Massive anti Israel rallies all in several US cities

Israel has 30-50 nuclear weapons and these are not lemming LA Jews
Iran ain’t ever getting the bomb

That is the talk of a criminal who would want to threaten and use force for unjust purposes.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
wrong again-----the LINGUISTIC group called SEMITIC goes all the way back to a
protolanguage-----AMHARIC << not arabic. The TERM antisemitic does refer to
hatred of Jews------it is the way LANGUAGES EVOLVE
You know Rigby is a Muslim, so why bother?

Really? I thought he was Jewish.. In any case he's well-educated.

Mosque educated. Anyone interested----FEIGN INTEREST IN ISLAM with some
muslim acquaintance ----that will get you invitations to mosques----make sure it is
a mosque used by SOUTH EAST ASIANS------they don't know arabic and they do the
KHUTBAH JUMAAT in english------prepare yourself for OVERWHELMING NAUSEA.
Khutbah Jumaat is the islamic excuse for a "sermon"-------it AIN't about LOVE

That is silly.
All old religions are barbaric, and Judaism is even more barbaric because it is even older.
No comparison.
Islam is vastly better than Judaism.
But I prefer something less strict.
80% of the world is in conflict and we're're an idiot.
Try BBC, AP News and Reuters.

The world is in conflict over theory, not action.
There are few actually violent war going on.
But it is Israel that is causing the worst physical violence in the world.
Thanks for admitting you don't check out BBC, AP News and Reuters.

I use them all the time.. Even when I was a kid listening to BBC, Radio Free Europe, Voice of America and Radio Cairo on the shortwave every night.
Then you're a liar.

I was living in Arabia and we listened to the news on the shortwave every night. I didn't realize so many of those broadcasts never made the news in America. So many small, unreported massacres in Lebanon and Syria. Sad.
unreported massacres in Lebanon and Syria

The US doesn't care about Islam because The New Testament has no reference to Islam which did not exist back then.

Of course it didn't. LOLOL

Muhammed was a messenger to the people of the Arabian Peninsula to return to the God of Abraham early in the 7th century.

Muhummad was a highly ambitious illegitamate child of a meccan whore who got passed
around to 'uncles' as a child and-----GAWD KNOWS what they did to him. He was illiterate
and hung around with randy criminals

Mohammad would not have written a requirement to be literate into the Quran if he himself were not literate.
And who Mohammad "hung around with" were the Jews at Medina.
wrong again.....and again ....and again. There is no requirement in the koran "to be literate".
Muhummad MURDERED the jews of Medina----mostly to entertain his shamootah,
kanzeera gaggle of sharmootahs. It's a throw back to the Roman gladiator atrocities

All Moslems are required to be able to read the Quran.
Mohammad never harmed Jews, and if he did not have Jewish allies from Medina, he could not have beaten the Meccans.
Read history.
It was Jewish troops Mohammad used to beat the Meccans.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
wrong again-----the LINGUISTIC group called SEMITIC goes all the way back to a
protolanguage-----AMHARIC << not arabic. The TERM antisemitic does refer to
hatred of Jews------it is the way LANGUAGES EVOLVE
You know Rigby is a Muslim, so why bother?

Really? I thought he was Jewish.. In any case he's well-educated.

Mosque educated. Anyone interested----FEIGN INTEREST IN ISLAM with some
muslim acquaintance ----that will get you invitations to mosques----make sure it is
a mosque used by SOUTH EAST ASIANS------they don't know arabic and they do the
KHUTBAH JUMAAT in english------prepare yourself for OVERWHELMING NAUSEA.
Khutbah Jumaat is the islamic excuse for a "sermon"-------it AIN't about LOVE

That is silly.
All old religions are barbaric, and Judaism is even more barbaric because it is even older.
No comparison.
Islam is vastly better than Judaism.
But I prefer something less strict.
80% of the world is in conflict and we're're an idiot.
Try BBC, AP News and Reuters.

The world is in conflict over theory, not action.
There are few actually violent war going on.
But it is Israel that is causing the worst physical violence in the world.
Thanks for admitting you don't check out BBC, AP News and Reuters.

I use them all the time.. Even when I was a kid listening to BBC, Radio Free Europe, Voice of America and Radio Cairo on the shortwave every night.
Then you're a liar.

I was living in Arabia and we listened to the news on the shortwave every night. I didn't realize so many of those broadcasts never made the news in America. So many small, unreported massacres in Lebanon and Syria. Sad.
unreported massacres in Lebanon and Syria

The US doesn't care about Islam because The New Testament has no reference to Islam which did not exist back then.

Of course it didn't. LOLOL

Muhammed was a messenger to the people of the Arabian Peninsula to return to the God of Abraham early in the 7th century.

Muhummad was a highly ambitious illegitamate child of a meccan whore who got passed
around to 'uncles' as a child and-----GAWD KNOWS what they did to him. He was illiterate
and hung around with randy criminals

Mohammad would not have written a requirement to be literate into the Quran if he himself were not literate.
And who Mohammad "hung around with" were the Jews at Medina.
wrong again.....and again ....and again. There is no requirement in the koran "to be literate".
Muhummad MURDERED the jews of Medina----mostly to entertain his shamootah,
kanzeera gaggle of sharmootahs. It's a throw back to the Roman gladiator atrocities

All Moslems are required to be able to read the Quran.
Mohammad never harmed Jews, and if he did not have Jewish allies from Medina, he could not have beaten the Meccans.
Read history.
It was Jewish troops Mohammad used to beat the Meccans

give up Rigie------you are making a fool of yourself
Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

Israel isn't a victim, it's a genocidal regime.

America isn't dying. The right wing trash that inhabit it is.
Why do you support barbaric savages over a progressive technically advanced civilized society?

The barbaric savage are the Israelis.
The Moslems are the origin of all technology, like the Phoenician alphabet, geometry, algebra, trigonometry, calculus, etc.
Muslims dont invent shit. All they do is spread their misery wherever in the world you find them.

Then who else invented the phenetic alphabet, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, etc.?
Clearly it was al Arabs or Moslems.
Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

Israel isn't a victim, it's a genocidal regime.

America isn't dying. The right wing trash that inhabit it is.
Why do you support barbaric savages over a progressive technically advanced civilized society?

The barbaric savage are the Israelis.
The Moslems are the origin of all technology, like the Phoenician alphabet, geometry, algebra, trigonometry, calculus, etc.
Muslims dont invent shit. All they do is spread their misery wherever in the world you find them.

Then who else invented the phenetic alphabet, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, etc.?
Clearly it was al Arabs or Moslems.
Geometry was Greeks and calculus was English
. Yes Arabs were once very advanced until they let their religion take them over
Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

Israel isn't a victim, it's a genocidal regime.

America isn't dying. The right wing trash that inhabit it is.
Why do you support barbaric savages over a progressive technically advanced civilized society?

The barbaric savage are the Israelis.
The Moslems are the origin of all technology, like the Phoenician alphabet, geometry, algebra, trigonometry, calculus, etc.
the arabic alphabet and writing is based on FARSI. when you run into a MUZZIE mathematician
let me know-----the mathematicians of the past two thousands years and counting have been
the HINDU INDIANS and the Jews. Calculus was a kind of invention by Sir Isaac Newton----who----interestingly was LOOKING FOR A MYSTICAL KEY for the understanding of the OT

The Phoenicians and Aramaic are known for creating the phonetic alphabet entirely, and the Persians created Farsi hundreds of years later, and has no similarity to the phonetic alphabet we use now.
Last edited:
Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

Israel isn't a victim, it's a genocidal regime.

America isn't dying. The right wing trash that inhabit it is.
Why do you support barbaric savages over a progressive technically advanced civilized society?

The barbaric savage are the Israelis.
The Moslems are the origin of all technology, like the Phoenician alphabet, geometry, algebra, trigonometry, calculus, etc.
Muslims dont invent shit. All they do is spread their misery wherever in the world you find them.

Then who else invented the phenetic alphabet, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, etc.?
Clearly it was al Arabs or Moslems.
is that FRENETIC alphabet?------try some valium----it will cure your FRENETIC alphabet
Islam is a satanic cult

Islam is just a reformed version of Judaism, based on the same Old Testament.
Bullshit. If that's true then why does Iran want to exterminate Israel?

Everyone who has a sense of justice wants to eliminate Israel because it is an illegal invasion and occupation of non-natives.
When Ahmadinejad spoke about Israel ending up in the dustbin of history, he did so knowing his mother was Jewish.
No one wants to harm Jews themselves.
Israel is not about Judaism or following Jewish beliefs, but is against Jewish beliefs and is against justice.
You truly are a vacuous buffoon
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
wrong again-----the LINGUISTIC group called SEMITIC goes all the way back to a
protolanguage-----AMHARIC << not arabic. The TERM antisemitic does refer to
hatred of Jews------it is the way LANGUAGES EVOLVE
You know Rigby is a Muslim, so why bother?

Really? I thought he was Jewish.. In any case he's well-educated.

Mosque educated. Anyone interested----FEIGN INTEREST IN ISLAM with some
muslim acquaintance ----that will get you invitations to mosques----make sure it is
a mosque used by SOUTH EAST ASIANS------they don't know arabic and they do the
KHUTBAH JUMAAT in english------prepare yourself for OVERWHELMING NAUSEA.
Khutbah Jumaat is the islamic excuse for a "sermon"-------it AIN't about LOVE

That is silly.
All old religions are barbaric, and Judaism is even more barbaric because it is even older.
No comparison.
Islam is vastly better than Judaism.
But I prefer something less strict.
80% of the world is in conflict and we're're an idiot.
Try BBC, AP News and Reuters.

The world is in conflict over theory, not action.
There are few actually violent war going on.
But it is Israel that is causing the worst physical violence in the world.
Thanks for admitting you don't check out BBC, AP News and Reuters.

I use them all the time.. Even when I was a kid listening to BBC, Radio Free Europe, Voice of America and Radio Cairo on the shortwave every night.
Then you're a liar.

I was living in Arabia and we listened to the news on the shortwave every night. I didn't realize so many of those broadcasts never made the news in America. So many small, unreported massacres in Lebanon and Syria. Sad.
unreported massacres in Lebanon and Syria

The US doesn't care about Islam because The New Testament has no reference to Islam which did not exist back then.

Of course it didn't. LOLOL

Muhammed was a messenger to the people of the Arabian Peninsula to return to the God of Abraham early in the 7th century.

Muhummad was a highly ambitious illegitamate child of a meccan whore who got passed
around to 'uncles' as a child and-----GAWD KNOWS what they did to him. He was illiterate
and hung around with randy criminals

Mohammad would not have written a requirement to be literate into the Quran if he himself were not literate.
And who Mohammad "hung around with" were the Jews at Medina.
wrong again.....and again ....and again. There is no requirement in the koran "to be literate".
Muhummad MURDERED the jews of Medina----mostly to entertain his shamootah,
kanzeera gaggle of sharmootahs. It's a throw back to the Roman gladiator atrocities

All Moslems are required to be able to read the Quran.
Mohammad never harmed Jews, and if he did not have Jewish allies from Medina, he could not have beaten the Meccans.
Read history.
It was Jewish troops Mohammad used to beat the Meccans

give up Rigie------you are making a fool of yourself

The truth always prevails, and I always speak the truth.
Since you are making it up. you show it by your inconsistencies.
This just shows you how utterly brain dead people can be.
An organization founded by three feminist siding with Hamas....
You can't get any dumber than that.
Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

Israel isn't a victim, it's a genocidal regime.

America isn't dying. The right wing trash that inhabit it is.
Why do you support barbaric savages over a progressive technically advanced civilized society?

The barbaric savage are the Israelis.
The Moslems are the origin of all technology, like the Phoenician alphabet, geometry, algebra, trigonometry, calculus, etc.
the arabic alphabet and writing is based on FARSI. when you run into a MUZZIE mathematician
let me know-----the mathematicians of the past two thousands years and counting have been
the HINDU INDIANS and the Jews. Calculus was a kind of invention by Sir Isaac Newton----who----interestingly was LOOKING FOR A MYSTICAL KEY for the understanding of the OT

The Phoenicians and Aramaic are known for creating the phenetic alphabet entirely, and the Persians created Farsi hundreds of years later, and has no similarity to the phenetic alphabet we use now.

written Farsi is more than 1000 years older than written arabic which came about very late---
about 300 AD AMHARIC which is the prototype semitic language is about as old----ie
MUCH older than written arabic-----written arabic has very little similarity to ENGLISH
Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

Israel isn't a victim, it's a genocidal regime.

America isn't dying. The right wing trash that inhabit it is.
Why do you support barbaric savages over a progressive technically advanced civilized society?

The barbaric savage are the Israelis.
The Moslems are the origin of all technology, like the Phoenician alphabet, geometry, algebra, trigonometry, calculus, etc.
Muslims dont invent shit. All they do is spread their misery wherever in the world you find them.

Then who else invented the phenetic alphabet, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, etc.?
Clearly it was al Arabs or Moslems.
Geometry was Greeks and calculus was English
. Yes Arabs were once very advanced until they let their religion take them over


{... The earliest recorded beginnings of geometry can be traced to early peoples, who discovered obtuse triangles in the ancient Indus Valley (see Harappan mathematics), and ancient Babylonia (see Babylonian mathematics) from around 3000 BC. ...}

{... The ancient period introduced some of the ideas that led to integral calculus, but does not seem to have developed these ideas in a rigorous and systematic way. Calculations of volumes and areas, one goal of integral calculus, can be found in the Egyptian Moscow papyrus (c. 1820 BC), but the formulas are only given for concrete numbers, some are only approximately true, and they are not derived by deductive reasoning.[1] Babylonians may have discovered the trapezoidal rule while doing astronomical observations of Jupiter.[2][3] ...}

Geometry and Calculus have Arab origins.
Islam is a satanic cult

Islam is just a reformed version of Judaism, based on the same Old Testament.
Bullshit. If that's true then why does Iran want to exterminate Israel?

Everyone who has a sense of justice wants to eliminate Israel because it is an illegal invasion and occupation of non-natives.
When Ahmadinejad spoke about Israel ending up in the dustbin of history, he did so knowing his mother was Jewish.
No one wants to harm Jews themselves.
Israel is not about Judaism or following Jewish beliefs, but is against Jewish beliefs and is against justice.
You truly are a vacuous buffoon
more like a gasoline filled balloon------POP AND BURN
Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

Israel isn't a victim, it's a genocidal regime.

America isn't dying. The right wing trash that inhabit it is.
Why do you support barbaric savages over a progressive technically advanced civilized society?

The barbaric savage are the Israelis.
The Moslems are the origin of all technology, like the Phoenician alphabet, geometry, algebra, trigonometry, calculus, etc.
Muslims dont invent shit. All they do is spread their misery wherever in the world you find them.

Then who else invented the phenetic alphabet, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, etc.?
Clearly it was al Arabs or Moslems.
Geometry was Greeks and calculus was English
. Yes Arabs were once very advanced until they let their religion take them over


{... The earliest recorded beginnings of geometry can be traced to early peoples, who discovered obtuse triangles in the ancient Indus Valley (see Harappan mathematics), and ancient Babylonia (see Babylonian mathematics) from around 3000 BC. ...}

{... The ancient period introduced some of the ideas that led to integral calculus, but does not seem to have developed these ideas in a rigorous and systematic way. Calculations of volumes and areas, one goal of integral calculus, can be found in the Egyptian Moscow papyrus (c. 1820 BC), but the formulas are only given for concrete numbers, some are only approximately true, and they are not derived by deductive reasoning.[1] Babylonians may have discovered the trapezoidal rule while doing astronomical observations of Jupiter.[2][3] ...}

Geometry and Calculus have Arab origins.
the babylonians are not "arabs" The Egyptians were not "arabs" and the civilization of the
This just shows you how utterly brain dead people can be.
An organization founded by three feminist siding with Hamas....
You can't get any dumber than that.

Islam was created by Mohammad in order to show his gratitude to the wealthy widow who married him, by reforming Judaism to give women more rights.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.

You have been instructed in the true meaning of the term antisemitism at least once, already, subhuman.

Let me do it again:

The wiki site is created by anyone who wants to post, and is often wrong.
Look up the base words.
The word "Semitic" means, "of an Arab language group".
The fact Hebrew were Arabs means Jews are Semitic, but Semitic does NOT mean Jewish.
It means Arab.
So it is wrong cultural appropriation for Jews to claim that anti-Jewish sentiment is anti-Semitic.
And especially contradictory to call Arabs anti-Semitic, since Semitic means Arab.
It is impossible for me to be wrong because the world Semitic does not and can never mean Jewish.
It always has to mean Arab.
What's is the name of your Madrassa, b
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
wrong again-----the LINGUISTIC group called SEMITIC goes all the way back to a
protolanguage-----AMHARIC << not arabic. The TERM antisemitic does refer to
hatred of Jews------it is the way LANGUAGES EVOLVE
You know Rigby is a Muslim, so why bother?

Really? I thought he was Jewish.. In any case he's well-educated.

Mosque educated. Anyone interested----FEIGN INTEREST IN ISLAM with some
muslim acquaintance ----that will get you invitations to mosques----make sure it is
a mosque used by SOUTH EAST ASIANS------they don't know arabic and they do the
KHUTBAH JUMAAT in english------prepare yourself for OVERWHELMING NAUSEA.
Khutbah Jumaat is the islamic excuse for a "sermon"-------it AIN't about LOVE

That is silly.
All old religions are barbaric, and Judaism is even more barbaric because it is even older.
No comparison.
Islam is vastly better than Judaism.
But I prefer something less strict.
80% of the world is in conflict and we're're an idiot.
Try BBC, AP News and Reuters.

The world is in conflict over theory, not action.
There are few actually violent war going on.
But it is Israel that is causing the worst physical violence in the world.
Thanks for admitting you don't check out BBC, AP News and Reuters.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites, stupid.
Arabs are descendants of Jews?
Are you on crack?

According to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands 90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave in the first century.

4 Arab tribes settled in Samaria in 700 BC. Have you forgotten that Abraham had six sons by his Arab wife Keturah?

Moses had an Arab wife named Zipporah. The Arabs have been in Palestine since Abraham and Ezra. How could you be so ignorant?
The reason I doubt that is because no genetic Jew would allow their land to become a shithole.
What Israel has done in under 80 years has put every other nation in the Eastern hemisphere to shame.

When Omar arrived in Jerusalem in 638 AD the Temple Mount was the city garbage dump.
Archeologists have found that every nation that conquered Jerusalem scornfully used the Temple Mount as a garbage dump.
Archeologists are about 19 levels down at this point and have discovered many Temple artifacts (I know you will fight that to the end).
Your Muslims are using this Archeological fact to besmirch Israel...what a shock.
And you are just stupid enough to fall for it.

But no one knows at all where the Temples of Solomon were, so there was no Temple Mount until the Moslems created one from scratch.
Archeologists have been digging there for about 30 years.
The Internet is your friend unless you're mentally ill.
Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

They are the biggest bully on the block in the ME. Made by and constantly us.
We just won't demand that Israel come to the table..and sit. They just keep grabbing land
and evicting Palestinians from buildings and land they've owned for decades. And then
respond with bombs and missiles indiscriminately when they get hit by rockets, bottles, and rocks.
They're the little brother that won't share and throws a hissy fit when it's suggested he should
play nice in the sandbox. And willing sycophants like you toe the line. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
I have no idea where you got your views about the Middle East from, Jack but they're myopic at best. Israel has been attacked pretty much non stop by different Arab neighbors since it was created. They defend themselves and they do so fervently because to lose would mean extermination. Hissy fit? That's ridiculous...
Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

Israel isn't a victim, it's a genocidal regime.

America isn't dying. The right wing trash that inhabit it is.
Why do you support barbaric savages over a progressive technically advanced civilized society?

The barbaric savage are the Israelis.
The Moslems are the origin of all technology, like the Phoenician alphabet, geometry, algebra, trigonometry, calculus, etc.
Muslims dont invent shit. All they do is spread their misery wherever in the world you find them.

Then who else invented the phenetic alphabet, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, etc.?
Clearly it was al Arabs or Moslems.
Geometry was Greeks and calculus was English
. Yes Arabs were once very advanced until they let their religion take them over


{... The earliest recorded beginnings of geometry can be traced to early peoples, who discovered obtuse triangles in the ancient Indus Valley (see Harappan mathematics), and ancient Babylonia (see Babylonian mathematics) from around 3000 BC. ...}

{... The ancient period introduced some of the ideas that led to integral calculus, but does not seem to have developed these ideas in a rigorous and systematic way. Calculations of volumes and areas, one goal of integral calculus, can be found in the Egyptian Moscow papyrus (c. 1820 BC), but the formulas are only given for concrete numbers, some are only approximately true, and they are not derived by deductive reasoning.[1] Babylonians may have discovered the trapezoidal rule while doing astronomical observations of Jupiter.[2][3] ...}

Geometry and Calculus have Arab origins.
The great great Isaac Newton helped to co-create calculus
Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

Israel isn't a victim, it's a genocidal regime.

America isn't dying. The right wing trash that inhabit it is.
Why do you support barbaric savages over a progressive technically advanced civilized society?

The barbaric savage are the Israelis.
The Moslems are the origin of all technology, like the Phoenician alphabet, geometry, algebra, trigonometry, calculus, etc.
the arabic alphabet and writing is based on FARSI. when you run into a MUZZIE mathematician
let me know-----the mathematicians of the past two thousands years and counting have been
the HINDU INDIANS and the Jews. Calculus was a kind of invention by Sir Isaac Newton----who----interestingly was LOOKING FOR A MYSTICAL KEY for the understanding of the OT

The Phoenicians and Aramaic are known for creating the phenetic alphabet entirely, and the Persians created Farsi hundreds of years later, and has no similarity to the phenetic alphabet we use now.

written Farsi is more than 1000 years older than written arabic which came about very late---
about 300 AD AMHARIC which is the prototype semitic language is about as old----ie
MUCH older than written arabic-----written arabic has very little similarity to ENGLISH
Totally and completely wrong.
We are NOT talking about Arabic, which is a modern language.
We have always been talking about ancient Arab language, like Phoenician, Aramaic, etc.
They are over a thousand years older then Farsi or any Persian culture.
No one is talking about Arabic except you, and there is no rational reason for you to keep brining up Arabic.

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