Matt Lauer fired for sexual misconduct ?

Well it looks like i better stop saying this to women at my job

"Good morning fluffy buns "
It's odd there's not been any deliberation in any of these accusations. On top of that, no facts after the matter.
That indicates....the accusations were true. If they weren't, the wrongly accused guys would be screaming for a suit. O'Reilly insisted he was going to fight all the accusations against him--but it's been how long now and there's been .... nothing? At least so it seems.
Shadenfreude on steroids with a side of Titos on the rocks with blue cheese stuffed olives. Yum-yum!

Okay, I'll see your Bill O'Reilly and Roger Ailes and raise you a Chuck Rose, Matty Lauer, Fish Lips Franken, Kevie-girl Spacey, Dusty Hoffman, Bennie Affleck, Harvey Swinestein, Ollie Stone, Dick Dreyfuss, Louis C.K. Mark Halperin, Glenn Thrush, Carlos Danger, and Johnny Conyers, for now.

We're Number 2!...We're Number 2! the war on women.
Shadenfreude on steroids with a side of Titos on the rocks with blue cheese stuffed olives. Yum-yum!

Okay, I'll see your Bill O'Reilly and Roger Ailes and raise you a Chuck Rose, Matty Lauer, Fish Lips Franken, Kevie-girl Spacey, Dusty Hoffman, Bennie Affleck, Harvey Swinestein, Ollie Stone, Dick Dreyfuss, Louis C.K. Mark Halperin, Glenn Thrush, Carlos Danger, and Johnny Conyers, for now.

We're Number 2!...We're Number 2! the war on women.
You conveniently forgot Moore. And he's a high Ace, for sure.
Matt layer was laughing when it happened to O’Rielly. I cannot stop laughing this Am. I hope that asshole morning joe is next!
That indicates....the accusations were true. If they weren't, the wrongly accused guys would be screaming for a suit. O'Reilly insisted he was going to fight all the accusations against him--but it's been how long now and there's been .... nothing? At least so it seems.

Sorry, ma'am, I'm not talking to women on the Internet anymore. Too risky. Talk to the hand.
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It may turn out we are all sexual deviants... :coffee:
What I think is that all of these people, men and women, need training in how to avoid sexual harassment, as the agressor or the receiver. Women can be the agressor too, let's not forget that. People need to learn how to behave.
Sexual harassment awareness training isn't going to do a damned thing. Most large companies already have mandatory training, and these guys know they're doing wrong. The only thing that will work is if men stop getting away with it. In order for that to happen, women need to report it when it happens. In order for that to happen, the women need to be taken at their word and the allegations need to be fairly investigated. In order for that to happen? A whole different attitude at the top about this type of behavior. Until now, it has been condoned by keeping the perps protected with silence and pay offs, or dragging the accuser through the mud for daring to speak up.
I wonder if there is video of Lauer condemning his fellow abusers Bill O'Reilly and Roger Ailes. That would be priceless.
Tune in to Rush today. His staff will have the audio of whatever's out there. Did a great job a week or so ago on someone, Rose or whomever it was.

Rush is Mr. Schadenfreude whenever a lefty trips over his own dick.
Hell, men should stay totally away from women. It damn sure ain’t worth it.
I really couldn't give a fuck less... but it is fun to watch some of these leftist jerk offs eat some of their own.
Hell, men should stay totally away from women. It damn sure ain’t worth it.
Gettin' to be that way. Next just asking a girl for a date will be SEXUAL HARASSMENT.

Might be time to step back and reexamine what's going on here, and how far this crap is going to go.

And I'm waiting for the first MAN to come forward and accuse a WOMAN of sexual harassment, because I know damn well that there's just as aggressive women out there as there are men, and they've cornered and grabbed men. My bet is most men in those situations either enjoyed it or are too big a pussies to come forward with their stories.
That indicates....the accusations were true. If they weren't, the wrongly accused guys would be screaming for a suit. O'Reilly insisted he was going to fight all the accusations against him--but it's been how long now and there's been .... nothing? At least so it seems.

Sorry, ma'am, I'm not talking to women on the Internet anymore. Too risky. Talk to the hand.
You have no worries here, Mr. Citizen. The old dinosaur network is working just fine.
It may turn out we are all sexual deviants... :coffee:
What I think is that all of these people, men and women, need training in how to avoid sexual harassment, as the agressor or the receiver. Women can be the agressor too, let's not forget that. People need to learn how to behave.
Sexual harassment awareness training isn't going to do a damned thing. Most large companies already have mandatory training, and these guys know they're doing wrong. The only thing that will work is if men stop getting away with it. In order for that to happen, women need to report it when it happens. In order for that to happen, the women need to be taken at their word and the allegations need to be fairly investigated. In order for that to happen? A whole different attitude at the top about this type of behavior. Until now, it has been condoned by keeping the perps protected with silence and pay offs, or dragging the accuser through the mud for daring to speak up.
I wonder if there is video of Lauer condemning his fellow abusers Bill O'Reilly and Roger Ailes. That would be priceless.
Tune in to Rush today. His staff will have the audio of whatever's out there. Did a great job a week or so ago on someone, Rose or whomever it was.

Rush is Mr. Schadenfreude whenever a lefty trips over his own dick.
How did he treat Bill O'Reilly when he was accused of sexual misconduct? And Trump? Steven Segal? GW Bush? Tony Cornish? Roy Moore? Michael Fallon? Kentucky House Speaker Jeff Hoover? All Republicans. I'll bet Mr. Schadenfreude gives them a pass.
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Hell, men should stay totally away from women. It damn sure ain’t worth it.
/----/ At work in the 1990s I saw it on both sides. We had a sales manager who would hit on the rep's wives and threaten t o fire their husbands if they didn't do the nasty with him. Then we had a female sales rep who flirted with the guys, one fell for it and hopped in the sack with her. When she failed to hit quota, she ran teary eyed to HR and filed a harassment complaint. She got a payoff, kept her job and the guy lost his job. And of course there were men and women who carried on affairs right in front of everyone.
Anita Hill accused judge Clarence Thomas then she followed him from one job to another. You men better start protecting yourselves. No more mister nice guy.

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