MASSIVE SHOOTING in MAINE RIGHT NOW and shooter on the lose

We need a better country. In the 50s and even as late as a 1970s and 80s parents could walk right into a school to get their kids without any security issues.

We need to deport about 150 million people, mostly freaks, illegals, and anchor babies who support Democrats.

bulletin put out by the Maine Information and Analysis Center, a database for law enforcement officials, said Card was a trained firearms instructor and was believed to be in the Army Reserve.

It added that law enforcement said Card "recently reported mental health issues to include hearing voices and threats to shoot up the National Guard Base in Saco, ME."
That's a typical democrat but it doesn't appear to be the same person. Shooter Card was just released from a mental health facility. Now what liberal dumbass did that?

Another great legacy brought to us by Ted Kennedy and the Democratic Party; just turn all the nutjobs loose on the streets.

Nobody thought to search the guy's house and remove any firearms they found???
He’s not in a Hamas uniform.

He’s a member of the National Guard in Maine. He checked himself into a mental health facility because he was hearing voices telling him to shoot up his national station. He spent a couple weeks there and was released. He looks like he’s wearing a brown shirt or hoodie you could buy at any Walmart. While I don’t doubt a terrorist attacked is coming due to our open borders and the Muslim worlds hate for America, I don’t think anyone is screaming Allahu Akbar on this one.
I know, it's probably the prison garb handed to Hamas in the pic below, the meme is meant to remind people the first thing they thought was "Oh Oh it's starting", to bring focus to how important closing the border is right now in a time of open threats and found existing infiltrations, and reminding people who supported putting us at risk and started this weakness in the first place.
Beyond that another issue to rise will be that pic of suspect doesn't look like the gunman pic which looks younger & different and this will create some conspiracy theorists to doubt they are one in the same by way of not trusting media or gov't that protects it's policy foibles. Which is why it's very very important to have a media and Gov't that is honest and open and not liken to the CCP or KGB.
This guy seemingly acted alone. Imagine the ease with which this kind of attack could be carried off in most of the states with very little coordination and what the death toll would be. That southern border is going to cause massive loss of life some of these days.
The government only educates to the level that they approve of... public schools were a mistake... and government grants to Universities sealed the deal...

The government-run public school system was envisioned at the beginning of the industrial age to transition people from the currently rural agrarian lifestyle into a more industrial, centralized one in and around big cities to assure that the factories had an adequate supply of adequately-educated people able to do the jobs. Sort of like the movie Metropolis, if you've ever seen it.
IM2 can’t comprehend we don’t defend the guy based on his skin color.
You do it all the time so stop lying.

You defend and make excuses for white crime almost daily. When you are shown that whites commit more crimes, you pull up the excuse of per capita, or you excuse the numbers because there are more whites. So stop lying about what you don't do based on skin color.
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These mass shootings are the price we pay for living in a free country.

The correct teaching of history is too, but you right wingers work hard too end that but make the claim you have about this. Your comment is pure mental retard.
Another great legacy brought to us by Ted Kennedy and the Democratic Party; just turn all the nutjobs loose on the streets.

Nobody thought to search the guy's house and remove any firearms they found???
No, this is a Wayne LaPierre and Republican pro guns with few regulations production.
Over 350 mass shootings ( 4 or more) in the US this year so far .

If that is not indicative of mass psychosis then I cannot think what would be .
A Trump like figure could conceivably save you.
But nothing else , imho .
"Freedom" and hate, what a wonderful combination.
What do these people want? Don't they live in a city upon a hill?
Stupid enough to identify, incarcerate, and hear his plans of shooting people and then LET HIM GO!! WTF happened? Anyone?
Appreciate your OP .
But really all effort should be about locking all stable doors , rather than examining how some got left open in the first place-- though later this must be a crucial matter for analysis .
The longer that time passes without firm measures , the greater the likelihood of civil mayhem with the stance on Israel now being an obvious , fresh and enormous contributing factor to people further "losing the plot" .

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