Massive Twister Hitting OKC

No amount of roof strapping is going to help with a direct hit from an f4 or greater. Doubt it would help with an F3?

You are talking not straight winds. These things will twist a roof off like a bottle top. Besides, once the doors and windows go, if your not below ground. ...

God help you

when the doors and windows come off

or a pickup truck crashes through the wall or roof at 160 mph

If you're within the debris fall, you need to get the hell outta dodge or take shelter underground.

exactly when i was younger and immortal

we got danger close a couple of times
I wonder what would happen to broward/dade county if the same tornado hit them full force west to east. (and it could happen) we still have a lot of older homes out there. and we are going into tornado season now. I am safe, well I assume I am!

In the 11 years here, we have had only 2 tornadoes in the area and they were an ef0 and an ef1. Unfortunately they hit mobile home parks, and of course those most always sustain damage even in the lightest storms.
I'm not sure how much complacency there is in Oklahoma considering they do get hit frequently, but I know what you mean. Here in Ohio, the warnings are usually taken with a grain of salt. We rarely get hit hard, but a community very close to where I live was hit two years ago and was completely destroyed.
most there do take it seriously.

I was in Xenia when the big one hit in ' this day I believe one of the largest death tolls for a tornado. The tornado went right down my street and hit every house on the other side of the street...our house had almost no damage. Many friends of ours not so lucky...I was only 3 at the time.

[ame=]Tornado Destroys Xenia Ohio - YouTube[/ame]

Omg. I remember the news reports. That was tragic. Didn't that one stay on the ground for 100 miles or more?
Here is some old footage that was just posted this year....but some of the best footage I have ever seen of a tornado up close and personal.

[ame=]NEW Absolutely incredible tornado video from Hattiesburg, MS EF4 - YouTube[/ame]

Im not sure how long it was on the ground. But there was a huge out break of tornados, reminiscent of the outbreak surrounding Joplin. Kind of the same thing in '74, but the one in Xenia was the biggie of the bunch.

Some friends of my parents were in their backyard sucking down lemonade...and watched it come right at their house. They actually survived it by going to the bathroom with a mattress...their house was leveled. They now live in Dayton, not too far away from Xenia.
CaféAuLait;7264033 said:
A bit of a feel good story after all the bad,

This elderly woman was in the middle of an interview about losing her dog and upset about it, but then...

Okla. tornado survivor finds dog buried alive under rubble - CBS News Video

Who says God doesn't answer prayers........That brought a tear to My eyes.

Now that video was some great stuff...that dog heard her talking and started poking its head out....awesome! That dog looked like he saw a ghost and was what the hell just happened!? Great story.
At least 20 children dead so far :(

I HOPE when they rebuild they make damn sure there is a fallout shelter at schools!


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You are a disgusting piece of crap.

You mean Inhofe is a disgusting piece of crap.

You reap what you sow.

You shit on the earth and mock the EPA -- it will come back to bite you in the ass.

No, you're a disgusting piece of crap. People were dieing the very minute you posted that vile bucket of vomit. You obviously believe pushing your agenda takes precedence over everything, even hundred of people dying.

Here's a news flash for ya: You don't help your cause by showing the world what a disgusting loathsome ogre you are.
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I would imagine that at some point last night George Bush was saying, If Chrissy tries to pin this on one me, I will personally show him my 1974 Smith&Wesson, and maybe even show him what damage it can do to his desk. (the one he spews lies on every night at 5pm).
I am wonderng why school was open today? Did not tornados hit yesterday in the area? And why doesn't the schools have basements?

Lots of people trying to get in there. Some to looky loo..some to offer help..some who actually came home from work to discover their house is gone..or their kid was in one of the schools, or the spouse was home with the baby, or to check on their pets....all are being turned away. Got news for them....nothing and nobody would stop me from going HOME..whether it is there or not. I would find another way in.
They need to check drivers licenses and if they live there, they can go in.
What if someone was coming home from work in OKcity and live in Moore and their kids were in school? They ae not allowed in???

The Governor said she's looking to see how old the school is. It's code to be better set up than what they were
Welcome to REALITY.

These people have more than the heartache of losing lives. Somehow, they have to rebuild. If you have never seen it or experienced, you just can't' know how bad it is.

Some of our congress vote against helping these people. THAT makes it political. If you want to blame someone, blame those who turn their back on AMERICANS who need help.

Amazing isn't it?

Why don't these fucks do the right thing in the first place?

You guys can't even wait 24 hours before making this political issue?????? What's wrong with you??

Believe it or not..Oklahoma will eventually have to go to the "big bad government" for help.

They should get it.

And NO SENATOR should be denying them.

That's NOT what happened when New York had it's time of need.

And that's a problem.
At least 20 children dead so far :(

I HOPE when they rebuild they make damn sure there is a fallout shelter at schools!

These things give very little warning. This one sounds like one of those that there would not have been time to get the kids to a shelter.

warning has got better since when i was a kid

back then it was

-look there is a TORNADO RUN

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