Mathematician to Refute Official Theory of WTC Destruction at Upcoming Conference


Where are all the rigs needed to hold the thermite against the beams and all the devices to ignite the thermite?
There must be thousands of these big bulky rigs. No need to look for dust particles.
I think he means his ass.
When the exhumed bodies of some of the firefighters are examined, they won't be looking in the asses so much .. It's what's in the lungs they'll be examining very closely.

Fun fact; This has more views than the number of people killed at ground zero....( 2,606 ).
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That is not true.
It has been survived many different skyscrapers, MANY times, including a B-24 that hit the Empire State building.
They could not build skyscrapers unless there was no way a plane NORMALLY should bring one down.
Even then, the building stayed up for hours, and if the sprinkler system had worked, there was no way it should have come down.
Seriously, you didn't just try to make that comparison? A fully fueled 767 with close to 17,000 gallons of jet fuel, flying at 4 to 5 hundred MPH ... with a much smaller aircraft, little fuel remaining, and flying at maybe 200 MPH.

You can't fly a Boeing 767 at 500 mph that low. It can only achieve those speed at very high altitudes.
And although a B-24 only has a 3,614 US gal fuel capacity, it would be high test gasoline instead of jp oil, so would burn much hotter and faster.
But I see the 767 has a 300,000 lb weight, compared to only 65,000 pounds of the B-24.
So the impact had almost 5 times the energy.
B-25 is much smaller than a B-24
It does not have anywhere near the kinetic force of a modern jetliner

A small prop plane with little fuel and low speed -- compared to a modern day large commercial jet with a shitload of jet fuel, flying at high speed and at an angle to maximize damage. Yeah, that's practically the same thing.


Again that is a lie.
The WTC was started in 1969, so the building codes would have at least required the towers to be able to safely withstand a crash of twice the largest plane in existence in 1969.
So are you saying they should get their money back
It didn't matter if you were flying or driving, arriving in the city especially at night was always a rush .

We drove up from Cleveland on shrooms one time...around 1983.
No, the take off weight of a B-25, is more like 35,000 pounds,
Irrelevant, the B25 in your example was nearly empty of fuel. That was already covered, stop wasting everyone's time.

Here are pilots discussing that the speed calculations are impossible
You mean, there is a small group of truther pilots who have neen refited by literally every single other person in the airline industry. Oh, and you might want to tell those inane fools that we have 1000s of real time videos of the crashes from which speed can be calculated.

Does it not embarrass you to make such silly errors and believe such nonsense, when the factsare available to you to understand that it is nonsense?
The WTC was started in 1969, so the building codes would have at least required the towers to be able to safely withstand a crash of twice the largest plane in existence in 1969.
*assuming that the fire prevention measurrs all worked.

On 9/11, they didn't. The flame retardant foam was removed from the superstructure, and the sprinklers failed.

What about that do you not understand?
9/11: Finally the Truth Comes Out?
By Paul Craig Roberts | Jan 4, 2019

Although the United States is allegedly a democracy with a rule of law, it has taken 17 years for public pressure to bring about the first grand jury investigation of 9/11. Based on the work of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth led by Richard Gage, first responder and pilots organizations, books by David Ray Griffen and others, and eyewitness testimony, the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry has presented enough hard facts to the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York to force his compliance with the provisions of federal law that require the convening of a federal grand jury to investigate for the first time the attacks of September 11, 2001.

This puts the US Justice (sic) Department in an extraordinary position. Every informed person is aware that elements of the US government were involved either in the perpetration of the 9/11 attacks or in a coverup of the attacks. There will be tremendous pressures on the US Attorney’s office to have the grand jury dismiss the evidence as an unpatriotic conspiracy theory or otherwise maneuver to discredit the evidence presented by the Lawyers’ Committee, or modify the official account without totally discrediting it.

We can have hopes that the United States can establish the true story of its own Reichstag Fire, but I am not holding my breath that the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York can stand up to the powerful elements in the Deep State that perpetuated or covered up the 9/11 false flag attacks or that he is inclined to try.

What the 9/11 truthers and the Lawyers’ Committee have achieved is the destruction of the designation of 9/11 skeptics as “conspiracy theorists.” No US Attorney would convene a grand jury on the basis of a conspiracy theory. Clearly, the evidence is compelling that has put the US Attorney in an unenviable position.

9/11: Finally the Truth Comes Out?
I talked to my accountant and he said 9-11 was an inside job

Accountants are good at math
I talked to my accountant and he said 9-11 was an inside job

Accountants are good at math
9/11 was fumbled, bungled and blundered before, during and after, and since.
The only fuzzy math is by those like you who accept the 9/11 Commission and NIST conclusions.
I talked to my accountant and he said 9-11 was an inside job

Accountants are good at math
9/11 was fumbled, bungled and blundered before, during and after, and since.
The only fuzzy math is by those like you who accept the 9/11 Commission and NIST conclusions.

After close to 20 years, I have yet to see a credible alternative explanation

You got one?
I talked to my accountant and he said 9-11 was an inside job

Accountants are good at math
9/11 was fumbled, bungled and blundered before, during and after, and since.
The only fuzzy math is by those like you who accept the 9/11 Commission and NIST conclusions.

After close to 20 years, I have yet to see a credible alternative explanation

You got one?
Nah. I'm just a curious shark fisherman mate. God
knows who the bad guys are. No worries.

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