Matthew 6, What a nightmare on national TV yesterday!!

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Now you're lying. Matthew 27 and Luke 23, Jesus cried out from the cross.

You did not quote the scriptures, you just spout opinion and your interpretation.
I gave you the Scripture references, Matthew 27 and Luke 23. Read them yourself. Liar.

You did it after your original post, liar!
You're obviously confused or just deliberately trying to cause confusion.
We shall see, but I am beyond caring.

I'm surprised by this, that you don't care. For weeks, the alleged rape train parties supposedly organized by Kav and his friend Judge were considered to be the height of importance.

Isn't it important to resolve this issue?
There is no resolution, prince. The nomination is confirmed, a done deal. And my concern was never the "Grease 10" bit, as I have often stated.

Although the confirmation is done, next year if the Democrats win a majority in the House, we'll be looking at an impeachment proceedings against Kavanaugh and others.

Further, even if the D's don't get the majority, clearing the air and the cloud over the protagonists here is important. Kav is a Supreme Court justice after all.

Probably not, but we will see Trump tax returns.

For what reason? You need probable cause and then it could be a closed document. Not sure why leftists think they need taxes.

They wouldn't know how to read the forms if they got them. They would just wait for their favorite hate merchant to tell them what to be mad about.
For what reason? You need probable cause and then it could be a closed document. Not sure why leftists think they need taxes.

If I were advising the lame stream media, I'd advise them to manufacture copies of Trump's tax returns themselves. Just write it up on an appropriate form and just say that its authentic. The devotees of the left will believe that crap and that will be that.

Sure, it will be Fake News, but that's their speciality.

After release from Turkey, pastor meets with Trump in Oval Office
Lovely pic.
Thanx so much, Pen!
AMEN! I don't care about the Separation of Church and State so much here, as just downright hypocritical showmanship. How gullible does he think we are?


you claiming it was scripted?

How gullible does he think we are?

Good question.

how gullible are you?

you claiming it was scripted?

Yes, Will, I am sure of it.
Were the pics of Obama praying scripted?
Obama was praying to God.
Brunson was praying to Trump.

See the difference?
Brunson was laying his hand on Trump and praying to God, that's scriptural. You obviously haven't spent any time in a Christian Church. When Christians pray for others they put their hand on them some times. What an idiotic ignorant post.
On another thread, she put Bidens groping down to him simply being a kind touchy feely Christian! So i guess her interpretation depends entirely on the political affiliation of the parties involved.

you claiming it was scripted?

Good question.

how gullible are you?

you claiming it was scripted?

Yes, Will, I am sure of it.
Were the pics of Obama praying scripted?
Obama was praying to God.
Brunson was praying to Trump.

See the difference?
Brunson was laying his hand on Trump and praying to God, that's scriptural. You obviously haven't spent any time in a Christian Church. When Christians pray for others they put their hand on them some times. What an idiotic ignorant post.

You mean Evangelicals, and there Is a time and place for everything, and that was not it. On national TV. And he said, in Jesus's name. I am so upset over this.
Raging TDS alert! :cuckoo:
Someone call the waaaaaambulance!
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you claiming it was scripted?

Good question.

how gullible are you?

you claiming it was scripted?

Yes, Will, I am sure of it.
Were the pics of Obama praying scripted?
Obama was praying to God.
Brunson was praying to Trump.

See the difference?
Brunson was laying his hand on Trump and praying to God, that's scriptural. You obviously haven't spent any time in a Christian Church. When Christians pray for others they put their hand on them some times. What an idiotic ignorant post.

You mean Evangelicals, and there Is a time and place for everything, and that was not it. On national TV. And he said, in Jesus's name. I am so upset over this.

Penelope, there is no sense trying to talk to this crew. They haven't got a Christian idea between them. Hateful judgment and condemnation masked as "religion" when it's actually nothing but politics is all they've got.
Actually it’s you with all the hateful judgement here. Just read your own hate filled posts.
5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the
street corners to be seen by others.
Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.


It was a unacceptable spectacle and a disgrace to show a man praying for the Potus on national TV.

Then again I believe in the Separation of Church and State, I do not want a theocratic government where only the leaders can screw whoever they want and lead a life of crime, like Saudi Arabia.
AMEN! I don't care about the Separation of Church and State so much here, as just downright hypocritical showmanship. How gullible does he think we are?


you claiming it was scripted?

How gullible does he think we are?

Good question.

how gullible are you?

you claiming it was scripted?

Yes, Will, I am sure of it.
Were the pics of Obama praying scripted?
Obama was praying to God.
Brunson was praying to Trump.

See the difference?

Hey Old Lady. You had several actual Christians explain to you that Pastor Brunson was not "praying to Trump". He was kneeling and laying on of hands, a very Scriptural and well known mode of prayer to actual Christians.

You have not amended nor apologized for your horrible smear of a good Christian man. You are known here for being "fair minded". As far as I know, fair-minded people retract when they have been proven wrong.

Unless you are so all-knowing that you actually KNOW that Pastor Brunson was praying TO Trump despite his words and actions, you are wrong.

So, which is it? Are you not actually fair-minded, or are you just another rabid anti-Christian? You've never actually fooled me. Not for one second.
We shall see, but I am beyond caring.
I'm surprised by this, that you don't care. For weeks, the alleged rape train parties supposedly organized by Kav and his friend Judge were considered to be the height of importance.
Isn't it important to resolve this issue?
There is no resolution, prince. The nomination is confirmed, a done deal. And my concern was never the "Grease 10" bit, as I have often stated.

Although the confirmation is done, next year if the Democrats win a majority in the House, we'll be looking at an impeachment proceedings against Kavanaugh and others.

Further, even if the D's don't get the majority, clearing the air and the cloud over the protagonists here is important. Kav is a Supreme Court justice after all.

Probably not, but we will see Trump tax returns.

For what reason? You need probable cause and then it could be a closed document. Not sure why leftists think they need see candidates taxes, there is no rule or law that ever required it.

It will come out, because he is a Potus and all Potus show their returns, and he is a crook. Why don't you think he shows them?

you claiming it was scripted?

Yes, Will, I am sure of it.
Were the pics of Obama praying scripted?
Obama was praying to God.
Brunson was praying to Trump.

See the difference?
Brunson was laying his hand on Trump and praying to God, that's scriptural. You obviously haven't spent any time in a Christian Church. When Christians pray for others they put their hand on them some times. What an idiotic ignorant post.

You mean Evangelicals, and there Is a time and place for everything, and that was not it. On national TV. And he said, in Jesus's name. I am so upset over this.
Raging TDS alert! :cuckoo:
Someone call the waaaaaambulance!

Trump can go to a church or in a closet and have someone pray over him. Not TDS, Separation of Church and State. The last thing I want if to be controlled by Evangelicals but it sure looks like they are everywhere and far deep into politics, like usual. Jeffress is so sickening, they all are. See my sig. That tells you everything you need to know. Disgusting demons.
AMEN! I don't care about the Separation of Church and State so much here, as just downright hypocritical showmanship. How gullible does he think we are?


you claiming it was scripted?

How gullible does he think we are?

Good question.

how gullible are you?

you claiming it was scripted?

Yes, Will, I am sure of it.
Were the pics of Obama praying scripted?
Obama was praying to God.
Brunson was praying to Trump.

See the difference?

Hey Old Lady. You had several actual Christians explain to you that Pastor Brunson was not "praying to Trump". He was kneeling and laying on of hands, a very Scriptural and well known mode of prayer to actual Christians.

You have not amended nor apologized for your horrible smear of a good Christian man. You are known here for being "fair minded". As far as I know, fair-minded people retract when they have been proven wrong.

Unless you are so all-knowing that you actually KNOW that Pastor Brunson was praying TO Trump despite his words and actions, you are wrong.

So, which is it? Are you not actually fair-minded, or are you just another rabid anti-Christian? You've never actually fooled me. Not for one second.

He was doing both, praying for him and to him. On TV for all to see, disgraceful. Reading from a script he wrote down, what a hoot. Poor little Turkey man, after 22 years in Turkey, his church only had what 25 members. He is likely connected with the Gulen movement, they have a lot of charter schools here in the US, in TX and Ohio, they have to bring in teachers from Turkey, even though they have less credentials.

you claiming it was scripted?

Good question.

how gullible are you?

you claiming it was scripted?

Yes, Will, I am sure of it.
Were the pics of Obama praying scripted?
Obama was praying to God.
Brunson was praying to Trump.

See the difference?

Hey Old Lady. You had several actual Christians explain to you that Pastor Brunson was not "praying to Trump". He was kneeling and laying on of hands, a very Scriptural and well known mode of prayer to actual Christians.

You have not amended nor apologized for your horrible smear of a good Christian man. You are known here for being "fair minded". As far as I know, fair-minded people retract when they have been proven wrong.

Unless you are so all-knowing that you actually KNOW that Pastor Brunson was praying TO Trump despite his words and actions, you are wrong.

So, which is it? Are you not actually fair-minded, or are you just another rabid anti-Christian? You've never actually fooled me. Not for one second.

He was doing both, praying for him and to him. On TV for all to see, disgraceful. Reading from a script he wrote down, what a hoot. Poor little Turkey man, after 22 years in Turkey, his church only had what 25 members. He is likely connected with the Gulen movement, they have a lot of charter schools here in the US, in TX and Ohio, they have to bring in teachers from Turkey, even though they have less credentials.
Did anybody mention that Trump also relaxed a sanction or two for the trade?

you claiming it was scripted?

Good question.

how gullible are you?

you claiming it was scripted?

Yes, Will, I am sure of it.
Were the pics of Obama praying scripted?
Obama was praying to God.
Brunson was praying to Trump.

See the difference?

Hey Old Lady. You had several actual Christians explain to you that Pastor Brunson was not "praying to Trump". He was kneeling and laying on of hands, a very Scriptural and well known mode of prayer to actual Christians.

You have not amended nor apologized for your horrible smear of a good Christian man. You are known here for being "fair minded". As far as I know, fair-minded people retract when they have been proven wrong.

Unless you are so all-knowing that you actually KNOW that Pastor Brunson was praying TO Trump despite his words and actions, you are wrong.

So, which is it? Are you not actually fair-minded, or are you just another rabid anti-Christian? You've never actually fooled me. Not for one second.

He was doing both, praying for him and to him. On TV for all to see, disgraceful. Reading from a script he wrote down, what a hoot. Poor little Turkey man, after 22 years in Turkey, his church only had what 25 members. He is likely connected with the Gulen movement, they have a lot of charter schools here in the US, in TX and Ohio, they have to bring in teachers from Turkey, even though they have less credentials.

You are giving the RCC a hateful, spiteful name. Is that what you really want to do?

you claiming it was scripted?

Yes, Will, I am sure of it.
Were the pics of Obama praying scripted?
Obama was praying to God.
Brunson was praying to Trump.

See the difference?

Hey Old Lady. You had several actual Christians explain to you that Pastor Brunson was not "praying to Trump". He was kneeling and laying on of hands, a very Scriptural and well known mode of prayer to actual Christians.

You have not amended nor apologized for your horrible smear of a good Christian man. You are known here for being "fair minded". As far as I know, fair-minded people retract when they have been proven wrong.

Unless you are so all-knowing that you actually KNOW that Pastor Brunson was praying TO Trump despite his words and actions, you are wrong.

So, which is it? Are you not actually fair-minded, or are you just another rabid anti-Christian? You've never actually fooled me. Not for one second.

He was doing both, praying for him and to him. On TV for all to see, disgraceful. Reading from a script he wrote down, what a hoot. Poor little Turkey man, after 22 years in Turkey, his church only had what 25 members. He is likely connected with the Gulen movement, they have a lot of charter schools here in the US, in TX and Ohio, they have to bring in teachers from Turkey, even though they have less credentials.

You are giving the RCC a hateful, spiteful name. Is that what you really want to do?

I am not the RCC.
He was doing both, praying for him and to him. On TV for all to see, disgraceful. Reading from a script he wrote down, what a hoot. Poor little Turkey man, after 22 years in Turkey, his church only had what 25 members. He is likely connected with the Gulen movement, they have a lot of charter schools here in the US, in TX and Ohio, they have to bring in teachers from Turkey, even though they have less credentials.

So what?

Libs complain about Joel Osteen because the Texan has thousands of members in his megachurch. Brunson's church is a micro church and the libs don't like that either.

I think libs don't like CHRISTIAN churches that well
When I pray, I always thank God for not allowing the crook in a pantsuit from becoming POTUS.


Actually you got a crook in a pantsuit elected president.
That may turn out to be correct, but at the time of the election every American knew Hillary was a crook. We didn’t know it about Donnie.

Amazingly millions of Americans voted for a known crook. IMO this means too many Americans are easily duped by the ruling class and the DNCMSM.
He was doing both, praying for him and to him. On TV for all to see, disgraceful. Reading from a script he wrote down, what a hoot. Poor little Turkey man, after 22 years in Turkey, his church only had what 25 members. He is likely connected with the Gulen movement, they have a lot of charter schools here in the US, in TX and Ohio, they have to bring in teachers from Turkey, even though they have less credentials.

So what?

Libs complain about Joel Osteen because the Texan has thousands of members in his megachurch. Brunson's church is a micro church and the libs don't like that either.

I think libs don't like CHRISTIAN churches that well
They prove every year they stand for nothing Hypocrites,
5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the
street corners to be seen by others.
Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.


It was a unacceptable spectacle and a disgrace to show a man praying for the Potus on national TV.

Then again I believe in the Separation of Church and State, I do not want a theocratic government where only the leaders can screw whoever they want and lead a life of crime, like Saudi Arabia.
AMEN! I don't care about the Separation of Church and State so much here, as just downright hypocritical showmanship. How gullible does he think we are?

Showmanship? Do you have a functional on/off button on your TV? Can't you change the channels?
Nowhere close to the point, is it?
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