MASSIVE SHOOTING in MAINE RIGHT NOW and shooter on the lose

You don't bring up whites resisting arrests. Yoiu did want to talk about blacks getting killed by police because they resist. So when it is mentioned that whites resist arrests and live you come with what you just said. It's all about denying racism with you so it seems. That's why you're in here when I never see you in threads by whites with videos and tweets about blacks attacking people and how whites need to be armed.
i believe every law abiding citizen has a right to be armed ! white or black ! heck even though i argue with you a lot i dont want you to be a victim of thugs either and if you live in an area where violent crime is a problem i hope that you are armed also !
This is awful! I think we had only 29 murders in the whole state last year....and now for this, there is 22 dead so far....

Every year, Maine and Vermont duke it out for the safest state in the Nation..... Oh well, we could be dead last after this....per 100,000 people..... :(

Poor family members can't find out the status of their loved ones, whether dead or injured.... :(
I don't think he's gonna let himself be taken alive.

Oh, he probably will. These little shitheads are cowards.

Lewiston was perfect for him. No one carries there.
cops dont pull people over for no reason idiot ! traffic stops are an unknown possible threat for the officer .. cops dont see someone driving and not breaking the law and say to themselves i'm going to pull that guy over and harass him ! cops like that dont stay on the force long . but if ure blasting the base and not using turn signals expect to get pulled over .
Actually they do pull people over for no reason. Traaffic stops are really do not pose danger to an officer.

Policing, Danger Narratives, and Routine Traffic Stops
Jordan Blair Woods
University of Arkansas School of Law, Fayetteville

“To summarize, the findings do not support the dominant dangernarrative surrounding routine traffic stops. Based on a conservative estimate,I found that the rate for a felonious killing of an officer during a routine trafficstop for a traffic violation was only 1 in every 6.5 million stops. The rate foran assault that results in serious injury to an officer was only 1 in every 361,111stops. Finally, the rate for an assault (whether it results in officer injury ornot) was only 1 in every 6,959 stops. Less conservative estimates suggest thatthese rates may be much lower. In addition, the vast majority (over 98%) ofthe evaluated cases in the study resulted in no or minor injuries to the officers.Further, only a very small percentage of cases (about 3%) involved violenceagainst officers in which a gun or knife was used or found at the scene, andthe overwhelming majority of those cases resulted in no or minor injuries toan officer. Less than 1% of the evaluated cases involved guns or knives andresulted in serious injury to or the felonious killing of an officer.”

nobodies blaming all muslims .. but with the anger and hatred being shown towards the nation of Israel and the US support Israel is receiving one would be stupid not to recognize that this may be related to that .
One is stupid to fall for Netanyahu's lies, but trying to tie this to Israel when for the longest time our own intelligence agencies have stated that our number one thread is homegrown terrorism is foolish.
i believe every law abiding citizen has a right to be armed ! white or black ! heck even though i argue with you a lot i dont want you to be a victim of thugs either and if you live in an area where violent crime is a problem i hope that you are armed also !
Violent crime is a problem everywhere in America. And thugs like this guy tonight commmits mass tragedies because whites are soooo concerned about black crime they ignore the serious problem of crime in the white community.
No Moon Bat. Stop being a racist. The great majority of what the FBI calls "mass shootings" are Black or Brown gang, druggie or street thug shootings.

What I want to know is why are so many goddamn Somalians in Maine? Who in the hell brought the filth here? Was it Queer Barry or Potatohead? Both of them are sick in the head with this diversity bullshit.

Indiscriminate killer of women children and the elderly with an assault rifle.

Definitely a pussy ass white boy.
I have been following this news....

Can anybody confirm or deny please?
Is this the same?

Auburn Police arrests two following shooting at apartment complex on Golf Club Drive​


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