Matthew 6, What a nightmare on national TV yesterday!!

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We shall see, but I am beyond caring.

I'm surprised by this, that you don't care. For weeks, the alleged rape train parties supposedly organized by Kav and his friend Judge were considered to be the height of importance.

Isn't it important to resolve this issue?
There is no resolution, prince. The nomination is confirmed, a done deal. And my concern was never the "Grease 10" bit, as I have often stated.

Although the confirmation is done, next year if the Democrats win a majority in the House, we'll be looking at an impeachment proceedings against Kavanaugh and others.

Further, even if the D's don't get the majority, clearing the air and the cloud over the protagonists here is important. Kav is a Supreme Court justice after all.
He lied, remember?

Stood there on tv, shook his finger in our faces, and stated he did NOT have sex with Monica
And yet today's daily lies are an accepted norm. Lies about jobs coming back, lies about NK doing the de-nuke thing, lies about tariffs, and least of all...even lies about how he didn't have sex or even know 'that woman'. We seem to have evolved.
---------------------------------------- Thats the thing , who actually KNOWS what lies are being told eh . In my 70 years the Government has probably told thousands upon thousands of lies since the Founding . Who knows what the lies are . And no one cares anyway as they live a pretty good life here in the USA .
Pis, in your 70 years, do you remember the Pentagon Papers, Watergate, "I did not have sex.."? Those lies cost, mainly because the men who made them 'manned up' when caught instead of doubling down and pointing to someone else as the villian. Heck, even Gingrich and Hastert lost their jobs for fudging truth, not to mention Spiro Agnew. I'm pretty sure there are other examples.

No, my friend, I hope those days when lying doesn't pay return, but in the meantime, mainly only since 2016 does no one care, as you say.
None of you douchebags cared for 8 years when Obama was the one who was lying.
About what?
About lying politicians.
We shall see, but I am beyond caring.

I'm surprised by this, that you don't care. For weeks, the alleged rape train parties supposedly organized by Kav and his friend Judge were considered to be the height of importance.

Isn't it important to resolve this issue?
There is no resolution, prince. The nomination is confirmed, a done deal. And my concern was never the "Grease 10" bit, as I have often stated.

Although the confirmation is done, next year if the Democrats win a majority in the House, we'll be looking at an impeachment proceedings against Kavanaugh and others.

Further, even if the D's don't get the majority, clearing the air and the cloud over the protagonists here is important. Kav is a Supreme Court justice after all.

And he will remain one despite your whining.
He lied, remember?

Stood there on tv, shook his finger in our faces, and stated he did NOT have sex with Monica
And yet today's daily lies are an accepted norm. Lies about jobs coming back, lies about NK doing the de-nuke thing, lies about tariffs, and least of all...even lies about how he didn't have sex or even know 'that woman'. We seem to have evolved.
---------------------------------------- Thats the thing , who actually KNOWS what lies are being told eh . In my 70 years the Government has probably told thousands upon thousands of lies since the Founding . Who knows what the lies are . And no one cares anyway as they live a pretty good life here in the USA .
Pis, in your 70 years, do you remember the Pentagon Papers, Watergate, "I did not have sex.."? Those lies cost, mainly because the men who made them 'manned up' when caught instead of doubling down and pointing to someone else as the villian. Heck, even Gingrich and Hastert lost their jobs for fudging truth, not to mention Spiro Agnew. I'm pretty sure there are other examples.

No, my friend, I hope those days when lying doesn't pay return, but in the meantime, mainly only since 2016 does no one care, as you say.
---------------------------- yeah , i remember MENTION of some of those issues but as i say , they were mentioned as issues but they never really amounted to much as far as i am aware . And then fast forward to TRUMP . Everyday he is accused of lying but i see no proof or any problems associated with his claimed lying . As example , Trump says that things are going well in the situation with the 'norks' and how would i know any different as everything seems fine ?? Same with tariffs , everything in my life and the people that i know seems fine as supper cooks . But the main thing is , everything that the TRUMP says are supposed to be lies but i say that no one knows what the lies are as the USA just keeps chugging along as the best nation the world has ever seen - in most regards BW .
But Pismoe, Nixon and Agnew and Hastert and Gingrich LOST THEIR JOBS. Clinton lost his license and his honor. Watergate alone created several convictions, including AG Mitchell, Scooter Libby fell on his sword for Cheney too. The Pentagon Papers didn't convict, but brought shame onto presidents from Truman to Nixon and especially LBJ. Even Ollie North paid a price (for Reagan), although because of Fox, nobody notices.

No, my friend IMHO nobody, NOBODY, got or gets the liars pass like your hero Trump.
Watergate involved a real crime. There were really Pentagon papers. With Trump it was Democrats don't like the guy now go make up something he did.
Neither does yours.
I gave you Scripture, not my opinion.

You didn’t quote anything, you gave me your interpretation of what you believe it says. You gave no actual scripture. Just as I gave you my interpretation of scripture.
Now you're lying. Matthew 27 and Luke 23, Jesus cried out from the cross.

You did not quote the scriptures, you just spout opinion and your interpretation.
I gave you the Scripture references, Matthew 27 and Luke 23. Read them yourself. Liar.

You did it after your original post, liar!
We shall see, but I am beyond caring.

I'm surprised by this, that you don't care. For weeks, the alleged rape train parties supposedly organized by Kav and his friend Judge were considered to be the height of importance.

Isn't it important to resolve this issue?
There is no resolution, prince. The nomination is confirmed, a done deal. And my concern was never the "Grease 10" bit, as I have often stated.

Although the confirmation is done, next year if the Democrats win a majority in the House, we'll be looking at an impeachment proceedings against Kavanaugh and others.

Further, even if the D's don't get the majority, clearing the air and the cloud over the protagonists here is important. Kav is a Supreme Court justice after all.

And he will remain one despite your whining.
Whoa, Doc. You DO know that Polish Prince is a Kavanaugh supporter, don't you? That's why we are arguing.
And yet today's daily lies are an accepted norm. Lies about jobs coming back, lies about NK doing the de-nuke thing, lies about tariffs, and least of all...even lies about how he didn't have sex or even know 'that woman'. We seem to have evolved.
---------------------------------------- Thats the thing , who actually KNOWS what lies are being told eh . In my 70 years the Government has probably told thousands upon thousands of lies since the Founding . Who knows what the lies are . And no one cares anyway as they live a pretty good life here in the USA .
Pis, in your 70 years, do you remember the Pentagon Papers, Watergate, "I did not have sex.."? Those lies cost, mainly because the men who made them 'manned up' when caught instead of doubling down and pointing to someone else as the villian. Heck, even Gingrich and Hastert lost their jobs for fudging truth, not to mention Spiro Agnew. I'm pretty sure there are other examples.

No, my friend, I hope those days when lying doesn't pay return, but in the meantime, mainly only since 2016 does no one care, as you say.
---------------------------- yeah , i remember MENTION of some of those issues but as i say , they were mentioned as issues but they never really amounted to much as far as i am aware . And then fast forward to TRUMP . Everyday he is accused of lying but i see no proof or any problems associated with his claimed lying . As example , Trump says that things are going well in the situation with the 'norks' and how would i know any different as everything seems fine ?? Same with tariffs , everything in my life and the people that i know seems fine as supper cooks . But the main thing is , everything that the TRUMP says are supposed to be lies but i say that no one knows what the lies are as the USA just keeps chugging along as the best nation the world has ever seen - in most regards BW .
But Pismoe, Nixon and Agnew and Hastert and Gingrich LOST THEIR JOBS. Clinton lost his license and his honor. Watergate alone created several convictions, including AG Mitchell, Scooter Libby fell on his sword for Cheney too. The Pentagon Papers didn't convict, but brought shame onto presidents from Truman to Nixon and especially LBJ. Even Ollie North paid a price (for Reagan), although because of Fox, nobody notices.

No, my friend IMHO nobody, NOBODY, got or gets the liars pass like your hero Trump.
Watergate involved a real crime. There were really Pentagon papers. With Trump it was Democrats don't like the guy now go make up something he did.
I take it Fox doesn't show clips of Trump. Like when he says jobs are coming back by the carload while all reports of mine closings do a fly-by, Or that Ford will no longer build small cars in America, or like when he gives you a scapegoat to keep you amused while he rakes in bookoo hotel bucks on the businesses he still runs and makes deals with Muslim-run countries to cough up the cash to build new ones. You think Trump crimes aren't 'real'?
many different reasons that FORD may no longer be building small cars . Mine closings , i hear both Yes and No so i make no Conclusions as USA seems fine to me . I don't know the full story and i don't think that you do either B.W,,
USA seems fine to me but it has seemed fine to me these last 70 years or so , 60 years when i was aware of what the USA is BW.. I see no starvation , i see people making money on investements and when that investment winning stops i'll just figure that thats the way it goes BW. .
USA seems fine to me but it has seemed fine to me these last 70 years or so , 60 years when i was aware of what the USA is BW.. I see no starvation , i see people making money on investements and when that investment winning stops i'll just figure that thats the way it goes BW. .

The USA is a money pot to the powers that be. Between the Fed and the Progressive Tax we fund everything the Bankers want.
NONE of us are in the KNOW . USA is too big and varied for us to know what exactly is going on . It was the same for 'mrobama' although i disliked his mere presence as anything in USA Government . I would say the same if 'hilary' had won BW .
USA seems fine to me but it has seemed fine to me these last 70 years or so , 60 years when i was aware of what the USA is BW.. I see no starvation , i see people making money on investements and when that investment winning stops i'll just figure that thats the way it goes BW. .

The USA is a money pot to the powers that be. Between the Fed and the Progressive Tax we fund everything the Bankers want.
Who do you think make these laws Especially the RE laws? The rich
USA seems fine to me but it has seemed fine to me these last 70 years or so , 60 years when i was aware of what the USA is BW.. I see no starvation , i see people making money on investements and when that investment winning stops i'll just figure that thats the way it goes BW. .

The USA is a money pot to the powers that be. Between the Fed and the Progressive Tax we fund everything the Bankers want.
Who do you think make these laws Especially the RE laws? The rich

I always direct people to Jekyll Island and the Fed, and then to 1916 and the Progressive Tx bullshit. If they go that far they will be hooked and follow the trail the rest of the way.
WHAT more should a guy like me want ?? Everything is cool , I have toys , land , ability to travel , food , money and just about anything i want . What more should i want or desire Gentlemen .
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USA seems fine to me but it has seemed fine to me these last 70 years or so , 60 years when i was aware of what the USA is BW.. I see no starvation , i see people making money on investements and when that investment winning stops i'll just figure that thats the way it goes BW. .

The USA is a money pot to the powers that be. Between the Fed and the Progressive Tax we fund everything the Bankers want.
Who do you think make these laws Especially the RE laws? The rich
---------------------------- i don't know what RE laws are and i generally don't worry about any laws that don't affect MY personal Freedom Edward .
5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the
street corners to be seen by others.
Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.


It was a unacceptable spectacle and a disgrace to show a man praying for the Potus on national TV.

Then again I believe in the Separation of Church and State, I do not want a theocratic government where only the leaders can screw whoever they want and lead a life of crime, like Saudi Arabia.
Where does it say separation of church and state in the constitution?… You can’t... because it doesn’t. So shut the fuck up
----------------------------- Separation of Church and State comes out of some letter to the Danbury Baptists i think and has nothing to do with the Constitution [i think]

If you want to live in theocracy go to Saudi Arabia.
USA seems fine to me but it has seemed fine to me these last 70 years or so , 60 years when i was aware of what the USA is BW.. I see no starvation , i see people making money on investements and when that investment winning stops i'll just figure that thats the way it goes BW. .

The USA is a money pot to the powers that be. Between the Fed and the Progressive Tax we fund everything the Bankers want.
Who do you think make these laws Especially the RE laws? The rich
---------------------------- i don't know what RE laws are and i generally don't worry about any laws that don't affect MY personal Freedom Edward .

Which is because you live in no mans land.
Yep, Separation of church and state is nowhere to be found in the constitution…
USA seems fine to me but it has seemed fine to me these last 70 years or so , 60 years when i was aware of what the USA is BW.. I see no starvation , i see people making money on investements and when that investment winning stops i'll just figure that thats the way it goes BW. .

The USA is a money pot to the powers that be. Between the Fed and the Progressive Tax we fund everything the Bankers want.
Who do you think make these laws Especially the RE laws? The rich
---------------------------- i don't know what RE laws are and i generally don't worry about any laws that don't affect MY personal Freedom Edward .

Which is because you live in no mans land.
-------------------------------- [chuckle] YEP Penny !!
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