Matt Lauer fired for sexual misconduct ?

Hell, men should stay totally away from women. It damn sure ain’t worth it.
/----/ At work in the 1990s I saw it on both sides. We had a sales manager who would hit on the rep's wives and threaten t o fire their husbands if they didn't do the nasty with him. Then we had a female sales rep who flirted with the guys, one fell for it and hopped in the sack with her. When she failed to hit quota, she ran teary eyed to HR and filed a harassment complaint. She got a payoff, kept her job and the guy lost his job. And of course there were men and women who carried on affairs right in front of everyone.
Affairs have nothing to do with it. The first example sure does. THAT's what needs to stop.
This is just the lefts attempt to turn us all into faggots. Don't they have enough already?
He's been fired. Matt Lauer fired from NBC News Matt Lauer was fired from NBC News on Wednesday after an employee filed a complaint about "inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace," the network announced. Matt Lauer fired from NBC News after complaint about 'inappropriate sexual behavior'
There must be no fraternization in the work place, period.

I am also waiting for the first high profile woman to get the heave ho. While it is not nearly as common as males on harassment, it does happen. There was a female company commander in the support brigade who kept hitting on some of the NCOs in the headquarters and headquarters company. A friend told me of a situation with a dean of instruction in an East Texas community college who would hit on old male students. I observed it in graduate school, where the Faculty Senate refused to ban fraternization between professors and graduate students.

This time has been a long, long time developing.
Hell, men should stay totally away from women. It damn sure ain’t worth it.
/----/ At work in the 1990s I saw it on both sides. We had a sales manager who would hit on the rep's wives and threaten t o fire their husbands if they didn't do the nasty with him. Then we had a female sales rep who flirted with the guys, one fell for it and hopped in the sack with her. When she failed to hit quota, she ran teary eyed to HR and filed a harassment complaint. She got a payoff, kept her job and the guy lost his job. And of course there were men and women who carried on affairs right in front of everyone.
Affairs have nothing to do with it. The first example sure does. THAT's what needs to stop.
/-----/ What about the second one? The guy thought it was just an affair but was being set up.

Matt Lauer’s ex wife accused him of “cruel and inhumane behavior” in 2006. No one in the media listened
If someone called me fluffybuns I'd fart in their general direction

Matt Lauer allegedly sexually assaulted a female NBC staffer during the Rio Olympics, sources told Page Six.

The staffer, who has not been named and wishes to remain anonymous, complained to NBC News bosses yesterday, prompting them to move fast and fire him.
happened in the summer
she talks about it now that ME TOO is trending so heavily
he's fired

THEN we go look for supporting evidence.
if she is to remain anonymous, so should the accused--until proven guilty.........very unfair
same as a rape case.....the accused is/are dragged through the mud/etc.....we see what happened to the Duke lacrosse team, Tawana Brawly case, etc
If he is innocent, I hope he fires back which goes for everyone else who is no different.

God bless you and those who are innocent always!!!


P.S. Who will they go after next?
Men can be horny or have a job but not both.
Most men, particularly young men, are horny 24/7/365. It is the way God made it...nothing we can do to prevent it.

However, most men learn early on to control your naturally desire for sex and do not commit abusive actions.

Matt Lauer allegedly sexually assaulted a female NBC staffer during the Rio Olympics, sources told Page Six.

The staffer, who has not been named and wishes to remain anonymous, complained to NBC News bosses yesterday, prompting them to move fast and fire him.
happened in the summer
she talks about it now that ME TOO is trending so heavily
he's fired

THEN we go look for supporting evidence.
if she is to remain anonymous, so should the accused--until proven guilty.........very unfair
same as a rape case.....the accused is/are dragged through the mud/etc.....we see what happened to the Duke lacrosse team, Tawana Brawly case, etc
yep. anonymous bomb dropping on people you don't like - on the next oprah winfrey!

it's crap. men abusing women like this is crap, women getting some revenge in and hiding w/o having to prove their accusations - bigger pile of crap.
He's been fired.

Matt Lauer fired from NBC News

Matt Lauer was fired from NBC News on Wednesday after an employee filed a complaint about "inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace," the network announced.

Matt Lauer fired from NBC News after complaint about 'inappropriate sexual behavior'
Watching the gut wrenching cry babies over at msnbc is hiiarious
Which ones....? Name them.

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