AMTRAK funding.
I heard on TV that the US spends 1.7% of the budget on infrastructure, Europe 5%, China 6%.
If you travel, the difference is obvious.

And I do. Huge difference. U.S. train system sucks. Amtrak is pinched, not getting funding and so they are cutting corners order to compensate.
The Acela Express will knock you off your feet if you are standing on a platform when it passes. This is not news, this high speed.
You're an idiot.

Typical unlearned response from a right wing uni-brow.
I've learned plenty. You're an idiot.
In the eyes of our liberal contingent whether or not the train was exceeding a speed limit will solely be determined by whether the driver was Republican or Democrat.

Facts are irrelevant.

It's really important to clarify the political affiliation of the driver and engine so the MSM will know whether they are guilt or victimized.

The engineer is probably a member of a union so extremist rightwankers will blame him irrespective of the actual cause of the crash.

And loons such as yourself are already screeching for More Money.

Ironic given you are screeching about the political affiliation of the engineer.

And you cannot find a single post of mine "screeching for More Money" which makes you appear to be the one who has a problem with reality.

But since you raised the subject why not deal with reality?

Do you honestly expect to safely drive your own car if there is no money to maintain the roads?

If you have an accident because of unrepaired potholes where people are injured and/or killed won't you be the one "screeching for more money" to repair the roads?

So how is that any different to maintaining the railroads?

Infrastructure requires maintenance which costs money. Only a fool insists upon spending cuts and then whines when they have to repair their car after the wheels and suspension were damaged by potholes.

Only a fool expects government to build and maintain sophisticated infrastructure.
See post #101. Amtrak knows how fast their trains travel.

Clearly, they didn't in this case. Otherwise there wouldn't be 7 dead and over 200 injured, some critically. And just think, you want the WHOLE country to be run by the government. What a moron.

OMG, you've never taken the train. Let me get out my flashcards for you, like Bill O'Reilly does.

There are set times to leave and arrive to and from stations. The train doesn't sit there and wait to fill up. The doors close 5 minutes before departure.

Everything is TIMED. Damn, just when I didn't think anyone on here could get dumber.

Talk about a moron, you are it sweetie. You are correct, I don't take the train very much. When I do it is in France. We use the Paris Metro a lot as it is so good. When we travel to London we take the train as well. From Paris to St. Pancras station is about 2.5 hours, and the cost is 69 pounds. A very good rate for the traveler, and all thanks to the car owners that subsidize the trains.

Oh poor you. I took the TGV when I was in France. You slope-heads take the subway. Ha!

Wow, and you're a racist too! Who woulda thunk it? As far as the TGV go's, well it doesn't go where we want to we drive. We have relatives in Joigny, Sens, Millau and all those nice places where the TGV doesn't stop.

And, for the record because you are clearly too stupid to realize it...the TGV is inter city, not inter Paris.
"If you want to zip around Paris, the Metro is THE way to do it."

And who runs the Metro? Private enterprise? How do the Parisians get around? Answer: THEY DON'T OWN CARS. Bahahahahaa......Love it.

Thank you for inadvertently endorsing public transportation.

Oh, and slope head refers to Neanderthal. You are the racist for spinning my words.

This line, the Northeast Corridor, is a nightmare to ride. The rail system between D.C. and Boston hasn't been updated in over 60 years.

But bomb, bomb, bomb ....bomb, bomb Iran. Yeah baby! Defense spending trumps our own citizens' ability to get to work every day.

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck
(140 injured)

Death Toll Rises to 6 in Philadelphia Amtrak Train Wreck - WSJ

The Chinese, French, Italians, Japanese, et al. are laughing at us.

I agree, our infrastructure sucks, and we need to quit the wasteful spending at the top and well lets start with the 3.2 billion plus we send to Israel every year, cut out all aid except to developing countries and those with natural disasters. War with Iran, screw that, no way. Let the Saud fight Iran along with Israel. We really need to take care of things here.
We gave Porkulus one trillion dollars in 2008 specifically for infrastructure and shovel ready jobs. First tell me where that money went.
In the eyes of our liberal contingent whether or not the train was exceeding a speed limit will solely be determined by whether the driver was Republican or Democrat.

Facts are irrelevant.

It's really important to clarify the political affiliation of the driver and engine so the MSM will know whether they are guilt or victimized.

The engineer is probably a member of a union so extremist rightwankers will blame him irrespective of the actual cause of the crash.

And loons such as yourself are already screeching for More Money.

Ironic given you are screeching about the political affiliation of the engineer.

And you cannot find a single post of mine "screeching for More Money" which makes you appear to be the one who has a problem with reality.

But since you raised the subject why not deal with reality?

Do you honestly expect to safely drive your own car if there is no money to maintain the roads?

If you have an accident because of unrepaired potholes where people are injured and/or killed won't you be the one "screeching for more money" to repair the roads?

So how is that any different to maintaining the railroads?

Infrastructure requires maintenance which costs money. Only a fool insists upon spending cuts and then whines when they have to repair their car after the wheels and suspension were damaged by potholes.

Only a fool expects government to build and maintain sophisticated infrastructure.

See Westwall's endorsement of the Metro in Paris, for starters. Heheheheee
It's fun watching you idiots stumble all over each other.
In the eyes of our liberal contingent whether or not the train was exceeding a speed limit will solely be determined by whether the driver was Republican or Democrat.

Facts are irrelevant.

It's really important to clarify the political affiliation of the driver and engine so the MSM will know whether they are guilt or victimized.

The engineer is probably a member of a union so extremist rightwankers will blame him irrespective of the actual cause of the crash.

And loons such as yourself are already screeching for More Money.

Ironic given you are screeching about the political affiliation of the engineer.

And you cannot find a single post of mine "screeching for More Money" which makes you appear to be the one who has a problem with reality.

But since you raised the subject why not deal with reality?

Do you honestly expect to safely drive your own car if there is no money to maintain the roads?

If you have an accident because of unrepaired potholes where people are injured and/or killed won't you be the one "screeching for more money" to repair the roads?

So how is that any different to maintaining the railroads?

Infrastructure requires maintenance which costs money. Only a fool insists upon spending cuts and then whines when they have to repair their car after the wheels and suspension were damaged by potholes.

Only a fool expects government to build and maintain sophisticated infrastructure.

So the government didn't build the interstate system and successfully maintain it until extremist rightwankers began demanding that spending must be cut to the bone?

And thanks for tacitly conceding your position with that inane deflection of yours.

Clearly, they didn't in this case. Otherwise there wouldn't be 7 dead and over 200 injured, some critically. And just think, you want the WHOLE country to be run by the government. What a moron.

OMG, you've never taken the train. Let me get out my flashcards for you, like Bill O'Reilly does.

There are set times to leave and arrive to and from stations. The train doesn't sit there and wait to fill up. The doors close 5 minutes before departure.

Everything is TIMED. Damn, just when I didn't think anyone on here could get dumber.

Talk about a moron, you are it sweetie. You are correct, I don't take the train very much. When I do it is in France. We use the Paris Metro a lot as it is so good. When we travel to London we take the train as well. From Paris to St. Pancras station is about 2.5 hours, and the cost is 69 pounds. A very good rate for the traveler, and all thanks to the car owners that subsidize the trains.

Oh poor you. I took the TGV when I was in France. You slope-heads take the subway. Ha!

Wow, and you're a racist too! Who woulda thunk it? As far as the TGV go's, well it doesn't go where we want to we drive. We have relatives in Joigny, Sens, Millau and all those nice places where the TGV doesn't stop.

And, for the record because you are clearly too stupid to realize it...the TGV is inter city, not inter Paris.
"If you want to zip around Paris, the Metro is THE way to do it."

And who runs the Metro? Bahahahahaa......Love it.

Thank you for inadvertently endorsing public transportation.

Oh, and slope head refers to Neanderthal. You are the racist.

Sure it does dearie. You are easily one of the most bigoted asshats on this board. And, when you acknowledge that that includes shitspeeders, tank, and asclepias, that is astonishing. And yes....unlike you, who will take a position and then never leave it no matter what the evidence is, I will change my views based on evidence.

The facts are the Paris Metro is the best in the world. Period. It is indeed a public transportation system. And it is exceptionally well thought out. That's why it works. Of course, 30 years ago, when it was filthy and full of criminals, we wouldn't have used it. But, fortunately the government decided to take it back.

But, Paris is compact. The route we are talking about, isn't. It is a long route and while some can take advantage of it, the MAJORITY can't.

No matter how often, or loudly you stamp your feet in infantile frustration the fact is that in the US, thanks to its size, public transportation is a loser. There are exceptions where it CAN work. But they are few and far between and because they are invariably run by the local governments they are horribly run and never turn a profit so MUST be supported by the population at large.
Clearly, they didn't in this case. Otherwise there wouldn't be 7 dead and over 200 injured, some critically. And just think, you want the WHOLE country to be run by the government. What a moron.

OMG, you've never taken the train. Let me get out my flashcards for you, like Bill O'Reilly does.

There are set times to leave and arrive to and from stations. The train doesn't sit there and wait to fill up. The doors close 5 minutes before departure.

Everything is TIMED. Damn, just when I didn't think anyone on here could get dumber.

Talk about a moron, you are it sweetie. You are correct, I don't take the train very much. When I do it is in France. We use the Paris Metro a lot as it is so good. When we travel to London we take the train as well. From Paris to St. Pancras station is about 2.5 hours, and the cost is 69 pounds. A very good rate for the traveler, and all thanks to the car owners that subsidize the trains.

Oh poor you. I took the TGV when I was in France. You slope-heads take the subway. Ha!

Wow, and you're a racist too! Who woulda thunk it? As far as the TGV go's, well it doesn't go where we want to we drive. We have relatives in Joigny, Sens, Millau and all those nice places where the TGV doesn't stop.

And, for the record because you are clearly too stupid to realize it...the TGV is inter city, not inter Paris.
"If you want to zip around Paris, the Metro is THE way to do it."

And who runs the Metro? Bahahahahaa......Love it.

Thank you for inadvertently endorsing public transportation.

Oh, and slope head refers to Neanderthal. You are the racist.
Hey dumb ass, the metro is like the new york subway.. the metro cars in france run at around 25mph.
It's really important to clarify the political affiliation of the driver and engine so the MSM will know whether they are guilt or victimized.

The engineer is probably a member of a union so extremist rightwankers will blame him irrespective of the actual cause of the crash.

And loons such as yourself are already screeching for More Money.

Ironic given you are screeching about the political affiliation of the engineer.

And you cannot find a single post of mine "screeching for More Money" which makes you appear to be the one who has a problem with reality.

But since you raised the subject why not deal with reality?

Do you honestly expect to safely drive your own car if there is no money to maintain the roads?

If you have an accident because of unrepaired potholes where people are injured and/or killed won't you be the one "screeching for more money" to repair the roads?

So how is that any different to maintaining the railroads?

Infrastructure requires maintenance which costs money. Only a fool insists upon spending cuts and then whines when they have to repair their car after the wheels and suspension were damaged by potholes.

Only a fool expects government to build and maintain sophisticated infrastructure.

So the government didn't build the interstate system and successfully maintain it until extremist rightwankers began demanding that spending must be cut to the bone?

And thanks for tacitly conceding your position with that inane deflection of yours.


Are the Interstates Public Transportation Systems?

It's really important to clarify the political affiliation of the driver and engine so the MSM will know whether they are guilt or victimized.

The engineer is probably a member of a union so extremist rightwankers will blame him irrespective of the actual cause of the crash.

And loons such as yourself are already screeching for More Money.

Ironic given you are screeching about the political affiliation of the engineer.

And you cannot find a single post of mine "screeching for More Money" which makes you appear to be the one who has a problem with reality.

But since you raised the subject why not deal with reality?

Do you honestly expect to safely drive your own car if there is no money to maintain the roads?

If you have an accident because of unrepaired potholes where people are injured and/or killed won't you be the one "screeching for more money" to repair the roads?

So how is that any different to maintaining the railroads?

Infrastructure requires maintenance which costs money. Only a fool insists upon spending cuts and then whines when they have to repair their car after the wheels and suspension were damaged by potholes.

Only a fool expects government to build and maintain sophisticated infrastructure.

See Westwall's endorsement of the Metro in Paris, for starters. Heheheheee
It's fun watching you idiots stumble all over each other.

I suggest you read up on the history of the Metro. It involved concessions to private companies that operated on a profit motive. I'm not going to advocate that for the U.S. due to the egregious corporatism/unionism that plunders public works profits - but in that era, the development was actually successful.

I'll also compare and contrast the successful construction of the Golden Gate and original Bay Bridges with the new eastern span monstrosity (over budget in years and $$$ - and seriously flawed).

One lesson is not to allow Politics to dictate Sound Engineering.'s never safe to exceed the recommended speed limit on ANY curve in ANY KIND of vehicle.


Simple..............physics and centrifugal force.

i know, but deritoro and NTPP say otherwise....why are you telling me this?

I'm agreeing with you so that they may see that there are others who have a rudimentary understanding of physics like you do and understand about centrifugal force (which deritoro and NTPP apparently don't).

This has nothing to do with science. It's the same method that Southwest Airlines uses: turn the ship around and make as many trips as you can by keeping the ship in transit and not on the tarmac or in the terminal, therefore increasing your bottom line profits.

again, where is your proof that amtrak approved that speed through the curve?'s never safe to exceed the recommended speed limit on ANY curve in ANY KIND of vehicle.


Simple..............physics and centrifugal force.

i know, but deritoro and NTPP say otherwise....why are you telling me this?

I'm agreeing with you so that they may see that there are others who have a rudimentary understanding of physics like you do and understand about centrifugal force (which deritoro and NTPP apparently don't).

actually the object in this case wants to keep moving in a straight line

in this case the object did not want to be drawn away from a center of rotation
Momentum's a bitch.

You people just don't get it. This is not about physics. It's about profits. Or rather, lack thereof.

try taking a 50 mph curve at 107 with your car and get back to me...if you aren't dead
The engineer is probably a member of a union so extremist rightwankers will blame him irrespective of the actual cause of the crash.

And loons such as yourself are already screeching for More Money.

Ironic given you are screeching about the political affiliation of the engineer.

And you cannot find a single post of mine "screeching for More Money" which makes you appear to be the one who has a problem with reality.

But since you raised the subject why not deal with reality?

Do you honestly expect to safely drive your own car if there is no money to maintain the roads?

If you have an accident because of unrepaired potholes where people are injured and/or killed won't you be the one "screeching for more money" to repair the roads?

So how is that any different to maintaining the railroads?

Infrastructure requires maintenance which costs money. Only a fool insists upon spending cuts and then whines when they have to repair their car after the wheels and suspension were damaged by potholes.

Only a fool expects government to build and maintain sophisticated infrastructure.

So the government didn't build the interstate system and successfully maintain it until extremist rightwankers began demanding that spending must be cut to the bone?

And thanks for tacitly conceding your position with that inane deflection of yours.


Are the Interstates Public Transportation Systems?


Non sequitur!

The topic was infrastructure.
can derideo cite evidence that the condition of the track caused the accident? so far all i see are reports that speed was the factor.
And loons such as yourself are already screeching for More Money.

Ironic given you are screeching about the political affiliation of the engineer.

And you cannot find a single post of mine "screeching for More Money" which makes you appear to be the one who has a problem with reality.

But since you raised the subject why not deal with reality?

Do you honestly expect to safely drive your own car if there is no money to maintain the roads?

If you have an accident because of unrepaired potholes where people are injured and/or killed won't you be the one "screeching for more money" to repair the roads?

So how is that any different to maintaining the railroads?

Infrastructure requires maintenance which costs money. Only a fool insists upon spending cuts and then whines when they have to repair their car after the wheels and suspension were damaged by potholes.

Only a fool expects government to build and maintain sophisticated infrastructure.

So the government didn't build the interstate system and successfully maintain it until extremist rightwankers began demanding that spending must be cut to the bone?

And thanks for tacitly conceding your position with that inane deflection of yours.


Are the Interstates Public Transportation Systems?


Non sequitur!

The topic was infrastructure.

Are you stoopid (sic)? The Interstates ARE infrastructure you boob!
i know, but deritoro and NTPP say otherwise....why are you telling me this?

I'm agreeing with you so that they may see that there are others who have a rudimentary understanding of physics like you do and understand about centrifugal force (which deritoro and NTPP apparently don't).

actually the object in this case wants to keep moving in a straight line

in this case the object did not want to be drawn away from a center of rotation
Momentum's a bitch.

You people just don't get it. This is not about physics. It's about profits. Or rather, lack thereof.

try taking a 50 mph curve at 107 with your car and get back to me...if you aren't dead

Trigger Warning! Logic and science are signs of White Privilege!
I'm agreeing with you so that they may see that there are others who have a rudimentary understanding of physics like you do and understand about centrifugal force (which deritoro and NTPP apparently don't).

actually the object in this case wants to keep moving in a straight line

in this case the object did not want to be drawn away from a center of rotation
Momentum's a bitch.

You people just don't get it. This is not about physics. It's about profits. Or rather, lack thereof.

try taking a 50 mph curve at 107 with your car and get back to me...if you aren't dead

Trigger Warning! Logic and science are signs of White Privilege!

i know NTPP is silly, but to deny science in this case is hilarious
actually the object in this case wants to keep moving in a straight line

in this case the object did not want to be drawn away from a center of rotation
Momentum's a bitch.

You people just don't get it. This is not about physics. It's about profits. Or rather, lack thereof.

try taking a 50 mph curve at 107 with your car and get back to me...if you aren't dead

Trigger Warning! Logic and science are signs of White Privilege!

i know NTPP is silly, but to deny science in this case is hilarious

Physics is just so Western-Civ-Imperialistic!

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