Massive anti Israel rallies all in several US cities

Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
wrong again-----the LINGUISTIC group called SEMITIC goes all the way back to a
protolanguage-----AMHARIC << not arabic. The TERM antisemitic does refer to
hatred of Jews------it is the way LANGUAGES EVOLVE

The proto-language of Aramaic IS Arab.
It is not Arabic, because Arabic is a later language.
But Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, Phoenician, etc., are all Semitic Arab languages.
Hebrew are a small branch of Arabs.
Hebrew is an Arab language.

Anti-Semitic can't mean anti-Jewish because the Jewish group and culture is a small subset of the larger Arab group and culture, and it would the lead to the contradition of implying Arab hated Arabs if you allowed the false claim that anti-Semitic meant anti-Jewish to prevail or continue.
It is totally ignorant, illogical, and contradictory.

There are lot of mistakes in language, but educated and intelligent people to not perpetuate them.
Anti-Semetic is anti-Descendants of Shem, who was the progenitor of Avraham.

You must take the Bible stories literally.

Abraham was the father of Ishmael by Hagar the Egyptian and Isaac who was concieved by Sarah while they were in Egypt and 6 sons by his Arab wife Keturah.
Which has what to do with what I posted?
Shem and Yefes settled in Israel after exiting the ark and Cham went to Egypt and Gaza.
By the time Avraham arrived in Israel, Cham descendants had conquered Israel.
In fact, Avraham's ancestors were kicked out of Israel and that's why Terach lived East of Israel.
I know geography and history aren't the most exciting subjects, but perhaps you should study them in depth and context before trying to come off like a Harvard professor.

The point is that clearly the Bible can't be taken literally.
Noah could not have existed, the Ark could not have existed, Shem could not have existed, etc.
Israel was not created until around 1000 BC when the Hebrew invaded the Land of Canaan.
The Hebrew did not come from the Levant, but most likely were nomads in the Sinai.
Noah could not have existed, the Ark could not have existed, Shem could not have existed, etc.

Prove it.
So far you've proven you've never studied the Torah.

What is to study?
The Torah is made up propaganda, since the Hebrew illiterate and never wrote anything down.
The closes thing science can find to a "great flood" is that the Black Sea was once a dry valley below the level of the Mediterranean.
But it was likey a very slow flood and you can't build an ark large enough to carry any significant portion of even insect life.
Tell me when you studied Torah and then decided to reject it.
Face it, you were mentally and physically abused.

You just said it yourself.
The Torah include Noah and the Ark, which obviously is scientifically impossible.
You could not even get all the insect into an ark.
Insects on the arc lol
It’s just allegory
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites, stupid.
Arabs are descendants of Jews?
Are you on crack?

According to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands 90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave in the first century.

4 Arab tribes settled in Samaria in 700 BC. Have you forgotten that Abraham had six sons by his Arab wife Keturah?

Moses had an Arab wife named Zipporah. The Arabs have been in Palestine since Abraham and Ezra. How could you be so ignorant?
The reason I doubt that is because no genetic Jew would allow their land to become a shithole.
What Israel has done in under 80 years has put every other nation in the Eastern hemisphere to shame.

When Omar arrived in Jerusalem in 638 AD the Temple Mount was the city garbage dump.
Archeologists have found that every nation that conquered Jerusalem scornfully used the Temple Mount as a garbage dump.
Archeologists are about 19 levels down at this point and have discovered many Temple artifacts (I know you will fight that to the end).
Your Muslims are using this Archeological fact to besmirch Israel...what a shock.
And you are just stupid enough to fall for it.

But no one knows at all where the Temples of Solomon were, so there was no Temple Mount until the Moslems created one from scratch.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
wrong again-----the LINGUISTIC group called SEMITIC goes all the way back to a
protolanguage-----AMHARIC << not arabic. The TERM antisemitic does refer to
hatred of Jews------it is the way LANGUAGES EVOLVE
You know Rigby is a Muslim, so why bother?

Really? I thought he was Jewish.. In any case he's well-educated.

Mosque educated. Anyone interested----FEIGN INTEREST IN ISLAM with some
muslim acquaintance ----that will get you invitations to mosques----make sure it is
a mosque used by SOUTH EAST ASIANS------they don't know arabic and they do the
KHUTBAH JUMAAT in english------prepare yourself for OVERWHELMING NAUSEA.
Khutbah Jumaat is the islamic excuse for a "sermon"-------it AIN't about LOVE

That is silly.
All old religions are barbaric, and Judaism is even more barbaric because it is even older.
No comparison.
Islam is vastly better than Judaism.
But I prefer something less strict.
80% of the world is in conflict and we're're an idiot.
Try BBC, AP News and Reuters.

The world is in conflict over theory, not action.
There are few actually violent war going on.
But it is Israel that is causing the worst physical violence in the world.
Thanks for admitting you don't check out BBC, AP News and Reuters.

I use them all the time.. Even when I was a kid listening to BBC, Radio Free Europe, Voice of America and Radio Cairo on the shortwave every night.
Then you're a liar.

I was living in Arabia and we listened to the news on the shortwave every night. I didn't realize so many of those broadcasts never made the news in America. So many small, unreported massacres in Lebanon and Syria. Sad.
unreported massacres in Lebanon and Syria

The US doesn't care about Islam because The New Testament has no reference to Islam which did not exist back then.

Of course it didn't. LOLOL

Muhammed was a messenger to the people of the Arabian Peninsula to return to the God of Abraham early in the 7th century.

Muhummad was a highly ambitious illegitamate child of a meccan whore who got passed
around to 'uncles' as a child and-----GAWD KNOWS what they did to him. He was illiterate
and hung around with randy criminals
Muhammad also fucked goats and little boys.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
wrong again-----the LINGUISTIC group called SEMITIC goes all the way back to a
protolanguage-----AMHARIC << not arabic. The TERM antisemitic does refer to
hatred of Jews------it is the way LANGUAGES EVOLVE
You know Rigby is a Muslim, so why bother?

Really? I thought he was Jewish.. In any case he's well-educated.

Mosque educated. Anyone interested----FEIGN INTEREST IN ISLAM with some
muslim acquaintance ----that will get you invitations to mosques----make sure it is
a mosque used by SOUTH EAST ASIANS------they don't know arabic and they do the
KHUTBAH JUMAAT in english------prepare yourself for OVERWHELMING NAUSEA.
Khutbah Jumaat is the islamic excuse for a "sermon"-------it AIN't about LOVE

That is silly.
All old religions are barbaric, and Judaism is even more barbaric because it is even older.
No comparison.
Islam is vastly better than Judaism.
But I prefer something less strict.
Jews don’t follow everything in the Old Testament. Modern Judaism takes out the bad stuff
Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

Israel isn't a victim, it's a genocidal regime.

America isn't dying. The right wing trash that inhabit it is.
Why do you support barbaric savages over a progressive technically advanced civilized society?

Technically advances does not mean more civilized.
The ancient Romans for example were the most technically advanced, but clearly the most barbaric, cruel, violent, full of murder, torture, rape, incest, gladiators, etc.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
wrong again-----the LINGUISTIC group called SEMITIC goes all the way back to a
protolanguage-----AMHARIC << not arabic. The TERM antisemitic does refer to
hatred of Jews------it is the way LANGUAGES EVOLVE

The proto-language of Aramaic IS Arab.
It is not Arabic, because Arabic is a later language.
But Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, Phoenician, etc., are all Semitic Arab languages.
Hebrew are a small branch of Arabs.
Hebrew is an Arab language.

Anti-Semitic can't mean anti-Jewish because the Jewish group and culture is a small subset of the larger Arab group and culture, and it would the lead to the contradition of implying Arab hated Arabs if you allowed the false claim that anti-Semitic meant anti-Jewish to prevail or continue.
It is totally ignorant, illogical, and contradictory.

There are lot of mistakes in language, but educated and intelligent people to not perpetuate them.
Anti-Semetic is anti-Descendants of Shem, who was the progenitor of Avraham.

You must take the Bible stories literally.

Abraham was the father of Ishmael by Hagar the Egyptian and Isaac who was concieved by Sarah while they were in Egypt and 6 sons by his Arab wife Keturah.
Which has what to do with what I posted?
Shem and Yefes settled in Israel after exiting the ark and Cham went to Egypt and Gaza.
By the time Avraham arrived in Israel, Cham descendants had conquered Israel.
In fact, Avraham's ancestors were kicked out of Israel and that's why Terach lived East of Israel.
I know geography and history aren't the most exciting subjects, but perhaps you should study them in depth and context before trying to come off like a Harvard professor.

The point is that clearly the Bible can't be taken literally.
Noah could not have existed, the Ark could not have existed, Shem could not have existed, etc.
Israel was not created until around 1000 BC when the Hebrew invaded the Land of Canaan.
The Hebrew did not come from the Levant, but most likely were nomads in the Sinai.
Noah could not have existed, the Ark could not have existed, Shem could not have existed, etc.

Prove it.
So far you've proven you've never studied the Torah.

What is to study?
The Torah is made up propaganda, since the Hebrew illiterate and never wrote anything down.
The closes thing science can find to a "great flood" is that the Black Sea was once a dry valley below the level of the Mediterranean.
But it was likey a very slow flood and you can't build an ark large enough to carry any significant portion of even insect life.
Tell me when you studied Torah and then decided to reject it.
Face it, you were mentally and physically abused.

You just said it yourself.
The Torah include Noah and the Ark, which obviously is scientifically impossible.
You could not even get all the insect into an ark.
Insects on the arc lol
It’s just allegory

It did not really happen, and those who take it literally are irrational.
Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

Israel isn't a victim, it's a genocidal regime.

America isn't dying. The right wing trash that inhabit it is.
Why do you support barbaric savages over a progressive technically advanced civilized society?

Technically advances does not mean more civilized.
The ancient Romans for example were the most technically advanced, but clearly the most barbaric, cruel, violent, full of murder, torture, rape, incest, gladiators, etc.
I meet many NYC Italians and it’s easy to see the linkage to Ancient Rome as they can get very aggressive and confrontational
Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

Israel isn't a victim, it's a genocidal regime.

America isn't dying. The right wing trash that inhabit it is.
Why do you support barbaric savages over a progressive technically advanced civilized society?

Technically advances does not mean more civilized.
The ancient Romans for example were the most technically advanced, but clearly the most barbaric, cruel, violent, full of murder, torture, rape, incest, gladiators, etc.
So you believe that the Palestinians are more civilized than Israel?
I myself avoid conflict and if you meet me would be shocked that I am very quite and rarely ever get mad
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
wrong again-----the LINGUISTIC group called SEMITIC goes all the way back to a
protolanguage-----AMHARIC << not arabic. The TERM antisemitic does refer to
hatred of Jews------it is the way LANGUAGES EVOLVE
You know Rigby is a Muslim, so why bother?

Really? I thought he was Jewish.. In any case he's well-educated.

Mosque educated. Anyone interested----FEIGN INTEREST IN ISLAM with some
muslim acquaintance ----that will get you invitations to mosques----make sure it is
a mosque used by SOUTH EAST ASIANS------they don't know arabic and they do the
KHUTBAH JUMAAT in english------prepare yourself for OVERWHELMING NAUSEA.
Khutbah Jumaat is the islamic excuse for a "sermon"-------it AIN't about LOVE

That is silly.
All old religions are barbaric, and Judaism is even more barbaric because it is even older.
No comparison.
Islam is vastly better than Judaism.
But I prefer something less strict.
80% of the world is in conflict and we're're an idiot.
Try BBC, AP News and Reuters.

The world is in conflict over theory, not action.
There are few actually violent war going on.
But it is Israel that is causing the worst physical violence in the world.
No it’s Israel’s right to defend itself
WE Americans the British & Russians Gave the land to the Jewish people. ( the WW2 victors) Because of the guilt for how we allowed Jewish people to be treated. The pre 1948 British rule is much more difficult to unravel.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites, stupid.
Arabs are descendants of Jews?
Are you on crack?

According to Ben Gurion and Slomo Sands 90% of Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave in the first century.

4 Arab tribes settled in Samaria in 700 BC. Have you forgotten that Abraham had six sons by his Arab wife Keturah?

Moses had an Arab wife named Zipporah. The Arabs have been in Palestine since Abraham and Ezra. How could you be so ignorant?
The reason I doubt that is because no genetic Jew would allow their land to become a shithole.
What Israel has done in under 80 years has put every other nation in the Eastern hemisphere to shame.

When Omar arrived in Jerusalem in 638 AD the Temple Mount was the city garbage dump.
Archeologists have found that every nation that conquered Jerusalem scornfully used the Temple Mount as a garbage dump.
Archeologists are about 19 levels down at this point and have discovered many Temple artifacts (I know you will fight that to the end).
Your Muslims are using this Archeological fact to besmirch Israel...what a shock.
And you are just stupid enough to fall for it.

But no one knows at all where the Temples of Solomon were, so there was no Temple Mount until the Moslems created one from scratch.
Archeologists have been digging there for about 30 years.
The Internet is your friend unless you're mentally ill.
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
wrong again-----the LINGUISTIC group called SEMITIC goes all the way back to a
protolanguage-----AMHARIC << not arabic. The TERM antisemitic does refer to
hatred of Jews------it is the way LANGUAGES EVOLVE
You know Rigby is a Muslim, so why bother?

Really? I thought he was Jewish.. In any case he's well-educated.

Mosque educated. Anyone interested----FEIGN INTEREST IN ISLAM with some
muslim acquaintance ----that will get you invitations to mosques----make sure it is
a mosque used by SOUTH EAST ASIANS------they don't know arabic and they do the
KHUTBAH JUMAAT in english------prepare yourself for OVERWHELMING NAUSEA.
Khutbah Jumaat is the islamic excuse for a "sermon"-------it AIN't about LOVE

That is silly.
All old religions are barbaric, and Judaism is even more barbaric because it is even older.
No comparison.
Islam is vastly better than Judaism.
But I prefer something less strict.
80% of the world is in conflict and we're're an idiot.
Try BBC, AP News and Reuters.

The world is in conflict over theory, not action.
There are few actually violent war going on.
But it is Israel that is causing the worst physical violence in the world.
Thanks for admitting you don't check out BBC, AP News and Reuters.

I use them all the time.. Even when I was a kid listening to BBC, Radio Free Europe, Voice of America and Radio Cairo on the shortwave every night.
Then you're a liar.

I was living in Arabia and we listened to the news on the shortwave every night. I didn't realize so many of those broadcasts never made the news in America. So many small, unreported massacres in Lebanon and Syria. Sad.
Just answer my question without boring many generations from Noach to Avraham?

100 years would be two generations of 40 years plus 20.. The Israelites stayes in Sinai for a generation .... 40 years.. all 2 millon of them and their herds.. without water or pasture.

Jesus said he would return before this generation passes.
There were 10 generations from Noach to Avraham...about 300 years.
Noach lived to a ripe old age but didn't rape as many women as Mohammed.

LOLOL.. Where did you learn to hate? Were you in the same shithole as irosie?

I (rosie) was brought up in a very PROTESTANT (waspy) town in USA suburbia.
I have no childhood religious education other than several sessions in LUTHERAN
SUNDAY school ---where I colored cartoons of Jesus holding a lamb. I did come across
MUSLIMS who were migrating, mostly, from southeast asia ----starting when I was
14. They were delighted to tell me what they KNEW. They were even more clueless
than the VERY WHITE, WASPY protestants of my hometown. I got to know Hindus and sikhs
and Iranians too ----jews and muslim. Surada calls that SHITHOLE----nope---it had
gardens, rosebushes and freedom. Today---a few of the nearby towns have been transformed \
into almost shariah shitholes. I no longer visit
Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

Israel isn't a victim, it's a genocidal regime.

America isn't dying. The right wing trash that inhabit it is.
Why do you support barbaric savages over a progressive technically advanced civilized society?

Technically advances does not mean more civilized.
The ancient Romans for example were the most technically advanced, but clearly the most barbaric, cruel, violent, full of murder, torture, rape, incest, gladiators, etc.
I meet many NYC Italians and it’s easy to see the linkage to Ancient Rome as they can get very aggressive and confrontational
that is SICILIANS ---Sicily was perverted by ARAB INVASIONS. The northern Italians are
acutally far more genteel. In fact the MAFIA (erstwhile BLACKHAND) is culturally, entirely
arab islamic. The mafia (sicilian) was formed as an adversarial protection against muslim
This thread has gone off the rails thanks to the fiction of Rigby5

The fact that you state Muhammad was not a warlord is fucking laughable. Next you'll say Napoleon was a pacifist.
Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

Israel isn't a victim, it's a genocidal regime.

America isn't dying. The right wing trash that inhabit it is.
Why do you support barbaric savages over a progressive technically advanced civilized society?

Technically advances does not mean more civilized.
The ancient Romans for example were the most technically advanced, but clearly the most barbaric, cruel, violent, full of murder, torture, rape, incest, gladiators, etc.
I meet many NYC Italians and it’s easy to see the linkage to Ancient Rome as they can get very aggressive and confrontational
that is SICILIANS ---Sicily was perverted by ARAB INVASIONS. The northern Italians are
acutally far more genteel. In fact the MAFIA (erstwhile BLACKHAND) is culturally, entirely
arab islamic. The mafia (sicilian) was formed as an adversarial protection against muslim
Wow are they extremely pugnacious MF
So belligerent and not realizing I actually train in mma and did a lot of Krav
Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

Israel isn't a victim, it's a genocidal regime.

America isn't dying. The right wing trash that inhabit it is.
Why do you support barbaric savages over a progressive technically advanced civilized society?

Technically advances does not mean more civilized.
The ancient Romans for example were the most technically advanced, but clearly the most barbaric, cruel, violent, full of murder, torture, rape, incest, gladiators, etc.
I meet many NYC Italians and it’s easy to see the linkage to Ancient Rome as they can get very aggressive and confrontational
that is SICILIANS ---Sicily was perverted by ARAB INVASIONS. The northern Italians are
acutally far more genteel. In fact the MAFIA (erstwhile BLACKHAND) is culturally, entirely
arab islamic. The mafia (sicilian) was formed as an adversarial protection against muslim
Wow are they extremely pugnacious MF
So belligerent and not realizing I actually train in mma and did a lot of Krav
avoid confrontation----they either carry heat or cousin VINNIE does
Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

Israel isn't a victim, it's a genocidal regime.

America isn't dying. The right wing trash that inhabit it is.
Why do you support barbaric savages over a progressive technically advanced civilized society?

Technically advances does not mean more civilized.
The ancient Romans for example were the most technically advanced, but clearly the most barbaric, cruel, violent, full of murder, torture, rape, incest, gladiators, etc.
I meet many NYC Italians and it’s easy to see the linkage to Ancient Rome as they can get very aggressive and confrontational
that is SICILIANS ---Sicily was perverted by ARAB INVASIONS. The northern Italians are
acutally far more genteel. In fact the MAFIA (erstwhile BLACKHAND) is culturally, entirely
arab islamic. The mafia (sicilian) was formed as an adversarial protection against muslim
Wow are they extremely pugnacious MF
So belligerent and not realizing I actually train in mma and did a lot of Krav
avoid confrontation----they either carry heat or cousin VINNIE does
They are very full of life and talkative but can go from 0 to 100 in 2 seconds
Chicago had massive rallies as did several other cities
You wonder why the USA is a dying nation.??? Just look at the filth who is demonstrating

Some of us know why and have been saying so for years now.
But America is dying for more reasons than just support or opposition to Zionist evils.
So you’re garbage as well as Israel is the victim

Israel isn't a victim, it's a genocidal regime.

America isn't dying. The right wing trash that inhabit it is.
Why do you support barbaric savages over a progressive technically advanced civilized society?

Technically advances does not mean more civilized.
The ancient Romans for example were the most technically advanced, but clearly the most barbaric, cruel, violent, full of murder, torture, rape, incest, gladiators, etc.
I meet many NYC Italians and it’s easy to see the linkage to Ancient Rome as they can get very aggressive and confrontational
that is SICILIANS ---Sicily was perverted by ARAB INVASIONS. The northern Italians are
acutally far more genteel. In fact the MAFIA (erstwhile BLACKHAND) is culturally, entirely
arab islamic. The mafia (sicilian) was formed as an adversarial protection against muslim
Wow are they extremely pugnacious MF
So belligerent and not realizing I actually train in mma and did a lot of Krav
avoid confrontation----they either carry heat or cousin VINNIE does
They are very full of life and talkative but can go from 0 to 100 in 2 seconds
it's the food. We gave them tomatoes, corn and PEPPERS-----and the arabs gave them
SUGAR. Imagine a large meal of POLENTA with hot peppers followed by wine with
sugar added and then gelato and lots of coffee---(also arabian and with sugar) ----they get
Historically everyone has hated Jews ....................

Yes, given enough time that is true.
In this current case it's not all jews, it's the Zionist evil that's hated. It will be a shame the good ones will suffer the smackdown that is coming. The Nazis made the same mistake.
You're not the first person today I have asked to elaborate on this Nazi meme and none has responded...
Tell us exactly what "Zionists" do what the Nazis did.

Nationalism, racism, confiscation of property and killing indiscriminately.
What's wrong with nationalism; oh, I forgot, you want no borders.
Police have a habit of confiscation buildings where bombs are being made.
Have I told you already how full of shit you are?
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

Anti-Semites are jealous, bitter, and vindictive losers. They come from intellectually and morally inferior groups, mutated with Neanderthal genes. They howl out, knowing that the Survival of the Fittest will eventually make them extinct. Their destiny is dust.

Arabs are Semites....
Low-IQ Grammar Leads to Such Silly and Irrelevant Objections

Typical petty and ignorant nit-picking from a know-it-all nobody. The way the language is being used, "Anti-Semite" = Anti-Jewish and has nothing to do with the actual Semitic races. Besides, I doubt if the Jews are related to them at all; they are so different from those useless psychotic retards. Therefore, if historians were logical, they would have to conclude that the original Hebrews had the desert apes' language forced on them during captivity.

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and language is the easiest way to trace genes.
Semitic then actually implies Arab.
Arabs then are the base meaning of the word "Semitic".
And Hebrew only are Semitic because they were Arabs.
Arabs are the larger group as a whole, of which the Hebrew were just one small branch, no different than the Amorites, Chaldeans, Urites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Chaldeans, or any other other Semitic people of Arab origins.

So then when someone refers to anti-Jewish sentiment as being anti-Semitic, that is racist cultural appropriations.
It really means anti-Arab.
Which then obviously can't be used towards Arabs.
Arabs can't ever be called anti-Semitic once you realize that Semitic means Arab.
wrong again-----the LINGUISTIC group called SEMITIC goes all the way back to a
protolanguage-----AMHARIC << not arabic. The TERM antisemitic does refer to
hatred of Jews------it is the way LANGUAGES EVOLVE
You know Rigby is a Muslim, so why bother?

Really? I thought he was Jewish.. In any case he's well-educated.

Mosque educated. Anyone interested----FEIGN INTEREST IN ISLAM with some
muslim acquaintance ----that will get you invitations to mosques----make sure it is
a mosque used by SOUTH EAST ASIANS------they don't know arabic and they do the
KHUTBAH JUMAAT in english------prepare yourself for OVERWHELMING NAUSEA.
Khutbah Jumaat is the islamic excuse for a "sermon"-------it AIN't about LOVE

That is silly.
All old religions are barbaric, and Judaism is even more barbaric because it is even older.
No comparison.
Islam is vastly better than Judaism.
But I prefer something less strict.
80% of the world is in conflict and we're're an idiot.
Try BBC, AP News and Reuters.

Not really.. but some people love the drama and hyperbole.. Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?
80% of the world is in conflict and we're're an idiot.
Try BBC, AP News and Reuters.

We aren't that civilized .. We attacked Iraq based on lies, wrecked Iran's budding democracy in1953 based on lies and greed, support theft and murder based on religious entitlement.

Zealots and haters have a great deal in common whether they are Muslim, Christian or Jew. They are fortunately an ignorant minority, but they still create problems for normal,decent people.

who is "we" ? Iraq had a "budding democracy" like Iran's "democracy" is budding.
Iraq was a MESS in 1953 and remains a SUNNI/SHIITE cesspit

You did not read carefully enough.
It was Iran that had a good democracy in 1953 that the US destroyed, not Iraq.
It was Operation Ajax.
We had thousands murdered and installed the Shah as brutal dictator for decades.
The Iranians and all of the Mideast has good reason to hate the US for what we did.

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