Matt Walsh NAILS it as always

The modern cnservatives economic fantasy is a leap of faith, by people afraid to fight.
What does that even mean? That's not even a coherent sentence :eusa_doh:
Read your first two posts. Its all there.
Who is "afraid to fight"??? And what "fight" are they afraid to engage in? Again, it's an incoherent sentence by yet another illiterate libtard. Did all of you drop out of school before reaching high school or just the majority of you?

modern mass immigration started in britain in the 50s. what happened was, cultural marxists exploited ww2 to take over the permanent staff positions in government departments. now this is the bit where courage comes in. whenever a politician or staff member spoke against immigration, he/she was relentlessly bullied and sabotaged by these commies, in overt and subtle ways.

so. after a couple of decades no true patriots were willing to risk their careers, families, livelihood and even their lives.

this is where the whole small government idea came in, moron. these guys knew they couldn't beat the cultural the idea was to just throw the whole cultural marxist infested mess in the bin. right?

(now of course having a small government is an OUTDATED tactic because university drones have taken over entire PRIVATE companies. SO PLEASE DO TRY TO KEEP UP YOU SLACK PRICK!)

then along came assholes like willian kristol's father(an ex communist! FFS) with these economic solutions. and while changes in the economy have over different times aided feminism and also hampered feminism. I.E. put women into the workplace to obstruct production, or conversely, put them back into the home to boost production; this particular tactic matt walsh is RUMINATING over has FAILED.

You are useless but i wrote this post for the inquiring mind's who are reading it.

have a nice evening, you pedestrian intellect, reactionary, crashing bore.
Why dont you give up? Because its filling your bank accounts. You are cowards, corrupt and parasites.

1.) Why don't you use punctuation? There is an apostrophe in conjunctions. You've yet to illustrate that you're aware of that fact.

2.) Am I not supposed to put money in my bank account? What's the end game? What's the goal of the idiot libtard ideology - see how poor I can be? Try to live in poverty like the Cuban's who were forced into left-wing stupidity by Fidel Castro?

Nothing lowers the bar like liberalism... :cuckoo:
ah my tablet sux.
So does your grammar.... :lol:
The modern cnservatives economic fantasy is a leap of faith, by people afraid to fight.
What does that even mean? That's not even a coherent sentence :eusa_doh:
Read your first two posts. Its all there.
Who is "afraid to fight"??? And what "fight" are they afraid to engage in? Again, it's an incoherent sentence by yet another illiterate libtard. Did all of you drop out of school before reaching high school or just the majority of you?

modern mass immigration started in britain in the 50s. what happened was, cultural marxists exploited ww2 to take over the permanent staff positions in government departments. now this is the bit where courage comes in. whenever a politician or staff member spoke against immigration, he/she was relentlessly bullied and sabotaged by these commies, in overt and subtle ways.

so. after a couple of decades no true patriots were willing to risk their careers, families, livelihood and even their lives.

this is where the whole small government idea came in, moron. these guys knew they couldn't beat the cultural the idea was to just throw the whole cultural marxist infested mess in the bin. right?

(now of course having a small government is an OUTDATED tactic because university drones have taken over entire PRIVATE companies. SO PLEASE DO TRY TO KEEP UP YOU SLACK PRICK!)

then along came assholes like willian kristol's father(an ex communist! FFS) with these economic solutions. and while changes in the economy have over different times aided feminism and also hampered feminism. I.E. put women into the workplace to obstruct production, or conversely, put them back into the home to boost production; this particular tactic matt walsh is RUMINATING over has FAILED.

You are useless but i wrote this post for the inquiring mind's who are reading it.

have a nice evening, you pedestrian intellect, reactionary, crashing bore.
So let me get this straight - you say (and I quote) "The modern cnservatives economic fantasy is a leap of faith, by people afraid to fight" and I'm supposed to know that you mean (and I quote again) "modern mass immigration started in britain in the 50s...and...cultural marxists exploited ww2 to take over the permanent staff positions in government departments. now this is the bit where courage comes in. whenever a politician or staff member spoke against immigration, he/she was relentlessly bullied and sabotaged by these commies, in overt and subtle ways. so. after a couple of decades no true patriots were willing to risk their careers, families, livelihood and even their lives. this is where the whole small government idea came in, moron. these guys knew they couldn't beat the cultural the idea was to just throw the whole cultural marxist infested mess in the bin. right?" :cukcoo:

I mean....seriously dude....why are you even here? You're so fucking lazy that you can't type more than two sentences. And when asked to expound on your cryptic sentence or two - you actually type the word "sigh" to illustrate your exasperation at having to type a little bit to clarify your cryptic nonsense. I'm sorry, is typing particularly exhausting for your frail and dainty little fingers?!? God Almighty. The purpose of a messages board is to discuss. If typing is so exhausting for you, then don't come here you lazy fuck'n bastard. You're cryptic and nonsensical one or two sentence posts are useless. You're so fuck'n lazy you're actually annoyed at having to answer a simply question with more than one sentence. Geez.....

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